Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1068

Come back from where you come from.

Back to the ancient relic channel, the pressure will weaken more than a chip.

"It\'s not a weakening of authority."

"But now my strength has become stronger."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, revealing his self-confidence.

Now both of my pupils have reached the sixth floor. This one alone can easily resist this strong pressure. Although both the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil have not reached the Holy Level in essence, once they enter the "self state", it is equivalent to the eighth power of the eye pupil!

If we say that the seventh level of the eye pupil is just a power that has just entered the holy level.

Then the eighth level is the real saint level strength!

However, it is only a state of self.

It belongs to the category of "growth". If not, the leap and breakthrough of the double pupil alone can directly "break the Seven Saints".


Soon, the forest wind will pass through the passage.

On the contrary to when I came here, the more forward the pressure is, the less the pressure is, and the stronger the speed burst is. The long passage is no longer enough in front of today\'s Lin Feng. In fact, the advanced level of Phoenix\'s life chart has greatly improved its strength.

If you incarnate "Qiu Ze", your authority will be greatly weakened.

Here is the region of the earth system.

But Lin Feng didn\'t want to.

"The earth system is only a collateral system after all."

"Too much dependence is bad for me."

Lin Feng knew very well.

Therefore, even if the earth system has the opportunity to enter the holy level, it is to give up.

This is not the way you want to go.

"However, the hundred poison color Python is an earth Warcraft. If he can understand the breakthrough there, it would be great." Lin Feng smiled slightly and looked forward to it. Today\'s hundred poison color Python is the star domain level peak. Although it is integrated with the seven color staff, his breakthrough will be subject to the seven color staff, but as long as he can find the right way, his strength can span a whole level!

Just like myself now, the road to holy level is smooth.

As long as he can improve the grade of the colorful staff at that time, the hundred poison colorful Python can break through and become the "Holy Level" at any time!

Of course, these are later words.

At present, the improvement of their own strength is the key.

"Lian long and Hong Ling, they all stay in the ancient forbidden area. It doesn\'t matter."

"Although it\'s like a fairyland, it\'s in the same space plane."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and he understood in his heart.

At the same level, I can recall Lian long and Hong Ling at any time, but I don\'t need them at the moment. Including wing is also in the ancient forbidden area. In that treasure land full of natural materials and earth treasures, meditate and recuperate. I believe wing\'s injury will recover soon.

And myself, will risk again!

Look for the land of miracles and the existence of the region of fire!

"Whoa! ~" he breathed out.

Looking at the familiar scene around, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and a smile came up.

Yourself, out!

Ancient relics are easy to get out but difficult to get in. It takes a lot of effort to break through the three passes, but it\'s easy to turn back from the ancient forbidden area. The surrounding scenery is still full of rich earth elements, which is far better than the fighting spirit world, but it is much worse than the ancient forbidden area.

"The sense of earth is more than ten times stronger."

"I\'m afraid it\'s not just \'earth\', the five sources of energy have increased considerably."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning and nodded.

The three original energies of gold, wood and water are still unknown, but we can see a hundred by looking at the improvement of the original source of earth and the original source of fire.

The advanced level of Phoenix\'s chart is of great help to yourself.

"Shi Zhixin and Jin Ji are not here."

"Yes, after all, I stayed in the ancient forbidden area for so long."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng suddenly remembered, "by the way, how\'s brother now?"

When his heart moved, Lin Feng immediately opened the "ancient Cup" on his left hand. According to ghost Valley, this "ancient Cup" has the functions of positioning and communication. It is no different from the compass commonly used in the fighting spirit world. The only difference is that it can be used in the "land of miracles".

The contact information is simpler. Each contestant has a specific number.

For example, if you belong to Shiluo County, you start with "3", and those who enter through the preliminaries will rank according to their performance in the preliminaries. He came in third, No. 003, after "orange like a dream" in the first place and "Shi Zhixin" in the second place.

The number of big brother Lin war is\' 3033 \'.

Opening the ancient cup, Lin Feng suddenly said, "2709000?"

"This is my score?"

"When did it get so high?"

Lin Feng was surprised and shook his head with a smile.

But I didn\'t even know it. When I wandered around looking for the "bird King prison", I kept hanging 0 points. I didn\'t care.

Think about it. It\'s a long time since I last checked my score.

However, this score is of no use to me.

"Pa!" Lin Feng instantly closes the interface.

Eyes flash slightly, gently touch several buttons to be familiar with the operation.

Not for a while——

"So it is." Lin Feng fiddled with the "ancient Cup" and soon mastered the secret of using it.

It\'s not difficult. It\'s operated by just a few buttons. It\'s simple and sharp. It\'s no different from the compass of the fighting spirit world.

