Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1088

a year!

The rosefinch challenge has been open for a year!

It means that all martial artists entering the challenge can choose to leave. Of course, this is not common. The land of miracles is a treasure that many martial artists can\'t hope for. According to the trend of previous years, basically all contestants will choose to stay for three years before they are "forced" to leave.

Often those who can\'t wait to leave, or have passed the "trial hall" and become saints\' disciples; Or he was badly injured and had to go.

Basically these two types, of course, there is the last possibility

"Wow!" the light flashed.

In the focus of everyone\'s eyes, a black figure flashed slowly.

Hazy, with a faint breath, the feeling is close in front of people, but blurred and far away.

The black figure is obviously not tall, but it has a high and upward looking temperament.

Pop! A cold-blooded thin face like a sword blade appeared instantaneously.

Those eyes are frightening.

"Zeng blade!"

"It\'s really Zeng Ren!"

"No, how could he come out?"


One stone aroused thousands of waves, and everyone stared at it with astonishment.

At this time, Zeng Ren ranked high in the ranking list, second only to qianlianhuang. He left the third place orange Rumeng far behind. It can be said that he was firmly in the second place and sat two and looked one. In such a good situation, how could he give up pursuing?


"Get out of the way!" like a thunder on the ground.

With Zeng Ren\'s cold eyes, the strong killing intention blooms completely.

The faint starlight behind the body made everyone breathe in, like suffocation!


This is a sign of sanctification.

Holy One, with the improvement of strength, the stars will gradually brighten.

From appearance to fuzziness, and then from fuzziness to obscurity, they are the three realms of saints. When the stars are completely clear

It means achieving the \'holy King\'!

Although the stars of Zeng Ren are faintly visible, they do exist!

"Holy, holy one!"

"My God, it\'s really Holy..."

"I\'m not dazzled!"

The crowd was completely shocked.

No one could have imagined that this year\'s breakthrough in Saint level had a big surprise.

It\'s Zeng Ren who was unknown before!

A real dark horse.

Step! Step! Step!

Once walked forward calmly, there was a strange light in his eyes, and the crowd immediately made way for a road. Who dares to block the path of the saint? Seeing Zeng ran go away like a lone wolf, they are all envious.

Thousand love emperor? Orange like a dream?

At present, who can be as famous as Zeng Ren!

All eyes focused on Zeng Ren. No one noticed that a light and shadow disappeared from the channel. Although the land of miracles opened a year later, there was no entry or exit, but it was only relative. The star master level cannot enter, the star domain level can enter if it meets the conditions, and the saint——

Free passage!

Demon emperor island.

Today is also a big day.

The whole demon sea area was shocked, and the exciting "command competition" began the last battle.

This will determine who the final commander is and who can lead hundreds of millions of demon families to attack the three human races and start the third Lich war! The demon family has four royal families, five royal families, and the demon emperor, demon king and demon star of the twelve demon stars.

The "Bull Demon King" of the barbarian cattle family is once again against the "great saint" of the macaque family!

The second battle is also the final decisive battle.

One is the champion of the winner group; The other one stands out from the loser group.

In the last war, the ox demon king only relied on his physique and narrowly won by a narrow margin; Can the great sage, who has made a comeback this time, reverse the defeat and reverse the universe?

No one knows, because this is indeed a close battle.

Kui Tianyuan, Hu Ji and other demon emperors have dignified faces. Although the result is not satisfactory, they can only accept it. The only joy is that both the ox demon king and the great saint have almost rebellious qualifications and strength beyond the limit!

Demon clan, there are two amazing monsters!

The star of the emperor in the starry sky is shining and shining.

Land of miracles.

During the one-year period, this special day did not bring too much trouble to the contestants.

The adventure of exploration, the trial of trial, the practice of cultivation, what to do or what to do. For the vast majority of contestants, a three-year period is the only standard. Any star level warrior can find a suitable way of cultivation here.

Lin Feng, the same is true.

In the bird King\'s prison, it is in latent training.

"Gallo inflammation, sixth floor!" Lin Fengshen drank.

His eyes flickered. Behind him, a pair of lantern like eyes were full of anger and rage. The flame was like a fiery red lion! The full-bodied starlight spreads all over the body. Lin Feng keeps drinking with his mouth open, and the breath continues to rise.

As the breath rises, the body seems to change.

Strengthen the system!

"Peng!" the momentum changed and disappeared.

"Failure." Lin Feng frowned. This seemingly simple layer is quite difficult.

I\'ve spent a month here and haven\'t made any progress. Galo inflammatory body technique is just a medium-level star technique. Many high-level star techniques don\'t need to be understood in a month, but it\'s stuck in this tiny place and can\'t be underestimated.

Unable to simulate!

