Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1069

The area of fire is really large.

However, Lin Zhan seems to have just found it and entered it soon.

After just three hours of galloping, Lin Feng soon saw the familiar figure and drew a warm smile at the corners of his mouth. Although he had no blood relationship with Lin Zhan, he treated himself like a real brother and took more care of him without any intention.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up slightly.

But there was a woman Lin Zhan had never met.

When he remembered what his elder brother had said during the "Guzhong" call, Lin Feng suddenly smiled happily.

"Big brother." Lin Feng smiled and shouted, slowing down slowly.

"Ha ha, you\'re all right, brother." Lin Zhan had been waiting, laughing with open arms.

Light embrace and division, filled with a deep friendship between brothers.

Lin Feng looked at the white woman, smiling with a finger. "Don\'t you introduce me, brother?"

"Hey, hey." Lin Zhan smilingly touched his head and fell in the center of Lin Feng\'s eyes. He didn\'t have any intention. He put all his thoughts on his face. Now his face is full of the word "happiness". Obviously, as I expected, the woman in white next to me must be... Brother\'s sweetheart.

"Sound." Lin Zhan said softly with a soft light in his eyes, "he is the Lin Feng that you and I often mention."

"Hello, I\'ve heard a lot about you, master Lin Feng." the white woman Yin smiled and stretched out her bright wrist and jade hand, "dance Yin, just call me Yin."

"Hello, sister-in-law of the future." Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand. A word suddenly made the dance sound blush, but Lin Zhan grinned and scolded, "good Lin Feng, even big brother makes fun of!" the atmosphere was much more harmonious for a moment. Lin Feng smiled slightly and felt happy for big brother Lin Zhan.

When I first saw the "dance sound", I was elegant and had a clear temperament. I felt good at first.

"By the way, brother, how did you know each other?" Lin Feng said strangely.

"By mistake." Lin Zhan put his arm around Lin Feng\'s shoulder and said with a smile, "go, I\'ll talk to you slowly."

They talked and laughed and walked forward.

The dance sound kept a faint smile all the time. However, looking at the back of the two people leaving, there was a flash of essence in her beautiful eyes.

Pop! Gently press the button of the ancient cup, and soon the dance sound followed with a shallow smile.

It\'s a set of long edited messages with only four words——

Mission start!

"So it is." Lin Feng smiled.

"Yes, I don\'t know Yin." Lin Zhan whispered, "what about you, brother? Can you get something these months?"

"There is no big harvest, but there is some small harvest." Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright, and he feels a little pity. Although I entered the ancient forbidden area as I wish, the ancient forbidden area of the earth system is like chicken ribs to me. Fortunately, it was a worthwhile trip to kill Qiu Ze and light up the earth life chart.

"Don\'t worry, take your time. Three years is a long time." Lin Zhan comforted.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled, "what about you, brother? Except for the future sister-in-law, it seems that... The harvest is good?"

"Of course, the pot is full of money this time!" Lin Zhan\'s eyes were bright and excited, holding his fists. "Although the trial hall failed several times, he accumulated a lot of scores, plus those scores of ancient relics..." Lin Zhan proudly pressed the "ancient Cup" on his left hand and showed a number.


Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

"880000?" the heart thought, and Lin Feng was a little stunned.

For a long time, I didn\'t care much about the score, because there was no comparison, so I couldn\'t know whether my score was high or low.

"Is 880000 very high, big brother?" Lin Feng said strangely.

"Of course!" Lin Zhan raised his head and said proudly, "with a score of nearly 1 million, I can at least enter the top 1000, or even the top 300 in the ranking list!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, but it was also. For big brother, this ranking has been very good.

After all, I\'m afraid there are more than a thousand top fighters in the Guangxing domain.

Big brother can enter the top 1000, which shows his strength.

"It\'s still a small matter to score." Lin Zhan picked his eyebrow and said with a smile, "do you know what I got from the ancient ruins?" before Lin Feng spoke, Lin Zhan was eager to raise his hand. In an instant, an orange light completely shone with a sense of urgency.

It was a strange treasure with a hexagonal diamond. In the orange light, there was a faint golden light, just like an angry Jiao.

"It\'s so powerful. It\'s just sharp and angular." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly, took it from Lin Zhan\'s hand and looked carefully. "This should be the ground level orange congenital star treasure you mentioned, brother. If I expected it to be right, it should be an aggressive treasure."

"That\'s right." Lin zhansa smiled. "We took it together after he Yin met. Brother, you don\'t know, there are seven martial artists competing with us. Thanks to Yin\'s help, I can be the first to win this precious ground level congenital treasure \'jiaolun\'."

"It\'s a pity that he won\'t accept this one." Lin Zhan frowned lightly. "What he said doesn\'t match her. He has to give it to me."

"But I know she really wants to find a congenital treasure of the earth level."

