Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1046

No further exploration.

Lin Feng clearly knows his current goal.

Galloping out, he left the ancient ruins in a moment and went deep into this "land of miracles" with strong indigenous energy.

Maybe it\'s not a big hope, but it\'s enough to have a try!

Even if you fail, it doesn\'t matter.

Besides, is there a better choice now?

Rosefinch territory.

Lin Feng, great reputation!

Together with the Lin family, at this time, chickens and dogs rise to heaven and a hundred flowers bloom.

"I didn\'t expect that \'Phoenix wing Tianxiang\' could make such a high price!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed and sighed.

"After all, it is the \'triple\' star treasure of the perfect product level." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "there is a price and no market in normal times. The price of the top product level is about 10000 star crystals. How can the perfect product level get more than 100000 star crystals, but now the price of 300000 star crystals is really too much."

"I remember that the perfect \'earth level four fold\' star treasure at the last auction was only 250000 star crystals," Lin Zhen sighed.

"The name of a person is the shadow of a tree." Lin Yan\'s eyes flickered. "This is the chain effect brought by the name of \'Lin Feng\', which makes the value at least double."

Three Phoenix wings soar in the sky and shoot a terrible price of 900000 star crystals!

In order to show sincerity, Roche chamber of commerce did not charge any handling fee. The Lin family earned 900000 Xingjing and envied others.

"I think of the Lin family. At the beginning, it was also the top three tool refiner family in Shiluo county. It earned tens of thousands of star crystals at most a year, but now..." Lin Zhen shook her head speechless. "On this day, I made money in the past few decades. It\'s terrible."

"Is the patriarch going to auction the rest of the \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\'?" Lin Yan\'s eyes flickered slightly.

Before Lin Feng entered the land of miracles, he "sent" dozens of Phoenix wings to the family, all of which are perfect.

It would be unthinkable if all were sold.

"No, it\'s not necessary at the moment." Lin Zhen\'s face is just right, and she is not dazzled by the immediate interests. "Now my Lin family is too high-profile. If it weren\'t for Lin Feng\'s identity, I\'m afraid I would have been manipulated secretly. If I walked too fast, I\'d have a hard fall sooner or later, not to mention..."

"At present, these 900000 star crystals are not enough for the family?" Lin Zhen looked at Lin Yan and smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes, look at my old fool!" Lin Yan laughed.

As Lin Zhen said, how can the rise of the Lin family not make people jealous?

The weapon refiners\' families in Shiluo county have suffered huge losses. The Ponzi family, needless to say, is definitely the one with the most tragic losses, especially Pang Yan, because his performance in the final of the weapon refiners was despised, and his position in the alliance of weapon refiners was also damaged.

Although he is also an "honorary elder", Lin Feng is a "vice president", which is not the least bad.

The world is very realistic and cruel. People go up and water flows down. Naturally, the senior leaders of the weapon refiner alliance will not offend Lin Feng because of Pang Yan. They have drawn a clear line one after another. For a moment, Pang Yan has become a lonely family, but he is a son of heaven and a courtier. No wonder.

You can\'t live without doing evil.

Now in Shiluo County, the name of the Lin family has been completely launched.

Many neutral strong people came to join the Lin family. There are many star domain level existence and strong people with excellent qualifications but poor family. With money, everything is easy to do. Under the silver bullet attack of 900000 Xingjing, the Lin family is becoming stronger and stronger.

In qianluo District, the "Wu family", which used to be the most powerful force, has long been handed over to others.

Many things, in fact, are closely linked.

Another ten days passed.

"Here is the thickest area of the \'Earth\'s source energy\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The air was filled with a faint blood mist. It was indeed several star domain level seventh order earth demons that I had just killed. It is almost the same as the "original energy of wood". In the "wild", the strength of monsters is basically at the top of level 7 of the star domain level, and level 8 of the star domain level is rare.

The ninth order is even more impossible.


In ancient ruins, it is not.

There is not only a big secret, but also a nest of powerful monsters!

"The source energy is divided into density levels, and the same is true for ancient relics."

"Although it is not clearly marked, the intensity of ancient relics is also different with the different source energy of the location."

Lin Feng thought secretly, and he knew it clearly in his heart.

Although it\'s not that the greater the strength of ancient relics, the better the treasures you can get, at least... The greater the probability!

Moreover, the strength of monsters in ancient ruins must be stronger!

This is the key.

"This is it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Staring ahead, a strange \'cave\' was printed into my eyes.

It is completely piled up with thick "earth blocks". It is not as simple as the stone hall, nor as gorgeous and magnificent as the golden hall, but it is the thickest, most powerful and thickest area of the "original energy of earth". According to its own judgment——

Here is the best \'ancient relic\' in this land of earth element miracles!

