Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1097

The battle is in dire straits.

For Jin Ji, it was a dream to watch a battle of life and death between saints at such a close distance.

However, when the battle involved his life, it was another taste.

Very uncomfortable.

It\'s a pain that you can\'t control your destiny.

Whether he lives or dies seems to be completely connected with whether Fengming can win the electric game. It is almost certain that with the cold-blooded and cruel character of dianying, if Fengming and Lin Feng were killed, he would never leave him as a "spectator" ant, even if he was innocent.

"Come on, master!" Jin Ji clenched his right fist, sweating on his forehead and worried.

From the moment Feng Ming fought his life to save Lin Feng, his impression of Feng Ming has changed, but this change has no effect on the situation.

Feng Ming, big disadvantage!

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"... The bright stars like lightning flash and attack constantly. The Seven Star beads are unusually brave and belligerent. They frantically attack Feng Ming, which makes Feng Ming even more dangerous.

With the passage of time, Fengming\'s explosive power has become much worse than before.

The breath slowly began to weaken.

The failure has appeared.

Behind him, the flame Phoenix loomed, had long lost its courage, and was completely suppressed by the divine beast behind the lightning. It\'s not that the beast of Dianyu is more powerful, but in terms of strength and rank. Dianyu is indeed better than Fengming. Dianyu is quite clever and keeps snowballing this advantage.

Now, the gap is widening!

Feng Ming\'s face was pale and weak. He resisted wave after wave of electric attack and kept retreating.

But the battery still looked calm and didn\'t seem to use up any energy at all. Like Tian Ji\'s horse racing, he completely resisted Feng Ming\'s desperate attack. The scar on his right hand was as cold as his appearance, and the faucet ring on his index finger flashed an appalling luster.

He, take advantage!

A pair of bright pupils suddenly glared and coagulated their killing intention.

When he drank it fiercely, the crazy lightning changed his previous calmness and burst in an instant. The change of rhythm caught Feng Ming unprepared. At this time, the attack of the Seven Star beads was more like a meteor. "Boom!" "boom!" Feng Ming clenched his teeth and tried to resist.

However, it was restrained by the lightning, but it only blocked the attack of five star beads.

"Chih!" "Chih!" it was like two sharp arrows penetrating. Feng Ming opened his eyes, his pupils were completely enlarged, and the blood vomited out in an instant.

The two bloodstains on the chest were eye-catching and heartbreaking. Two star beads flew out with strong blood light. The violent flame was a meal. The smell of Fengming became weak and the body was shaky. At this time, the eyes of the electric fan were bright and bright, and suddenly drank.

"Zizi! Zizi! ~" the electric snake erupted with great power.

Quickly penetrate, devour everything, gather from all directions, and take his life while he is ill!

As like as two peas at the time,

Electricity, extremely cold.

"No!" Jin Ji clenched his lips, some white.

He wanted to save Fengming, but his body seemed stiff. He couldn\'t move in the face of such terrible holy power.

Looking at the flash of lightning rising into the sky, like thousands of electric snakes dancing wildly, it took Feng Ming\'s life, but he was completely powerless. At this moment, Fengming\'s breath is extremely weak, while the breath of Dianyu has soared to an amazing level. The gap between the two is more than one and a half chips.


Jin Ji\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The cold sweat on the forehead drips down, and the spine is also cold.

But instantaneous time——


"What power is this!"

Jin Ji was stunned, and the whole person seemed stunned.

Like an illusion, a huge and extreme force suddenly appeared behind him, like out of thin air.

And this force, inexplicably familiar!

"Wow!" Jin Zhimeng turned his head.

Staring wide, I saw the terrible scene, but it was only a moment, and the golden light disappeared from my eyes.

No, no way!

Jin Ji was completely confused. What did he see?!

The figure shrouded in golden light was familiar. The look and breath made his heart seem to stop beating.

Lin Feng?!

How could it be Lin Feng!

"Die." the sound of the electricity came from the nether hell.

Although he was of the same ancient nationality, he didn\'t want to kill him. However, Fengming hindered him again and again, and he would not be merciful.

His hands became claws, and the frozen lightning was accompanied by the impressively shining of the leading ring. His eyes were shining. The crazy electric snake roared at the dull Fengming from all directions, smashing all his defenses and breaking through the layers of fire, and the lightning enveloped everything!


"Pa!" a figure appeared out of thin air like a ghost.

It was a human body, a thin figure without any armor, just a layer of golden light.

Lin Feng!

Stand in front of Fengming without bias, just as Fengming stood in front of Lin Feng.

"What?!" the electricity stared at him, and he felt incredible.

He has seriously injured this human being, which is fatal.

