Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1101

WOW! Ontology appears.

"Very weak." Lin Feng eyebrows light cluster.

With one mind and two functions, it senses the noumenon and separation at the same time, and the difference is obvious. The difference between the two is like a world of difference. Compared with the "strong" of separation, the noumenon, which originally seemed mediocre, is now in its infancy. Although he recovered a lot in the chart of destiny, he was still very weak.

"The power of the holy one has done great harm to my body."

"Even the blood of the Phoenix is dwarfed."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that he could say that he had stepped into hell with both feet in the war with Dianyu before. If he hadn\'t separated in time and shared the breath of life, he might not need Dianyu to do it. This sequelae alone would be enough to kill himself.

If the body is compared to a porcelain, it was already fragmented at that time.

Now, although he has been recuperating in the chart of destiny for a few days and slowly precipitated and recovered by the blood of the Phoenix, he has only "bonded" the broken pieces of porcelain.

Compared with the complete normal state, it is still very poor.

"I didn\'t think it would be so serious." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Nodding slowly, I was lucky to think of it. At least I survived.

Save one life in this almost fatal catastrophe.

"Wow!" for a moment, the light in his hand flashed.

It is a fruit full of strength and vitality.

Strong soul fruit!

It has an excellent function for strong physique and recovery.

"It should be able to recover a lot." Lin Feng whispered and smiled.

In the ancient forbidden area of the earth system, although I collected strong soul fruit, I didn\'t care too much. After all, with their own physical recovery ability, the strong soul fruit is generally not useful, but the soul returning fruit is very helpful. I didn\'t expect to use it first, but it is the strong soul fruit.

One swallow, instant time——

"Silk! ~" the cool breath penetrated into the heart, and the whole person was refreshed.

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up instantaneously, and the strong soul fruit entered the body, emitting light like a bright star. The rich power breath bloomed everywhere and expanded to every corner of the body. Those cells, meridians and bones that were originally depressed seemed to pour into a clear spring in an instant.

take on an altogether new aspect!

In a short time, the depressed spirit was sober.

"Really miraculous." Lin Feng was quite surprised, as if the effect was better than he thought.

His broken body accelerates recovery. Although it is still far from perfect state, it can at least save a lot of time and have a high recovery efficiency. Once the previous depression is swept away, the residual hidden dangers in the body are eliminated. Although the road to recovery is long, it is completely predictable.

"I believe we can really recover in a few months." Lin Feng nodded and his eyes were slightly bright.

"At that time, noumenon can really cross the threshold of Holy Level and become a saint!"

How strong will it be?

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t know.

The noumenon strength of the star domain level peak is almost the same as that of Fengming. What will happen if we break through it again?

And this is not all, just separated from today\'s strength, it has been so terrible, independent of noumenon perfection. At that time, the combination of two guns will definitely be at the top of the pyramid in the human world! Strength is the capital of everything. At that time, I will have enough strength to do what I want to do.

Save your father, find ziyao and find Xingyuan stone.

Go back to the ancient Qiang Feng family and find the secret of your life experience.

Everything comes naturally.

But right now

We still need to move forward step by step.

The realm of kings.

"Let\'s start with you first." Lin Feng looked forward.

After absorbing the "strong soul fruit", the body opens the door to space, and then returns to the chart of destiny to cultivate and nourish breath again. With a retreat path, you can calmly enter the realm of kings, and the three "ways of strength" can be realized one by one.

First, first!

Lin Feng clenched his fist, flashing thunder outside his body, and stepped in at once.


Clear perception.

"What a familiar feeling." Lin Feng stood in the void with his eyes closed.

He seemed to enter a strange space, the wind roared and stood erect, and his breath was full of tearing power, covering his whole body. The power is not too strong. With their own strength, they are fully capable of breaking through the shroud. Only one step is enough to cross.


This is not your purpose,

"The way of force."

"Here is the most direct induction of the way of force."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

Every cell of the body and every inch of skin seem to be in zero distance contact with the surrounding space.

That feeling, clear and comfortable.

It seems that something in the human soul is mobilized. Hold your fists gently, and the strength in your body is gathered a little, just like the way of the saint. It is the most direct and pure feeling. A taste of exerting strength and cracking the mysteries in the body.

This is the Tao!

The existence of Tao is as far away as the sky, and seems to be close by. Any verbal description is pale and powerless.

If you can feel it, it is within reach.

If you can\'t understand it, even if you hold it in your hand, it will disappear.

This is a kind of nihilistic power in the body, which is ethereal, but it is the existence that martial artists pursue all their life.

"This\' way of power \', so familiar..." Lin Feng whispered softly.

There is no shortcut to practice.

Only the difference of personal understanding and time-consuming.