"Although I have vaguely mastered the way of the Holy One."

"But Jialuo inflammatory body technique is not an action, but a change of Qi, a touch and combination of heart and body."

"Simulation, I can\'t find that feeling."

Lin Feng has a headache.

Regardless of the attack system, control system and defense system, I can constantly simulate in my mind until I find that feeling perfectly. However, with the exception of the "Gallo inflammatory body technique", it depends entirely on understanding, and then understanding, as long as the "meaning" comes to all things naturally.

However, if you don\'t understand it, you can\'t continue.

"The main star of the seven systems is only one strengthened system."

"The rest have reached the state of star cultivation and perfection."

"Although there is little assistance, I have such a strong sense of \'galo inflammatory body technique\', and understanding should not be a problem."


Gritting his teeth, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Everything comes to him who waits.

Jialuo inflammation has always been a difficult star skill. In a month, Lin Feng has already mastered the secret of Jialuo inflammation, and what he lacks is the feeling of "Epiphany". With continuous practice and practice, the feeling in the heart is more and more clear, and the body changes constantly in heavy drinking.

Jialuo inflammatory body technique can improve the physique in a short time and achieve the effect of enhancing combat effectiveness.

Although not permanent reinforcement, it is also quite useful.

"Pa Da!" "pa da." the body seemed to crack, and the virtual image behind Lin Feng became more and more real. In his mind, the way of wiping the saints poured into his mind like a thunderbolt and spread around in an instant. Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up with amazement and instant joy.

The whole person suddenly realized.

"That\'s right!"

"Yes, that\'s the feeling."

Lin Feng is ecstatic.

Waiting for a long time, groping for a long time, myself

Finally found this feeling.

"Zi! Zi! ~" as the breath changes, the way of the Holy One spreads. Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and excited. With the light of the double to six stars corresponding to the "galo inflammatory body", the only slightly dim strengthening system master star in the life soul finally shines.

The seventh master star reaches the earth level ten levels of perfection.

"Finally..." Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the soul of life, now the seven main stars are bright and bright, just like seven bright lights in the starry sky.

Reflect and shine on each other, as if pregnant with something and have some secrets.

However, at this time, Lin Feng\'s head suddenly exploded.

"Peng!" the consciousness changed in an instant, as if he were practicing. The huge Phoenix soared and clanked in front of him, and he inexplicably entered the ocean of consciousness. Lin Feng was completely in a state of ignorance. The huge Phoenix in front of him turned into a little star light to form seven huge main stars——

Pop! Pop! Pop! Among the seven main stars, three are shining.

They are attack system, defense system and enhancement system.

"This is..." one of Lin Feng\'s hearts was shocked and reacted.

Among the three main stars, there are familiar forces fluctuating, and I am quite familiar with them. In particular, the "galea inflammatory body technique" of the strengthening system was fully understood only a few seconds ago. The other two familiar forces are the "galo fireball" of the attack department and the "galo shield" of the defense department. They also understand the way of the Holy One.

There seems to be a unique connection among the three.

WOW! In an instant, three rays of light were emitted from the main star and condensed into a dazzling white light mass.

"Zheng! Zheng!!" the light is bright, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.


"Whoosh!" like a sharp arrow, it seems as if a streamer crossed, and the light mass sped out at a very fast speed. With the rainbow light crossing the bridge, the ocean of Lin Feng\'s consciousness changes. The seven main stars of the Phoenix constellation gradually grow larger. In addition to the seven main stars, there are countless other small stars in the starry sky, which fall into the eyes and emit bright light.

"Boom!" the light fell instantly.

Lin Feng\'s head roared and realized that time seemed to enter the star.

In my mind, strange messages flashed continuously, spreading like an electric current, shaking Hubei incomparably!

"This is..."

"The mystery of the Phoenix constellation... Garo\'s real body?"

Lin Feng was completely stunned.


Lin Feng opens the cultivation code.

Mystery is an independent but powerful power. Generally, only holy level can cultivate it.

However, Lin Feng happened to "meet" the conditions in his practice.

Totally immersed!

Different from the LAN Yun Bu taught by the holy "sakara", Lin Feng\'s "true body of Gara" is the real mystery of the Phoenix constellation. Only when he understands and practices the mystery with his own ability can he practice to the extreme and exert his strongest power.

There is a destiny.

At this time, an uninvited guest came to the land of miracles.

"Wow!" the figure appeared. It was a thin young man. He looked very thin, but he had transparent eyes, flashing the light of fire. His forehead was clearly engraved with the brand of a Phoenix, and his calm face was full of determination.

Qiang Feng ancient family, Feng Ming!

"The bird King\'s prison..." Feng Ming whispered softly and looked around.

His eyes were bright for a moment and he found the target.

Whoosh! Gallop away.