Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1094

I will never forget!

That year\'s blood feud was a tragedy that destroyed my family.

The saint with scar on his right wrist and bibcock ring on his index finger, as mentioned by his adoptive father, has appeared in his mind thousands of times, bringing unforgettable pain. I don\'t know what happened that year, but I can imagine it.

It was him who seriously maimed my father.

It\'s him. I haven\'t heard from my mother yet.

What\'s more, he let his family be separated.

If you don\'t take revenge, you will be a son of man in vain!

"Ah!!!" Lin Feng\'s blood eyes sparkled and his breath broke out completely.

The difference in strength is no longer important. The important thing is that the enemy who broke up his family is right in front of him!

How can you be indifferent?!

"Let\'s go!" a roaring voice came from the distance.

It was Feng Ming, who was badly hurt, that thundered angrily. However, Lin Feng at this moment could not hear that the Phoenix\'s life chart was shining sharply, and the fire\'s life chart broke out extraordinary power, together with the seven main stars in the life soul. Man\'s potential is infinite. Lin Feng\'s war intention and combat power are far beyond that when he fought with Fengming just now.

This is the power of anger, the strength of outbreak!

"Gallo fireball, ten million bullets!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bloody.

Hands, condensing different flames, the same saint\'s way, is blessed with different forces at the same time.

Fire of swallowing, fire of rebirth!

At this moment, power is beyond control.

Even I don\'t know why I can play it. Even compared with Fengming, the manipulation of flame is better. It\'s impossible for a star level warrior to do it, but he did it.

Some things, can\'t find the reason.

The outbreak of heart, in the face of this bitter enemy, Lin Feng erupted 120% strength!

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!" the fire roared.

The rest of the devouring fire turns into a rich fire light, which is mixed with the rebirth fire. It is bright and dazzling. Like two machine guns, the fire went straight to the scarred man with the dragon\'s head ring, and the fireball turned into explosion.

Lin Feng\'s hysteria broke out!

Not only Jin Ji was stunned, but even Feng Ming was stunned.

But his eyes lit up in an instant. Clenching his teeth, although he was seriously injured, Feng Ming was not greedy for life and afraid of death, and then attacked slowly. He knew very well that he could not defeat the strong opponent in front of him, even in his strongest state.

At present, with Lin Feng, the possibility is also close to zero, but how can a martial artist easily lose!

Even if the defeat rate is ten percent, we will fight vigorously!

Fire and awn.

Lin Feng and Feng Ming attack crazily, with two enemies and one. The light of the flame completely suppresses the scar man.

The radio waves flow and make a "Zizi" sound. The scarred man is caught in the fire. It seems that he has only the power to resist. In particular, Lin Feng\'s attack power is better than Fengming at the moment. Fireballs are mixed, collide with each other and burst sharply. Both point and surface attacks are quite amazing.



"His breath hasn\'t weakened at all."

Jin Ji murmured to himself, looking very ugly.

The onlooker is clear. With the constellation of the king, Jin Ji also has excellent qualifications and talents. Lin Feng can clearly feel it, and so can he.

Although the scarred man was besieged, it was Lin Feng and Feng Ming who weakened their breath!

"No." Jin Ji frowned, deeply worried.

He naturally stands on Lin Feng\'s side, but his strength can\'t help at all.

It\'s like two tigers and a lion fighting, but he\'s just a small scorpion. What can he do? If he takes part in the war, no matter which side may trample on him with one foot, his strength is not at one level at all.

It\'s terrible to fight!

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!" Lin Feng bombarded wildly as if to vent, and had already killed his red eyes.

However, with the passage of time, Lin Feng\'s mood gradually calmed down. Although the heart still hates the bone, the breath is violent, but the fire life chart is gradually darkened, but there is no doubt about the fact. The fire of swallowing is not the fire of rebirth. The "storage" of the fire life chart has a limit.

Before fighting with Fengming, it consumed a lot. Now the extreme crazy attack consumes a lot.

Soon there was no one left, just like a dry river.

"Calm down!"

"Calm down!"

Lin Feng clenched his lips and suppressed his anger.

The trembling body kept exerting force, and the lips were biting out blood.

Anger, slowly suppressed, the twinkling of Lin Feng\'s two pupils, deeply bright and clear under the self state.


"He\'s too strong."

Lin Feng\'s face is very ugly.

In the induction, the scar man\'s breath did not weaken at all.

On the contrary, Feng Ming\'s breath is weaker. Cooperating with his attack, Feng Ming\'s seriously injured body is overdrawn.

