Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1044

"I\'m very careful." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright.

Although the killer of the white clothes Club left a storage ring, there were only some ordinary belongings in it.

Plus his Xingbao and Xingbing, although they are worth a lot of money, they are not very helpful to himself. Obviously, he is a quite professional killer. Even if the assassination fails, there is no evidence left, or even nothing that can prove his identity.

"He seems to be the only one in ambush." Lin Feng urged lightly in his heart.

"As Mrs. Nangong said, the white clothes club is the largest killer organization in the underground world of zhuquezhou. It is absolutely impossible to do things like a tiger\'s head and a snake\'s tail."

"Now that the rosefinch challenge has begun, I will stay here for a full year, or even three years."

"Killer organization, how can there be no back?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he knew a little about the operation of the killer organization.

As the saying goes, if you haven\'t eaten pork, you\'ve always seen pigs run. In order to achieve the goal by unscrupulous means, how can the killer organization have only three axes like its own weapon refining? I believe that the news of the assassination failure will soon be known to them, and then plan for the next assassination!

"Be careful."

"But even if there are killers, at least there are no more nearby."

"It\'s not so easy to \'happen\' to hit again in this miraculous place. It should be peaceful for a while."

Lin Feng looked around and thought deeply.

It\'s good to wait for a rabbit. There\'s no point in being greedy.

The most important thing is

Look for the existence of the "bird King\'s prison".

"According to ghost Valley, only those who are destined can enter the ancient forbidden area."

"But I don\'t know if I have fate with the \'bird King prison\'?"

Indifferent and smile, the forest wind floats up.

For a moment, it disappeared like a gust of wind.

"Boss, coyote mission failed."

"As expected, the target is not a mediocre person." the speaker is a man in white. His eyes are as bright as stars, transmitting sparkling light. "The target may be alert. Watch it for a while, wait for the right opportunity, and be smart yourself, parrot."

"Yes, boss."

Lin Feng finally began his "journey.".

Although it is three days late, it is insignificant for one to three years of "experience".

"Ghost Valley said that this\' land of miracles\' is an independent dimensional space, a world different from the fighting spirit world."

"It should be similar to the \'thousand snake cave\'."

Feeling the rich aura around, Lin Feng felt relaxed and happy.

It\'s like going back to tianwu, feeling like an "adventure".

His eyes fell on his left hand. The ancient cup was nothing special. The faint light flashed a clear number \'0\'. Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care. For myself, it doesn\'t matter how many scores you get in the rosefinch challenge. Although the top three can become the disciples and disciples of the king of inflammation, four to ten can get a lot of rewards.

But these are not lacking at the moment.

The only purpose of participating in the rosefinch challenge is——

Become a saint!

"It\'s not easy to break from the star domain level to the Holy One."

"What kind of road belongs to me?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

In the thousand snake cave, I once asked elder Yu scale.

But he didn\'t tell himself clearly, just a simple sentence

"The real strong have their own path to sanctification."

"When you should understand, you will understand naturally."

This sentence constantly came to mind. Lin Feng couldn\'t help shaking his head.

In any case, there seems to be no "mystery" hidden in it. Master Yu Lin is not a strong man who cherishes himself, and it is absolutely impossible to hide. However, since he did not tell himself, there must be his reason. Just in the end, what should I do to break through and become holy?

The forest wind was confused.

In fact, Lin Feng\'s head hurts.

At the moment, in this "land of miracles", there are countless star level top powers who are worried about finding their own way.

Who doesn\'t want to be holy?

However, the ratio of star domain level to holy level is less than 10000:1. It can be imagined how difficult it is to become holy! How many strong people with outstanding qualifications are trapped at the peak of the star domain level and fail to further step into the palace of martial arts all their lives. The difference between one level and the other is like a world of difference.

That\'s why the rosefinch challenge is so attractive.

As long as the "ancient forbidden area" is triggered, there is a great hope of becoming a saint. Even if the chance is slim, it is always hope that it is a road that can be seen, which is far more reliable than the ethereal "saint\'s road". Therefore, there are so many star domain level existence, one after another.

But there\'s only one chance!

It is useless to enter the "land of miracles" after reaching the star domain level without triggering miracles. It is useless to enter more than once.

At present, the opening of the bird King\'s prison is to expand the "road to holiness" that was originally as wide as a fine needle, by ten, 100, or even a thousand times! Because the bird King prison does not need to be triggered to open. Now it already exists in the "land of miracles". Open the door. All people have to do is find it and enter it!

Then, through the bird King\'s prison, it will be holy!

How attractive it is!

Deep in the land of miracles.

