Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1087

"I hope I can succeed." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Holding a Amethyst gun, flashing purple leaping light, the golden wing ball is faintly suspended in the void, and the wings are already unfolded.

It has a nice name——

Wings of evolution.

"Start!" Lin Feng holds the left hand of the Amethyst gun, and the stars are suddenly bright.

Scold! Amethyst shot through the wings of evolution. For a moment, the golden light completely lit up. The combination of the Pearl and the Amethyst gun instantly enlarged the wings dozens of times, just like a mother caring for her child and completely wrapping the Amethyst gun.

WOW! WOW~ The fluctuation of energy is sharp and intense.

"Golden congenital treasures, each of which has a great effect." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Although they are only "disposable" items, their use is quite rebellious. Just like the first congenital treasure they got, they helped themselves through the disaster under extremely bad conditions. This time, the golden congenital treasure also has only one function, that is——


Wing of evolution, it can improve the quality of any human congenital treasure by one level!

It is a first order, not a layer.

Quite scary.

One order is equal to nine layers.

From human level, instantaneous time enters the category of earth level.

Although the Amethyst gun is a purple treasure, it is inferior to the white colorful staff and Yumiao, but it has the greatest effect on yourself. Not to mention the function of Amethyst gun to enhance the artistic conception of shooting, just the familiar feeling with yourself is worth thousands of gold.

The weapon of a warrior is very important.

A good weapon can get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, with the combination of Amethyst gun and thunder armor, the strength of God of war is extremely terrible.

Evolving it is the best choice.

"This failure is a good thing." Lin Feng smiled.

Evolution, transformation!

It was quite fast. It only took less than half a incense burning time.

"Wow!" as the light of the wings faded, the Amethyst gun exhibition shrouded in the wings showed its towering.

"Silk! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and took a deep breath.

Just hold it, you will feel a very strong breath, rich purple light, with shocking chills. When the light flashed, the surrounding flames all avoided, and the energy contained in the Amethyst gun itself was terrible!

"So strong."

"Amethyst gun on the ground level!"

Completely changed, the surface of the Amethyst gun is permeated with a purple halo.

The beautiful effect is not just the appearance. The perfect gun tip is matched with the slender gun body to form a perfect proportion.

The handle of the gun has a bright luster and a faint mark, which is the symbol of the "wing of evolution". The golden wings are plump, such as flying high, with a lot of weight and weight gain, and the texture is completely improved. But it\'s nothing to yourself, because the familiar feeling still exists.

It takes a lot of time and energy to master a congenital treasure from strangeness to familiarity, and then from familiarity to perfection.

But "evolution" completely eliminates these steps.

It\'s just raising the object itself!

"Chih!" Chih! "Lin Feng stabbed the Amethyst gun at will, bringing up a fierce vigorous wind.

It\'s just an ordinary stab, but it contains an unspeakable feeling of heart. The display of the gun moves the heart.

"The artistic conception of shooting." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

"Completely improve the artistic conception of shooting."

Originally, only half of the shooting artistic conception was improved. Now it spans a full layer.

Holding the Amethyst gun, I felt that I was familiar with the gun and had a deeper sense of the gun method. That feeling touched my heart incomparably. Although it only improves half a layer, it is the most critical half layer, a leapfrog half layer, a perfect breakthrough!

"Hard, fierce, powerful." Lin Feng\'s heart moved lightly.

In addition, the Amethyst gun upgraded to the earth level has many additional abilities when attacking.

The gun itself has been sublimated. Today\'s Amethyst gun——

today we are no longer as we have been.

Attack power, increased again.

Along with this is the advanced combat strength.

Although it is not holy level, today\'s Lin Feng is not much different from the strength of saints.

"The strength has improved too rapidly before."

"Blindly relying on the fire of phagocytosis and the fire of rebirth leads to the gap of other star technologies."

"Too biased."

Lin Feng knows his weakness very well.

During this period, I took many "shortcuts" from the breakthrough at the master level to the peak at the domain level. I must make up for it before breaking through the saint level.

Today is a great opportunity.

Cultivating in the fighting spirit world, it is naturally easy to understand the double star. However, it becomes difficult to understand the double star and triple star. Moving is a month or so. As for understanding the quadruple and quintuple stars, unless you agree with your heart, you are very good at the field. Otherwise, it may take at least a year and a half, or many years and decades.

As for understanding the sextuple, not to mention.

Most of the top martial arts players in the star domain only understand two or three six star skills.

But it\'s different here.

"In just a month, I realized \'Yanlong shooting\'."

"In the fighting spirit world, even in the best carving array, it will take at least several years, and it has not been counted as the \'way of the saint\'."

"The efficiency of cultivation here is very high. It can be met but not sought."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and his heart was light.

