Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1074

The situation has completely changed!

The dance sound was completely unprepared for the sudden appearance of red Ling.

As for the black fox and the green fox, in such a small place as the jade palace, they have already lost 70% of their strength when they encounter the threat of Saint level. Although the two are comparable to the dance sound, the essential difference makes them completely unable to exert their strength.

In this level of battle, black fox and green fox are equal waste!

Strength, no one can be worse.

Similarly, there is no one-to-one battle comparable to one-to-one.

If the strength is similar, many times that small factor is enough to break the whole war situation.


In the center of the earth, Lin Feng was defeated in the face of Qiu Ze, who was greatly weakened. It is precisely because of the rich and extreme earth element. Not only enhanced Qiu Ze\'s strength, but also weakened Lin Feng\'s strength. Now, the rich original energy of fire not only enhances Lin Feng\'s strength, but also weakens the power of halberd ghost.

One increase and one decrease made the gap between the original four or six open and almost equal.

Moreover, before the war, the halberd ghost was taken the lead by Lin Feng.

Just like the snowball, the advantage is bigger and bigger!

"Boom!" "boom!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his strength completely exploded.

The advanced level of Phoenix\'s life chart has improved the fire life chart. Now I am far better than before in terms of fire control ability and flame explosive power. This can be seen from the enhancement of the power of the rebirth fire, and the devouring fire becomes more terrible.

Peng! Peng! Peng! The power of devouring fire and reborn fire will be completely exploded by magnetic explosions again and again.

The halberd ghost has no power to resist. He is disheartened and has no chance to fight back.

The fireball alone had stunned him.

Lin Feng, too strong!

Every martial artist has his strengths and weaknesses.

For example, Lin Feng is best at attacking, while he is least good at defending; The same is true of halberd ghosts. Long weapons themselves are not suitable for defense. As a "killer", they constantly hone their attack ability and survival ability. Naturally, they are not so good at defense.

Previously, halberd ghosts could beat four with one, just blocking the siege of four people. That was just "acting".

Moreover, his strength itself is far better than the four.

But now it\'s different.

Lin Feng\'s attack wave after wave, wave after wave, the halberd ghost can\'t resist at all.

The more you block, the worse you lose!

"I\'m so angry!"


The halberd ghost scolded endlessly. He had already scolded his subordinates many times.

However, Wuyin is now entangled by Hongling. Although her strength is far better than Hongling, it is not so easy to defeat Hongling who occupies a favorable place. Black Fox and green fox can\'t get close to Lin Feng at all. At this time, although their strength is frustrated, they still try their best to help Wuyin fight.

However, their role is minimal.

One against four, without fear!

Lin Feng has the upper hand.

Although Hong Ling resisted very reluctantly, the halberd ghost\'s face was even more ugly. There was no room to fight back. Lin Feng\'s attack engulfed him like a wave. The terrible flame power was not only fierce, but also endless. Whenever he resisted an attack, the second wave of attack had arrived.

Cycle after cycle, into a vicious circle!

The control of Yu is not as good as Lin Feng. Facing the overwhelming fireball, he has nowhere to hide and can only be forcibly consumed by Lin Feng.

"It\'s troublesome." the halberd ghost clenched his teeth.

At the moment, if he doesn\'t understand Lin Feng\'s strength, he will be a five-star killer in vain.

Of course, he has the ability to crack Lin Feng\'s attack. If he breaks out completely regardless of his injury, he can regain his disadvantage, but what do you do next? How can Lin Feng win when he is injured, especially in a place with such a strong fire element?

But what if it doesn\'t break out?

The complexion is ugly. Halberd ghost had hoped that Wuyin could help, but now it seems that the possibility is very weak.

What should I do?

What the hell should he do!

The cold eyes flickered. The halberd ghost looked at the palace gate and retreated. As a killer, self-esteem is not important. You can\'t escape thousands of miles at a blow. Look for another chance. As long as he can\'t die, he can have countless opportunities to assassinate Lin Feng again.

There is no point in gambling.

Although halberd ghost is unwilling, the current situation can\'t allow him to think much.

But suddenly——

"Oh?" as soon as his eyes lit up, the halberd ghost immediately saw a figure almost annihilated in front of the gate of the jade palace, lying on the ground and already fainted.

Lin Zhan?

Because the parrot showed mercy, Lin Zhan did not die.

"Just in time!" the halberd ghost\'s eyes were cold and immediately took care of it. It was wrong!

"Pa!" biting his index finger, the halberd ghost\'s eyes showed a fierce light, and the dark red blood gushed out. In his hand, a flame accompanied by the violent vibration of his body, and a flashing amulet appeared. The halberd ghost\'s hands coagulated and changed, and the blood was stained with the amulet. In the void of time, an image of a fierce ghost appeared. The halberd ghost\'s index fingers were red and his face was pale.

The body seems to form a connection with the fierce ghost in the void and build a bridge.

"Silence!!" the piercing roar, accompanied by the roar of fierce ghosts, filled the whole jade palace with a thick smell of blood.

