Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1072

Whether it\'s a game or not, but

What should I do, I still have to do it myself.

You can\'t ignore the safety of the big brother Lin war. You can see the situation at a glance. It\'s not difficult to see. Before Wu Yin\'s identity was determined, she was still her future sister-in-law. She could not be sentenced to death because she was dressed in white and because of her doubts. This was unfair and wrong.

Most importantly——

In the bottom of my heart, I still believe that Wuyin is sincere to my brother.

Eye contact can\'t deceive people. The expression of sincere feelings is also from the heart. If the dance sound really just uses big brother to cross the bridge and set up this game, then

"Her acting is too good."

"Heart is too cruel."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and his eyes were bright.

The flame was burning slowly, and Lin Feng didn\'t exert all his strength.

In the current uncertain situation, it may not be a good idea if you fight with all your strength and solve these four enemies like a strong wind sweeping away the leaves.

Since it is tempting the snake out of the cave, it is natural to do a full set of drama.

"Elder brother, give it to me here. Go and help the dance sound." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and drank softly.

"Good!" Lin Zhan didn\'t hesitate. He knew Lin Feng\'s character and strength very well. If he wasn\'t sure, Lin Feng would never say this. With a Fierce bite of his teeth, Lin Zhan immediately galloped forward. The battle just now didn\'t hurt him, but made his head sober and no longer reckless and impulsive.

Shuangdao men and women didn\'t make eye contact, let alone stop Lin Zhan from leaving.

Although the two camps form a temporary alliance, they obviously have their own plans. The eyes of double knife men and women

Concentrate entirely on Lin Feng!

Like an eagle.

That look made people shudder.

It\'s much sharper and more terrible than when fighting the man in white with a long halberd just now. It\'s like looking at the prey. Lin Feng\'s heart was light and cold, and he could feel the killing intention revealed by the men and women of these knives. It was full of extreme strength, and the knives and people were full of deep hostility.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

This pair of knives, men and women, are stronger than their own estimation!

Before, they seemed to hide their strength.

His eyebrows turned up, and Lin Feng\'s face was calm. He was not afraid of the strength of the enemy, but the bad feeling in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Why didn\'t these men and women use their real strength just now, and they have to work until now?

One of them is fishy and ready to come out!

His eyes slanted to the other side, and Lin Feng\'s heart moved slightly.

At this time, Wu Yin joined with the man in white with a long halberd, which complemented each other. The two soon took the initiative. The strength of the twin brothers was obviously not as strong as the men and women in front of him. In addition, Lin Zhan also supported at the moment, and the winning and losing Libra was slowly inclined.

At this time——

"Clang!" clang clang, strong metal attack.

It is amazing and harsh. With the sound vibration, people\'s head seems to shake.

The double swords of men and women made an unpleasant sound, like the cry of a sad ghost. They attacked at the moment when Lin Feng was distracted and looked elsewhere. Like clouds and flowing water, a bolt from the blue, as fast as the wind, as fast as lightning.


No mercy at all.

As soon as the soft moves were changed, the fierce eyes of Shuangdao men and women seemed to have changed. They suddenly drank. As soon as the Shuangdao was just and soft, one before and one after the other, it formed a raging wave. The light brown star awned brightly, and it was like a cheetah flying out of the void.

Fierce, fierce!

The sabre move is full of masculine power, and after the cheetah, a poisonous snake confides the tip of its scarlet tongue and looks at it.

The cooperation is quite tacit!

"Lan yunbu." Lin Feng drank lightly.

They don\'t fight face-to-face, but dodge back skillfully.

For myself, although the strength of these men and women is really strong, at least they are the top 100 characters in the rosefinch challenge. Their strength is matched, which is no less than the Jin Ji I saw before, but

That\'s it.

Before entering the land of miracles, in the face of enemies with such strength, their victory rate may be only 50-50.

But right now, you\'re sure to win!

I didn\'t go to the ancient forbidden area in vain. I\'ve made great progress in recent months!

It\'s the last breakthrough before it can be called advanced holy level!

"You\'re lucky."

"Now, I don\'t want to kill you."

"Because I want to verify one thing."

Eyes sparkling, Lin Feng retreated and fought back.

The light of the flame is strong and weak. With the advanced control of the Phoenix chart, the six layer rebirth fire is only slightly inferior to the previous devouring fire. Lin Feng\'s pupils twinkled brightly, but there was not much change. Obviously, they did not condense into a "self state".

Strength, completely hidden.

Jade palace.

From the tripartite scuffle to now, there is a clear distinction.

The battle is fierce!

With Lin Zhan\'s participation, the already tilted Libra is more inclined to the side of Wuyin and his senior brothers. The twin brothers are subject everywhere, and the Vietnam War is more and more frightened. Soon, the man in white with a long halberd turned the crisis into safety and turned from defense to attack. The huge long halberd really exerted its power at the moment.

Long weapons, the best thing to do is attack!

Boom! Boom! Thunder rolling.

