Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1059

"That\'s right."

"It\'s definitely the \'chuze\' I felt that day."


Lin Feng was stunned.

Sense of the breath, no doubt.

But now the "qiuze" that appears in its own sensing range has a much lower breath!

Not a little, but a lot!

There is no longer the feeling of looking up high before, and there is no terror that makes him completely tremble. Although the strength of "qiuze" sensed at present is still quite strong, it is like being weak and weak, and has lost its courage.

He, what\'s the matter?

"Pa!" his fists clenched, and Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster.

Although I don\'t know what happened to this holy level earth god beast, I know one thing, that is——

Here comes your chance!

"Breathe! ~" Lin Feng breathed deeply, his pupils shining.

Whoosh! In an instant, it shot out like a flash of lightning and flew straight to qiuze with expectation.

Opportunity, can not again!

"It\'s him!"

"It\'s definitely him, that\'s right."

The forest wind hovered above and looked down from above.

The huge figure, lying like a sand dune, with a strong smell of earth covering the whole body, looks like a flat spire, which is very strange! As like as two peas before the coma, the smell of the air is absolutely correct.

The only difference is that the current "qiuze" is much weaker.

Strength, I\'m afraid less than 30% of that day.

What happened to it?

"Is it difficult to fight with other divine beasts, so you\'re hurt?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Very likely!

In the world of fighting spirits, sacred animals are very rare.

But this is an ancient forbidden area. Since there are divine beasts, there will definitely not be only one.

To some extent, as like as two peas, the gods and beasts are alike, because they do not breed, they are all derived from the creation of heaven and Earth Spirit and are created by air. Therefore, there will be so many strange animals here, because there is enough aura.

The birth of divine beasts is difficult, but since there are qiuze, naturally there will be other divine beasts.

However, these are not important!

The important thing is, chuze, he\'s hurt.

Although I don\'t know where he is hurt, the weakness of breath is a fact.

I didn\'t make up my mind about him before because his strength is far beyond my burden. But at present, Qiu Ze\'s strength is reduced by more than 70%, and he has hidden injuries. What if he is a saint level? With the improvement of star sky pupil and star dome pupil, I now have the capital to compete with the holy class!

"This is the best chance!" Lin Feng clenched his fist and his eyes were bright.

He is not a saint.

Even if you take advantage of the danger, you should do it once!

Lose this opportunity, but I don\'t know when I will have a second time.

The way of the holy one can be slowly understood by yourself, but lighting up the "earth life chart" must rely on external factors.

However, there is no hurry.

Impulse is the devil.

"Observe for a few days before making a decision." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

You must first make sure that you are correct!

Lin Feng is not the only one who has an adventure.

God is fair to everyone. There will always be one or two opportunities around you. It depends on whether you can grasp it. At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the territory of rosefinch, and then there was the sound of waves. Looking at the ranking list, I was surprised.

A month later, Lin Feng\'s score did not rise, and the ranking naturally fell down.

Fortunately, the previous score was high enough. Lin Feng did not fall to the bottom, but fell from second to fourth, and the range was not large.

In the first place, it is still "thousands of love kings", which is stable in the first place, and the score is more than 2.5 million. Except for the thousand love emperor, no warrior can break the 2 million mark, making her as high as a queen. At this time, there are more and more discussions about the identity of the "thousand love emperor" in the territory of Zhuque.

It\'s mysterious!

Like Lin Feng, she was unknown before.

But now, it is famous!

It\'s not just thousands of lovers. The rosefinch challenge is popular.

The second place in the ranking list has always been taking turns. From the former ghost Valley and Yin Sanniang to orange like a dream, Lin Feng robbed his ass before he sat down. Now, sitting at the second place in the ranking list is another brand-new face, a name that makes Lin Feng stare at me.

Zeng blade!

The son of Zeng pan, one of the top ten strong men in Shiluo county.

In the wizard of Oz, he even had a hand with Lin Feng, a young but ruthless "little guy".

Zeng Ren is only a few years older than Lin Feng. No one can imagine that he should jump to the second place in the rosefinch challenge. In the gambling department, Zeng Ren\'s odds are even lower than Lin Feng, because he, like Lin Feng, passed the preliminary competition!

Before the preliminaries, it was just "star master level", and no one was optimistic at all.

"Wow, Sherlock Sherlock is really awesome."

"Yes, the top ten in the list occupy five positions, the top five in the list occupy four positions!"

