Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1102

As soon as Juwang said this, it immediately caused a violent commotion.

The kings of the nine continents looked blue, but it was decided by them and Emperor Shun. However, other saints only "implemented" it, and they didn\'t know whether they were greasy or not.

"King Ju, is this serious?" King Qin\'s face was dignified.

"That\'s right." Juwang zhengse said, "although we know the whole story, the lower martial arts don\'t know. Now we are led by the witch family, supplemented by the eight major alliances of the ancient family and mankind, to jointly fight against the demon family. Only our southern region is closed, isolated and independent. Indeed... It\'s inevitable that people think so."

Yan Wang\'s eyes were burning and looked around at the people. "I\'m afraid it\'s not just those ordinary people who think so?"

King Lu\'s face changed slightly, "what do you mean, King Yan!"

With a cold hum, the king of inflammation showed contempt.

"Yes, Yan Wang, make it clear!" Brown Wang\'s face was not good.

"We are all smart people. Don\'t I have to tear my face?" the burning King opened his mouth.

In an instant, there was a lot of noise in the field.

Emperor Shun sighed in his heart. How could he not know?

All people will have selfish desires, even the saints are no exception. It should be said that the stronger the ability is, the stronger the selfish desires are. Although he is a big senior brother, he is only a saint in terms of strength. He can hold people down only because of the name of "big senior brother", not like Emperor Yao. He overlooks the small people in terms of reputation and strength.

When there is peace, everyone can coexist peacefully.

However, if there is real chaos, the situation will be out of control as it is now.

He might be able to push it down, but what happens next? It\'s like a spring. The more you press it, the stronger the rebound force will be! He didn\'t care, but it was the people of the whole southern region, the unarmed ordinary people, who suffered.

What should he do?

Shun sighed and felt helpless.

The strongest fortress often breaks from the inside.

Emperor Shun\'s decision on that day was not wrong. After the southeast and northwest regions were forced to join the six regions alliance of the Terran, they were soon elevated. Although it was called the "eight regions alliance", it was only a few high-ranking and powerful saints who spoke.

Basically, the whole Terran force is in the hands of two people.

The leader of the alliance, Zuo Bufan, is the strongest in the northern region; Liu Lao, vice alliance leader, is the most prestigious saint in the eastern region.

In particular, Zuo Bufan is not only the strongest in the northern region, but also the "strongest saint" recognized by the nine regions of mankind.

Strength determines everything!

When nine of the twelve human saints disappeared and three lived in seclusion, Zuo Bufan became the strongest in the human world. The man who controls the mysterious forces has more power and power than ordinary people can imagine.

"Well done." it was a man with a Shura mask, and his low voice was a little magnetic.

"Yes, adoptive father." the voice was cold. It was a young man in black, shrouded in a black cloak, giving people a feeling of killing.

It is at this moment in zhuquezhou, no, Zeng blade who set off huge waves in the whole southern region.

"Continue to carry out the plan." the Shura masked man nodded. "When this is accomplished, it will be the day when you get on the helm of the white society in the southern region."

The essence in Zeng Ren\'s eyes flashed and died, "I will do my best."

The land of miracles, the land of kings.

"It\'s very similar to the power of the master."

"It\'s like a part of it. The body feels very strong."

"This feeling..."

Lin Feng lightly closed his eyes and looked happy.

Enter the state of complete comprehension and have been standing for half a month.

not to turn a hair!

After deep understanding, the body is more and more familiar with this power, as if it enters its own body and blood subconsciously. With every inch of skin and every cell, the perception is more and more profound.

"Hiss!" with a wave of his hand, the space vibrated.

"It\'s this feeling." Lin Feng\'s heart moved, and the palm of his right hand immediately became a fist, and the surrounding air flow seemed to condense on his right hand in an instant.

Boom! One punch.

Just like penetrating the space, Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly opened, "drink!"

The heavy voice, with the right fist, made the space vibrate sharply. The body thinks perfectly with the surrounding air flow, as if it resonates. Just an ordinary punch, but it has tearing power and strong destructive power.

"Pa!" as if tearing up the space.

The surrounding barrier disappeared in an instant, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

That\'s the feeling!


What else is missing?

There is still a key link to understanding this\' way of power \'.

Lin Feng shook his fists and his eyebrows gathered gently. Entering this area, he had an unspeakable taste in his heart. He seems to come from a small space to a large space. Everything around him is dark and strange.

The tip of the nose smells lightly, as if it has a faint smell of blood.

"Thump! Thump!" the heart beat faster inexplicably, and there was a cold feeling on the spine.

What is it?

