Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1071


The dance sound is in front and leads the way in the direction of the ancient cup.

Behind him, Lin Feng and Lin Zhan followed. In contrast, it was easy for Lin Feng to keep up with the dance sound, but Lin Zhan clenched his teeth and was very reluctant.

The strength gap is obvious.


"She didn\'t go at full speed." Lin Feng stared at the dance sound with his eyes, which was very clear in his heart.

I don\'t even have the feeling of exertion. The speed of the dancing sound is not fast at all. Although it has reached the star domain level peak standard, it can be felt from her breath surge or body language. She only maintains a speed of 50-60%, or even less!

"Is it to reserve strength and prepare for the battle later?"


Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked at Lin Zhan beside him.

What a coincidence!

The current speed of dance sound is just the same as Lin Zhan\'s speed of 100% full speed.

"Deliberately accommodating big brother?"

"No, the strength of the dance sound is better than big brother. It\'s first-class!"

The feeling is very clear.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart was clear.

Brother, you can see through your strength at a glance, but the dance sound


"If at ordinary times, she can accommodate her brother\'s speed."

"But now it\'s clear that her senior brother is in danger. Should she go all out as a junior sister? With her strength, there is almost no difference between one more big brother and one less big brother, but she has to accommodate her big brother. Will there be some... Strange?"

"Probably not."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and pursed his lips.

Although I am suspicious, I would rather believe that they are the reason for their excellent relationship than think about the bad.

"But at the time of the incident, the dance sound seemed a little too calm? If someone else had received the message, I\'m afraid they would have rushed immediately."

"Maybe I\'ve encountered too many conspiracies, so... I\'m too suspicious."

"It should be just a small thing."

Lin Feng nodded and sighed.

I should not doubt the future sister-in-law.

Whoosh! The figure is like electricity, galloping fast, but Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and flashing a slight light.

I think so, but I always have concerns.

"It\'s almost there!" the dance tone gently pursed her lips, reflecting a sparkling sense of war.

Really calm!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart was cold.

Some things can\'t deceive people. The temperament inadvertently revealed by the dance sound can prove that she is not a weak woman, but alone. If she is really sincere to her eldest brother, it is also a blessing for her to marry such a wife, but if not

"I\'m afraid she has another purpose to get close to her brother."

"She\'s very dangerous."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

He turned his head and looked at his eldest brother, his eyes shining slightly.

Wu Yin doesn\'t know, but brother really moved the truth this time.

"I hope I think more." Lin Feng said secretly.

"But it\'s a coincidence that this happened when I just met my brother."


Lin Feng was stunned and his pupils widened.

Fiercely looking at the dance sound in front, looking at the white tights, another figure suddenly appeared in my mind——

The white killer I met when I first entered the land of miracles!

"Can\'t it?" Lin Fengmeng\'s meal.

His face changed slightly, and he suddenly remembered the note Mrs. Nangong gave him.

White dress club!

Before, the killer who assassinated himself was also dressed in white?

The white clothes society, the white clothes society, will the killers of this killer organization wear "white clothes" when they act, so they are named after it?

"What\'s the matter, brother?" Lin Zhan\'s eyes flickered, very sensitive.

He also has star dome pupil and strong sensing ability.

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng smiled and pressed his emotions to the bottom of his heart. I also want to guess wrong, but various signs tell me that this does not seem to be a coincidence, but a \'Bureau\', an elaborate Bureau, and their goal seems to be


He shook his head violently and then closed his eyes.

Pop! When he opened his eyes, Lin Feng\'s face became just right.

Whether it is or not, it is no longer important now, and there is no need to think so much.

Do you expose her now?

What if it\'s not?

Moreover, I have no evidence, just speculation.

Turning his head and looking at Lin Zhan, he saw that elder brother was anxious and sympathetic. Lin Feng felt even more pain in his heart. If Wuyin is really the killer of the white clothes club, the eldest brother is obviously used this time. The most hurt in the world is not the physical damage, but the soul.

"Yes or no, we\'ll know when we get there."

"Even if it\'s true, even if it\'s a Hongmen banquet, what if it\'s a tiger\'s den?"

"What to fear!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and fearless.

Although he is not a saint, his strength has reached the holy level!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The sense of breath, I vaguely feel the difference of the surrounding environment.

The original energy in the air is quite active, and the air flow in the space is very unstable. The more you move forward, the deeper the induction is. Even if they are so far apart, they can clearly feel what is happening in the distance, and they will never be wrong.

"It was a battle!"

"There are five smells."

"All of them are star level top powers."


Every moment is approaching.

In my mind, there seems to be a map that clearly depicts the location of each martial artist, and even his strength and the original energy used can be sensed by himself! This feeling is not before, but it is the advanced stage of the Phoenix chart.

