Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1095

Poof~ Blood vomit.

His chest was like thunder, and Lin Feng\'s head exploded.

It was as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and the terrible air momentum bounced himself away, as if he had been hit hard by someone. The arc of the electric light unleashed wildly and completely suppressed the flame, not only himself, but also Fengming was seriously injured again and again. The congenital treasure purple double ring was completely cracked!

Scar man, strong terror!


Lin Feng felt powerless.

He and Fengming are far from the opponent of scar man. He is like a mountain and an endless road. When I thought I was about to reach the top of the mountain and close to the end, I suddenly found that it was still far away, quite far away.

The huge strength gap makes people lose.

There has never been a decline.

Are you going to lose?

Are you really going to lose

Lin Feng\'s heart was mixed in all kinds, tightly screwed together, and his brain was in disorder.

At this time——

Pop! Behind him, a soft spirit flashed.

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and the retreating figure stopped immediately. The strong impulse was offset, and he seemed to fall on a soft sponge. In the rear, it was a familiar breath. Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly shocked. He turned back fiercely and saw Jin Ji\'s burning eyes.

Holding his right fist tightly, Jin Ji\'s eyes were sparkling and nodded to himself.


Is this me?

How can you give up easily!

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and put his momentary loss behind him. At the moment, the heart was clear, and Jin Ji\'s appearance was like a clear flow slowly flowing through the disordered mind. Since just now, hatred, pressure, responsibility, all crazy pressure on themselves, out of breath.

All negative factors turn into explosive force, but it\'s like "overdraft". When this force is exhausted, I fall into "weakness".

Not physical weakness, but heart weakness.

No fighting spirit.

But right now

"I\'m still alive!"

"As long as I have one breath, I haven\'t lost!"

Lin Fengmeng bit the tip of his tongue, and the strong smell of blood made him wake up in an instant.

A strong fighting spirit flashed in my heart, and there was a deep reluctance in my eyes. Deep blood feuds emerged in my mind, and a violent atmosphere emerged madly.

How can you give up!

To win!

We must win!

Kill the beast in front of you, the murderer who destroyed his family!

"Boom!" my mind burst. The extremely strong and violent breath covered the whole body. In an instant, Lin Feng stared. In his self state, his body seemed to fall into an empty state. Everything around him seemed to disappear. He couldn\'t see or hear anything again.

The world seems to be left alone.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Only the sound of heartbeat.

"Wow!" a huge Phoenix appeared in the moment, soaring and winding with strong flame.

Quite familiar picture!

Those are the light spots of the seven main stars, shining in front of us. However, at this moment, these seven light spots can\'t add up to a bright little star. Looking at all this, Lin Feng was like suffocation, his consciousness disappeared into the bright stars in an instant, and the familiar feeling filled his body.


It is the mystery you understand.

At this moment, it seems to be integrated. The hazy feeling I felt before seems to turn into reality and real existence at this moment.

In my mind, there was a vague shadow sitting in the fire, a strong evil spirit flashed, with a strong and extremely violent atmosphere, which was so similar to myself. Feeling so close, I looked at the virtual shadow, as if I saw my own shadow from the virtual shadow, like a mirror.

WOW! WOW! He and the virtual shadow instantly seemed to merge, the body seemed to enter the flame, and the heart was abnormal and perfect.

At this time——

"Pa!" "Pa Pa!!" Lin Feng\'s body changed dramatically.

Below the figure, it is like a flame burning, and there is a bright light outside. The whole person seems to become hazy, but there is a strong smell boiling. His physique became much stronger, just like wearing a layer of strange war clothes, but the virtual image flashing behind him was completely reflected.

"The mystery \'first glimpse\'?" Jin Ji stared with horror.

"Gallo\'s real body!" the pale Feng Ming exclaimed.

Power, constantly emerging!

Lin Feng opened his eyes and was completely shocked.

Is this such a powerful force your own?

At this moment, I really felt the "combat power" and the strength similar to that of Fengming just now. Looking at the amazing lightning burst not far away, I felt no fear of the heart. I seemed to step into the ranks of saints.

Not the body, but——

Combat effectiveness.

"The mystery is really worthy of being a holy power." Lin Feng\'s secret way.

There was a strong light in his eyes, which was shining brightly. He drank suddenly and rushed out like a meteor.

In excellent condition!


"Damn it!" Feng Ming clenched his teeth, and blood seeped from between his teeth.

He shook his body with his fist. His breath was very weak, but he was obviously unable to do what he wanted.

He hates me!


If you have the peak strength and can fight side by side with Lin Feng, maybe

I really hope to win!

However, he was seriously injured.

Jin Ji is not far from Fengming. Looking at the angry but lost expression of the proud ancient people, he can vaguely understand his feeling. That is a kind of inability, a kind of pain that you want to fight but can\'t do anything, you can only watch, and you can\'t even control your own destiny.