A sea of flames, overwhelming, here is like a flame mountain.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Fire and meteorites fly everywhere, and the amazing wind pressure forms a "forbidden area" with the sound of terrible breaking sound. This is a real ancient forbidden area. There is a dark existence in the flame. You can\'t see clearly, just like the existence of a black hole.

Over the forbidden area, a man dressed in red phosphorus stood in the air, his tiger eyes burning.

It is the king of zhuquezhou, the king of inflammation!

The indiscriminate attacks of fire and meteorites are not at all "merciful" because of the strength of King Yan. However, with the strength of King Yan, he is not afraid of these fire and meteorite attacks. Saint level is also divided into many levels. With the strength of King Yan, ordinary Saint level can\'t hurt him. What\'s more, it\'s just the power of star level?

However, the fire meteorite can\'t hurt the king of inflammation, but it\'s hard for others to say.

"The bird King\'s prison really deserves to be one of the best forbidden areas in ancient times."

"It\'s unheard of to open six channels at once. I\'m afraid the number of channels will increase as time goes by..."

"No wonder it opens in advance."

The Yan King\'s eyes are burning and shining.

A slight arc was drawn at the corner of the mouth, which was very satisfactory.

"I can\'t imagine that so many talented young strong men have appeared in zhuquezhou in the past 100 years."

"The five stars are contending with each other, but they reflect the only star. There seems to be some connection between the two, huh..."

"Shifu once mentioned that whenever there is a vision, there will be a \'big change\'."

"But I don\'t know whether it\'s a blessing or a curse."

The southern region is a fairyland filled with mist.

The empty valley is quiet, and all kinds of rare fruits can be seen everywhere. The whole valley is filled with a natural fragrance. There are not many people in the valley, but each martial artist has a different feeling of solitude, as if hidden in this space.

Holy One!

All are legendary saints!

In the human world, if you want to see a saint who is difficult, it blooms everywhere and can be seen everywhere.

In the deep valley, in the dense fog where no saint enters, a slightly old but immortal figure stands happily, carrying his hands and looking up at the sky. Through the thick fog, the starry sky here is not dim, but especially bright, thousands of times better than the fighting spirit world!

At this time, it is scattered like a huge chessboard.

Some of the stars are bright and some are dim.

At the north and south ends of the starry sky, there are two incomparably huge stars, flashing different lights alone.

The huge star at the southern end was dazzling at this time, and faintly shrouded the other stars in the south, just like a king coming; The huge star at the north end, although huge, is not as bright as other small stars.

However, one south and one north, the two complement each other, as if there was a line involved.

"Alas! ~" with a long sigh, the old man seemed to be much older.

"The stars are in disorder, the heroes are separated, and the fighting spirit world is about to change."

"Although the two stars appear together, but the demon family\'s\' Emperor\'s star \'has completely shone. Who is competing?"

"Is there still time..."

The voice of the light murmur, with a deep sigh.

The old man\'s bright eyes closed slowly and seemed to shake his head powerlessly.

He can see many things, but he may not be able to stop them.

At this time——

"Wow! ~" in the thick fog, a brown figure suddenly appeared, slightly arched, "I\'ve seen Emperor Yao."

"What\'s the matter?" the old man looked back and looked flat, but with a pressing pressure, he was superior. It was an innate temperament and a symbol of strength. He is one of the twelve saints of the human world, the master of the king Yan, the controller of the southern region and the super strong at the level of the king.

Emperor Yao!

A strong man who calls him "emperor".

That is the human world, the transcendent existence at the top of the pyramid.

"The witch messenger is here." the brown figure said softly.

"Finally..." Emperor Yao\'s eyes flashed a little indifferent, which was obviously not what he expected. Looking back, I glanced at the starry sky. A minute of loss and helplessness flashed in my eyes. Then I closed my eyes and turned my head. My voice was light, "lead the way."

"Yes, Emperor Yao."

"The demon clan is ready to move."

"Hold a \'command Competition\'?"

"Ha ha."

Emperor Yao\'s eyes were light and bright, with a faint smile.

The sheepskin roll in your hand will soon be finished. When your right hand shakes, you will put away the sheepskin roll. Looking at the huge witch messenger in front of him, although he looked up, his momentum completely suppressed him. Emperor Yao said faintly, "I have received the instruction of the witch emperor, and I will go to the witch Holy Land in a few days."

"OK." the witch messenger nodded, "farewell, Emperor Yao."

Standing burning, Emperor Yao looked at the back of the messenger of the witch family who had left. His eyebrows were slightly twisted and he sighed.

"Those who should come should always come. I didn\'t expect it to be so fast."

"The third Lich war, I\'m afraid..."

"It will be the last time."