"Didi, Didi! ~" the voice sounded sweetly.

"Ha ha, you are finally willing to appear, brother!" a heroic laugh came from the other end of the ancient cup. Lin Feng smiled. From this laughter, he knew that the famous brother was OK. When he entered, his adoptive father told him to "take care of" his eldest brother and do his duty.

"Well, I entered an ancient relic to practice before and just came out." Lin Feng replied with a smile.

"Ancient relics?" Lin Zhan was slightly stunned and then said, "aren\'t ancient relics just those natural materials and earth treasures? Brother, you\'re still rare?"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and knew what Lin Zhan meant.

With my current status and financial resources, I really don\'t want these ordinary natural materials and earth treasures.

"Practice, brother. What about you?" Lin Feng said casually.

"Hey, your brother, I\'m lucky!" Lin Zhan said happily. He was obviously in a good mood and talked endlessly. "Although he failed to wander the \'trial Hall\' several times, he gained a lot when he entered the ancient ruins. He not only earned a piece of ground level orange congenital treasure, but also..."

"What else?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help but wonder. The elder brother of Guzhong wanted to talk and stopped. With a sense of joy, he didn\'t seem to know how to speak.

"Hey, nothing. Come to me and you\'ll know then." Lin Zhan is still so careless.

"Good." Lin Feng smiled lightly. Anyway, it\'s not urgent to go to the fire area. It\'s also good to meet brother first. Before entering the most difficult "ancient ruins" in the fire area, if you can confirm the safety of your eldest brother, at least you can relax and concentrate at that time.

Soon, end the call.

The message of big brother pops up on the Gu cup screen, and Lin Feng presses to confirm.


"Wow!" the original interface changes. Instead, there is a huge map. Two light spots are flashing, one of which is "3003", which is itself; The other light spot, far away, numbered \'3033\', is the big brother.

"It seems that the distance is quite far." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly and didn\'t care too much.

After the advance of Phoenix\'s life chart, he not only improved his pupils, but also his sensitivity, but also his physique.

Now, their own cells have been perfectly integrated with the blood of the Phoenix! Although the distance is far, I will gallop with all my strength at my own speed. As long as the direction is correct, I believe I will see brother soon. With a slight smile, Lin Feng did not hesitate. He shot out like a light arrow.


The target appears

"After waiting so long, it finally appeared." the voice of Shen ran sounded, "parrot, are you sure?"

"Lin Feng\'s strength... May be stronger than that shown in the intelligence." his voice is soft and pleasant. It\'s for women\'s voice, but it\'s sonorous. Without hesitation, "in order to ensure that everything is safe, I need support and cooperation, boss."


"Sound?" a loud cry.

"I\'m here." the figure flashed, and a woman in white tights appeared with a shallow smile.

"Ha ha, I\'m looking for you. Yin, why did you disappear just now?" with a heroic smile, a man in blue and white armor galloped in the distance. His slender and tall body has a bright breath and bright eyes.

It\'s Lin Zhan!

The woman in white smiled, "elder martial brother asked me just now."

"Oh? What a coincidence! Just now my brother came to me, hey." Lin Zhan said.

"Is that the \'master Lin Feng\' you have been talking about?" the white woman\'s\' sound \'eyes lit up and was quite surprised.

"That\'s right. My brother is awesome!" Lin Zhan raised his head and looked at the woman in white with pride. "I\'ll introduce him to you then. Everyone will be his own in the future."

"Spit, who and you are our own people!" the woman in white blushed and bowed slightly, which was very moving.

"Ha ha." Lin Zhan felt the back of his head with a silly smile, just giggling.

The word "happiness" was written on his face.

Ten days later.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

His eyes looked at the ancient cup on his left hand and his chest fluctuated slightly.

"Here is..." Lin Feng looked around and drew a faint arc around his mouth.

Induction, extremely clear!

The very strong element of fire burns here.

I finally came to the region of fire.

"I thought it would be a long time."

"I didn\'t expect to come in so unexpectedly."

"No, it\'s not that coincidence."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and looked at the small light spot on the ancient cup, which represented Lin Zhan, not far ahead.

It\'s not so much that I happened to come in, but rather that eldest brother Lin Zhan found here and I came. The land of miracles is so large that there is no sense of direction at all. It is not so easy to find the area of fire.

At present, it saves a lot of energy.

"I almost forgot that big brother is also a Phoenix."

"He also has a strong sense of fire. It\'s normal to find a way to enter here."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The martial arts of the earth system will look for the region of the earth.

The martial arts of fire department will naturally look for the region of fire. It\'s normal to think from another angle.

"Big brother should wait."

"Find him first."

The eyes are slightly bright, and Lin Feng suppresses the feeling of joy in his heart.

Sped away in an instant.