Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1067

I really can\'t find an exit.

But he may know!

Lin Feng\'s heart moved, his eyes were light and bright, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Wow!" immersed in the earth life chart, I felt the breath of qiuze again. The rich earth energy wrapped me deeply, just like assimilation. Feeling the breath of Qiu Ze, Qiu Ze gradually appeared in my mind.


Pop! Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked slightly changed.

"Jiong!" with his hands open, what appears is no longer flame, but the power of rich earth elements.

As if it were attractive, the original energy of the surrounding earth suddenly roared and felt clearly and freely, as if it came to a region of its own. Here, I can feel the existence of "Tao" everywhere, all over the whole region.

Very fresh, very familiar, moved by the heart.

you \'re right!

Maybe I can\'t find the exit and the right way.

However, as the half owner of this place, "chuze" should know how to leave this ancient forbidden area.

Now he "devours" chutzer. Even if he doesn\'t have all his power, at least 40% or 50% of them. If you want to find and discover the secret, the probability of finding it is greatly improved. Moreover, a clear sense of the energy of the earth, in any way——

It\'s a big increase in opportunities!

"Let\'s start." Lin Feng sighed softly.

Close your eyes and the breath spreads slowly.

Demon emperor island.

A new round of competition has come to an end.

The two final places of the winner group were finally released.

The ox demon king, with unparalleled strength advantages, defeated the only great achievement "Kui Tiangao" of the demon family and the four royal families; The great sage, after a hard battle day and night, Leng is the strong one who won the five clawed golden dragon family, and also entered the final of the winner group.

The demon family, the four royal families and the five royal families, have an iron complexion.

Monopolizing all the power of the demon clan, the nine ethnic groups did not expect such a result.

The two places in the final of the winner group will be the representatives of the twelve demon stars, the barbarian cattle and the macaque! At this moment, the twelve demon Star Music blooms, even if it is not a group of wild cattle and macaques, they are deeply happy and breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the ox demon king and the great saint are full of war.

It\'s not hostility, but the pleasure of finding the right match. I want to fight immediately.

Two demons and four eyes are opposite, and no one is willing to give half a point. One axe and one stick emits a fine light. It seems that you can also feel the master\'s fierce intention of war.

Who is stronger?


"Elder martial brother, can you find the \'Peach Blossom Lord\'?" Yan Wang\'s eyes were bright.

"Maybe the wild world is too big to find \'Peach Blossom fairyland\'." Shun shook his head and lost his eyes.

"How could this happen?" King GUI frowned deeply. "Elder martial brother, didn\'t you say that the master once mentioned the location of" peach blossom fairyland "

Shun ran said, "sometimes, even if you find the right position, you may not be able to find it."

"Why?" King GUI doubted.

"I think it\'s the peach blossom Lord who doesn\'t want to take care of this matter." Yan Wang\'s eyes are burning and looks at Shun, who nods slowly. "Since he chooses to be independent of the human world, it\'s normal for the peach blossom Lord to make this decision. Everyone has his own aspirations. For the peach blossom Lord, the human world is just a cloud."

King GUI suddenly realized that King Yan also nodded.

Indeed, all the minds of star level warriors are on breaking through the holy level.

The holy one wants to be the holy king.

What about the holy king?

They don\'t want to be strong stars?

Compared with the endless longevity of the strong in the starry sky, traveling in the starry sky and entering a new world, the matter of fighting the spirit world and the matter of human beings sometimes seem insignificant. Not every human being is kind and righteous and willing to meddle in his own affairs, especially those beyond his ability.

"What\'s your plan, elder martial brother?" Yan Wang\'s eyes were burning.

"I won\'t give up." Shun\'s voice is still plain, but it reflects a sense of perseverance.

"We are the same." King Yan and King GUI patted their chests and looked at Shun\'s expression. King Yan\'s heart moved, "does senior brother have a goal?"

"Yes." Shun didn\'t hide, "I want to find the \'Heavenly Master\'. Maybe it\'s more difficult than the \'cloud gun Lord\', but I know a lot about the \'Peach Blossom Lord\'. Even if I find the \'cloud gun Lord\', I\'m afraid I\'ll be shut down, but the \'Heavenly Master\' is different."

"As long as we can find it," Shun looked just, "he will help us."

"The master once mentioned that the cloud gun saint is a \'gun maniac\' and ignores everything else." King GUI agreed.

"Lord Tianji once experienced the second Lich war. He must have a kind heart for human beings." King Yan nodded slowly, but his eyebrows wrinkled. "But where the Lord Tianji lives in seclusion, it seems that even the master doesn\'t know."

"Nothing is difficult in the world. I\'m afraid that if someone has a heart, someone must know where the \'Heavenly Master\' is." Shun affirmed.