"Let\'s go!" Lin Feng had these two words in his mind, and his eyes were completely bright. At this moment, I woke up and finally remembered that Fengming almost roared out. Everything was completely transparent at this moment, and my doubts about Fengming were completely eliminated.

Maybe he is arrogant and disdains to be with human beings, but Feng Ming is really on his side.

It\'s my own!


Feng Ming drags the scar man. He has at least 50% chance to escape.

But if you leave like this, are you still human?

Never back.

"Close up!" there was a hoarse roar in my ear.

Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked. He reacted instantly and rushed forward.

Feng Ming\'s voice was like thunder, completely waking up his "lost" self. The Amethyst gun in his hand appeared again. The sky thundered, and the purple light covered the sky. My strongest strength is not the strength of fire spirit Master, but the close combat, which is the strength of tianwu!

And every ancient family is a natural God, and can only cultivate into a God.

Their weakest is the close combat!

To fight is to use one\'s own strengths to attack the enemy\'s weaknesses.

"Lan yunbu!" Lin Feng drank heavily. At this moment, his mind was completely focused.

Although the rage just now consumed a lot of unnecessary energy, it was not without "effect".

At least, the violent force of this anger has put itself into a wonderful state, a state of full horsepower. 120% of strength is not only used in fire control and attack, but also used in every aspect.

Attack, action, etc.

The induction of the gun is also very clear!

"What a deep feeling of gun, what a clear feeling!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

His shooting skill is "the fifth level of entering the gun territory". However, after the increase of Amethyst gun, he can give play to the strength of the sixth level. Now, even without the Amethyst gun\'s actuation, it already has the feeling of the sixth layer. It not only breaks through the fifth layer, but also directly skips into the gun to reach the gun!

"Good!" Lin Feng holds the left hand of the Amethyst gun and has more confidence.

The breakthrough of strength made me feel confident.

Into the gun territory, sixth floor!

It means that after the Amethyst gun increases, it will rush out of the sixth layer to the seventh layer!

The difference between this level, just like the difference between star domain level and holy level, is an absolute difference and a very strong increase in strength. Before, if I had such a sense of gun, I could trigger such power, not to mention competing with Fengming, at least the blow just now was enough to seriously hurt him!


At the moment, it may not be good.

If you really hit Fengming hard, you\'ve made a big mistake. Not to mention that Fengming is "your own person", I\'m afraid you\'ll fight alone right now.

"Get up!" Lin Feng clenched his lips.

The devouring fire erupted in a strong, winding around the Amethyst gun.

The power of Yanlong\'s execution was clearly poured into the Amethyst gun, causing a sensation of Tianlei. The power attached to the Amethyst gun itself, the ability of the purple light force of the earth level, is also a crazy vent, with the origin of "gold", with a strong "hardness" and "fierceness".

The way of strength, crazy emergence.

And now——

"Whew!" "whew!" two dazzling lights flew from behind, and the breath was very terrible.

It\'s Fengming!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. He didn\'t look back, let alone stop.

Although the attack behind me is extremely powerful. If you hit the back, it will be enough to make you die without a burial place, at this time, I believe in Fengming! Since we choose to fight side by side, there is no doubt that at this moment, we are comrades in arms with life and death.

"Zheng! Zheng!" the purple halo like two swallows flew by quickly.

"It\'s the inborn treasure of the control system." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his induction was very clear.

The two lights came one after the other, and the first light burst into disaster, blocking the whole space and shrinking rapidly. The second ray of light turned into a very strong flame aperture, which came from the sky, but turned from small to large. The perfect combination of halo and aperture completely blocked the way of the scarred man.

"Good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

He seemed to feel the hesitation of the scar man.

It\'s not difficult to break the purple double ring, but Fengming\'s hot fireball offensive has not stopped at this moment——

Own attack, also come!

Three side attack.

Great opportunity!

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the power of LAN yunbu\'s step broke out in an instant.

The Amethyst gun clanked, and the Yanlong shooting was just a start, and there was an amazing fire.


"Wow!" the scarred man\'s eyes were shining.

"Drink!!!" his fists opened fiercely into claws, and a huge lightning ball appeared between his claws. His face was green and exposed, mixed with the sound of thunder. The electric light of the scarred man was like an arc, with the ball of electric light as the center, which was suddenly and violently distributed.

That\'s white!

Milky white light, combined with strong electric light, the light on the scarred man\'s head is completely bright, and hazy but clear stars flash behind him.

"Roll!!" roared. With the bright eyes of the scarred man, the electric light ball in his hand was frantically squeezed in an instant, and then squeezed again. The completely squeezed and unshaped power burst in an amazing instant, and the ultimate explosion!

Boom!!! Shocked the whole realm of kings.