Sensing ability, more than ten times stronger!

"The saint\'s sensing ability is just like this?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Before, I could only sense the original energy of fire, but now, all five systems are connected!

The blood of the divine beast lights up all of the earth\'s life chart.

"It\'s right ahead!" dance Yin drank, and his face flashed a worried expression. It didn\'t seem to be false.

"Maybe I\'m paranoid." Lin Feng\'s heart whispered. He kept up with the dance sound. His eldest brother Lin Zhan was panting, but he hurried along at 100% speed. For him, the burden was not small, and he had lost half before the war.

"Big brother!" Lin Feng drank momentarily, and the white light flashed.

Lin Zhan was slightly stunned. He took the white light like a conditioned reflex. His tentacles were soft and fragrant. When he opened his eyes, Lin Zhan\'s eyes suddenly brightened, "ground level four products, late corner fruit?" moved by his heart, Lin Zhan felt luxurious. A ground level star fruit is worth tens of thousands of stars, but now

Don\'t care so much!

As soon as he stuffed it into his mouth, Lin Zhan swallowed it without chewing. He didn\'t have time to taste it.

In an instant, the consumed star power is completely replenished, and it is overflowing and soaring!

"Awesome!" Lin Zhan was shocked.

However, at this moment, the dance sound and Lin Feng in front have disappeared.

Whoosh! Lin zhanlian caught up.


The dance sound steps in with the front foot and the forest wind enters with the back foot.

This is a huge jade palace. The jade color of jadeite can be seen everywhere. Now it is fragmented and there are signs of destruction everywhere. A seamless heavenly robe is as like as two peas in the jade palace. One group is two men with almost the same appearance, holding the long sword, while the other group is a man and a woman, with five knives, and the perfect combination is the same. The three groups are all alike.

The only independent is a handsome man in white.

Looks like Pan\'an, holds a long halberd, dances tightly and has excellent defense.

The two camps restrict each other while waiting for the opportunity to take the life of the man in white with a long halberd.

But it\'s not easy.

Tripartite confrontation, forming a delicate balance.

"Senior brother!" Wu Yin\'s eyes turned red, drew out his sword, strode through a lightning pace and rushed to the battlefield in an instant.

Her goal is the man in white with a long halberd!

"It\'s white again!" Lin Feng jumped fiercely and his eyes were bright.

The ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

The battle in front of us is not false. The man in white has also suffered a lot of injuries and is in crisis everywhere, but

I always think something\'s wrong.

The whole thing, what a coincidence!

A coincidence, maybe a real coincidence.

Two coincidences, or maybe it\'s really two coincidences.

But three times, four times, five times... If all the coincidences add up, it\'s no longer a coincidence!

There are so many coincidences in the world!

What should I do now?

Tight lips, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkle and change.

At this time, a whirlwind passed behind him, and the familiar atmosphere soared. Lin Zhan stared at the big copper bell like eyes, and entered the battlefield without slowing down, without worrying about his own safety. Lin Fengmeng\'s heart twisted, but he had no time to think about it.

Lin Zhan joins the battle. How can he stay out of it?

If anything happens to him, how can he tell his adoptive father?

"If you come, you will be at ease."

"Even for my game, it\'s not a bad thing."

"At least I\'m on guard now."

Moved by Lin Feng\'s heart, he made a decision at a gallop.

Since I have no choice, I\'ll just——

Lead the snake out of the hole!

Once, remove those poisonous snakes hidden in the depths, so as not to worry later.

"Younger martial sister!" the man in white was overjoyed.

The addition of dance sound suddenly made the other two camps attack one.

As Lin Zhan joined, Lin Feng suddenly felt that several eyes were all focused on himself. In an instant, eight eyes of the two camps looked at each other and nodded. Without hesitation, the two camps have a tacit understanding to form a temporary alliance and unite with the outside world.

The twin men attacked the white man with a long halberd fiercely, while the men and women with double knives shouted loudly and blocked Lin Zhan from left and right.

The two swords are like heaven, and the dance is airtight, one in front, one behind, one left and one right, as if the heart has a soul.

Lin Zhan\'s own strength was different, and he rushed too hard. He was suddenly beaten unexpectedly. As soon as his sword came out of its sheath and clanged, he had encountered strong sniping. A simple wave of three-dimensional attacks by double knife men and women directly drove Lin Zhan back and vomited blood.


"Peng!" Xiong Ran\'s flame stood in front of Lin Zhan.

The complexion of men and women with double swords suddenly changed. The strong Sabre Qi was blocked. When they stepped on it, they scattered around.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s figure flickered and floated in the air. His hands ran up two faint flames, completely blocking Lin Zhan behind him. His eyes stared at the double knife men and women in front. Lin Feng\'s voice was calm and said faintly, "your opponent is me."