Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1060

Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt!

The first to attack was not Lin Feng, but wing.

Jin spines spread all over the place, like whip like branches flying out, but they have a tacit understanding with Lin Feng. Wing control, Lin Feng\'s main attack, with two enemies and one, which is almost the most perfect match in strategy. Since the last heavy blow, this is the first battle after wing comeback, a real hard battle!

In fact, which is not a hard battle?

Challenge the earth beast!

Moreover, it is holy.

If it is known by other martial arts, it must be sneered at. Let alone two star domain levels, that is, ten star domain levels, and a hundred star domain levels may not be the opponent of a saint level! There are ants below the holy level. This sentence is not a joke. Moreover, this holy level is still——

Mythical Animals!

It seems that in the same time, Lin Feng is stronger than other warriors, and so is the divine beast

This is blood, qualification and talent!

"Roar! ~" Qiu Ze roared angrily. He had no fear in the face of the fierce attack. The holy beast had already had complete wisdom. Although Qiu Ze was weak and had suffered a lot of damage, he was not stupid and his head was not hurt.

He knows who his opponent is!

It is not the difficult wood spirit tree man, but the damn human in front of us.

After him for three days!

"Peng!" the terrible flame burst without difference, and the face of the forest wind changed slightly.

"What a powerful attack force."

"Range attack, just restraining the characteristics of wings."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and felt thorny.

It\'s not how strong Qiu Ze is now, but that he can react like this at the first time


The opponent in front of us is terrible.

But now he has no way out.

"Amethyst gun!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows flashed and clenched his teeth tightly.

His eyes are shining with pure light. In his own state, he is perfectly integrated with the Amethyst gun to perfectly show the artistic conception of shooting. Although today\'s self, both the gun move and the artistic conception of shooting, are weaker than the star domain level, one thing is enough!


A flame comparable to the power of Saint level.

Devouring fire!

The devouring fire of the six top star technology is perfectly displayed and condensed on the Amethyst gun to make up for all the lack of power. The perfect fire control technology deeply integrates the artistic conception of shooting with the fire of swallowing, with bright eyes. Lin Feng stabbed out without hesitation.

This time, if you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

"The flame moves to shoot, the third move!" Lin Feng drank in a deep voice.

This is my strongest move now, and it is also the most perfect move to play the fire of swallowing.

Take the flame as the main body, supplemented by gun skills, which itself is the fighting mode of Wushen!

Now, it\'s perfect.

Qiu Ze\'s attack also came head-on. If he didn\'t hide before, he had to face it head-on, but this time he had wings. Before Qiu Ze\'s violent attack, Yi once again showed that he was no worse than himself. The red and green light condensed into a huge barrier, like a cobweb.

New wings!

The perfect integration of Wu\'s "soul" is now different from what it used to be.

In other words, the first move was broken by Qiu Ze, which may be of no help to Yi. But this instant reaction shows the skill of Yi. The short delay not only blocks Qiu Ze\'s sight, but also blocks his attack and provides the strongest assistance for his own attack!

"Good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

No matter red silk or hundred poison color Python can cooperate with this attack.

Wing, worthy of being your best partner!

"Break it for me!" Lin Feng stabbed out like a meteor, devouring the fire to form a fire cone, and madly stabbed into Qiu Ze\'s defense. Earth system, the strongest is defense, and the divine beast qiuze must have the strongest defense. If you want to break through, you must focus on attack!

"Boom!!" Lin Feng\'s attack was fierce.

Qiu Ze roared angrily, but suddenly a huge sand dune formed in front of his body. His huge body not only retreated quickly, but also formed a defensive barrier side by side.

Reaction, quite fast!

One step back, one step forward.

Go back, go in!

Qiu Ze can\'t escape Lin Feng\'s fierce attack, but Lin Feng also reduces his attack power again and again in Qiu Ze\'s continuous retreat!

"Damn!" Lin Feng\'s secret way is not good. The sand dunes ahead are endless, weakening his attack. Qiu Ze is close at hand, but his attack has been reduced by more than 80%. Peng! The amazing power is in direct contact with Qiu Ze, but the surrounding space is flashing. Qiu Ze\'s strong earth element will attack again!

Lin Feng\'s face is very ugly.

Qiu Ze\'s strength is more terrible than he imagined!

Now after the trauma, his strength is still so powerful. For the first time, he perfectly matched with the wing, but he dissolved it into the invisible.

"So strong!" Lin Feng felt cold in his heart.

One hit failed and did not try to be strong. Before Qiu Ze roared back, the attack with the help of the wing was to retreat.

But this time Lin Feng\'s face was deeply dignified.

The situation is terrible!

I underestimated the earth animal "qiuze".

