Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1086

Flying into the boiling ocean, the forest wind has no fear.

There was a sparkling light in his eyes. When he entered the rear, he knew that the feeling of "boiling" was completely caused by the layers of magic fog shrouded over the ocean. It was like the boiling of flame combustion. The element of fire was very active here. Any fire warrior could wield more than 200% of his strength.


"Pa!" entering the magic fog, Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

There was a buzzing voice like a bee in my ears, which interfered with me like a magic sound, and the picture in front of me suddenly changed into a distorted transformation. In my mind, the elements of fire condensed into a ferocious look like fierce ghosts. With crazy flying, the sea of fire turned into a sea of blood in an instant.

It\'s scary.

"Broken!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and drank fiercely.

In my own state, I expel these "disturbances" in an instant. My eyes are like the God of war. Lin Feng stands tall and my heart is quiet.

"These magic fog can disturb the mind."

"As I expected, yes, the Star Technology understood here should have the same effect."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Like his own practice of Yanlong shooting, the Yanlong in the sea of fire has the same effect.

If you cooperate with your pupils, you will be able to play a miraculous effect.

However, the sensitivity here is far less than that of the "Yanlong shooting" just now. Understanding is bound to take several times as much effort, or even more.

"We\'ll talk then." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and didn\'t completely veto.

At present, there are still serious things to be done. Looking around, there is a magic fog, completely unable to see the road and direction. Entering here is like entering a huge maze. In addition to mental confusion, visual and sensory loss also has great side effects.

This fog sea is not easy to break through.

"Pa!" Lin Feng closed his eyes and concentrated.

The feeling of the heart is very clear, and all thoughts are concentrated on the double wings.


"Hiss ~" "hiss ~ ~" the white dotted line appears again. Even if you don\'t see it with your eyes, your heart and eyes are clear. "There!" without hesitation, Lin Feng galloped along the sensing direction. Although there were many magic fog obstacles, he couldn\'t stop the heart\'s sensing.

Whoosh! Walk through the wind.

As the magic fog deepens, the interference of the heavy center of gravity appears again.

However, for Lin Feng, who has a firm will, this trick like "magic" has no effect at all.

Completely ignore!

"Very powerful."

"How does his body strengthen?"

Thousands of love Huang\'s beautiful eyes are bright and curious.

The power of "hardness" is reflected in the body, and the crystal armor is looming. Wearing it on her, she not only didn\'t look bloated, but also showed the beautiful soft body curve of women. As a martial artist who is good at close quarters, the constitution of qianlianhuang has the vitality and momentum that ordinary women lack.

"No special muscles and bones."

"It\'s hard to imagine without seeing it with your own eyes."

"If he breaks through the saint level in time, he must be a very difficult opponent."

"Unfortunately, there is a lack of a good congenital treasure."

Thousand love emperor slightly light way, look calm.

Defeating Lin Feng is nothing to her. She hasn\'t been defeated yet. Don\'t mention occupying the right place. Even in normal state, she can easily defeat Lin Feng.

The real pride of heaven.

"The realm of kings." thousands of love emperors smiled quietly, looked ahead and walked slowly.

For her, the second floor of the bird King\'s prison is still just a layer of stairs and steps.

Her goal is the deepest floor of the bird King prison!

Master the "way of the bird king" and break the Seven Saints.

The other side.

Lin Feng is approaching step by step.

It\'s like finding the direction in the maze and the right way in the dark.

With the deepening, the feeling of the heart becomes clearer and clearer. The call of the double-layer wings is very clear. That feeling

"Very similar!"

"Almost as like as two peas in the war City Treasury!"


The heart of the bird moved, and the corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch slightly.

This feeling has faded away for a long time, and now I think back.

"Some beings are conjoined or exist close to each other."

"If only one of them can not play a real role."

"This double wing must be one of them."

Lin Feng\'s heart is clear.

In the battlefield treasure house, there must be an existence consistent with the double-layer wings.

However, at that time, I didn\'t have enough time, and I could only take one of them. Therefore, in the end, although I got double wings, it was like chicken ribs. However, many things are doomed. This time I entered the bird King\'s prison, I found it again!

Fate is not over.

"It\'s mine. I can\'t escape." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

WOW! The Amethyst gun in his hand suddenly appeared, and the war spirit was sparkling.

But at the moment, we have to remove some "eye obstructions" first!

The difficulty increases gradually!

In addition to the interference of the mind and senses, in the magic fog, countless imps condensed by the flame rushed with open teeth and claws. Although I closed my eyes, there were bright spots and clear induction in the starry sky in my mind.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Feng shouted.

The Amethyst gun opened and closed, and the first move of Yanlong shot was displayed.

