Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1099

"This is the second floor of the bird King prison?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Looking around, after defeating Jin Ji, he seemed to enter another space level. A vast expanse of white color, a strong sense of authority is transmitted in the air, which is the pure power of heaven and earth and one of the most essential elements between heaven and earth.

The legendary \'Kingdom of kings\'!

"According to Jin Ji, the bird King\'s prison is divided into three layers. The first layer \'the field of birds\' is the land of fire, and the second layer\' the field of kings\' is the land of power."

"For those who practice the \'way of power\', this is an excellent treasure land."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

Pop! With a slight fist, the heart moves gently.

One\'s own separation also cultivates the "way of strength".

"Inheriting the master\'s\' inheritance of blood \'and becoming a saint is a way of promotion similar to divine beasts."

"I was promoted directly, but I didn\'t understand any \'Saint\'s way\'."

Lin Feng knows his body very well.

It was more power to defeat Dianyu at one stroke, which caught him unprepared.

Just like their own devouring fire, they can overcome other flames at the same level, and the power of "thunder" can inherit the thunder ferocity of ancient gods and beasts, which is a higher-level transcendent existence than gods and beasts. Even if the strength of yourself and the master is thousands of miles away, some existence is the same.

Such as the fire of swallowing, there is also a great gap with the Phoenix.

"My body is strong enough to defeat the holy one with my body alone."

"If I can understand the way of power again, my combat strength will be greatly improved again."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

I know very well that this\' Kingdom of kings\' is a very good opportunity for me!

As the situation became more and more chaotic, his situation became more and more dangerous.

The promotion of strength is extremely important!

Walk slowly forward.

Entering the realm of the king is like entering a new world. The feeling of surrounding power makes you very comfortable.

The environment and air composition here seem to be very different from the field of birds. If it were your own body, I\'m afraid you wouldn\'t have this feeling. The body has a clear sense of \'force\', just as the body has a sense of fire.

Slowly deep, the light in front of me is more and more prosperous. WOW! In an instant, a white light leaped over and the space changed suddenly.

Lin Feng stopped and his eyes were bright. With the flash of white light, he seemed to open a new page and seven roads appeared in front of him.

It\'s not the fire holes in the bird\'s field one after another. It\'s a nihilistic and transparent "Avenue", like a bridge. It seems to form a road to the sky, which makes people yearn for. What is the end of the Tao? I don\'t know where these Tao lead. I also don\'t know, but I can be sure of one thing——

These are the keys to the realm of kings.

Like a bird\'s field.

"Seven ways of strength."

"Which one should I choose?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

One by one, I swept through these empty and transparent roads and felt different in my heart.

Like the fire dragon pillar in the field of sparrows, each kind of Saint\'s way is different, and each kind of power\'s way in the field of Kings is also different.

Each is good at something!

"Pa!" he closed his eyes and Lin Feng was immersed.

In front of me, there is a vast black color. There is no star pupil, let alone star dome pupil. The induction is purely based on the "heart". But in fact, it is not inferior to too many, because the separation is already a "Saint", which is in harmony with heaven and earth, and the body is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.


WOW! The light is shining.

The seven ways of force are different.

There is darkness, there is light, more ordinary, in the existence between the two.

"First, fourth, seventh." Lin Feng whispered softly.

These three ways of force are the most profound. It seems that some force is calling itself.

That feeling, unusually clear, indiscriminate.

"Well..." Lin Feng whispered indecisively.

Immerse yourself again and integrate with your surroundings.

It\'s not urgent to enter. Once you pick the wrong way, it\'s a real waste of time for yourself.

Ten seconds, a hundred seconds, a thousand seconds

Lin Feng is like an old monk in peace of mind.

However, the three "ways of power" are still clear to the heart, and the rich light flashes, which is very difficult to distinguish.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng took a breath and slowly opened his eyes.

After sweeping through the three ways of power, over and over again, the light frown suddenly unfolded, as if suddenly realized.


"Why not like the first layer of bird territory?"

"Since the choice is uncertain, just practice the three ways, and the way of the saint can practice many at the same time, why can\'t the way of power?"

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, and his eyes were bright.

I think too much about myself.

Since it is the will of heaven, do as you please and practice three.

For a long time, I have cultivated more martial arts than other martial arts, such as the star master level and the star domain level. Now what if I cultivate a few more ways of power?

It doesn\'t matter.

