Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1100

"Pa!" blood dripping.

In an instant, the string of stars shines.

The milky color has a dazzling color, and the light movement of Lin Feng\'s heart seems to fit with the congenital treasure. Any kind of congenital treasure is a special life. The connection between the warrior and the congenital treasure is like the head controlling the left and right hands.

This is a kind of "same body" rhythm.

Only the familiarity of the heart and mutual connection can give full play to the greatest power of congenital treasures.

"I don\'t know what the star bead is called."

"How does it work?"

Lin Feng felt a slight expectation in his heart.

This string of star beads, as a congenital treasure of the control system, should be of great help to yourself.


One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Time, slowly past.

The Milky light shining on the star beads gradually faded, and there was no information in his brain. Lin Feng was slightly stunned and wondered. Normally, as long as he established contact with the congenital treasure, he should know a lot at this time, but

"Strange." Lin Feng whispered softly, his eyebrows slightly clustered.

Without hesitation for too long, he immediately dropped his blood on the star beads.

In an instant, the light lit up again, and the familiar rhythm appeared again. Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and did not stop "blood supply". Once, it seems that some congenital treasures have a great demand for the "blood" of the host, and this star bead seems to be one of them.

Patter! Patter!

The blood drips continuously, making the star beads shine more and more brightly.

However, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and there was only a sense of fit in his heart, but there was still no flash of information in his mind.

"This star bead is greedy." Lin Feng thought secretly.

At this time——

WOW! The color of star beads changes over time.

With the absorption and fusion of blood, the original milky light seemed to be "dyed" and gradually became rich. From white to black, it is getting darker and darker, just like the white clouds in the sky are shrouded by dark clouds.

"This is..." Lin Feng was shocked.

The smell of star beads gradually becomes stronger.

And the feeling in my heart is getting more and more prosperous.

Heart fit!

"White, turn into... Black?!" Lin Feng was surprised, but he was surprised at the moment.

The color of congenital treasures represents the strength of ability. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple are the first seven levels of congenital treasures, and the eighth level is "white", while the highest level in the same level is the Ninth level, and the color... Is "black"!

Ground level black is the most extreme color of ground level energy.

It means that this string of star beads has the highest power among the congenital treasures of the earth level!

According to the first order is equal to three light colors, the black congenital treasure of the earth level has the energy of the Yellow congenital treasure of the sky level.

Quite shocking!

And the surprise is more than that.

"Peng!" his head seemed to explode, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly burst.

Messages poured in like a tide, and the connection between the heart and the string of stars was established in an instant.

No, not stars.

"Seven heaven star beads." Lin Feng whispered in his heart.

This string of beads, now from white to black, has a nice name.

What is even better is that its "function" is far from being as "shallow" as you think. The information in my mind slowly entered, and the understanding of my heart soon got a general understanding of the seven Jue heavenly stars and beads, and I realized a lot.

"It integrates control, attack and defense."

"Qijue heavenly star beads are multifunctional. No wonder they are black treasures of the earth level. They really deserve their name."

"If I can control it perfectly, my personal strength is enough to go to a higher level."


Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Unexpected harvest.

"Seven Jue sky star beads, a total of three abilities, can be divided or combined."

"Unity is defense, and division is attack. What was used by the electricity before was the ability to \'divide\'."


"Defend, for the seven star sky, establish a seven layer \'thick\' defense to resist attacks."

"It can disperse defense and concentrate defense. Its functions are changeable. Even one seventh of the scattered defense is enough to resist a powerful attack by ordinary saints."


"Attack, for the seven stars, the seven heavenly stars can fight each other, and can also be connected into a line."

"To use the \'Seven Star Jue\', first of all, the host must give each heavenly star bead \'attack Galaxy skill\'!"

"The seven heavenly star beads can not only give seven different attack star skills, but also give the same attack star skills. Compared with the first function \'seven star sky\', it is not only more practical, but also much more powerful!"

Lin Feng nodded.

I prefer to attack more than to defend.

This "Seven Star Jue" is very to your taste.


"So it is." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and suddenly realized.

"No wonder the \'seven Jue heavenly star beads\' will advance from white to black."

"Whether the ability to defend the \'seven star sky\' or the ability to attack the \'Seven Star Jue\', the size, range and strength of its ability are determined by the host itself. In particular, the ability to attack the \'Seven Star Jue\' has much higher requirements for the host."

Dianyu, an ancient god, is good at controlling the original power of elements.

To give full play to the ability of the seven Jue heavenly stars, especially the ability to attack the "seven Jue", the God of war is the best!

According to Jin Ji\'s description, the attack ability of the "seven Jue heavenly star beads" is to turn the seven heavenly star beads into light spots for scattered close attack, which seems to be tailor-made for God of war fighters. How can ancient warriors who are not good at close combat give full play to their 100% power?

