Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1047

Endless waters.

The territory of each demon clan is in full swing at this time.

The command competition is about to begin!

The four royal families, the five royal families and the twelve Guardian demon stars are promoting their representatives at this time. This battle is the biggest event of the demon family. Winning the championship of the command competition not only means fighting for the face of your family, but also being able to "command" the demon family!

What glory!

Although it is a temporary leader, you should know that once the Terran is defeated, the demon family will occupy the whole fighting spirit world

Commander, will be supported by the whole demon clan!

"Ancestors, please." Kui Tianyuan bowed.

"Don\'t worry, I Kui Tiangao will prove the name of the first strong person of the demon family and be my blood tiger family!"


"Father, this battle is the best opportunity for our double faced lion family!" Zongyong\'s eyes widened like a bronze bell.

"The position of commander, I\'ll sit down!" a burly, more brave double lion faced man held his head high, emitting a sparkling domineering spirit.


The four royal families and the five royal families all try their best to stand out.

The twelve demon stars with a weaker position are even more desperate. This is their best chance to rise! At that time, they may be able to squeeze into the six royal families, the five royal families, and even command the whole demon family. Of course, the premise is that they must win the "command competition".

Barbarian cattle.

"Zheng!" "Zheng ridge!" the huge axe fell and the earth fell.

It was a tall Tauren like a mountain, ten meters tall and holding a giant axe. He was hairy, naked, and his strong muscles seemed to burst. Arms and thighs, like iron pillars, plunge deeply into the ground, frightening.

"Master Niu demon, please command the competition." Niu Qing said slowly with a simple and honest smile.

"Wrap it on me!" the ox devil patted his chest and said proudly.

He couldn\'t be more excited to fight some of the powerful kings of the demon family.

This is exactly what he came to fight the spirit world for!


Macaque family.

"Patriarch, the great saint is still closed."

"Ah!" with a long sigh, the demon star "Sun Wu" of the macaque family scratched his head, "this monkey can really choose the time. If he doesn\'t leave the pass again, I\'m afraid there\'s no time!"

"Patriarch, why don\'t you send the elder to participate?"

"Fart!" Sun Wu glared, "we macaque people, who is qualified to participate in the \'command Competition\' except the monkey. If he doesn\'t go, he\'ll just abstain. Rely on the elder? It\'s better not to go. It\'s easier to save face and lose like a monkey\'s ass!"


The demon clan is bustling.

In fact, the demon clan didn\'t intend to hide any intention at all.

In terms of strategy and calculation, the eight poles of the demon family are less than half of the human race. Whether it is the first or the second battle of the lich, the demon family depends not on its head, but on its decaying strength and quantity. The demon family is far better than the human race at the Saint King level, Saint level and star domain level.

What if the Terrans know?

Over the years, the Terrans have been shrinking on land and can\'t enter the endless sea.

All we can do is defend.

Completely downwind.

Land of miracles.

As Lin Feng guessed and "saw", it is divided into pieces.

Among them, there are places where water elements are extremely dense, wood elements and fire elements are abundant. At this time, the forest wind is indeed the area with the most dense soil elements.

The ancient relic \'earth clam\'.

The cave is like a \'clam\', hence its name.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Fengchang breathed out, his eyes bright.

From his entry to the present, he has gone deeper and deeper, and the demon carcasses he sees are becoming larger and larger.

It represents more and more strength!

"As I expected, yes, this should be level 8 of the star domain!"

"I didn\'t expect that soon after entering, there were eight level monsters at the star domain level. The deepest place..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and he is looking forward to it.

However, it did not speed up, but walked slowly.

The light awn in his eyes flickered, sensing the surrounding environment and detecting everywhere.

For myself, there is no need to "compete for merit" with Jin Ji and Fei Yan. Their strength is not bad. Here, they increase by at least 20%, on the contrary, they weaken by 20%. However, he was not interested in the properties and treasures in the ancient ruins, so he was free from them.

If you drive slowly, you can not only enjoy the benefits of fishing, but also preserve your strength.

At that time, if you really want to meet the "earth god beast", you can meet it in your best state!

A little deeper.

The cave is becoming more and more spacious and bright.

From the small wild cave before, it now extends in all directions, just like a maze. The corpse of the monster has changed from the eighth level of the star domain level to the Ninth level of the star domain level. Even, I have seen a monster corpse at the peak of the star domain level!

The distance from your goal is getting closer and closer.

Here, like an underground world.

"If you can practice here and have such dense earth elements, you will get twice the result with half the effort." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

"By the way, it seems that Shizhi\'s heart is also \'earth series\'."

"I wonder if she will come?"

Lin Feng smiled, but suddenly remembered.

