Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1061

Two stars in a row!

Lin Feng did his best for this last blow!

Originally, the star power of Lin Feng, the peak of star region level, is much better than that of the martial arts at the same level. Today\'s star power is a perfect explosion, three times! With 300% output of star power, the devouring fire has completely changed its color, ferocious and terrible.

It\'s unimaginable for other martial artists.

But Lin Feng can do it!

Because of the perfect "fire control" technology, especially after being honed by the smelter, fire control is as pure as fire, not only for the reborn fire, but also for the devoured fire. The two have the same power.

Although, the power is far different.

Although the fire of swallowing has limits, its power is incomparable to the fire of rebirth!

"Zizi! Zizi! ~ ~" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and turned red, not only because of the physical burden caused by absorbing too many starfruits in a short time, but also because the pressure required to control the fire is far beyond his own ability.

But there is no way back.

This time, if you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

"Not enough!"

"Not enough!"

Lin Feng was almost crazy and his eyes were Zheng ran.

In these four hours of fighting with chuze, I know his strength and his defense limit better.

At present, the strength is still much worse.

What I want is not just a heavy blow to chuze, but——

Kill with one blow!

There is no possibility of a second strike.

"Fight!" Lin Feng\'s eyes widened, and his right hand ate the ring and completely burst into light.

once again!

Before, it was the increase of soul power, but this time, it was the increase of star power!

"Blood sucking skill!" Lin Feng burst into drinking, his eyes filled with blood, and suddenly his blood seemed to be drained, and his whole body was hollowed out. Blood phagocytosis is to stimulate blood power and increase star power by twice, but now the star power under your control is not 100%!

But, 300%!

One increase is equivalent to the previous three times!




Lin Feng\'s body trembled violently, his crazy star power condensed, and his amazing power scared him.

More and more powerful, more and more crazy, more and more terrible! Not only the star force controlled by the hand, but also the body. The blood seemed to evaporate. At this moment, the heart seemed to stop beating and the pupils were completely enlarged.


"No!" Lin Feng bit blood from his lips.

I stopped the increase of blood phagocytosis for an instant. I have a feeling that if it really increases to 600%, I\'m afraid Qiu Ze will not die at that time.

It\'s yourself!

At present, we have reached the limit.

Although I don\'t know if I can kill qiuze, this is my present——

The strongest power!

"Boom!!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were red, just like a demon returning from the region.

"Get out of the way!!!" it was almost a hysterical roar, and Lin Feng\'s violent cheers were full of catharsis. Even he could not control the amazing outbreak of power. At this time, the damaged red Ling and hundred poison color Python immediately withdrew and stopped with the last desperate attack of Yi

Lin Feng\'s attack fell to!

"Roar!!!" Qiu Ze was hysterical and furious.

With the same wisdom, how could he not know how terrible Lin Feng\'s attack was!

In fact, he had already felt it, but he was entangled by three troublesome guys and couldn\'t use it effectively. However, this did not hinder Qiu Ze\'s defense construction. In the face of Lin Feng\'s attack, Qiu Ze\'s eyes were shining, and his body rotated rapidly in an instant. The earth elements absorbed before were completely condensed in this instant.

Talent, mound wall!

Like a snowball, Qiu Ze\'s rapid rotation not only forms a violent air pressure wind belt around, but also condenses a solid defense in the rotation.

As an earthly beast, does he have no means to protect his life?

This is his unique skill!

"Go!" Lin Feng pushed out with almost all his strength.

The Amethyst gun was not used, because the Amethyst gun could not fuse the terrible and violent fireball at all.

A single attack, but it has unusual power!

500% devouring fire contains all the power of Lin Feng this time, hope!

Complete cohesion!

The amazing flame reflected the sky red, as if devouring everything. The fireball blasted by Lin Feng clenched his teeth, but even controlling the direction is a luxury. The power of devouring the fireball is really terrible. It galloped away and burned the surrounding airflow to ashes.

Where you pass, there is no grass!

Crazy power, extreme bombing!

Fortunately, Qiu Ze didn\'t plan to dodge. Otherwise, Lin Feng was not sure whether he could control the amazing devouring fireball. However, Qiu Ze, with the strongest earth element defense, was rolling like a snowball, and his defense was quite amazing.

The strongest spear, the strongest shield!

Wing, red damask, hundred poison color python, their eyes are all staring closely.

Instantaneous time——

"Boom!!!" the sharp and crazy explosion, accompanied by the ferocious fire, devoured the fireball, and the violent explosion completely submerged Qiu Ze in the fire. With the roar of Qiu Ze, Lin Feng\'s hands hung down powerlessly, his face was bloodless, and his body seemed to lose all his strength.

烀! 烀! 烀!!

The fire is boiling, but the earth elements are still accumulating madly into the fire.

"No!" Lin Feng clenched his fists and showed his eyes.

The earth elements are still gathering, which means that Qiu Ze is not dead!