Even their own noumenon, I\'m afraid they can only exert 70% or 80% of their power.

Only when we specialize in the separation of God of war can we truly and perfectly use this "seven Jue heavenly star bead".

"Sure enough, there is a destiny."

"The ancient people get this congenital treasure, no matter who they give it to."

"This Dianyu is a \'Jin\' martial artist. It can also be regarded as a kind of strong close-up in the ancient family. No wonder \'Qijue tianxingzhu\' will give it to him."

The light way of Lin Feng\'s heart.

But I don\'t want the electricity to marry clothes for others. The seven Jue sky star beads turn around and fall into my own hands.

The choice of the owner of the treasure is the destiny of heaven.

"The \'seven star sky\' is the weakest."

"Attack the \'Seven Star Jue\', followed by."

"The strongest and most difficult to cultivate is the \'control system\' ability -"

"Seven Jue sky star array!"

It\'s hard!

Quite astringent.

But the harder it is, the more powerful it is.

According to the message, once the powerful "seven Jue heavenly star array" is learned, the seven heavenly stars and beads match each other to form a "number of 77", which coincides with the way of heaven. Enough to trap the enemy into the array and exert great power. Even the saint can\'t escape.

How powerful!

A single treasure can trap the Holy One.

To some extent, the power of the "seven Jue heavenly star beads" is indeed comparable to the existence of the legendary heavenly order.


Lin Feng frowned, but when he first realized the "seven Jue sky star array", he felt dizzy. I have a good understanding. I\'m sure I can practice both the "seven star sky" and the "Seven Star Jue" in a very short time, but the "seven Jue sky star array" is out of reach.

"Sure enough, it is the strongest ability. It can be learned overnight."

"Especially I know nothing about \'array\'."

"There\'s not much time right now. It\'s better to understand others."

Lin Feng thought secretly and made a decision soon.

Instead of spending a lot of time cultivating the strongest ability, it\'s better to concentrate and take the second place.

First learn the seven stars.

The seven star sky is the defense system.

For myself, the skill of defense is far inferior to that of attack.

Can you defeat the enemy by defense? No matter how strong your defense is, you can\'t attack. You can draw with the enemy at most. However, with strong attack power, even without defense, it is possible to defeat the enemy! This is the most essential difference between the two.

Attack is better than defense.

"Moreover, I already have \'it\'..." Lin Feng nodded slowly.

This trip to the ancient forbidden area made me have a skill comparable to that of divine beast defense——

Earth life chart!

Earth beast \'qiuze\' has the strongest talent ability, qiuleibi!

Compared with the "seven star sky", the seven star sky is "dead" and is subject to the strength of the seven Jue sky star beads. However, the "mound wall" can be promoted with the promotion of the earth life chart and the Phoenix life chart, which has unlimited possibilities for advancement.

Seven Star Jue, give!

However, I don\'t have any attacking star skills.

"Big bear, all the signs I have learned add up to only one." Lin Feng felt helpless.

Special department, great bear power!

It\'s the only thing I\'ve learned, and it\'s only the first level.

Separation can advance the saint, not by the understanding of the saint\'s way, but like a divine beast, when you grow up and mature, your blood will naturally degenerate into the saint level. However, time is far from enough to cultivate the attack star technology.

"Get together and live first." Lin Feng thought.

"In any case, before the electricity was simply given the power of electricity. It was not bad to rely on the ability of the seven stars alone."

"At least, the power I give is far better than electricity."

With a slight smile, Lin Fengxuan was immersed in it.

It takes less than a day to give for the first time.

"It\'s easier than expected." Lin Fengwei smiled. At this time, the first of the seven heavenly stars was already shining, as if it had vitality. This is mainly the first time I "give", so it takes a long time to experiment and takes the most time.

"The back is much simpler." Lin Feng soon began to give it again.

The remaining six stars as like as two peas are many, because they are copied exactly the same way.

After giving, it is control.

For ares warriors, manipulation can be quite troublesome.

But for Lin Feng, he has skilled control skills and experience. He can control the seven heavenly stars very soon. Compared with the control of devouring fire, it is much simpler. One belongs to complete control, such as controlling puppets; The use of "Seven Star Jue" is equivalent to "command". As long as the command continues, the target can be determined.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the void, the seven heavenly star beads radiate laser light and dance quickly with great power.

Momentum is far better than when electricity was used.

"Success." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and nodded with satisfaction.

Even if not given the slightest bit of star technology, only their own strength, these seven sky star beads are strong enough!

And now——

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, his chest fluctuated slightly, and his heart moved gently.

"Finally woke up."

Lin Feng\'s face burst into a smile.

Myself, waiting for a long time.