"So, I and Yin have been wandering through ancient ruins these days to see if there is still this opportunity."

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

Congenital treasures are far better than acquired treasures in terms of ability.

What\'s more, it\'s the earth level. As a martial artist, who doesn\'t want to have it?

Although there is a congenital treasure of heaven, it is only a legend and no one has ever seen it. Countless Saint level strongmen only have the natural treasures of the earth level. It\'s really good that my future sister-in-law "dance sound" can bear the pain to give a natural treasure of the earth level orange to my brother.

"By the way, brother." Lin Zhan hesitated and said in a low voice, "can you do me a favor?"

"What busy?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"That\'s it." Lin strategy was embarrassed and whispered, "you know, although there are still a lot of time, but the natural treasure thing has to be seen by chance. In case..." Lin Zhan Lian said, "I mean... If we can not find the second innate treasure finally, can you borrow some money from your elder brother when we go out?"

"Borrow money?" Lin Feng was stunned and suddenly realized.

It turned out that after going around in a circle, the eldest brother thought of buying a congenital treasure for Wuyin.

"I know this request may be... A little too much, but brother, brother will pay you back!" Lin Zhan said.

It costs a lot of money to buy congenital treasures.

In particular, the treasures of the earth\'s terraces are valuable and have no market.

Lin Feng lost his smile, but he has never seen Lin Zhan like this. He has always been quite free and easy. He is careless. He should have such an iron man\'s tenderness. The word "love" can really make people change a lot. According to the eldest brother\'s character, I wouldn\'t put forward such requirements to myself before.

He smiled and looked at Lin Zhan\'s expectant eyes. Lin Feng shook his head.

"No, you can\'t..." Lin Zhan looked disappointed and murmured, "also, it takes at least hundreds of thousands of star crystals to buy ground level orange level congenital treasures."

Congenital treasures are extremely expensive because they are rare.

For each higher grade, the price increases tenfold. Most importantly, money may not buy it.

After all, this is a treasure that saints need.

"Elder brother, you misunderstood." Lin Feng smiled. "No, I mean... No need."

"No need?" Lin Zhan was a little confused. In doubt, he suddenly saw an orange light flashing in Lin Feng\'s hand, filled with a strong smell of soil. Lin Zhan stared at him for a while, and his mouth couldn\'t close.

Quite strong energy!

And it\'s yellow!

It is a small and exquisite women\'s light armor with exquisite and graceful style.

"Yellow, yellow star armor?" Lin Zhan was stunned and looked at Lin Feng.

"Yes, it\'s a natural treasure of the earth level yellow, \'fluorescent yellow armor\'." Lin Feng smiled calmly. This fluorescent yellow armor is the first congenital treasure he obtained in the ancient forbidden area. Looking at Lin Zhan\'s stupidity, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing, "brother, don\'t you take it to please the future sister-in-law?"

"This, this..." Lin Zhan was a little speechless and murmured, "this is too valuable."

The price of orange is between 100000 and 1 million star crystals.

And yellow, straight up ten times!

"Take it, brother. I\'m not short of money." Lin Feng shoved it into Lin Zhan\'s hand and said with a light smile, "I originally wanted to give this\' fluorescent yellow armor \'to Yu Mo, but since you\'re useful, take it. It\'s a gift for my future sister-in-law."

Lin Zhan grinned bitterly and said, "what\'s the rule to make a gift for his brother?" suddenly, Lin Zhan company shook his head and refused, "no, this is your gift to Yu Mo, I can\'t win people\'s favor."

"Wu Yin should go with Wu Shen. This fluorescent yellow armor is more useful to her. Yu mo... Still prefers refining tools." Lin Feng smiled slightly and saw that Lin Zhan was still determined. But he took out another star treasure. In an instant, the green light was dazzling, and Lin Zhan\'s big eyes were staring at small eyes. He was stunned and speechless.

You\'re kidding!

Another one?!

It used to be a congenital treasure of earth level yellow, but now it\'s green level?

"Here, I still have." Lin Feng shrugged, "so take it, brother."

Complete suffocation.

Lin Zhan took a smoke from the corner of his mouth and looked at Lin Feng in horror. "Brother, this can\'t be what you said... Small harvest?"

"How can it be." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "How can this be a harvest? At most, it can only be said to be a little \'small gift\'."

"Little, little gift?" Lin Zhan\'s head was a little disordered.

"Well, there\'s another one." Lin Feng looked calm and smiled calmly. He only got the fluorescent yellow armor before the ancient forbidden area. However, he later incarnated "Qiu Ze" and found two congenital treasures. However, these are really of no great use to him, and even the value of "soul returning fruit" can\'t be compared.

"Shit!" Lin Zhan finally couldn\'t help but swear.

Staring at Lin Feng, he was completely stunned.

This is not a "small harvest"?

What\'s that!