"The second is Zeng Ren, the third is orange like a dream, the fourth is master Lin Feng, and the fifth is ghost valley. What\'s the matter with Shiluo county? It\'s a little scary!"

"It\'s more than that. In addition to ghost Valley, master Zeng Ren, orange Rumeng, Lin Feng, and the 10th \'Shizhi heart\', none of them is over 30. They are all strong young people. There\'s another thing you don\'t know. All four of them participated in the rosefinch challenge in the preliminary competition!"

"My God, no? You mean they were just masters before?"

"Dizzy, true or false!"


Indeed, it\'s just the master level.

The crowd slowly climbed up step by step.

Just as Fang Ning\'s master and the owner of Baibao said. The appearance of the constellation of the emperor will inevitably drive the surging of the surrounding stars, just like the side of the waves, there will be no calm water. Every emperor constellation is the same. It will go through disaster before it reaches the top!

Lin Feng is like this. Now he is far away in another of the demon emperor island

The same is true!

Finally, wait for the opportunity.

In the region of the center of the earth, Lin Feng followed Qiu Ze and swam around.

"Don\'t want to go." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and followed Qiu Ze.

These days, the earth animal "qiuze" has been trying to get rid of himself, but the animal has reached the Holy Level and already has the wisdom of human beings. Before attacking himself, chuze tried, but he kept a long distance from him. Chuze couldn\'t attack himself.

Whenever he wants to get close, he will retreat.

We should always maintain a stable "safe" distance and should not act rashly when it is still uncertain.

His physical quality today is no less than that of ordinary saints. What\'s more, the native beast is not good at speed. In addition, this "chuze" is really injured. Even if he has a favorable geographical increase, his speed is still slightly inferior to his own.

Even a little bit, but this little bit is fatal.

Because I can keep up with him and get rid of him!

But he can\'t.

"He should not hide his strength." Lin Fengji thought after Qiu Ze.

It has almost always been a "disgrace" to be able to let a divine beast "escape", but Qiu Ze has done it and has no strong demeanor at all.

If he were to show the weakness of the enemy, he would have caught up with himself and attacked before. There is no need to do more.

Today\'s escape proves his guilty heart!

"Very good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

After observing for three days and waiting for three days, I finally made a decision.


No more scruples.

When the enemy advances, I retreat. When the enemy retreats, I advance. That\'s the way of art of war.

With the strength of this "chuze", even if he is injured now, he is less than 30% of his original strength, but if he wants to kill him, the success rate will not exceed 50%.

However, it is worth a try!

Once you succeed, your path to sanctification will be unimpeded!

The most important thing is that even if he is defeated, he can escape. This "chuze" can\'t match his speed. You can advance or retreat. If you don\'t grasp these opportunities, what else can be called a "good opportunity"? It\'s impossible to expect the earth life chart to be put in front of you?

Now the opportunity is at hand!

"Wing!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and his heart called.

"Action, boss?" his plan, wing already knew.

"Yes!" Lin Feng was sure that he didn\'t intend to fight alone this time. After taking the "strong soul fruit", the strength of wing has long been restored, and it is even more integrated with Wu\'s "soul". It is a blessing in disguise. Today\'s strength is not much worse than that of himself.

Although the hundred poison color Python and red damask are also the star domain level peaks, their strength is much inferior to their wings.

Even if they add up, they may not be as good as wings. The most important thing is that they have less tacit understanding with themselves than wings.

Two to one, is enough to occupy an advantage!

Many people are not necessarily useful.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Rich earth series elements burst out.

Chuze was running at full speed, and his huge figure had a terrible speed.

The dust is rolling, but Lin Feng is relentlessly chasing after him, and the distance between them is decreasing bit by bit. If people see it, they will be surprised, but it\'s just the forest wind at the star level, chasing the holy beast at the moment!

It\'s incredible.

However, there is no doubt that the picture in front of us is true.

"This is the only chance!"

"If we can\'t kill him this time, I\'m afraid we won\'t want to live here again."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his heart was very clear.

This time, if you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

In front of him, Qiu Ze\'s figure was close at hand, and the strong earth element completely exploded, which seemed to have sensed the war spirit of the forest wind. Qiu Ze was very angry and roared in an instant, his huge body suddenly stopped, and his amazing breath burst into the sky.

The terrible smell of earth condenses all the surrounding air currents.

"Roar!!" Qiu Ze roared up to the sky. He turned around and poured out his huge palm with strong power of heaven.

He, no longer dodge!

As a divine beast, chuze also has his pride and self-esteem!

"Good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and excited.

I waited a long time for this war.