Form an arc wing, like a fan-shaped flame dancing, which fluctuates and covers the full 90 degree attack in front, covering an area of light equivalent to that of the front. The action of Amethyst gun seems to be different from the past. The control of the domain in the depths of my mind is clearly displayed, bringing bright stars.

The way of the Holy One!

Real star power.

Give full play to the most extreme power of the way of constellations, and realize the shooting of Yanlong. Lin Feng doesn\'t need to use the fire of swallowing at all. The gun move naturally drives the original energy of the surrounding fire and gives full play to its ultimate power. The power of the first move alone is no less than that of the Amethyst gun previously given to devour the fire.

The power of the true saint!

Today\'s Lin Feng has strong strength.

"Boom!" fan-shaped gun dance, driving the flame.

All the flame imps in front of him were completely expelled, and Lin Feng\'s speed was not affected at all.

Although there are still many flame imps roaring behind, it is too slow.


"There\'s no point stopping to kill. It will only slow down the speed."

"At that time, more flame imps will be attracted, and I\'m afraid they will fall into a vicious circle."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

First remove the obstacles in front of you, and the right way is to move forward. As for those behind you, you don\'t need to pay attention to them at present.

I have long had experience in this.

The closer you get, the more dangerous it is.

The more dangerous, the greater the opportunity!

Whew! Such as penetrating clouds.

All around, Lin Fengmeng stopped.

"Bang!" "bang!" the feeling of heartbeat is clear and free. The starry sky in my mind seems to be dim in an instant, and the surrounding sea of fire disappears. Those flame imps who followed behind them seemed to disappear in an instant and came to a special area.

Pop! Open your eyes and Lin Feng looks straight ahead.

This is a cube independent space, and the surrounding sea of fire is completely isolated.

The flame was majestic, but it seemed as if it was separated by a barrier. It was just roaring and clanking outside and could not enter.

Directly ahead, there is a giant flame. The rocks all over the body are burning with rich fire light and emitting red light. With a body ten feet high, it is not human, there is no witch and demon family, it is more like a puppet, but

It, however, has quite strong breath energy.

Far better than ordinary star domain level peak warriors.

However, these are not enough to attract Lin Feng\'s attention. At the moment, all Lin Feng\'s eyes are focused on the bright pearl suspended in the air behind the flame giant. The pearl is not big, it is round, and it also has no luster. Its light seems to be generated from the inside out, especially into the heart.


It\'s not round.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly burned.

"There are slight dents on the round edge." Lin Feng soon found that the heart of the bird moved.

Induction has never been clear. The call felt by the double wings is like a relative.

That\'s the purest feeling!

As like as two peas in the war City Treasury.

"That\'s it." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

At this time, the flame giant roared and waved his hand, and the flame fell like a thundercloud.

The overwhelming power that envelops everything seems astonishing.

However, is it useful?

"Yanlong shot!" Lin Feng\'s eyes shot quickly.

The Amethyst gun roared out without rotation, but the air flow brought by the gun force completely changed the surrounding fire elements, spirally condensed on the Amethyst gun, and the air force was perfectly concentrated. The feeling of the heart is very clear. Driven by the way of the saint, the Amethyst gun seems to have vitality in an instant.

"Roar! ~" is like a huge hot dragon, opening its mouth.

Rush directly to the flame giant without avoiding!

Lin Feng, full of confidence.

"Peng!" the fierce battle of the fire awn and the collision of strong Qi, such as sky thunder and earth fire.

Boom~ The flame giant collapsed completely and had no room to fight back. In the face of this comparable holy power, the flame giant was completely useless, and his move was blown to pieces. With an amethyst gun in hand, Lin Feng stands tall and sparkling in his eyes.

Do your best!

"Wow!" the figure flashed, and Lin Feng picked up the Pearl.

Put the double-layer wings in your hand, blink and flash dazzling light.

The combination of the two forms a unique rhythmic feeling, which instantly emits bright golden light, and Lin Feng can\'t help opening his eyes.

See gold again!

"Golden congenital treasure?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Last time, the golden congenital treasure had an almost adverse effect.

How powerful is it to resist the attack of Saint level twice and help yourself through the disaster?

Among the nine colors of congenital treasures, although there is no "gold", it seems more special. The golden wing ball in front of us has a different energy breath. The double-layer wings firmly wrap the Pearl, as if the mother cared for the child.

Holding the golden wing ball lightly, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered with bright luster, and his self-state was still not relieved.


"Wow!" as if he could see through the reality, Lin Feng stared at the golden wing ball, and a message flashed in his mind.

That is a kind of heart induction, like a kind of information transmission!

"It\'s used like this..." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and laughed instantly.

But a long drought meets the dew!

Just in time!