"However, we have to wait for the body to restore a little strength first." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Although he won the war with Dianyu, the price was also great. Not only did master Fengming die, but his own body was seriously damaged and dying. If you don\'t arrive in time and share the power of life, I\'m afraid even if you save your life, it will inevitably be seriously damaged, and even leave a serious aftereffect.

"After that, there will be two lives." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

As long as you don\'t suffer the most direct and destructive attack, even if you are seriously injured and want to die, you can save your last breath.

Although noumenon and separation are two independent individuals, different souls, different bodies, and different natural constellations, they have the same life force and the same breath of soul. Before, there was a lack of a bridge and a connection between them.

But now, the advanced Phoenix chart has solved everything.

Golden chart!

In perfect agreement with the separation, it is precisely because of the existence of the golden life chart that the separation can come from the distant thunder ferocious star territory for the first time and rush to the battlefield in an instant. Otherwise, even if you have the strength of master Lei ferocious, it\'s useless and beyond your reach.

The noumenon, with the guardian of the rebirth fire, now enters the chart of destiny to rest.

The Phoenix is reborn with blood. As long as it can\'t die, it can recover one day!

"Fortunately, great luck in misfortune."

"The soul was not fatally wounded."

"In less than seven days, the noumenon can recover part of its strength and wake up. At that time, it can display the \'door of space\'."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Only by "positioning" the door of space here can you enter it with peace of mind.

It is not easy to cultivate the three "ways of strength".


The end of the kingdom of kings.

"Pa!" the light flashed with a powerful force.

It was a short haired woman with ice skin and snow skin. Her tight martial clothes wrapped the exquisite and beautiful curve. At this time, Xiumei frowned and looked at the front with burning eyes. It was like a crystal wall, stubbornly blocking in front of her.


"The exit is clearly ahead."

Gently bite your lips, and the beautiful eyes of thousands of lovers shine with the ultimate luster.

Break seven into saints!

This is her only goal.

With her qualifications and strength, becoming a saint is only a matter of days and nights.

However, she has been pressing hard, just to enter the third floor of the bird King prison, the truly unique "bird King prison", master the way of the bird king and break the Seven Saints! But the target was close at hand, but as far away as the horizon, she was "cruelly" blocked outside the door.

"What\'s missing."

"What am I... Short of?"

Thousands of love emperor light Nan unceasingly.

The realm of kings.

Lin Feng, sitting on the ground, his eyes are bright.

For myself at present, the improvement of strength is very important.

The war with Dianyu and the previous catastrophe in the hunting country are enough to prove everything. Only when you have enough strength can you protect your family, protect yourself and control your destiny. I\'m not so lucky every time. I have the help of senior Yu Lin, senior Niu demon king and senior Feng Ming.

People depend on themselves.

There is a white dress club near here, and there are far from bottomless ancient people. The dragon head ring belongs to, as well as father and ziyao

I have too much to do!

Before long, there will be endless dangers.

"Not to mention the ontology."

"Now my personal strength, which can defeat Dianyu, is enough to prove that my strength is already at the upper level in the human world."

"As long as we further improve, in the human world lacking strong ones at the holy King level..."

"I will have nothing to fear."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Have a clear understanding of their own strength.

In addition to understanding the realm and mastering the mysteries of various star technologies, there is also a quite "shortcut" to the improvement of strength, that is——

Congenital treasure!

Martial arts, their own strength is indeed important, but external assistance also plays an indispensable role.

In a simple analogy, a warrior in star armor can increase his defense several times or even dozens of times, and can resist more damage in battle. The day she was defeated by the short haired girl was a very profound "lesson". The short haired girl gave full play to the power of her congenital treasure, even if her strength was not inferior to her, but she lost without fighting back.

Amethyst gun, promoted from human level to earth level, will enhance your strength more than a chip!

"Congenital treasure, your essence is not much."

"Amethyst gun is a weapon, so it can be used in general, but other congenital treasures are not."

"Now that my split strength is relatively strong, good steel is naturally used on the blade. This ground level white congenital treasure will arm the split first."

Lin Feng nodded gently.

A string of beads flashing with a slight white light appeared in his hand.

It was the Seven Star beads that were so powerful and powerful in the hands of Dianyu. The Seven Star beads are perfectly preserved and undamaged. Now that the lightning is dead, it becomes an ownerless thing.

"I don\'t know what\'s special about these seven star beads?"

"What about power?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

In my heart, I was quite curious.

In the hands of different people, the play of congenital treasures is different.

Amethyst gun is like this, in the hands of the body and in their own separate hands, it seems like a world of difference.

"Let\'s start." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

In an instant, the blood dripped down and began to fuse the star beads.