Holy power, very difficult to climb!

Even if he was hurt.

In fact, Lin Feng is wrong.

The fault is that he has too little experience. Although chuze\'s breath is weak, it does not mean that his strength will decline a lot, especially——


This is not only Qiu Ze\'s housekeeping skill, but also a required course for every earth god beast.

Even if his strength is weak again, Qiu Ze\'s defense is still as stable as Mount Tai. In particular, there is such a strong element of earth here. Every moment, Qiu Ze can condense ten times and a hundred times more elements of earth than the fighting spirit world. Just now he just consumed the attack of Lin Feng and relied on this.

But chuze did suffer a little.

If not, Lin Feng can\'t take any advantage of speed alone.

And this will be fatal.

But right now

Lin Feng, there is still room for euphemism.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After only one trial, Lin Feng understood clearly.

The opponent in front of us is by no means ordinary.

Want to win?

It\'s too unlikely to rely on a frontal showdown.

Retreat your wings, swim and fight on the hill. If one plan fails, the forest wind regenerates one plan. With his extraordinary physical strength and the endless fire of rebirth, Lin Feng began the war of "consumption". Although the move is a rogue, what can be used is a good move.

For Lin Feng, as long as he can win now——

resort to every conceivable means.

Theoretically, it is feasible.


"No." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows tightened, but he felt a little powerless when he galloped quickly.

Qiu Ze\'s defense is too terrible, and his combat intuition is quite intelligent. He can\'t be fooled at all. The most troublesome thing is that although his rebirth fire is powerful, there is still a considerable gap from the devouring fire, and he can\'t cause too much damage to Qiu Ze at all.

The consumed qiuze power is completely useless in this "geographical advantage".

Chuze\'s replenishment speed is also very fast!

He is a divine beast.

The battle lasted four hours.

The strength of Lin Feng has decreased a lot, and the wing is no longer the power of the peak, and Qiu Ze

Instead, the more war, the more courage!

This battle is difficult.

"The location is favorable." Lin Feng thought secretly, and he knew it clearly in his heart.

If it were in the fighting spirit world, there would be more than 60% chance of winning this hard battle, but now there is not even one Chengdu. In this land with such rich earth elements, chuze can fully exert his strength to surpass himself. If he had not been seriously damaged before, I\'m afraid he would have been in a different place now.

At the moment, chutzer only consumes some power.

Not even a scratch!

Did you give up?


Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a burning light.

I can\'t give up, nor can I give up, because there is no way back.

If you lose this battle, it will lead to endless pursuit of the divine beast "qiuze". I\'m afraid you don\'t want to stay stable in this ancient forbidden area. Who knows how powerful he will be. The most important thing is that once you give up, you will lose even the last chance.

This is the last thing I want!

I come to be holy!

"Once, only once!"

"Success or failure depends only on the last attack. Now after four hours of fighting, Qiu Ze has the upper hand and will despise me."

"Attack unprepared. If I can wield my strongest combat power, maybe..."

"There is still a glimmer of life!"


Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep.

I have no choice.

If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!


"Wings, red damask, hundred poison color Python!"

Lin Fengmeng drank and tried his best this time.

try my best!

"Roar! ~" red Ling appeared first, like a pioneer. The dragon\'s body fell from the sky with a strong flame. The ferocious face showed the strongest combat power at the star level peak. Qiu Ze was comfortably resisting, but he didn\'t expect to change and add new enemies!

Suddenly he was very angry.

"Boom! ~" the earth element just condensed and roared to the red silk.

In an instant, a highly toxic color fog had spread, and Qiu Ze\'s face changed greatly. Although he was a saint, he was an invincible beast. However, the toxicity of this color fog is extremely strong. Although it is not fatal, it makes his actions and thoughts slow down a lot.

Behind the back, a huge colorful poisonous Python came with its tail whip across the sparkling vigorous wind.

"Roar!!!" extremely angry, Qiu Ze almost roared.

The power of the earth element forms a halo of earth, with itself as the center, making a loud burst sound.

Peng! With the explosion just disappearing, in mid air, flying insects, flapping their black metal wings, flew to him like locusts. More than that, branches like poisonous snakes come like meteor showers in all directions without any gap!

Just catch that rhythm!

The attack of the wing is almost similar to the forest wind.

Three British war chuze.

Unexpected cooperation, perfect connection.

Qiu Ze was caught off guard and tired of coping, but he forgot Lin Feng\'s existence for a short time. What he can\'t see is that not far away now, Lin Feng\'s pupils are as bright and bright as stars, and his hands are madly condensing flames, with amazing and terrible power!

Lin Feng\'s face was full of fire.

The last blow!

Lin Feng, it is brewing!