Boom!! The terrible power erupted in an instant, as if annihilating everything.

"This is..." Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked.

With bright eyes, you can retreat a few steps after a while, and the reborn fire will protect your body.

Quite a terrible power burst!

The strong blood fog completely devoured its own fireball, as if it had destroyed everything. The roar of the fierce ghost was accompanied by the pale complexion and breath of the halberd ghost. Lin Feng suddenly knew that this terrible move had a great burden on the body of the man in white.

If you guessed correctly, the fierce ghost in the void should be driven by the blood of a man in white!

How much power a man in white has to pay.

It seems that he has no choice.


Lin Feng frowned slightly. Although he was not afraid of the fierce ghost\'s blood fog attack, he seemed to fall into the array, and the blood fog had strong control. Moreover, in his own feeling, the man in white seems... To have another plan.

Just thinking, suddenly——

"Black fox, green fox!" the halberd ghost roared and shouted angrily. His pale appearance was like a real fierce ghost.

"Kill Lin Zhan for me!!!"

The ferocious appearance of halberd ghost, mixed with hoarse voice, rings around the whole jade palace.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.

He glanced at the gate of the jade palace and where Lin Zhan was.

At this time, the roaring wind sounded, and the black fox and the green fox sped away at the fastest speed without hesitation. Hongling couldn\'t stop it at all, but she was restrained by the dance sound, but at the moment, the pretty face of the dance sound was pale and her body trembled violently.

She was completely confused.

I didn\'t expect it to end like this.

"Not good!" Lin Fengxin seemed to stop beating and his face was pale.

How can you allow Lin Zhan to be killed!

In an instant, he completely gave up the man in white. As soon as he gritted his teeth, LAN yunbu showed up.


"Want to go?" a gloomy voice came from behind.

The roaring halberd suffocated with a sense of terror.

"Bad!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly, and the blood fog filled him into a big array. His body was in contact with the blood fog, as if it was severely corrosive. A sharp pain came, and the blood mist penetrated the fire of rebirth, but

No matter how painful it is, it\'s not as good as heartache!

He was completely restrained by the man in white behind him.

Once he goes to save the forest war regardless of everything, I\'m afraid he will be killed before he reaches the gate of the jade palace!

The power of the long halberd behind you is terrible.

The halberd ghost scratched a cold smile at the corner of his mouth and was very satisfied.

He finally gained an advantage.

every dog has his day!

"Hum, boring family." the halberd ghost looked disdainful.

The halberd ran through the sun like a rainbow. He felt Lin Feng\'s absentmindedness completely.

In this battle, he not only didn\'t have to flee in a panic, but even turned the tables!

"Peng!" violent impact.

Lin Feng\'s face was pale and completely disturbed the rhythm.

If the chest was struck by lightning, he was injured for the first time, his internal organs churned, and his face was very ugly.

When he slipped behind, Lin Feng clenched his teeth. Regardless of his physical injury, he was going to the gate to save Lin Zhan, but a violent spirit wrapped him up in an instant. "Shudder!!" the piercing roar sounded again, filled with rich blood mist, and the terrible breath wrapped quickly.

In the void, the blood fog diffused into the fierce ghost, and then appeared.

"Want to go?!" the halberd ghost looked sad, and he was completely out of it.

Originally, he wanted to use Lin Zhan to cross the bridge and escape, but he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to care so much about his so-called family, even his own safety.

As a killer, he knows that right now——

This is a great opportunity!

Never miss it.

It doesn\'t matter if he gets seriously injured.

Most importantly, complete the task!

"Peng!" his mind exploded, and Lin Feng\'s face was pale.

His body shape is completely imprisoned. At the moment, Shuangdao men and women are getting closer and closer to Lin Zhan. They are in danger, but they are out of reach.

"No!!!" the hoarse female voice sounded.

No one expected that the dance voice trembled and rushed to Lin Zhan\'s place in front of the palace gate regardless of Hong Ling and her identity. The beautiful eyes of bloody manbu are constantly changing, and her face is pale. Even she doesn\'t know why she went to save Lin Zhan.

"Parrot, you traitor!" the halberd ghost\'s eyes showed a fierce light, and the cold voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

Just now he had suspected that according to the original plan, the parrot should kill Lin Zhan to make everything possible, but Lin Zhan didn\'t die.

"Stupid, actually move the truth."

"Betraying the white dress society is not a good death!"

Deeply cursed, the halberd ghost ignored the dance sound at present.

In his eyes, Lin Feng is the only one.

Kill him!

What\'s more, in his opinion, even if the parrot betrayed the white dress club because of love, the hesitation just now was fatal enough.

She can\'t catch up with black fox and green fox.

Lin Feng, pale.

"No, don\'t!" screamed hysterically. Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated sharply, and the whole person was shocked and completely confused.

Completely disregarding his own safety at the moment, he tried to break free from the shackles, but he was deeply immersed in the blood fog array, like suffocation.

Watching the big brother Lin war, he is about to die by the knife!
