Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1096

The gap, after all, is the gap.

Although it is very different from the strength of the last battle with the Holy One.

However, the gap still exists like a beam. The difference is that the gap is a little smaller, but it still hasn\'t crossed the beam. Even if you understand the mystery, even if your strength explodes in the battle, the star domain level is always the star domain level.

Holy level, still holy level.


Lin Feng raised his head and his eyes were a little godless.

The sharp pain still exists, but it continues to intensify, but inexplicably I don\'t seem to feel it anymore.

In this moment, time seems to stop and space seems to be at rest. Your body seems to float in the air. No, maybe it\'s no longer your body, just a body. The sharp pain makes the soul seem to be out of body at this moment, and the heart and body seem to be separated.

The feeling of death.

"Still can\'t escape..." Lin Feng\'s mind was hazy, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The crazy electric snake bites every part of his body, even if he has the blood of the Phoenix, even if the Phoenix\'s life chart has completely changed, even if his body is enough to compare with the saint. But the resilience of the body is far less than the power of attack, the power of crazy encroachment.

Strong resilience, just \'delay\' the time of death, just let yourself——

Just a little more pain.

"I\'m not willing!!!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of reluctance.

It\'s not unwilling to die, unwilling to lose to the scarred man.

But I am deeply unwilling to fulfill my promise and avenge my father!



"I don\'t want to die!"

Lin Feng drank wildly at the bottom of his heart, and his will to survive was extremely strong.

The light and power that the body desperately emerges make crazy contact with the lightning, even if it seems just meaningless resistance, such as moths to the fire. But Lin Feng still refused to give up and clenched his teeth. His body burned the last temperature like a candle.

"Oh?" the scar man\'s eyes were slightly cold.

The lightning flashed in his hand and his eyes were bright, but he didn\'t stop attacking at all.

On the contrary, it is even more fierce!

"Death!" Shen however drank, and the light in the scar man\'s hand broke out completely in an instant. The chain lightning seems to break through the void and fall from the sky, showing a violent lightning arc. The roaring sound not only has speed, but also has terrible momentum and power.

Enough to destroy everything!

He will never let Lin Feng have another chance.

cut the weeds and dig up the roots!

"Don\'t overdo it, Dianyu!!" a furious roar began from the sky.

In an instant, a fiery Phoenix seemed to rush out of the blood flame, like a thunder on the ground. As soon as the rich stars changed their fuzzy appearance, they flashed a hazy shadow. Their bright brightness was no less than the divine animal stars behind the scarred man.

"Boom!" the hot flame burst.

Contact with the ferocious chain lightning and launch a violent collision.

The violent impulse bombarded Lin Feng again. However, for Lin Feng, the impact force was far worse than the lightning attack. The fiery red shadow darted out fiercely, but the thin body had strong power to catch Lin Feng.

"Ah!!!" the roar tore his heart and lungs, and the veins on Feng Ming\'s face were exposed.

However, the lightning that attacks the forest wind is received according to the order, and it is not received by fire, but by fire——

His body!

Ancient people are not good at body.

Although Feng Ming is a saint, I\'m afraid his physique is not even as good as Lin Feng.

But he did.

"Human!" his face was ferocious and twisted. Fengming was wrapped with lightning outside his body. He didn\'t even turn back in his roar, and threw Lin Feng out again in an instant. Jin Ji\'s eyes widened and his heart moved. In front of him, a light and shadow flew to him quickly, and even jumped up to take over Lin Feng.

"Senior!" Jin Ji looked at Feng Ming with eyes full of respect.

In front of this skinny strong man of the ancient family, although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is a real man!

of indomitable spirit.

"Don\'t be a bitch!" Feng Ming roared hoarsely, but he didn\'t even look back.

He said that there was no time at all, because just in a flash, the scarred man named "Dianyu" attacked again.

"Boom!" Feng Ming\'s eyes are red. The flame behind him is like burning blood. The momentum is very different. It\'s like putting all your eggs in one basket and ignoring life and death. This is the outbreak of a saint, enough to make the scarred man\'s "electric face" dignified.

"Is it worth it?" the voice of the electric fan was cold, and the light in his hand rose again.

"Don\'t talk nonsense!" Feng Ming\'s blood eyes ran slowly, and his breath was completely fluffy. The Phoenix mark on his forehead was shining, and the towering flame filled the whole kingdom of the king. The roar of the Phoenix was sonorous and ear shaking, with a decisive color, "die together!"

The roaring roar and the killing intention show Fengming\'s determination.


"Die together?" a cold arc was drawn at the corner of the electric mouth. "You are too childish."

"Don\'t think too important, die with me..."

"You don\'t deserve it."

The light in the eyes of the lightning flash.