However, this earth cave is not big. It is only six meters high and wide. It looks like an ordinary cave.


"There should be no wrong place."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and a doubt flashed in his heart.

Compared with other "ancient relics", this cave is more than a mile and a half away.

There is not only no solemn or terrible, but also no breath of ancient relics. It looks like a small wild cave and can\'t see anything strange.


In this miraculous land, there is no wild cave.

Only ancient ruins and trial hall!

"Maybe it\'s not beautiful." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Whether it is right or not, why rely on estimation. If you enter it, you will know what it is."

Hearing is false, seeing is true.

His eyes moved slightly, and Lin Feng\'s heart was set.

Just about to enter it, suddenly a slight wind came from his ear. Lin Fengmei twisted his head. There was a strong breath on the left and right. The breath on the left was not only strong, but also... He was very familiar with it! The speed is very fast, like a meteor shuttling, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly shine.

It\'s him!

"Jin Ji." Lin Feng said softly.

It is the young man in grey who has had several contacts with himself.

When he arrived, he also looked at himself, with a faint smile on his mouth and a slight golden light on his forehead. At this time, a thick figure appeared on the right side. A khaki armor looked very ordinary, but it was shining continuously.

"Ground level, yellow congenital star armor?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. Yellow is quite rare among the congenital treasures of the earth level.

"Feiyan." Jin Ji looked at him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jinghua County, Feiyan!

Hearing the name, Lin Feng immediately took his seat.

The man in Khaki armor in front of him is just a few super powers mentioned by Hua Yidao!

Earth shield base is famous for its strong defense.

A pair of fine and slightly blooming eyes glanced at Jin Ji and immediately stayed on him for half a second. Fei Yan didn\'t say a word and was indifferent as usual. In an instant, with a loud drink, the violent and thick power of the Earth spread like a crack. His eyes were cold, and Feiyan entered the ancient ruins.

"Peng!" Lin Feng stretched out his right hand, and the fire immediately offset the earth power.

His eyes flickered. Naturally, he knew that Feiyan had not really attacked, but was a kind of "prestige" and a "warning".

Don\'t rob him!


It doesn\'t seem to work.

Lin Feng looked at Jin Ji. The latter smiled calmly and did not speak, so he relaxed into the ancient ruins like a meteor. Obviously, they are quite confident in their own strength, and they vaguely feel that Jin Ji\'s breath seems to be stronger than before.

"I almost forgot that the energy of the \'origin of the earth\' here is quite strong." Lin Feng smiled suddenly.

Jin Ji\'s original sign is "Scorpio" among the twelve constellations of the royal way. What he practices and understands is "Earth" and "time".

Here, he is naturally like a duck to water.

"Including Feiyan\'s\' shield seat \', it is also an earth system."

"It\'s me. My strength here has not only not increased, but also weakened a lot."

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng didn\'t care too much.

Although they compete with Jin Ji and Fei Yan, they are not enemies. Their strength has nothing to do with themselves. On the contrary, they opened the way for themselves. Perhaps, in this ancient ruins, they can reduce a lot of burden. With a smile, Lin Feng looked at the huge "stone cave" in front of him, and his eyes were slightly bright.

If you said you were only eight percent sure before, now it\'s ten percent!

Even Jin Ji and Fei Yan found here to prove that their previous guess was correct.

This\' ancient relic \'is absolutely extraordinary.

"I hope I can meet the \'earth god beast\'." Lin Feng said softly in his heart and sped in for a moment.

For other warriors, the most troublesome thing to enter the ancient ruins should be these endless monsters, but for themselves

But it is the goal and hope.

"It\'s really ugly." Lin Feng smiled.

Enter this small cave to know what\'s going on inside.

Although the height and width of the hole are only six meters, the more inward, the more spacious and connected, and the breath is stronger and stronger.

The surrounding earth elements are very active, wandering around like a jubilant spirit. The original energy of the earth here is thick and heavy, which gives itself a deep sense of authority.

"Jin Ji and Fei Yan must be like fish in water." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

On the contrary, they are limited to the "unique" environment here.

The thicker and stronger the earth element is, the thinner the fire element is, and the harder it is to give play to its strength.

"The original energy of the earth here is a little deeper than the outside world!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and nodded. He couldn\'t see the particularity of this ancient relic outside, but now he deeply understood that this ancient relic was not built on the surface, but on the earth——


I\'ve been going down.

"No wonder the earth element is so strong."

"No wonder I can\'t see a clue outside."

Lin Feng secretly moved and couldn\'t help holding his fists.

Inexplicably, I felt a little "excited".

That\'s a hope!