Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1049

It\'s like a force that can destroy everything.

Originally, it was like a cave collapse, but now it is falling apart, with mud and stones flying in disorder.

But are ancient ruins so easy to destroy?

Lin Feng knows this, so he is unscrupulous!

"Peng!" the fire of rebirth and the fire of swallowing form a perfect collision. The flame roars like electromagnetism. Taking the center of the monster group as the origin, it releases an amazing and violent explosion. With perfect flame control, Lin Feng now performs all-round "remote" control with magnetic explosion, so he doesn\'t have to hurt himself anymore.

In fact, such explosive force can not hurt half of himself.

However, Shizhi\'s heart is now in danger and can\'t withstand too fierce attack!

"Go!" Lin Feng shouted.

With the sound of violent explosion, a channel was opened up in front. Lin Feng\'s eyes are as bright as stars. The picture of the starry sky in his mind is perfect and clear, firmly locking the only star domain level first-order monster, just like a sharp arrow.

A breath also locks the heart of Shizhi.

Behind him, the shadow followed him without hesitation.

very nice!

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were like electricity. The channel opened up by blasting was completely straight, without any evasion. The speed is extreme, and almost in the blink of an eye is to find the "King" of the first-order monster in the star domain hiding in the deepest place!

It was a monster like a mouse. Seeing infinite fear in his eyes, he hurried to escape.

Smart, but timid.

"Don\'t want to go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and Yu Miao moved lightly, "magic!"

You don\'t have to do anything to deal with such a powerful monster, but you can\'t let it escape. Who knows how strong it is to "hide".

Once you escape into these tens of thousands of monsters, it may not be so easy to find it again.

"Jiong!" devours the fireball in an instant and releases it with the display of magic.

Boom~ In the blink of an eye, he swallowed up the monster \'King\'.

And this moment——

"Roar! ~" the roaring voice was crazy.

At this time, the surrounding monsters have returned to their senses, looking for the damn initiator, and soon found it!

But it was too late.

"So it is." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

At the moment when he killed the "leader" monster, an oval golden light portal flashed in the deepest part of the cave and the innermost area where the monster was located. It can be seen in the distance that a touch of fine awn appeared in Lin Feng\'s eyes, instantly pulled up Shi Zhi\'s heart, which was still stunned, and sped away.

Come on!

Very fast!

Lin Feng\'s response is even faster!

One second later, I\'m afraid the road will be blocked again and fall into a circle surrounded by monsters. At that time, it will take ten times and a hundred times of effort.

But right now, it\'s just right!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~!" the flame is open.

At this time, the surrounding monsters still haven\'t formed a gathering. Lin Feng took Shi Zhi\'s heart like a sharp arrow to penetrate layers of obstacles and kill them all the way. The fire is different from weapons. It doesn\'t need any extra action. It can still launch a powerful attack when galloping. Its power is quite good.

Like a fire, it rushed to the golden light door.


In an instant——

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng and Shi Zhi\'s heart penetrated the golden light door and disappeared in the circle surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters.

Only a roaring and crazy monster and Jin Ji were left.


"What\'s going on?!" Jin Ji still couldn\'t react.

Just now, Lin Feng\'s action took place at one go, but it happened too fast. He only saw Lin Feng attack, then broke into the cave and stretched out, and then

get away!

"No, it\'s a pass." Jin Ji\'s eyes were bright and looked just like that.

"There seems to be something like a \'portal\' behind this monster group."

Jin Ji reacted quickly, but his eyebrows were tight.

Now, Lin Feng\'s blasting attack just now has lost its function, and the front is completely occupied by numerous monsters. It\'s not easy to enter the deepest place through the encirclement of these monsters! After clenching his fist, Jin Ji felt depressed, but he had no choice.

Although his strength is strong, I\'m afraid he will have to pay a great price if he wants to pass through the monster encirclement safely.

He pursed his lips, and Jin Ji\'s eyes lit up and looked back.

Fortunately, there is another person!

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng sighed and smiled lightly.

At this time, Shi Zhixin also showed a sweet smile and said happily, "great, finally broke through the monster array. Brother Lin, you\'re so powerful!"

"It\'s just a mistake." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, but his eyes looked around and didn\'t give up his vigilance. The situation just now is not dangerous, but it is enough to prove that this "ancient relic" is indeed not simple and can not be underestimated.

However, the surrounding area is as bright as a picture, without any sense of crisis.

Shining, it is like an underground palace, slightly incompatible with the external environment. There is a shining light door around. I don\'t know what it\'s for. Lin Feng\'s eyes flash gently, and he feels bursts of rich breath. It\'s calm and indecisive, but Shi Zhi\'s heart is already bright with beautiful eyes.

"What a strong smell of the earth." Shi Zhi read lightly and walked slowly to one of the light doors.

"Well..." Lin Feng didn\'t stop it.

