Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1073


"I\'m afraid you won\'t come."


Although the strength of the newcomer is unfathomable, Lin Feng is not afraid at all.

Vaguely, it reflects a sense of excitement.

That\'s the pleasure of a match!

If such dangerous enemies were allowed to hide in the dark, they would be a great threat to themselves. It would be better to expose them completely as they are now. At least, you don\'t have to worry about what kind of conspiracy they are secretly engaged in. You just need to know your knife and gun——


"I\'ll help you, little brother!" the halberd ghost came at a gallop, full of illusions.

The astonishing speed completely broke out, and the long halberd in his hand flashed strong starlight, and roared straight at the men and women of the two knives, a solemn and awe inspiring.

If you don\'t know, you will be cheated by him.

But Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

This is not his real strength!

If the man in white really shows his strength in front of him, there will be no place to die within three moves of men and women with double swords. However, at present, the contact between Shuangdao and long halberd is like shooting a flower gun. Obviously, the man in white didn\'t really help himself, but

Look for opportunities!

"Thank you." Lin Feng smiled slightly and retreated instead of advancing.

Since they want to play, let them do enough. It\'s fun for dogs to bite dogs.

The halberd ghost was stunned, but he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so "shameless". He came to help. Lin Feng not only didn\'t help, but also escaped without even seeing the ghost. Halberd ghost, black fox and green fox looked at each other, but they were a little at a loss for a while.

What should they do next?

"Damn!" the halberd ghost gnashed his teeth. He originally wanted to give Lin Feng a fatal blow through the chaos, but now he obviously failed again.

This young man, like an old fox, has a deep mind.

How can ordinary people hide far now?


"Nine times out of ten, he found it!" the halberd ghost was cold in his heart and frowned deeply.

The double sabres of black fox and green fox are handed over in an instant. You come and I go. The halberd ghost pretends not to support and retreats step by step.

A little, a little, move to the forest wind.

With a smile, Lin Feng dodged far away.

It\'s none of your business. Hang up high. The angry halberd ghost smokes and his eyes are red. At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what had happened. Lin Feng made it too obvious. His battle with black fox and green fox was like walking a monkey!

"Ho!" a loud whistle sounded, and the halberd ghost\'s eyes were bloody and gave instructions.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, if he realized something.

Obviously, the other party couldn\'t hold his breath.

As you wish.

And now——

"Peng!" the dance sound burst out.

Under the attack of Lin Zhan and Wu Yin, the remaining twin brothers were defeated immediately. The beautiful eyes of the dance sound radiated bright light, and the breath increased sharply. The sword in his hand was like a green cloud penetrating the chest of the twin man. He looked at them with unwilling eyes, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in an instant

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The sword dance explored flowers. The killing intention in the dance sound was revealed. The explosion of Qi tore the twin men into pieces.

Suddenly, there was a blue vitality in his right hand, his eyes were cold, and he crossed like a meteor. Before entering, he was defeated by the halberd ghost and broke his left arm!

cut the weeds and dig up the roots!

The dance sound and action are quite concise without half hesitation.

It seemed that he had received professional training, which made Lin Zhan completely stunned and shocked. Just as he wanted to ask about the dance sound, Lin Zhan turned his head and suddenly——

"Chih!" ahead, a blue sword ran through his lower abdomen.

Blood splashed everywhere, and Lin Zhan stared wide eyed, completely stunned. Looking at the face of the dancing sound in front of me, I raised my right hand as if I wanted to say something, full of disbelief. "I\'m sorry." the voice was very light. The beautiful eyes of the dance sound flashed a dark color, and the face was slightly pale.

He bit his lips gently, and the left hand of the dance sound burst out with strength, which drove Lin Zhan away.

Peng! Landing heavily, Lin Zhan fainted.

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s head seemed to burst, his eyes widened, and his blood light covered the cloth.

It happened so suddenly that I couldn\'t hide my ears. I didn\'t react at all. It was just the moment the halberd ghost whistled, but too much happened! A series of changes made my heart almost stop and my chest was very short of breath.

absolutely unexpected!

"No, brother is not dead." Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

The feeling of breath is very clear. Although Lin Zhan was seriously injured and passed out, he

Dance sound, no killer.

not so bad!

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and suspended in the air.

At the moment, he is completely surrounded, led by the man in white. The men and women with double knives just now are left and right. The dance sound is behind him, like catching a turtle in a jar. As expected, this time the other party came prepared and laid a net.

This bureau is facing itself!

But it implicated big brother.

"Have you finally exposed the fox\'s tail, white clothes will?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed away, adjusted his mood in an instant, and stared at the white man in front.

Pop! The halberd ghost\'s face changed greatly.

Almost instantly, the fierce eyes of the halberd ghost looked at the dance sound, like a wolf.

"No, it\'s not me." Wu Yin\'s face was pale and flustered.

