Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1050

Lin Feng obviously didn\'t know that his score had soared.

The "ancient Cup" on his wrist has not been noticed for a long time. In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t care what position he can get in the rosefinch challenge.

At present, all we expect is to meet an "earth animal".

But it\'s hard!

After the first level, Lin Feng received a reward and entered the second level. This time, with theout help of the Shi Zhixin, we must face it on our own. More difficult, smaller area, but more monsters, more terrible strength!

If the difficulty of the first level is one point, then now——

It\'s ten!

"The weakest monsters are all star level nine!"

"One third of them already have star level peak strength."

"Very similar to the first level."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and he was dodging to the limit at this time.

In a more "narrow" space than the first level, how difficult it is to face the attack of hundreds of thousands of monsters! In particular, these monsters are all flexible attacks and petite. Most of them are civet cats, rats and even bats, birds and monsters.

Heavy attack and light defense!

The number is terrible.

"There must be a way out and a solution here, but..."

"What is it?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and he kept avoiding with LAN yunbu.

The twinkle of the two pupils condenses a bright light, but this time there is no existence similar to the first level \'demon beast commander\'.

All monsters are good at attacking!

I can only wander around the periphery as much as possible. Once I go deep into the monster group, the danger will not only increase, but also it will be a cliff for me once I can\'t find a way out! It\'s an impulsive decision to go ahead before you\'re sure.

"There must be a way!" Lin Feng said softly, with a firm mind.

Lin Feng, in trouble.

We can\'t find a way. All we can do is keep dodging. Although the mystery of LAN yunbu is strong, it can\'t avoid endless attacks in a narrow space. Fortunately, there is a rebirth fire that can be guarded. We can do both things together for the time being.

But if you can\'t think of a solution, it will fall short in the end.

At this time, two figures, one gray and one yellow, are gritting their teeth and galloping at full speed.

"Whew!" "whew!" like two sharp arrows, Jin Ji and Fei Yan refused to fall behind. The two tiger eyes were shining and tried their best. They have lost the first one. Naturally, they don\'t want to lose both the second and the third. As a native warrior, this "ancient relic" is definitely the strongest and best they can enter.

This is the opportunity.

"Front!" Jin Ji\'s eyes brightened.

The long passage finally ushers in the end. The light in front is the exit!

Feiyan\'s earthy yellow armor was completely shiny and nodded to Jin Ji. The two had a tacit understanding in the moment of eye contact. At this moment, the "temporary alliance" formed by them must maintain mutual trust and must not be enjoyed by Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin alone.

"Pa!" "pa! ~" their eyes were full of light, and they immediately entered a new level of space.


His complexion suddenly changed.

"What!!" "can\'t you?" Jin Ji and Fei Yan were stunned and stared at each other.

In front of me, a black and dense monster surged like a tide and surrounded them in an instant. But there is no difference in attack. Anyone who appears here is the enemy to these monsters. They have no preparation at all. In fact, they don\'t need to be prepared. In the face of such a situation, there is only one thing they can do——


Had to fight.

Because they have no way back.

If you don\'t fight, you\'ll die.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The body that keeps dodging suddenly feels less pressure.

The heart is light. Lin Feng\'s eyes are as bright as stars. The existence of a starry sky in his mind has two more breath.

The breath of human strength.

"It was them."

"It really came in time."

The corners of his mouth are slightly scratched. Lin Feng is quite surprised and happy.

It\'s better for someone to share the pressure burden for themselves. Even if the fire of rebirth is endless, the exertion of LAN yunbu will consume star power. Similarly, the combination of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil and the maintenance of self-state also need to be "consumed".

Now the pressure is steep and light, and I will have a greater chance to find flaws.

Find a way out!

The worst is Jin Ji and Fei Yan.

Their strength was consumed at the first level. In order to catch up with Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin, they had no time to recover. Now the situation is even worse. Feiyan\'s face is cold, and the earthy yellow armor outside his body has formed a thick star cover to give full play to the real power of the earth level congenital star treasure.

Compared with him, Jin Ji undoubtedly has a lot of trouble.

In terms of defense, he is not as good as Feiyan, and in terms of evasion, he is not as good as Lin Feng.

Scorpio, the strongest is attack!


There are countless monsters here.

His face was pale, Jin Ji clenched his teeth, and the stars on his forehead were more and more bright. Although he and Feiyan are temporarily "allies", they are not like Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin. They are friends of life and death. It is a great disaster that makes them fly separately. How can Feiyan care about his life and death.

Only by yourself!