What is this feeling?!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked forward. In the darkness, it seemed that something was quietly approaching him. One by one, one by one, one by one, the feeling is more and more profound and clear. The air flow in the air is filled with various complex smells, and the nose tip seems to have a more and more profound smell of blood.

Very rich!


"Roar!!" the roaring voice came from the distance, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly burst.

This is the roar of the beast!

No, it was the roar of a fierce beast. It seemed that a pair of blood red pupils appeared in front of me, with cold light exposed. The ferocious face, with big blood and big mouth and clanking fangs. Behind the back, there are fierce spikes, condensing the cold blood light. The smell of opening your mouth comes to your nose, and the saliva is very disgusting.

Blood wolf!

Beast, blood wolf!

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened, and at this time, the roaring sound around him became stronger and stronger.

from all sides!

He seemed to be surrounded by a blood wolf, and the bloody feeling thrilled into his nose. The amazing breath covers everything, and the red wolf eyes light up one by one like lanterns around, symbolizing horror and terror. The disgusting breath is approaching madly.




In an instant, countless thoughts came to Lin Feng\'s mind.

However, there is no way to know. This realm of kings has infinite secrets, which seems completely different from the realm of birds in the first layer before.

"Roar!" "roar!!"... The roar sounds one after another. "Step!" "step Da!" the sound of hurriedly stepping on the ground, accompanied by the fierce wind, the blood light around covered all, the blood wolves rushed frantically in all directions, and the blood eyes without any emotion were filled with the extremely cold killing intention.

At the moment, everything is useless.


There is no second way.

"Just try."

"The \'power\' of new understanding."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not dodge.

Maybe dodging can make you easily avoid the bite of these blood wolves, but

The efficiency will be much lower.

"Come on." Lin Feng stood still and clenched his fists.

I didn\'t use Amethyst gun. Only two fists are the best feeling and training. As long as both fists gradually adapt to this power and master this "way of power", the Amethyst gun will be able to play at will. At present, using the Amethyst gun will undoubtedly reduce "efficiency", just like dodging.


"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and he punched out.

With the sound of the wind, he came into contact with the fiercest blood wolf.

"Bang!" with one punch, the wolf\'s claws were blown to pieces, together with his forelimbs, and his head was completely blown to pieces.

Even if there is no star power, even if there is no star technology, it is just the power of the body, only instilling a part of the newly understood "power", and the power is so terrible. At this time, the left fist was waved in accordance with the trend, and had close contact with the grinning blood wolf on the left side of the body again.

The collision of fist and tusk.

Boom! The sharpest fangs of the blood wolf were crushed.

With great momentum, Lin Feng\'s left fist instantly penetrated his throat. With the roar, another blood wolf was killed.

But at this time, Lin Feng had no way to dodge.

The blood wolves are fast, fierce and dense.

"Wheezing!!" a blood wolf, with sharp claws on Lin Feng\'s back.

"Oh!" another blood wolf, with sharp fangs on Lin Feng\'s waist, smelled bloody.


Two fierce roars sounded.

The two blood wolves who took the lead in the successful "sneak attack" seem to have caught and bitten the unbreakable rock. Their sharp claws are broken and their tusks are broken. It is precisely that stealing chickens can not erode rice. At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his left and right fists burst out at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Two blood wolves were killed instantly and had no power to fight back.

Quick, accurate, cruel!

"The bird King\'s prison, after all, is at the star level." Lin Feng said lightly.

As early as just now, I sensed that the strength of these blood wolves was far lower than myself.

It\'s just a star domain peak.

Perhaps, their own body can not be so unscrupulous against the attack of blood wolves, but their separated body is condensed by inheriting the blood of ancient gods and beasts and the body of the strong star! I\'m afraid it\'s thousands of times stronger than ordinary saints. It\'s pediatrics to resist these blood wolf attacks.

Even if they stand still and let these blood wolves attack, they can\'t hurt even an inch of their skin.

Naked gap!

"Boom!" "boom!" in a short moment, Lin Feng waved his fist more than ten times.

Every time you punch, you can take the life of a blood wolf. However, it is strange that these blood wolves have no "corpses". They disappear every time they are killed.


"No, it\'s true."

Lin Feng knew very well, but what he saw was undoubtedly a fact.

Can\'t these blood wolves be killed?

I don\'t know.

But at least for now, tens of thousands of blood wolves can feel!

"What do you want to do so much."

"It doesn\'t matter how much."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I am not the noumenon of the star level peak.

Using the strength of the saints to master the "way of power" will undoubtedly save many scruples and dangers. I don\'t have to worry about the strength of these blood wolves or whether I will be injured. I just need to concentrate on honing skills and mastering strength.

Understand by fighting blood wolves——

The way of power!