Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1098

One shot!

Just one shot.

"Boom!" the Amethyst gun burst out completely, and burst at the moment it penetrated the body of the electric gun.

ashes to ashes!

Just now, the powerful electricity disappeared in a short moment. In front of the newborn Lin Feng, he is as fragile as a baby, but it\'s no wonder that he is. Just as the gap between Lin Feng and his strength is like a natural moat, now his strength and Lin Feng\'s strength are the same day by day.

In particular, as the source energy of gold, the strength is more clear.

The electricity is overcome by Lin Feng!

The golden light is bright and the explosion of Qi reflects Lin Feng\'s figure, holding an amethyst gun as tall as the sky.

Looking up at the high forest wind, Jin Ji was like suffocation.

He was completely shocked.

Too strong!

The strength of Lin Feng made his hair stand on end, even his spine was cold.

How powerful and terrifying it is to kill the ancient strongman "Dianyu" with one shot! You know, just now, Fengming and Lin Feng were defeated by one enemy and two without damage, but the situation is changing rapidly, which is completely beyond imagination.

Isn\'t this an illusion?

Jin Ji shook his head hard and couldn\'t believe it.

He\'s dead.

The forest wind was suspended in the air, and his head was roaring.

New hatred and old hatred are mixed. The events of that year are replayed in my mind one by one, but I don\'t know how many times. My family is because of him, a scarred man with a dragon head ring. He is torn apart, his family is broken, his father is seriously injured, and he takes himself and his brother to seclusion.


Finally came to an end.

"Pa!" Lin Feng opened his right hand and looked at the faucet ring in his hand.

This is made of a strange metal and should be quite valuable.

Being able to resist the power of his holy one shows that his material is good, which he has never seen before.


"It\'s not Xingbao. There\'s no energy fluctuation in this faucet ring."

"But it\'s so valuable!"

After the impact, Lin Feng gradually calmed down.

Lightly pursed his lips, looked at the faucet ring, and his eyes flashed, "no, I seem to have forgotten something."

"It was not the ancient Qiang feng people who killed my family."

"If this scarred man, what did he do? Did he have a grudge against my parents?"

"Or, is there still..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

This faucet ring reminds me of a lot.

Generally, this kind of valuable but "useless" existence often belongs to "Keepsake", and the origin of this scarred man must be different. It seems that there are many secrets about what happened in those years. For example, his biological mother is still alive according to Feng Ming.

Heart, very messy!

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows lit up.

Yes, Fengming!

He must know the identity of the scar man.

Lin Fengmeng turned back, but his heart almost stopped beating.

No breath!

Feng Ming, dead.

"How could this happen?" Lin Feng couldn\'t believe it. Although he was seriously injured when he saved him just now, he still had a breath. Even if he was seriously injured, how could he die so suddenly with his holy strength? It\'s like a "sudden death". It\'s very strange.

WOW! The forest wind shines brightly.

His body flashed and suddenly appeared beside Feng Ming.

Looking at the proud Qiang Feng ancient strong man, Lin Feng tightened his heart and clenched his fist fiercely.

He\'s really dead.

His face was pale and his heart had stopped beating.

However, with a faint smile on his face, he died in peace.

"What happened, brother Jin?" Lin Feng looked at Jin Ji beside him, his eyes shining.


Lin Feng knelt down on his knees.

Clenched his fists, his body trembled violently, and his heart seemed to be twisted into pieces.

Two lines of clear tears flow down from your eyes, pattering! Patter! Dripping on the ground, with deep pain and remorse.

Feng Ming, died for himself!

In order to save himself, he burned the power of life.

Perhaps his injury was not fatal, but the burning of life power burned out like a wick. All he did was to save himself, a "clansman" who met only once, and a son he called "sister Yazhu".

"Sorry," Lin Feng said hoarsely.

"Don\'t blame yourself, Lin Feng. It\'s not your fault." Jin Ji said softly, looking at Fengming with admiration. "I think the elder is very happy to go, because he finally saw a new you and proved that his sacrifice is worth it."

Indeed, Feng Ming walked with a smile.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" Lin Feng knocked three heads.

"Always remember the kindness of saving lives." Lin Feng looked at Feng Ming, stood up and gently closed his eyes.

His chest fluctuated slightly, with a silent sigh.

"When the rosefinch challenge is over, I will return to the ancient Qiang Feng clan." Lin Feng opened his eyes and said slowly to Feng Ming. Not only because he wanted to solve the mystery, but also because it was the "task" of the elder Feng Ming. In order to complete this task, he sacrificed his life to protect himself.

In any case, he will fulfill his "last wish".

Even if the ancient Qiang Feng family is a tiger\'s den, even if there is an endless crisis, they will do their best.

"Lin Feng, are you going to the ancient clan?" Jin Ji opened his eyes. "Do you know where the ancient clan of fried chicken is?"