Scorpio, cultivate and understand the way of earth and time; Aries, however, cultivates and understands the way of earth and space.

The two are quite similar.

"There is both the origin of wood elements and the origin of soil elements. I think... There must be the origin of fire elements."

"After exploring this strange cave, you might as well look for it."

"Maybe there will be an opportunity."

Lin Feng smiled and walked forward at will.

Although the cave is large, extending in all directions, like a maze, I\'m not worried about getting lost.

As long as the breath firmly locks on Jin Ji, it\'s enough to follow him. With the sensing ability and judgment of Jinji Wangdao constellation and the geographical advantage of local elements, we will choose the best and best channel. It must be right to follow him.

"However, their judgment seems to be somewhat different." Lin Feng said lightly.

Not long ago, Jin Ji and Fei Yan went separately, but they didn\'t know whether they did it on purpose or felt a difference.

However, it doesn\'t matter.

Thinking lightly in my heart, the forest wind is feeling around, and the side is freehand brushwork. All the monsters were killed by Jin Ji all the way. He was quick, cruel and accurate. It was strange that he didn\'t have the thick feeling of the earth system.

However, after all, it is a royal constellation, which is different from ordinary constellations.

"Step!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and stopped.

The air flow in front fluctuated strongly, and the roar of the beast was vaguely heard mixed with the sound of fighting. It was obvious that Jin Ji met the monster again.

"The frequency is getting higher and higher."

"This\' ancient relic \'doesn\'t seem to have been explored."

"Or, the visitor didn\'t explore so deeply."

Lin Feng was calm and relaxed, so he didn\'t intend to help Jin Ji.

With his strength, it is easy to kill these eight and nine level monsters in the star domain.


"Eh?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

Instantly feel the air flow in front, fluctuating more violently, and amazing breath is galloping towards yourself from the depths of the hole.

"This......" Lin Feng was slightly surprised and frowned.

It doesn\'t make sense!

Jin Ji\'s breath did not weaken at all.

What\'s more, with his strength, how can even these monsters be unfair?

Although, the number seems a little high.

"Ten heads, twenty heads, forty heads..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and the feeling became stronger and stronger. A flash of fire suddenly appeared in his hand. In the depths of the lacquer black hole, he saw a violent thriller like an animal tide. The crazy monster rushed out, and the most front was——

Jin Ji!

Whoosh! Jin Ji passed himself in an instant.

"I see." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Just at that moment, I caught a glimpse of Jin Ji\'s face, calm and calm, with a smile.

Obviously, he \'deliberately\' brought these monsters to himself.

That\'s a lot.

What he sensed, at least a hundred heads, were sprinting out from the depths of the hole. The weakest ones have seven levels of star domain level; The strongest strength is the strength with the star domain level peak; The body is huge and absorbs enough earth elements to make the defense extremely terrible.

But that\'s all.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst with confusion.

The light step movement of the body seems to be a small step, but it has a mysterious feeling. The fire roars and lights up the cave in an instant.

Just because you don\'t fight doesn\'t mean you\'re afraid.

"What a strong \'domain\'."

"Without relying on mysteries, we have been able to bring the \'domain\' to such an extent."

Jin Ji\'s hands crossed his chest and his eyes were deep.

At this time, he is watching Lin Feng fight from a distance, just as Lin Feng did before.

With Jin Ji\'s strength, Lin Feng\'s breath locked him. How could he not know?

At this point, it\'s just "returning" to Lin Feng.

"The fire defense is more than enough, but the attack is not enough."

"Also, his strength must be weakened a lot here. It\'s good to have this power."

"It\'s almost what I thought."

Jin Ji\'s eyes flashed a light and thought a little.

He has always been curious about Lin Feng\'s strength, and now he finally knows it.

"Although the combat strength may not be as good as me."

"But the understanding of \'domain\' is above me, and my realm is not as good as him."


Jin Ji\'s eyes twinkled with light thoughts in his heart.

More than a hundred monsters were killed by Lin Feng before the time for half incense.

Skillful, concise and fast!

"I have a deep understanding of \'killing\'."

"He should have experienced many battles between life and death to grow to this point."

Jin Ji\'s praise for Lin Feng is another level higher.

"Hoo! ~" he sighed, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

The flame in the hand rises again, just like a halo of fire illuminating the whole cave.

All the stumps, corpses and blood disappeared in the fire, and the cave soon recovered its tranquility. Pop! When the flame went out, Lin Feng turned around and looked at Jin Ji. He saw that the latter was calm and relaxed. At this time, he was smiling at himself and knew what was going on in his heart.

Smiling at each other, waiting to speak.




The whole cave suddenly seemed to collapse and vibrated violently!

"Is this?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.