This failure made me understand a lot and realize a lot.

If you walk too fast, you will inevitably fall. How much water a bucket can hold depends not on the highest board, but on the lowest board. These simple principles have been known since they became martial artists, but they have almost been forgotten.

There is still time to make up for it.

"Since I light up the seven main stars, it\'s better to develop in an all-round way."

"Except for the special department, the eukaryotic department, attack department, Defense Department, control department, summon department and enhancement department are all upgraded to the top."

"Star repair ten times!"

His eyes are bright, and Lin Feng is ambitious.

There is no shop after this village. It\'s a pity to miss such a good opportunity.

WOW! Lin Feng returns to the origin.

"The door of space is really easy to use here." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

They don\'t need to find a way out, let alone complete any tasks. They just need a simple transmission. There are countless fire dragon pillars around. There are countless opportunities. You don\'t have to hang on a fire dragon pillar. Efficiency first, now the choice is the best understanding!

"The way of the Holy One" is the most consistent with the heart.

After all, time is limited.

One failure is enough to understand many things.

Lin Feng entered the real "practice" in the bird King prison.

Suddenly I didn\'t know that a wave of impending crisis was slowly approaching. As the old man Tianji said, nine robbers become the emperor!

For Lin Feng, the disaster is far from over.

"Rosefinch challenge, land of miracles..."

"Do you have half a year to open?"

Outside the land of miracles, a faint figure was suspended in the air, carrying his hands and unable to see his face clearly.

However, there was a deep scar on his right wrist, and on his finger, a faucet ring was shining.

The land of miracles is calm.

The cultivation and experience of the martial arts practitioners have gradually stabilized after experiencing the waves in the land of miracles for the first time.

But now in the human region, it has changed greatly!

The six Region Alliance, led by the northern region and the eastern region, was officially established and held together to warm each other. The leader of the alliance was "Zuo Bufan", the strongest in the northern region, and the deputy leader was "Liu Lao", the most prestigious saint in the eastern region.

The disappearance of those in power in the nine realms has long been spread. Now nine of the twelve saints of mankind are missing and three are in seclusion.

There are no tigers in the mountains.

The southeast and northwest regions did not join, and there was no movement

However, at this moment, the Southern Region announced its independence! The elder martial brother "Shun" became emperor after Yao and took over the whole southern region for "Emperor Shun", which shocked the whole human world. The new Emperor Shun\'s first order after he succeeded to the throne was——

Close the southern region in an all-round way, only in and out!

Closed lock field.

The whole human world is a sensation.

However, these have nothing to do with the warriors in the southern region.

The whole southern region was independent and Shun put all his eggs in one basket.

In the rosefinch realm, the rosefinch challenge is still going on in an orderly manner.

Seven feathers!

After thousands of lovers of the emperor and Lin Feng, Zeng Ren was the third to pass through the first floor of the quewang prison and enter the second floor of the "realm of the king".

However, there was nothing around, but there was nothing. Only the rich "way of power" appeared around, surging with a heart stirring feeling. Zeng Ren\'s eyes suddenly glowed, revealing a surprise color. This is his favorite area!

Because what he did was precisely "the way of killing.".

The fourth person to enter the "realm of kings" is not Shi Zhi\'s heart, but orange like a dream.

Just as Lin Feng met a thousand love emperors, the rules of the realm of Kings choose one of the two. The winner is the king before he is eligible to enter the realm of kings.

Month after month.

The forest wind came in and out frequently.

Each time it appears, the essence of the eyes goes deeper.

The star repair times of the seven main stars are completely leapfrog promotion, from human level to earth level, and then from earth level to earth level! In the soul of life, the seven main stars gradually brightened and approached the brightest light spot of the main star of the special system. Lin Feng\'s comprehension speed is very fast, from once in the first month to once in the second half of a month.

The way of the saints of the fire department is always similar.

The strength of Lin Feng has increased steadily.

Comprehensive improvement!

"Another month is a year."

"Almost all of the seven main stars can reach the level of ten perfection."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

In just half a year, I have improved greatly.

Today\'s self, even if there is no ground level congenital star treasure, has the ability to fight with the short haired woman again!

"You can get seven flame feathers every time you realize the way of the Holy One."

"What\'s the use?"

Lin Feng looked at the thick pile of feathers in his hand and was curious.

I didn\'t use feathers to enter the second floor of the bird King prison. After each enlightenment, I used the door of space to return to the origin and continue to practice.

Over time, the flame feathers are more and more.

"Well..." Lin Feng whispered indecisively.

It seems that the flame feather doesn\'t work much.

Shrugging his shoulders, he immediately stopped thinking. For himself, it\'s better to seize every minute rather than think about these meaningless things.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his figure disappeared again.