Halberd ghost frowned slightly, and Sen Han\'s eyes slowly moved away from the dance sound, still with a little mistrust. But this is not the time to investigate. Looking at Lin Feng, the halberd ghost said coldly, "how can you know us?"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "is it important?"

"Hum!" the halberd ghost snorted coldly, "pretend to be a ghost. Don\'t try to separate."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "it\'s not necessary. Since I dare to come here, I\'m sure." looking at the way halberd ghost wants to talk, Lin Feng said faintly: "do you want to say I\'m coming in, don\'t want to go out?" he smiled heavily, and Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into a bright light.

Self status!

WOW! The light is dazzling, the amazing breath is completely burst, and the halberd ghost\'s face changes continuously.

Not only him, but also Wu Yin, black fox and green fox were shocked and placed in the extreme pressure.

"You!" the halberd ghost was completely shocked.

"Catch a turtle in a jar and don\'t see clearly... Who is the turtle!" Lin Feng drank fiercely. His eyes were as bright as the stars. The fire in his hand lit up in an instant. With a bright purple light, the jade Miao moved gently. Lin Feng galloped to the halberd ghost without hesitation!

There\'s no need to say more!

At present, this is enough to make the enemy civil strife!

Most importantly——

In this battle, we must take the lead.

"Magic!" Lin Feng drank suddenly. With the jingle of Yumiao, his pupils were completely shining. The top pupils on the sixth floor played their power for the first time, which was equivalent to the first pupil on the eighth floor. That was the power of the real saint level. Together with the surrounding authority, they became extremely terrible.

The power of the domain is released.

Black Fox and green fox bear the brunt, and the whole person seems to suffocate.

They only have the strength of three-star killers, and they can\'t bear this terrible force, even if Lin Feng\'s goal is not them.

But the power of Saint level is real!

The dance sound looks ugly. It\'s only a little better than black fox and green fox, but it\'s too late for just a short pause. Lin Feng, galloping towards the halberd ghost, is very fast. A simple sneak attack is accompanied by a psychological attack, which can predict the enemy.

Lin Feng sees more of this situation.

It\'s better to start first!

"Boom!" his head was shocked. With the release of soul power, Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

In front of him, the man in white is really strong, even stronger than he thought. The magic attack can\'t shake his mind. He has a strong heart. No wonder he can become a top killer. In itself, his pupils have no attack power, just because of the additional power of Yumiao.

Yu Miao is only a congenital treasure, not a holy power. Otherwise, this attack by Shuangtong alone will be enough to kill the halberd ghost!

However, this is just a "magic trick" performed by Saint level power. It is nothing to a warrior with strong mind and will.

The root of magic is just the word "magic".

"Roar!" roared furiously. The halberd ghost broke the magic power in an instant.

The rage was like a werewolf, the smell of halberd ghost burst, and ferocious blood light flashed in his eyes.

"Hoo! Hoo ~" the strong wind pressure appeared, and the halberd ghost reacted very quickly. After a short period of restraint, the halberd had been waved. First, it was based on defense and was not greedy for work.

In the face of sudden change and adverse trend, halberd ghost is full of experience!

"Awesome!" Lin Feng\'s heart whispered.

Regardless of strength or combat experience, the man in white is really tricky.

This person must be removed!

"Hundreds of beacon bombs!" Lin Feng suddenly drank, and the flames of his hands were different. Almost at the same time, the rebirth fire and the devouring fire broke out perfectly, with one mind and two purposes. The ferocious fireball exploded at the man in white like a continuous gun!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep.

In the face of such an opponent, we must not give him any breathing room.

Moreover, he is not the only opponent this time!

The men and women with those knives are not terrible, but the strength of the "dance sound" is also unfathomable. In their own feeling, they are only a little inferior to the men in white.

Never give them a chance to join hands, otherwise they will have trouble.

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!" "boom!" fireballs bombarded wildly.

The halberd ghost was angry at this time, but it seemed that he was beaten by the forest storm wearing a tortoise shell and had no power to fight back. In my heart, I scolded several of my subordinates. I didn\'t respond at all. I didn\'t know that they were all frightened by Lin Feng at the moment.

Except for the dance sound!

"No!" the dance sound clenched his teeth and galloped out.

She knows her duty and what to do now!


"Jiong!" the strong flame sprayed out wildly, and a giant dragon covered with red scales burst out instantly. Lin Feng\'s back was to the dance sound without fear. In an instant, red Ling was summoned to enhance her own combat effectiveness. In the battle of the ancient forbidden area, the hundred poison color Python was defeated miserably, and her wings were seriously injured. However, red Ling was only slightly injured. After these days of rest, she has already recovered to the peak.

The strength of Hongling is not weak, let alone the region of fire!

Occupy the right place!

And Lin Feng, too.

"Maybe you can win in other places." Lin Feng looked at the man in white with deep eyes.

"But here, you will lose!"