"Good!" Yan Wang and GUI Wang\'s eyes flashed, "let\'s help together, many people and more power."

"No." Shun shook his head and said, "as the head of one continent, it is most important for you to manage the nine continents well. At present, you must not make any mistakes." after a pause, Shun\'s face eased slightly, "don\'t worry, I will find the \'God of secrets\' and ask him to come out and support the overall situation."

"Sure!" Shun looked very firm.

The domain of the center of the earth.

In the twinkling of an eye, another ten days passed.

Lin Feng is deeply helpless. Even if he turns into "qiuze", he still can\'t find the exit. This ancient forbidden area is not only boundless, but also more like a whole world. It doesn\'t even exist like half a transmission channel.

What a strange thing!

Even if you are very sensitive to the elements of earth, it is useless.

On the other hand, the incarnation "Qiu Ze" is quite good in other aspects. Because of its strong sensing power, his harvest in these ten days is enough to equal all his previous profits.

But what\'s the use?

"Is it difficult? I really want to use the \'door of space\' to go back?" Lin Feng hesitated between his eyebrows.

I didn\'t want to be so until I had to.

I\'ve already tried. In this "ancient forbidden area", I can use the door of space and feel the other side of the door of space. It\'s not like the second floor of qiansnake cave.

However, once you use the "space gate" to go out, you will go straight back to Shiluo county.

Leave the land of miracles and can\'t enter again.

This is obviously not what you want.

"Hmm..." looking around, Lin Feng was silent and indecisive.

There must be a way, but I can\'t see or find it right now.

But that doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist.

"Listen to ghost Valley once mentioned that as long as the opportunity comes, they can enter the \'ancient forbidden area\'. How do they leave?" Lin Feng thought slightly and changed his eyes.

"Can you leave easily if you increase your strength to the holy level?"

"Yes, it\'s like on the second floor of the thousand snake cave, Master Yu scale and master Niu demon king can locate the space and go in and out freely."

"Unfortunately, I don\'t have Saint level strength."

by the way!

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, "how did I get here?"

Suddenly I remembered, but my eyes were sparkling. I only remembered that I was in a coma when I entered, and I forgot everything else.

"I came here through ancient ruins."

"Finally, there is a \'passage\', through and into here..."

Looking back slowly, Lin Feng\'s eyes slowly brightened.


"Yes, there is a channel!"

"Why didn\'t I think of this? The existing channel can enter and naturally go back!"

Lin Feng felt happy and finally had a clue, "however, when I woke up, I didn\'t seem to see the existence of a similar channel or portal."

"No matter, go and have a look first." Lin Feng\'s heart murmured.

Think and do it without hesitation.

Now that there is no way, we should try everything!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Forest wind, galloping fast.

Although I have entered this ancient forbidden area for a long time and fought with qiuze during this period, I have not forgotten the road I have traveled. On memory, I never forget what happened or everything before.

I have six layers of star pupil!

"Fortunately, I don\'t go straight ahead." Lin Feng said secretly, luckily.

I came to this ancient forbidden area to explore in a circle, but it was caused by habit. I\'m afraid of mistakes.

Otherwise, if you go in a straight line, you want to return to the place you first came to. Although you can arrive, I\'m afraid the time is not two days a day, but calculated in months. Now, you can get there in less than seven days!

Six days later.

"This is it." Lin Feng looked deeply.

Looking around, everything as like as two peas in the mind is unchanged.

Here is where you enter through the \'channel\'.

starting point!

"There is really no portal or channel." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

I have already looked around a big circle, nothing, like a seamless egg, thinking of finding a gap

It\'s not easy.

"However, there seems to be other places here." Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly Lin.

It\'s weird!

"Self state!" Lin Feng drank in a deep voice. His eyes were bright for a moment. The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil fit perfectly. Now they are six layers. The top pupil is equivalent to the eight layers of the first pupil, and has already reached the holy level ability!

The star dome pupil has the "way of time".

The star pupil has the "way of space".

"It\'s here!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were moving, and his body immediately moved.

Standing in the same place, his eyes flickered with light. Lin Feng said, "it\'s far more \'weak\' space energy than other places. If I expected it to be right..."

烀! Fire mount now.

Lin Fengmeng drank, and the devouring fire sprang up madly.

The power of terror burns everything in an instant and has the ability to devour everything.

Amazing power of fire!

"Zizi! Zizi! ~" a space crack slowly appeared, and Lin Feng scratched slightly at the corner of his mouth, feeling the breath at the end of the space crack. It\'s not spatial turbulence, but another stable spatial level, which is the channel you passed through before you entered the ancient forbidden area!

Now, finally found!

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng immediately entered it without hesitation.