"I don\'t know." Lin Feng shook his head and his eyes were slightly bright, "but I should have a way to find it." now he is the vice president of zhuquezhou tool refiner alliance, and his status is extraordinary. With the power of tool refiner alliance, it shouldn\'t be difficult to know where the ancient Qiang Feng nationality is.

"Across the wild world." a light flashed in Jin Ji\'s eyes. "Only the saint has this strength."

Suddenly, Jin Ji laughed in an uproar. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "forget you monster. Your strength is strong enough to kill saints every second." looking at Lin Feng up and down, Jin Ji\'s eyes flashed extremely incredible, "Lin Feng, are you really a star level peak warrior?"

"No, I\'m already a saint." Lin Feng didn\'t hide Jin Ji.

We live and die together, which can be regarded as sharing weal and woe. There is no need to hide it deliberately.

Moreover, Jin Ji\'s conduct is actually very good.

"Seriously?!" Jin Ji\'s eyes brightened and clapped his hands, "no wonder I always felt that your breath was very wrong just now, but..." after a pause, Jin Ji couldn\'t help frowning. "Your previous breath was clearly a star level peak. How did you become a saint all of a sudden?"

"Also, aren\'t you seriously injured? Why are you suddenly alive?"

Full of questions, Jin Ji became more and more confused.

"I can\'t explain clearly for a moment or three." Lin Feng hesitated and whispered, "you have the right to have two me." your separation is not a simple separation. After all, no matter how subtle your separation is, you must rely on the noumenon, but your separation is completely "independent".

Dominated by human soul, it also has its own destiny constellation and a new body.

"Two you?" Jin Ji twitched at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly, but he was even more confused.

But since Lin Feng said so, he can only accept it. After all, many things are the secrets of the warrior himself, and he can\'t get to the bottom of it.


Ancient people.

"The battery is dead."

"What are you talking about? The electricity maker is an intermediate electricity envoy. How can he die!"

"I\'m afraid someone deliberately obstructed it."

"You mean... Feng Zhuo?"

"Yes, he sheltered his daughter Jia Yazhu 20 years ago, and Feng Zhuo was extremely protective. Intelligence shows that this human named Lin Feng is exactly Feng Zhuo\'s nephew. It\'s not surprising that he would shield him, but we have no evidence."

"Hum, bold!"

"Chitong, send someone to bring me Lin Feng\'s body!"

"Yes." a man with red eyes arched his hands and said. On the index finger of his right hand, the same faucet ring shone proudly.

The realm of kings.

"Two congenital treasures, which do you want?" Lin Feng looked at Jin Ji.

In his left hand he held a ball of lightning and in his right hand he held a string of beads, which were left behind by the "electricity". From Jin Ji\'s mouth, he learned the name of the scarred man. With the dragon head ring, it should be easier to check his identity at that time.

"This... Is not very good?" Jin Ji hesitated, but his eyes glowed when he looked at the two congenital treasures.

No matter which one is quite rare, it is a congenital treasure of earth level white!

In the human world, it is rare for saints to have such treasures.

"Pick one." Lin Feng said lightly. "As for the relics of elder Yu Fengming, including his congenital treasures, I can\'t give them to you. At that time, I will send them back to the ancient Qiang Feng family." I feel guilty about Fengming and hope to do more for him.

Jin Ji helped himself a lot, and he was involved in this fierce battle for no reason.

It\'s also important to give him a favor. Moreover, it\'s plain to send it out anyway.

"Then... I\'ll be brave once." Jin Ji blushed slightly and pointed to the lightning ball, "that\'s it."

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and handed it to Jin Ji.

Attack is a treasure. This lightning ball is really more useful to Jin Ji.

"I received a big gift for nothing. I\'m really guilty." Jin Ji smiled and touched the back of his head. However, looking at the lightning ball in his hand, there was a hot and happy light in his eyes. Which martial artist didn\'t want a congenital treasure?

A good congenital treasure is enough to greatly enhance your strength!

Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked at Jin Ji\'s tangled appearance, which faintly diluted the sadness in his heart.

"If you feel guilty, give me the place to enter the kingdom of Kings this time." Lin Feng opened his mouth gently.

"Hey, I just want to have no such strength." Jin Ji shrugged and said with a bitter smile, "Lin Feng, you only need one shot to kill the saints. It\'s not easy to solve me?" he laughed at himself. Jin Ji was also deeply helpless. When he saw Lin Feng for the first time, their strength was still between Bo Zhong, and even he might be better.

But how long is it?

He was completely pulled behind by Lin Feng, even without a shadow.

People are more angry than people.

Lin Feng smiled and immediately took out seven flame feathers, "take it. Come in directly at that time."

"Oh?" Jin Ji\'s eyes lit up immediately. He knew nothing more about the flame feather. Then he took it and laughed, "then I\'m not polite. Come on, do it."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and nodded gently.

At this time, because of the death of Fengming and Dianyu, there were only two people left in the domain of the king again.

The heart is boiling like a war drum, and the sparkling war spirit is boiling again.

In the realm of the king, only the winner enters!