In fact, there is no danger here.

Instead, it\'s like entering a treasure house. There are light doors around, which lead to treasure houses.

"Brother Lin, I\'ll go in and have a look." Shi Zhixin\'s eyes are light, but the girl\'s temper has been unable to restrain the curiosity and excitement in her heart. Her body is light, leaving a fragrance. The beautiful shadow disappears in front of her, and Lin Feng can\'t help smiling.

Just waiting to keep up, suddenly——

WOW~ The light door shines and disappears with the entry of Shi Zhi\'s heart.

"Ah?" Lin Feng gave a light sigh, and the surrounding environment changed instantaneously. Pop! Pop! Pop! A light door immediately disappeared, interspersed with the colorful color and rich flavor of this magnificent palace, which also became empty in an instant.

Ahead, there is only one road left, a darkness, but I don\'t know where to go.

"Oh." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and realized clearly in his heart.

Just now, nine times out of ten is the "reward" for choosing ancient relics to pass the customs.

Of course, it\'s just "one person".

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng doesn\'t care.

For myself, it doesn\'t matter what reward you can get. What\'s your purpose here——

I\'m just looking for the earth beast!

"Maybe if I get a reward, the exploration of this ancient relic will end. Isn\'t it worth the loss?" Lin Feng smiled with a smile, and his pupils flashed a little luster, just like two stars in the night, and then entered the dark passage.


A moment later.

"Pa!" "pa!" two figures appeared in embarrassment.

A young man in grey and a young man in earthy yellow armor are Jin Ji and Fei Yan.

There was an expression of relief on their faces, their chests fluctuated sharply, and their faces were slightly ugly.

Although they do not need to kill the special monster and can enter directly through the golden light door, they do not have the strange body method and control of the \'domain\' like Lin Feng. It\'s quite good to be able to penetrate the encirclement of many monsters and enter here unharmed.

Even if it is Lin Feng, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to complete without using LAN yunbu.

Jin Ji and Fei Yan only managed to feel sorry for them by cooperating with each other.

"No one." Fei Yan\'s voice was deep and his eyebrows sank.

"I\'m afraid they\'re one step ahead." Jin Ji looked at his surroundings with bright eyes.

"Now that he has entered the hinterland of ancient relics, there are opportunities everywhere." Fei Yan is resourceful and experienced. "Take the monster array just now as an example, according to the \'rules\' of ancient relics, anyone who encounters such a difficult level will receive corresponding rewards, and here..."

Fei Yan pursed his lips, revealing a pity in his eyes.

In front of you, you can see everything at a glance!

Obviously, the reward has disappeared.

At this time, the resplendence here is completely gone, leaving only a dark and long passage.

With a slight sigh, they secretly said it was a pity.

"Let them take the lead first." Jin Ji\'s eyes shone.

"Let\'s go!" Fei Yan drank in a deep voice.

Jin Ji nodded without saying much, let alone saying it clearly.

At this moment, even though they are competing with each other, they have to form a small Alliance for mutual benefit and mutual assistance. The relationship between Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin is very clear. If they fight on their own, such as scattered troops, I\'m afraid their competitiveness is too weak!

The situation forced them to unite.

Rosefinch territory.

At the moment, there was an uproar!

"Look, look!"

"Master Lin Feng\'s score soared!"

"That\'s great. It\'s nearly ten thousand points at once. Master Lin Feng finally makes efforts!"


Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

For more than a month, Lin Feng\'s score has been at the bottom.

0 points!

Keeping this "magical" record, people from the initial expectation of the rosefinch challenge, to loss, to depression, helplessness, and finally numbness. Not a day or two, but more than a month later, Lin Feng\'s score has never changed by half.

The "first place" is to take good care of your time and be stable.

It feels like enjoying the cool.

Those who bought Lin Feng at the gambling office beat their chest and feet one by one, and wanted to cry without tears.

At this moment, it finally broke out!

Rebounded from the bottom of the valley and scored nearly 10000 points at one time. Lin Feng\'s ranking jumped directly to the midstream level, and the jump speed and range were appalling. But it is also the blessing of the ancient relics "earth clam". After all, it is a number of ancient relics. Even if it is only the first level, it also has a lot of evaluation.

However, it is only the middle reaches.

After all, other contestants are not easy. Lin Feng is more than a month late. Even if he kills more monsters outside the ancient ruins, he doesn\'t score any points. There are only three ways to score on the ranking list, ancient relics, trial hall, and——

Ancient forbidden area.

"But it\'s nearly ten thousand. What are you happy about?"

"That is, who doesn\'t have good luck is far worse than Feiyan and yinsanniang."

"Jin Ji is dozens of times less than the tenth place, not to mention the supernova" thousand love emperor ", which is now in the first place."


On the list, the name "thousand love emperor" is high.

Total score, 1.8 million!