Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1051

"Wow! ~" the pupils flashed.

Lin Feng\'s eyes closed in an instant, and the scene just now appeared in his mind.

When Jin Ji waved two daggers, the golden light turned into strong vigorous Qi and killed the surrounding monsters until the metal fragment with golden light appeared. The whole process is as clear and slow as when refining.

The first time.

The second time.

Third time!

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, shining brightly.

It\'s a strange golden unicorn. It\'s not eye-catching. There are star level peaks. It doesn\'t look very different from other monsters, but when Jin Ji kills it, there will be a \'metal fragment\', which is very special!

烀! The fire of rebirth shines.

The moment in my mind is also the passage of time in the outside world.

Although this place has just been cleaned up by Jin Ji, the number of monsters is really too large, and the speed is as fast as a meteor. In an instant, dozens of monsters came to attack. Fortunately, Lin Feng\'s control over the reborn fire has already been able to receive and receive freely, and his independent Guardian resists most of the monster attacks.

The rest, can bear!

"Peng!" "Peng!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were frozen, and he took the blow with his body.

The appearance of bloodstains is heartbreaking, but it is quite worth it! It is precisely because of this moment of pause and thinking that I find the key to solving this level.

"Devouring fire!" Lin Fengmeng drank, his hands burst into flames, and instantly emptied the surrounding demons and beasts. The power of terror broke out and immediately attracted Jin Ji\'s attention. The blood pupils looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng was shocked and looked at each other. They lit up a light, but they were matched.

The war spirit is sparkling!

However, this is not the time.

"Wow! ~" in my mind, the star chart reappeared.

Lin Feng stared. Although there were hundreds of thousands of monsters around, each head and breath could be clearly distinguished.

This is the top pupil on the fourth floor!

The power of soul is very strong!

"Golden Unicorn!" Lin Feng searched for the breath.

The dim starry sky suddenly flashed five light spots, which were separated in this space.

None, not in the depths of the monster herd!

"No wonder I can\'t find it all the time."

"It turned out that not only fish eyes mixed with pearls, but also hid in the deepest place."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold, but he was not sure just now, so he didn\'t go deep.

Now, with close sensing, you can fully sense the smell of this\' Golden Unicorn \', which is different from other monsters. A little less monster breath, a little more \'earth element\' breath, it is a deep, strong, like the breath of life.

"There are too many kinds of monsters, plus the distance is so far."

"Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish."

Lin Feng said secretly in his heart and couldn\'t help smiling slightly.

It\'s also wrong. Now I not only find the "key" of this level, but also see the real strength of Jin Ji! The flashing Scorpio astrology, proudly suspended in the air, with Jin Ji crazy killing, like a Scorpio lighting up its highly toxic scorpion tail.

Where I passed, there were corpses everywhere, and there was a great sadness.

Jin Ji, too strong!

Third piece!

Fourth piece!


Lin Feng didn\'t waste time. With the display of LAN yunbu, he shuttled among the demons and beasts, and metal fragments flashing stars fell into his hands. Each has different shapes, and many edges and corners of metal fragments can fit and adhere into a whole.

"So it is."

"If you gather seven pieces of metal, I think..."

"The exit should appear."

Lin Feng scratched slightly at the corner of his mouth and kept his pace.

Not far away, Jin Ji had noticed Lin Feng\'s action, and a pair of blood pupils glittered.

He\'s not crazy.

In fact, the blood just brought Jin Ji\'s original strength into play. Guided by the blood pupil, the Scorpio brand on his forehead thought to each other. It\'s like the fuse that ignites Jin Ji\'s strength. Now it\'s Jin Ji\'s real strength. Before, it was just "ordinary form".

At present, it is "blood pupil form".

"Pa!" at this time, Lin Feng killed a golden unicorn, and another metal fragment appeared.

But this time, Jin Ji saw it clearly!

"This is..." Jin Ji immediately reacted to the light shock of his heart.

The key!

He is not stupid, and the situation is even clearer. What else is there in this space besides monsters? Any kind of "strange" star is a great possibility to break the pass, not to mention the metal fragments flashing stars. It is almost certain.

Moreover, Lin Feng is collecting!

At the periphery.

Feiyan\'s face was very ugly.

Outside his body, the shining yellow armor firmly guarded him, just as the earth series warrior has strong defense, so does Fei Yan. Even more monsters did not hurt him, but he was unable to break through. With his attack means and dexterous speed, he needed to take great risks to go deep into the monsters.

What\'s more, he can\'t see the way out!

Suddenly I didn\'t know that Lin Feng and Jin Ji were about to reach the "end point".

But God\'s destiny.