But at present, this human being is "intact" and appears in front of him, like an illusion.

How is that possible!

Shocked, it was not only Dianyu, but also Fengming and Jin Ji.

No one could have imagined that Lin Feng would suddenly appear at this moment, and the timing of appearance was even worse! Jin Ji opened his mouth and looked very frightened. Although he didn\'t know how Lin Feng recovered his power, at present, Lin Feng wanted to resist the attack of the holy one with pure physical defense!

It can\'t be true?

What\'s he thinking?!

"Drink!" Lin Feng drank fiercely, and his body was golden.

The strong air flow produced an amazing impulse and completely bounced the Fengming behind him.

At a critical juncture!

At the moment when Fengming was bounced off, thousands of electric snakes surged to his face like a wave, covering the whole regional space, and there was no possibility of dodging. Dianyu\'s eyes were shining. Although he didn\'t know how Lin Feng recovered, he

The result is the same.

"Stupidity is extreme." Dianyu\'s heart began to disdain.

If you dare to resist his attack head-on, you will die a hundred times, but a thousand times is not enough!



The lightning bombarded Lin Feng\'s eyes.

I didn\'t avoid it. Since I dare to appear and resist positively, it shows that

Own, have enough confidence!

Today\'s body is completely different.

"Ah!" Lin Feng suddenly drank, and his Qi burst out completely.

The bright golden light outside the body shows thunder, mixed with crazy war and anger. Just the outbreak of breath has hindered and weakened those lightning attacks. However, only weakened, the power of the lightning still penetrates into the flesh.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

But like a small stone falling on a metal plate.

Not at all!

"This?!" he was stunned. He knew how powerful his attack was. It was enough to kill ordinary saints. But right now, it\'s unreasonable that even the human body without any defense can\'t burst!

Jin Ji stared at her eyes and was completely stunned.

What a shock!

Feng Ming, who was hit by Lin Feng, was also surprised in his eyes, but he was even more surprised. But his face was pale, his body was extremely weak, and the blood hole in his chest was constantly oozing blood. The Phoenix behind Feng Ming was dim and was about to disappear.

"What a strong body."

"It really deserves to be the body of the strong man in the starry sky."

"Even if it\'s only holy level, it\'s far more than human beings. Compared with it, I\'m afraid the witch clan is nothing more than that."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I don\'t support myself.

Although it has the weakening effect of the same golden source energy, it is more because of the body now——

It\'s too strong!

Perfect \'blood inheritance\', perfect body integration.

This separation now seems to have too much strength beyond the noumenon, and the power is terrible to the extreme. Complete the "blood inheritance" of the ancient divine beast Lei ferocious. Originally, its own strength is comparable to the Holy Level divine beast, and it is unique to have this terrible body.

How strong is it?

"I don\'t know." Lin Feng drew a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

"But... It\'s enough to kill him!" as soon as he clenched his teeth, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and heavy. In my mind, the blood feud of that year emerged, and the scenes just now are more clearly presented. New hatred and old hatred are completely gathered together, and the power erupts in an instant!

"Come out!" Lin Feng drank wildly.

The Amethyst gun came out against the blade with thunder light.

The new purple light broke through the sky. Lin Feng\'s expression suddenly became ferocious. Holding the Amethyst gun tightly, he showed a bright luster outside his body. Thunder light and lightning, the long lost thunder armor appears again, covering the whole body. The single angle flashing thunder awn on the forehead is perfectly combined with the Amethyst gun.

"Zheng!" the Amethyst gun rose into the sky and clanged.

Having thunder armor and the power of thunder is the strongest state of Amethyst gun.

Perfect actuation!

"Boom!" "boom!" the thunder burst, completely covering the surrounding electric force.

Whew! Whew! Whew! The seven twinkling star beads were instantaneously restrained by thunder, and their faces changed dramatically. I didn\'t expect that the situation would suddenly change. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the lightning ball in his hand appeared again, but he also had to work hard.


It\'s too late.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

Whoosh! The terrible body, with terrible speed, is like penetrating space.

The thunder light is boiling. The light flashing in one corner is combined with the Amethyst gun. The amazing speed is like crossing the whole area, and the strength of Saint level is undoubtedly displayed. The Amethyst gun moves the thunder light array, completely blocks the surrounding space and bursts out.

"Shoot the wild goose feather!" Lin Feng\'s voice was cold to the bone.

A shot pierced the sky.

Amethyst gun, flashing a very strong light, disintegrates all defenses.

His eyes were filled with horror and shock. The terrible force fell like a mountain, making him feel the coming of death in an instant.

It was a fear he had never had.

Scold! The Amethyst gun appears instantaneously.

Through the heart.