"Don\'t worry, maybe Lin Feng can win." Jin Ji said in a deep voice.

Feng Ming half turned his head, glanced at Jin Ji and said in a deep voice, "childish."

Jin Ji frowned and just wanted to refute, but Feng Ming had a hoarse voice. "The other party is an intermediate power envoy. He is better than me in terms of rank and strength. Do you think Lin Feng is the first to see the mystery? When he reaches the intermediate power envoy, he must have first seen one of the mysteries of \'power nightmare\'."

Jin Ji was stunned. Feng Ming\'s voice had not yet fallen——

The situation suddenly changed.

The scarred man\'s arrogance soared in an instant, and his body also flashed with extreme luster and fierce light. Behind him, there seemed to be a huge and strange beast, with lightning attached to his body, his thick tail flashing with strong scale armor and lightning, and the marks on his forehead were shining.

Peng! Lin Feng vomited blood and retreated directly by the strong attack.

Jin Ji\'s face changed greatly.

"What a pity." Feng Ming\'s face was cold and gnashing his teeth.

"If I hadn\'t been hurt, or if Lin Feng was a saint now, maybe... I could fight again."

In words, there is a strong sense of reluctance.

But the skill is poor.

In his eyes, Feng Ming is still proud and holds his head high.

Although he was seriously injured, he still insisted on not letting himself fall. Perhaps for him, this is self-esteem.

Even if you die, you have to stand and die!

To some extent, Lin Feng and Feng Ming are actually the same.

die rather than submit!

With the same blood.

That is the arrogance of the Phoenix. Among the divine beasts, the Phoenix is the top existence and is proud.


"Still not."

Lin Feng fought and retreated, feeling a deep powerlessness.

Obviously, the hate murderer is right in front of me, but I can\'t kill him!

Close up, your body can\'t load the terrible mystery power, your body is completely paralyzed and your attack is frustrated. However, when attacking from a distance, he is not the opponent of the scar man. The lightning is better than the fireball of Feng Ming. It is not only powerful, but also as fast as lightning!

There is no escape!

Although I understand and successfully display the \'true body of Gallo\', however

Completely restrained!

"Gallo shield!" Lin Fengshen drank backwards.

The shining Garo shield appears in front of you. When it is cast with Garo\'s real body, it not only consumes very little, but also has much more power.

The same is true of the galo fireball. Based on the holy way of the three, we can cultivate and understand the true body of Garo. Once it is displayed, it will increase and improve the three to varying degrees, but it has little effect at present.

Gale\'s inflammatory body technique itself is a strengthening system, which collides with Gale\'s real body.

The Garro shield is a simple defense. Although the Garro fireball is an attack power, at the moment, the fire swallowed by itself has been exhausted. The power of the reborn fire is too different from that of the devoured fire. Without understanding the "way of the Holy One" of the reborn fire, it is only driven by star power, which is far from the power of the electric light of the scarred man.

To resist with the fire of rebirth is to die.

"Too fast." Lin Feng\'s face is dignified. Even if he shows LAN yunbu, he can\'t escape the chain lightning attack.

You can only use Garo shield to resist, but how long can you resist?

Lin Feng can\'t hold back!

The scar man approached step by step.

The huge strength gap is widening.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and insisted. However, with the passage of time, the brilliance of Jialuo shield became more and more dim, and the virtual light flashing outside his body gradually exhausted his energy.

At the moment, there is only tenacious resistance left.

Garo\'s real body also needs to be consumed.

Moreover, it consumes a lot!

Even if Lin Feng\'s star power is more than 100 times higher than that of the normal star domain level peak warrior, he can\'t afford such crazy consumption.

After all, Garo\'s real body is the power of the Holy One!

Is the real mystery.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" the scarred man\'s eyes were shining, and the light in his hand was still sharp.

The body, without any scars, was just an ordinary battle for him. It only depends on whether he wants to fight for a quick solution to his opponent with a little injury, or whether he can easily complete the task without damage as he is now.

"It\'s over." the scar man\'s eyes brightened.

The lightning of both hands sprang up madly, biting at the shield that was already weak to the extreme like an electric snake.

"Zi! Zi! ~" lightning, bite the last line of defense.

Boom!! Gallo shield, split.

The ferocious electric snake breaks the defense and attacks the Yellow Dragon in an instant——

Through the chest of the forest wind.

"Ah!!!" the pain was terrible, and Lin Feng\'s pupils were completely enlarged.

The heart seemed to stop beating at this moment. All that remained after the severe pain was endless numbness and the head roared. Raising his head, the whole person fell into an empty state. In an instant, his head was like being wildly bitten by an electric snake, his consciousness fell into the edge of collapse, and the whole person seemed to be torn apart.

Am I dying?