"The last piece!" Lin Feng looked deeply.

The fire was ferocious and burned the last golden unicorn to ashes.

The air was filled with flames, condensing the air flow fluctuations, and suddenly "Wow!" The last piece of metal also appeared. With its appearance, the whole space was shocked, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. He had not yet reacted. At this time——

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Inside the body, the remaining six pieces of metal appeared.

The golden light is bright, and the breath immediately coincides to form a whole, just like a circular compass, rotating rapidly.

"Wow! ~" the golden light shines on the whole space, and Fei Yan, who is far away from the periphery, also sees it and opens his eyes. At this time, Jin Ji came at the fastest speed, clenched his teeth, and two daggers were like a hunting knife in hell, killing all the monsters in the way.

But, after all, there are obstacles.

Moreover, there is a lot of distance from the forest wind.

He\'s too late!

"Zizi!" "Zizi! ~" it feels like space fragmentation. The seven metal fragments form a whole instantly and turn into the familiar golden light door. Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction without any delay, even stepping into it.

The golden light gate did not disappear, just as it did at the first level before.

Lin Feng only got the first "ticket", but it is also the most precious ticket.

Because there is only one reward.

"Hateful." he shook his right fist and watched Lin Feng pass through. Jin Ji felt an unspeakable bitterness in his heart. But he tried his best and occupied the right place to break through in the form of blood pupil, but unexpectedly, he was pressed by Lin Feng\'s technology and galloped to the golden light door.

Although it was only a few seconds, the ending was very different.

He lost another city.

However, Feiyan is even worse.

Far away from the periphery, even if Feiyan tried his best to break through and enter the golden light door, it was a thousand miles away.

"Lost." his eyebrows tightened. Jin Ji stepped into the golden light door, but his heart was cold.

In front of me, a light light flashed. The goal was not the cold cave, but a pearly and colorful world. Jin Ji was slightly stunned. His eyes saw a face with a slight smile, looking at him.

"Lin Feng?!" Jin Ji said softly.

"Coming." Lin Feng smiled slightly and looked forward.

How can Jin Ji hide his actions from himself? He had already paid attention to Jin Ji as early as he got the first metal fragment.

Later, Jin Ji came quickly and knew his purpose better.

Besides, I never wanted to hide it.

"Are you waiting for me?" Jin Ji\'s blood pupil flashed.

"Yes." Lin Feng answered without hesitation and looked at each other.

"Why?" Jin Ji said again.

"Because the reward is only once." Lin Feng said calmly.

As like as two peas before the first hurdle, and how almost impossible to guess the rules, how can they not get the same rules?

"You..." Jin Ji was stunned, but he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to answer like this. He quickly understood in his heart, but shook his head calmly, "I don\'t need charity." although he was very interested in \'reward\', Jin Ji had his self-esteem and was unwilling to accept Lin Feng\'s\' comity \'.

"It\'s not charity." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. "If it weren\'t for you, I couldn\'t find the secret of breaking the customs."

"What\'s more, the first and second pieces of metal were what you got, and I... Just took advantage of the situation." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered with a indifferent smile. It\'s not that the reward here is not good enough. I can fully feel that no matter which room, the strong smell of soil is better than the first level.

But I still want to fight!

It is not necessarily moral to give it to Jin Ji. He also has plans.

After all, I am not a saint.

Such a choice is a "win-win" result for Jin Ji and himself. What I want most is not material or spiritual rewards, but an "earth beast", an opportunity to light up my earth life chart.

Even if the chance is slim, I am willing to try!

If you choose reward, I\'m afraid you will have no chance to challenge like Shi Zhixin.

Staring at the forest wind, and then looking at the strong earth element breath, Jin Ji\'s chest fluctuated slightly and his heart was moved.

It\'s a lie to say you\'re not attracted.


Tightly pursed his lips, Jin Ji\'s face changed and hesitated. Although Lin Feng says so, if he accepts Lin Feng\'s "generosity", he undoubtedly owes him a favor. However, every room and reward here are too attractive.

This is the land of miracles, the ancient relics with the strongest soil elements!

No one.

If he misses this chance, he won\'t get it again.

Pop! Holding his fists tightly, Jin Ji breathed a long breath and looked at Lin Feng. His blood pupil flashed, but he made a decision, "I owe you a favor, Lin Feng." after talking, he didn\'t say a word more, and suddenly disappeared like a strong wind.

As Jin Ji entered one of the rooms, the surroundings suddenly changed and recovered completely.

Only the same dark road is left, long and far-reaching.

However, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

This is just what I want.

Win win outcome!

"I hope I can meet the \'earth beast\' at the next level." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Without hesitation, enter the dark passage.