In an instant, the light in his hand was a ready-made entity, which was a string of beads.

The seven beads, which are as bright as stars, are thrown into the void in an instant, and the seven lightning bolts condense in them. With the bright eyes of the electric light, they relax rapidly like seven streamers.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The fighting was unusually fierce.

At this moment, all the cards are out.

The explosion of Fengming\'s burning life power did not achieve an overwhelming advantage, but after the appearance of the Seven Star beads of Dianyu, he was stretched out and restricted everywhere. On the contrary, the two sides were calm and balanced in attack and defense. They soon fell into a stalemate.

It may seem comparable, but everyone knows how the battle is now.

Including Jin Ji.

"Still want to lose."

Jin Ji tightly pursed his lips and felt powerless.

Although he didn\'t know what means Fengming used to break out, it was obviously an "overdraft" force. With the passage of time, not only his body would be severely damaged, but his strength would gradually weaken. With his eyes fixed on the battle picture, it was less than half the incense burning time, and Fengming had fallen behind.

"Too strong!"

"This\' electricity \'is really powerful."

Jin Ji was shocked and shook his head.

Although one is the enemy of two, this powerful ancient strongman "Dianyu" has the upper hand.

With absolute strength, he broke Lin Feng and Feng Ming one by one, even without any injury.

Big win!

Today, Lin\'s atmosphere is like a hairspring, and his life and death are uncertain. Feng Ming is even more desperate, but he still can\'t get the upper hand. The Seven Star beads shine brightly and constantly force Fengming. It\'s like seven martial arts attack at the same time and approach Fengming step by step.

Ancient clan, the weakest is close combat!

Even though Fengming\'s strength is exploding now, its essence will not change.

These seven star beads are the nemesis of the ancient family! Especially for Feng Ming, who is now seriously injured, it is even worse.

"Hoo, Hoo! ~" his chest fluctuated sharply, but Jin Ji was also worried about the battle between the two. As you can see, Fengming has already been covered with blood, and the bloody Phoenix in the void is listless, the light is dim, and no longer looks like before.

The defeat has come!

"It\'s over."

"It doesn\'t take half a incense burning time. Elder Fengming will surely lose."

Jin Ji clenched his fists and felt a weak sense of frustration.

At this time, he hated his weak strength and was like an ant in the battle at this level.

It\'s entirely conceivable what will happen at that time. Once Feng Ming dies, Lin Feng can\'t escape the magic hand of the "electric gun". Even... I\'m afraid he himself will be implicated and killed directly. With the strength of this ancient clan\'s "electric gun", it\'s easy to kill him.

But what?

Jin Ji is not unwilling to be implicated. As a martial artist, he will only be angry about his lack of strength!

"Damn!!!" Jin Ji clenched his teeth and his heart was shocked.

Staring at the battle in mid air, I didn\'t find it at all

At the moment, behind him, Lin Feng, who was lying on the ground with uncertain life and death, was flashing golden light outside his body.

Thunder ferocious star territory.

In that chaotic space, there is a strong aura of heaven and earth.

It was a huge beast shaped like a \'red Leopard\', with black hooves and covered with golden scales. The strong gold elements gather together, and the white mane behind the neck and feet is rich. Overhead, there are two-stage spiral sharp corners, condensing the thunder of anger, which is extremely powerful. Six tails, flashing strong energy, arrogant and domineering.

Ancient beast, thunder ferocious!

It controls the whole thunder ferocious star territory and has unimaginable power.

A pair of lightning flashing eyes stared straight ahead. It was a naked human body. The proportion is perfect, suspended in mid air, and the skin is full of luster and brightness, just like crystal. That face looks ordinary, but it has a unique charm. It closes its eyes, but its breath expands abnormally.

Lin Feng!

Lin Feng is accepting the "inheritance of blood".

The bright luster of Lin Feng\'s body reflected with Lei ferocious figure, as if the transmission of energy.

"Wake up."

The thunder\'s ferocious and heavy voice reverberated long.

"Pa!" Lin Feng suddenly woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and shook his fists fiercely.

Boom! The Qi burst out, amazing and terrible.


"What power is it?!"

Lin Feng opened his eyes and was very frightened.

The body is full of powerful and terrible breath, as if it is full of energy.

Suspended in the air, you can fully feel everything around you, and the control of the domain is perfect. The unspeakable terror of the body is far better than that of another body. If the noumenon under the control of the soul is a rock, now, the split body under the control of the soul——

It\'s a mountain!

An unattainable mountain range.

"Although it took a lot of effort, now you have really integrated with this body." Lei ferocious voice sounded faintly.

"Go ahead, disciple. Don\'t let me down."

"Yes, master." Lin Feng bowed his head and said.