Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1045

The rosefinch challenge is in full swing.

There is a peaceful atmosphere in the territory of rosefinch. Taking advantage of this popularity, various activities are competing to open first. For example, the "grand auction" held by Roche chamber of Commerce, and the new star challenge are in full swing. With the end of the weapon refining normal university competition, the engraver competition, alchemy competition and Xingfu normal university competition were held one after another.

Of course, there is a big gap between the popularity and the weapon refining division competition, but it also brings together all the elites of the whole zhuquezhou.

Today\'s rosefinch territory is a grand event once in a century!

In particular, the Roche chamber of Commerce has been preparing for the "grand auction" for a long time. Now, with the announcement of some bottom auctions, it has caused an uproar. Among them, there are three pieces of Phoenix wing Tianxiang refined by master Lin Feng. Although it is not a legendary grade, it is also a "perfect grade".

Meet but not ask!

In an instant, Lin Feng\'s reputation was even hotter.

"When it comes to refining techniques, master Lin Feng is very kind. He can refine \'perfect grade\' at will."

"Yes, I\'m afraid even the \'Nangong lady\' is willing to lose. The \'Phoenix wing Tianxiang\' is a triple star treasure of the earth level, which is very difficult to refine."

"I think we can\'t even refine the Xingbao of human level and the top level. Alas."

"But master Lin Feng is not omnipotent after all. Look at the ranking list of the rosefinch challenge. A month has passed, and master Lin Feng is still hovering at the bottom of the ranking list. But it doesn\'t matter. Master Lin Feng is now the vice president of the rosefinch smelter alliance. Tut Tut, that position is much higher than ordinary saints!"


Although a month has passed, Lin Feng is still hot.

The name "Lin Feng" can be heard everywhere in the territory of Zhuque. Of course, it can not be helped by the Lin family. Lin Zhen secretly promoted the word "Lin Feng", but he made a living sign for the Lin family. Now, who will remember the existence of the Ponzi family in Shiluo county?

Although in terms of family strength, today\'s Lin family is still unable to compare with the Ponzi family.

But in terms of fame, he won more than one chip!

Land of miracles.

"Jiong!" the fire was dazzling, and the forest wind was suspended like a God in the sky.

The flame in his hand slowly disappeared, the bodies of several monsters around him also turned into ashes, and the air flow gradually calmed down.

"There are so many \'monsters\' here." Lin Feng sighed softly.

For more than a month, I have been searching around the place of miracles. I have seen many "ancient relics" and "trial hall", especially "ancient relics". There are many "ancient relics" in this place of miracles, but there is no trace of the "bird King prison" I really want to find.

The land of miracles is bigger than I thought.

Here is a completely independent space.

From the intensity of "aura" alone, we can see that it is general.

"Because of the dense aura, many \'strange animals\' will be born, such as congenital treasures, natural materials and earth treasures." Lin Feng knew very well.

All these belong to "natural cultivation". The more auras, the more intensive, the more abundant.

However, the difference between the exotic animals here and the fighting spirit world seems to be "hostile" to outsiders, just like monsters. As long as you see these monsters, you will take the initiative to attack. However, you have not encountered too powerful monsters. Even if you don\'t do it yourself, you can easily solve it by relying on 100 poison color Python alone.

No threat.

But where is the bird King\'s prison?

It\'s not a way to waste time wandering around like this.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and kept silent. Looking around, I can see no end. With the star sky pupil and star dome pupil on the fourth floor, I can\'t see half of this mysterious "land of miracles". It seems that there are many secrets here.

"Jiong! ~" the fire flashed, and Lin Feng\'s eyes opened slightly.

"The starting point of our departure is rich in aura and nothing special. However, half a month ago, the place I stepped into was particularly active and dense. Today, the richness of wood elements has greatly weakened, but the \'earth elements\' are particularly active."

Lin Feng whispered softly, thinking of the three monsters he had killed just now.

No one is an earth monster!

In the past half a month, most of the people they have been in contact with are wooden monsters or all kinds of wooden spirits.

"Just like the human world, it exists in nine different regions, including the eastern region, the southern region and the northwest region. The southern region is hot and the northern region is cold, and so is here."

"Either the wood origin energy is active, or the soil origin energy is active, or other origin energy."


Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"Where wood elements are active, wood demons and beasts have come out, and where earth elements are active, it should be the same."

"Will there be a chance to light up the earth life chart?"

Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

Five earth life astrolabes, now they only lack the "earth life astrolabe".