Scold! Chi!! The fierce attacks of monsters broke out continuously.

In the same situation, Lin Feng, Fei Yan and Jin Ji were injured first.

The sharp claws of the monster cut a heartbreaking wound directly in front of the chest, and blood flew. This should have been a signal, a signal that Jin Ji is about to be defeated, but many times things do not develop in a "normal" mode.

Jin Ji, like Shi Zhi\'s heart, has twelve constellations of the kingly way!


"Peng!!" burst violently and lit up like a halo with Jin Ji as the center. The blood light surrounded Jin Ji and formed a roaring sound of dragons, which burst like a tornado. The boiling blood flower condensed a "totem" over Jin Ji!

Scorpio astrology!

WOW~ On Jin Ji\'s forehead, the light flashed sharply.

The golden light completely lights up the Scorpio brand, Jin Ji\'s bangs are completely erected, and all his hair is pricked like a needle. One eye pupil flashes the extreme blood light. The whole person is like a demon, and the strange breath spreads in an instant. The terrible force ignites this narrow space.

"Blood pupil shape!" Jin Ji\'s eyes were like blood, and his breath suddenly soared.

Boom!!! The power of horror, outbreak!

Jin Ji, show your strength!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Looking at the side where Jin Ji is, I feel a strong breath.

"What amazing power."

"It\'s stronger than Shizhi\'s heart when the wizard of Oz broke out."

"This is the real strength of Scorpio."

"How strong!"

The heart is light and cold, and Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuates slightly.

The war is boiling!

No wonder he felt a deep threat when he first met Jin Ji that day, but his strength was really terrible.

At present, he is not sure of winning.

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!!" the crazy explosion sound filled the whole space with golden light, and the crazy power exploded to kill monsters with destructive power. The roaring sound was completely shrouded and covered by the golden light. There was a continuous burst sound in the space, and the corpses were all over the sky.

Lin Feng showed a cloud walk. With the outbreak of Jin Ji, the surrounding pressure suddenly weakened a lot. He looked at the place where Jin Ji was, and his heart was slightly shocked.

Like the God of war.

Jin Ji, completely burst!!

The two daggers flashed the ultimate starlight, and the rapid waving brought out a sharp sound. Each attack took away at least dozens of monsters and died. It was a completely one-sided massacre. The outbreak of Jin Ji immediately pulled back the original disadvantage and completely killed the madness.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Chi!!

People block killing, Buddha block killing Buddha!

Jin Ji went all the way. Two daggers reaped the life of a monster, which was cold-blooded.

And now——


"What\'s this?!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened, and there was a strange existence in the starry picture in his mind. Although the number of monsters gathered in tens of thousands and changed rapidly, they would never be wrong in their eyes. The starlight was striking!

This breath, and the breath of the golden portal in the first level——

As like as two peas!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lin Feng\'s figure was like electricity, and the step of LAN yunbu broke out quickly. It seems to move like a blink, and the domain\'s control gives full play to the footwork. The direction of each step seems to coincide with the monster, but it is not. The gap between only a millimetre is just right.

Tracking the moving track of the monster, Lin Feng immediately went deep into the monster group. Although the group was surrounded by enemies, he was half afraid.

Not because of Jin Ji\'s help, but——

I\'m sure of myself!

"That\'s it." Lin Feng\'s figure flashed, and his right hand grabbed a metal fragment glittering with golden light.

It\'s not beautiful and doesn\'t feel any fluctuations in star power, but it\'s very special, especially in this space where only monsters exist. The metal fragments are very thin and there are obvious staggered marks at the corners. Obviously, this is not the only existence.

And most importantly——

Its smell.

"As I expected, that\'s right..."

"The key to this second level test is it."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Around, the incisive attack surrounded him again.

"Lan yunbu!" Lin Feng drank lightly, his eyes flashing, and his action didn\'t stop for half a minute. Lightly pursed his lips, Lin Feng frowned, but he didn\'t know where the metal fragment came from and where the next one was? The monster moves and changes very fast, moving constantly every moment.

But one thing is certain.

This metal fragment must be "produced" from one of the monsters!

It was Jin Ji who killed the monster.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked at Jin Ji. LAN yunbu inadvertently approached Jin Ji because Jin Ji killed him all the way. He had the most \'open space\', the least pressure and the safest place.

However, this time, Lin Feng was completely bright.

"What\'s this?!" the heart was shocked. Lin Feng\'s eyes shone with extreme light. As he saw, countless monsters were directly killed by Jin Ji.

For a moment, it was a piece of metal glittering with stars——

In front of you!