He could not see the existence of chuze in the fire, but he completely felt his breath——

Still exist!

It\'s weak, but it\'s alive.

"How could it be like this!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a minute of weakness. His right hand ate the ring is completely dark. His body faltered. Lin Feng almost wanted to fall back. The power of the devouring fire is still exerting its residual heat. The power of the earth system wrapped by the fire is very weak, but it is increasing and increasing.

Gradually, consume the power of devouring fire.

That\'s close!

Just a little!!!

However, the results are very different.

"Damn!" Lin Feng didn\'t even have the strength to clench his fists, and his eyes flashed a minute of weakness.

In my own feeling, only one last shot is missing.

If blood phagocytosis can be perfectly cast to 600%, I\'m afraid——

The result has been a reversal.

But there is no if.

"Wing! Red damask, hundred poison color Python!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and immediately shouted.

Red Ling and hundred poison color Python woke up instantly, and the wing didn\'t need Lin Feng\'s call. They had already launched an attack at the first time! Now, although his strength is also consumed a lot, it is much stronger than qiqiuze and Linfeng. However, in the face of the "obstruction" of the devouring fire, the attack of the wings immediately weakens into the fire and then disappears.

Because chuze\'s defense still exists!

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! ~" rolling like sand dunes, gathering like snowballs.

The fire of swallowing is burning wildly, and chutzer\'s talent "mound wall" has not completely collapsed. Although the breath consumption is huge, today\'s chutzer doesn\'t even have one tenth of his strength compared with before, but his defense is still very stable.

This is the earth beast!

Holy power!

"Lost." a dim color flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes.

Looking at Yi, Hongling and baipoison color python, they kept attacking, but there was nothing they could do with Qiu Ze\'s talent "Qiu leibi". Although qiuze does not attack, defense alone consumes the power of the three, and every rotation of qiuze will bring strong air pressure and accelerate the absorption of earth elements.

He is slowly recovering.

But I can\'t help myself.

Even if you take the star fruit again to restore the star power, what?

His own devouring fire has been exhausted. The rebirth fire alone can\'t kill Qiu Ze at all.

"Damn!" Lin Feng closed his lips.

This time, I know where to lose.

Before, I had been frantically sprinting and ignored a lot.

Today, in addition to the flame and star power, their own gun moves and shooting artistic conception are far from keeping up with the level of star domain level. If today\'s battle has a stronger gun move and a higher artistic conception of shooting, the outcome is likely to be a reversal.

Although the outcome has not been decided yet, in fact

I have lost.

He exhausted his strength and couldn\'t kill Qiu Ze just by relying on wings, red damask and hundred poison color python.

This is an indisputable fact.

"Go!" Lin Feng looked deeply and made a decision instantly.

If you don\'t go, I\'m afraid it\'s too late.

Once chuze regains his strength, he will not snipe him himself, but chase himself!

"Wow!" "Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and instantly recalled the hundred poison color Python and red Ling. With the beating of the eyebrow of his left eye, even the wing was strong. Although he felt that the wing was unwilling, he didn\'t want to take any more risks. After all, he just recovered.

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and galloped away.

Almost in an instant——

"Roar! ~" the angry roar shocked the whole earth.

Chutzerton recovered in time. His huge body looked very weak, but it still remained in good condition. The strong power of the earth condensed on Qiu Ze. His eyes were full of anger and almost did not hesitate. Qiu Ze came after him.

"Follow up." Lin Feng frowned deeply.

The sense of breath is very clear.

Now my star power is exhausted, and the sequelae of using blood phagocytosis is also a burst, no longer at the same speed as before.

70% drop!

But chutzer weakened by only 50%.

Before, he was faster than him, but now he is better than himself.

"It\'s terrible." Lin Feng said secretly. The distance between himself and Qiu Ze is being narrowed. I can feel Qiu Ze\'s anger and pursue him. Once caught up by him, what will be the outcome of those waiting for themselves?

"Do you want to use it?" Lin Feng frowned and looked at the middle finger of his right hand.

The ring of devouring demons shines. Although I have used blood devouring and soul devouring, there are still \'body devouring\' that have not been performed.

Once you perform phagocytosis yourself, your speed will soar. It\'s not a problem to get rid of chuze.

But it\'s not necessary. I don\'t want to be so militaristic.

"Take another look!" Lin Feng closed his lips.

It\'s not really desperate yet!

Close, close again.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper, and his heart beats faster and faster.

He seemed to be able to feel the heavy sound of animal breath behind him. Qiu Ze wanted to peel and tear himself to pieces. Once caught up by him, I\'m afraid there are several lives that are not enough to die. At present, there is only this last road in front of me.

"There\'s no way." Lin Feng\'s heart was cold.

No matter how serious the sequelae is, it\'s better than being caught up by chuze.

The ring of devouring demons shines brightly and radiates light. Lin Feng is about to perform his "body devouring technique" and suddenly——

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.