Once you light up the last "earth life chart", it may be of great help to your "sanctification"! The most important thing is that even if you understand the way of sanctification described by Master Yu Lin, you still can\'t advance because the Phoenix chart doesn\'t light up the "earth chart of life" because of the limitations of the Phoenix chart.

This is crucial.

However, Lin Feng shook his head in an instant.


"Although the crystallization of earth monsters in this\' holy land \'has a lot of energy, it is far from a hundred waterfalls. It only has a little power."

"Even if you kill all the earth monsters here, I\'m afraid you can\'t light up one percent."

His eyes flashed, and Lin Feng knew it clearly in his heart.

The strength of the wooden monsters I have killed in the past half a month is not very strong. The seventh level of the star domain level is basically at the top. There is only one monster with the strength to reach the eighth level of the star domain level. However, the star crystal energy is very little for yourself at present.

I think so should the earth monster.

"Also, if the monster is too strong, other warriors may get into trouble." Lin Feng nodded.

I can easily overcome it because I am now the star level peak, but what about other martial arts? Half of the 19888 contestants were screened through numerous preliminaries. They may have amazing potential, but their strength may not be strong enough.

"Wait, what about the ancient ruins?" an idea flashed in Lin Feng\'s mind.

"Will ancient relics have subtle differences because of the difference of original energy, or other special?"

"Very likely!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slowly and his heart moved gently.

In the past month or so, I have never entered the "ancient ruins" stage. Is it too subjective?

"Deliberately looking for the \'bird King\'s prison\' may not be found."

"However, the road to sanctification is our own. Why do we have to take the road of \'bird King prison\'?"

"As elder Yu Lin said, every strong man has his own way to go. If the bird King prison is really the way I want to go, even if I can\'t find it, it..."

"You must find me!"

The word "fate" cannot be forced.

Lin Feng nodded and finally understood.

Action is better than heart.

Since he wants to know the secret of "ancient relics", Lin Feng will not waste time.

"Whoosh!" quickly enter the nearest ancient ruins, which is a stone palace with an ancient atmosphere. There are mud and stone carvings all around, forming all kinds of monsters and animals. The dragons are vivid. Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly burning, and the light fire light is faintly transmitted.


"Conditioned reflex." Lin Feng laughed in an uproar. Looking at these mud and stone carvings, he thought of the stone carvings in the thousand snake cave.

Obviously, the clay and stone carvings here will not be "resurrected", and there is no war snake or totem in the stone hall. It feels thick and dark, but it can smell a smell of blood. Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and galloped forward.

"There are monsters in the ancient ruins." Lin Feng said lightly.

Soon, I went deep into the ancient ruins and saw some dark red blood stains. Obviously, it was a battle here.

You are not alone in the land of miracles.

"Wow! ~" his pupils twinkled, and Lin Feng immediately entered his own state.

The top pupil of the fourth layer has reached the extreme in its ability to sense the surroundings, which is no worse than the holy level. However, there is no martial spirit here, and the blood stains look not only one or two hours, at least two or three days.

"Ye Lu, MI rabbit, these are earth animals." Lin Feng looked at the corpse on the ground and clearly identified it.

"In terms of body shape, it\'s almost star domain level, third to fifth order."

Lin Feng thought secretly and took a breath.

This ancient relic is indeed inextricably related to the outside. If you guessed correctly

There was a flash of pure light in his eyes, and Lin Feng sped forward in an instant.

"Sure enough." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The deeper you go, the larger the corpse of the monster on the ground.

from the shallower to the deeper!

Just like in the forest, in the periphery are generally weak Warcraft, while in the depths are the habitat of some powerful Warcraft, which is the habit of Warcraft. What excites me most is that the dead monster has considerable strength!

A "Han stone turtle" whose strength is about level 6 of the star domain level!

"I stayed for half a month in the land of miracles with deep \'wood source energy\'. Even where the wood source energy is the strongest, it is only a monster of level 6 to 7 in the star domain, but here, it is only a place where the earth source energy is not deep. There are such powerful monsters!"

Because this is an \'ancient relic\'!

In the ancient ruins, there are not only treasures that do not exist outside, but also powerful monsters!

Now, there are monsters with such strength just outside. What if they go deeper? For other martial artists, it may be an "obstacle" monster. For themselves

Maybe it will be real wealth!

"Maybe it\'s possible to bump into the \'earth beast\'!" Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly, hoping to be abrupt. Compared with absorbing the source energy, the best way to light up the "earth life chart" is the simplest and direct way——

Kill the earth beast!

Get his chart directly.

In the past, I didn\'t have this strength, but now I am enough to have a try!