Lin Feng\'s entry into the realm of kings has the most direct and profound understanding, which is quite related to his being a saint. There is no need to test again, and there is no need for any redundant actions. Compared with the understanding of the "way of power" at the star level, understanding at the holy level undoubtedly takes a lot of advantage.

Moreover, Lin Feng himself has a strong understanding.

The noumenon is like this, and the separation of the body is like this. The life soul and the human soul are like the left and right heads, which are one.

At this time, in the bird King\'s prison, other martial artists were also practicing hard.

Shi Zhixin, Jin Ji and orange are like a dream. Every warrior cherishes this hard won opportunity, including the thousand love emperor. Now he returns to the starting point, reconsiders his plans, and looks for the existence of the last layer, the real bird King prison!

"That passage can\'t be opened at all."

"Unless you have the power of the Holy One, but..."

"What\'s the use of being a saint and entering the bird King\'s prison again?"

Thousands of love emperor gently sipped his small mouth and thought deeply.

Shake your head, but you can\'t get the answer. It\'s contradictory.

"Maybe there are other possibilities."

"For example... This flame feather."

Looking at more than ten flame feathers in his hand, thousands of love emperor\'s beautiful eyes flicker.

Rosefinch challenge final, into the second year.

On the list, the people who entered the bird King\'s prison occupied the top ten positions.

But for everyone, today\'s attention is all focused on Zeng Ren. This first place to leave miracles, such as the black horse, has become the transcendent existence of the "Saint", which has long become the focus of attention of all martial artists.

What about being at the top of the list?

What about being accepted as an apprentice by the saint?

What can compare with personal breakthrough, truly become a holy existence and enter the top of the pyramid of the human world!

The influence of thousand love emperor and Lin Feng is no longer as powerful as Zeng Ren at the moment. After all, in every rosefinch challenge, at most one contestant can break through the sky, and the person in this session... Is Zeng Ren! The most important thing is that no one expected that the first news released by Zeng Ren was shocking.

Rosefinch territory.

"God, the third Lich war is about to break out!"

"The nine domains of mankind and the other eight domains form an alliance, but our southern domain is independent. Are you kidding?"

"What\'s going on? Is the news of Zeng Ren walking true?"


Rosefinch territory, shocked.

Subsequently, it spread all over zhuquezhou with great momentum.

With the speed of continuous thunder, it soon swept the whole southern region and nine continents. Such shocking news spread ten times and hundreds of times, but it could not be sealed if people wanted to. Although the southern region was closed and locked, every continent was not blocked.

The message was delivered in less than half a month with the rosefinch territory as the center——

Complete diffusion!

Southern region, a mess!

Every warrior is worried, and people in the whole southern region are terrified.


"How could this happen?" Emperor Shun frowned and sat on the throne.

At the helm of the whole southern region, Shun did not have any maladjustment. Regardless of decision-making or prestige, he gradually had the style of emperor.

The kings of the nine continents looked at each other, and the oldest king of Lu said in a deep voice, "this is not a simple matter. Someone must be behind Zeng blade. Specifically... I think King Yan knows the most?" King Lu\'s eyes turned to King Yan, and instantly the eyes of other kings of the nine continents also converged.


The news came from zhuquezhou, and the king Yan was at the helm of zhuquezhou.

Point the spear!

His eyes were shining, and the king\'s eyebrows were raised. "What do you mean, King Lu?"

The king of Lu smiled, "what does the king think?"

The burning King\'s eyes sparkled, "if you don\'t have evidence, don\'t spit out blood."

"Oh?" the king of Lu pretended to be innocent. "What did I say? Would someone be guilty and take a seat in the right number?"

"You!" Yan Wang was furious.


"All right!" a thunderbolt drank heavily, with strong power.

Emperor Shun frowned slightly. "Ten of us agreed on the same goal and reached a consensus that day. I believe no one will do such things that harm others and do not benefit ourselves." the voice was sonorous and fell, and Emperor Shun looked calm. "Don\'t mess around and get caught in the trap of those who have a heart."

"But Emperor Shun..." the king of Lu glanced at the king of Yan.

"Needless to say." Emperor Shun directly raised his hand and interrupted, "King Yan is open and aboveboard. This matter has nothing to do with him."

Shun\'s words blocked people\'s suspicious eyes.

Although the king of Lu was still angry, he had to give up his plan.

"Thank you, Emperor Shun." King Yan arched his hand, "but after all, it came from zhuquezhou. Zeng Ren is indeed a martial artist in zhuquezhou. I have to pay a certain responsibility all the time. Please Emperor Shun..."

"King Yan, it\'s not the time to investigate the responsibility." Juwang interrupted with a dignified face. "This is not just about you zhuquezhou. It swept the whole southern region. At the instigation of those who want to pull it out, now the people in the southern region are inclined to the alliance of the eight regions of mankind, and there are even rumors that we and the demon clan..."

King Ju looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "collude!"