The man in white with a long halberd moves like a cunning rabbit, like a fierce tiger down the mountain.

At present, even if he is alone, I\'m afraid the twin brothers may not be his opponent. Wu Yin and Lin zhanlie were behind, assisting in the attack, which made the other party headache. In a short time, the man in white with a long halberd wounded one of the enemies with bright eyes.

The other side

Lin Feng, from the beginning, showed LAN yunbu to escape. Now, he has gradually controlled the scene.

Although the strength of Shuangdao men and women is good, but facing Lin Feng\'s LAN yunbu, they have more heart than strength. Even now, Lin Feng\'s perception of the realm and his mastery of the "domain" have already surpassed the peak level of the star domain level.

Even if you only use half your strength, it\'s not difficult to defeat Shuangdao men and women.

However, Lin Feng did not kill, but "slowly" gained the upper hand.


But no one can see it.

Even Lin Zhan doesn\'t know how terrible Lin Feng\'s strength is now.

Not to mention the men and women with double knives, the dancing sound and the man in white with long halberd. The cold eyes glanced at Lin Feng, and the man in white with long halberd hesitated slightly. Double knives, as like as two peas, are the same as the "Coyote" who used to assassinate Lin Feng, but they are matched by the two.

Therefore, it is appropriate for them to play the first front.


"The information is really wrong, and the difference is not a bit!" the man in white with a long halberd scolded endlessly.

Samsung killer, assassination failed; The four-star level also takes less than half of the advantage now. It is already the elite killer of the white clothes club.

The Lin Feng shown in the intelligence is only three stars!

"It\'s ridiculous!" the man in white with a long halberd frowned.

Angry, the twin brothers\' situation is even worse and frustrated.

"Drink!" the man in white with a long halberd was very powerful. The long halberd burst out a shell like attack in an instant. One of the twin brothers couldn\'t dodge, splashed with blood and screamed, but his left arm was forcibly broken.

The man in white with a long halberd is as powerful as a rainbow!

This is far from his real strength!

He is one of the three captains under Pluto, halberd ghost, five-star killer!

In the white dress club, stars are not only the representative of ability, but also the symbol of strength. Three star level means stepping on the star level peak, but proficient in assassination skills, so it is much more powerful than the ordinary star level peak; The four-star is already a real elite star region level peak strength. For example, Wuyin, code named "parrot", is the vice captain of the halberd ghost team.

The only four-star killer!

As for halberd ghost, being awarded the title of five-star killer proves that he not only has far better strength than four-star killer, but also has great potential to break through and become a saint!

It\'s the elite of the elite killers of the white clothes club!

"Hum!" with a cold hum, the long halberd in the halberd ghost\'s hand knocked obliquely. The twin man whose left arm was broken, like being attacked by thunder, spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground in an instant. Can the halberd ghosts that really exert their power be resisted by these ordinary star domain level peak warriors?

There is no need to be merciful to deal with the enemy in front of us. Of course, the two knife men and women belong to the white clothes club, but the twin brothers are not.

There is no amnesty!

Three to two, instant to three to one!

Moreover, the twin brothers are good at cooperation. Now there is only one left. Their strength is not only greatly reduced, but it is like the complete collapse of the fortress.

"I\'ll give it to you." the halberd ghost\'s eyes flashed brilliantly and pretended to be worried. As soon as he stepped on the foot, he made a half turn in an instant: "I\'ll help the little brother!" after that, the halberd ghost rushed out in an instant without waiting for any response from the dance sound and Lin Zhan. The long halberd in his hand exuded sparkling war intention, but contained

An amazing kill!

He wants to do it himself.

Black Fox and green fox, who are comparable to the four-star strength, joined hands and did not win Lin Feng, but were more dominated by him. Then even if the parrot joined, the situation would not change much. If you want to reverse, instead of wasting the strength of the team, it\'s better for him to do it himself.

one finished , all is finished!

"Boy, it\'s worth dying if you can die in the hands of my halberd ghost." the halberd ghost\'s eyes flashed away.

On that side, Lin Zhan had no doubt. Moreover, he was not qualified to doubt with his strength. During the movement, the dancing sound was beautiful and the eyes were looking forward. He was very "smart" and covered Lin Zhan\'s sight with his own body and strength. It seemed that he had a different intention.


Lin Zhan didn\'t doubt it, but Lin Feng didn\'t.

"Finally... Have you come?" Lin Feng can feel a breath approaching without looking back.

Very strong!

Really strong!

Although the visitor has tried his best to suppress his power, Lin Feng\'s sensing ability has reached the holy level.

"Woo, woo ~" his chest fluctuated, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

I haven\'t had this feeling for a long time!

When entering the rosefinch territory, Jin Ji once gave himself this deep sense of threat, but he didn\'t care much about Jin Ji\'s strength since he returned from the ancient forbidden area and improved his strength. Although he is strong, he is far from what he is now.

For now, the unknown enemy is not.

It\'s definitely what I met when I entered the rosefinch territory——

Strongest opponent!