Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1043


Lin Feng sat quietly, like an old monk in peace.

Static braking!

Time passed slowly. The hyena was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but it was neither in nor out. His "concealment" ability needs star power support. Although it costs little, it is also cost. It\'s like a drop of water wears through a stone. If it is consumed all the time, once the star power is exhausted, his whereabouts will be exposed.

Because this is the starting point!

At this time, nearly 20000 star domain level strong people had already taken tea cool.

An open area, if he suddenly exposed his breath, how could Lin Feng not know?

What should I do?

What the hell should he do!

At this time, the hyena is really like his name, his face is like earth, and cold sweat is dripping from his forehead.

He has been assassinated so many times. He has never encountered such an "embarrassing" situation. Now he is in a dilemma, just like hanging from a tree.

Than patience!

Lin Feng, can afford it.

"Wow! ~" the breath spread. Lin Feng\'s spirit was perfectly concentrated at this time, and everything around him was in his own induction. Xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil are not only practicing, but also closely sensing every move of the surrounding environment.

Any change can be clearly sensed.

I don\'t believe it. The killer of the white society will give up tracking himself!

Unless you think too much.

However, Mrs. Nangong would not cheat herself.

The news is true nine times out of ten.

"Power should cultivate double pupils. There is a lot of time." Lin Feng\'s heart is quiet and not in a hurry.

The rosefinch challenge focuses on opportunity, not time. For other martial artists, congenital treasures, natural and earth treasures, and the "trial hall" recognized by the saints are very important, but they don\'t play a great role for themselves. They just come to break through the holy level!

The goal is clear.

Only the ancient forbidden area "bird King\'s prison".

But before that, I must remove all unstable factors!

Avoid disaster.

"See how long you can hide."

"Again and again, again and again, three and exhausted."

"Hidden breath, one is a treasure and the other is a star skill. No matter which one is exhausted."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that there was no omission.

Although I can dig three feet into the ground and burn the surrounding areas to ashes with an endless fire of rebirth, forcing out the white clothes killer, this is not as ideal as "waiting". For one thing, I don\'t know how many killers the white clothes club has sent, for the other

Static braking will do a great blow to the enemy\'s morale.

In the face of unknown strength and unknown number of enemies, you need not only to maintain your best state, but also to maintain your strongest strength.

If you can win perfectly, don\'t get hurt.

The fewer variables, the better.

The rosefinch challenge finally began.

The whole rosefinch realm pays attention to it. Every large screen in the sky shows some details of the place of miracles. This Centennial challenge can be described as the most important challenge in zhuquezhou. In particular, the "trial hall" of various saints is the existence that people pay most attention to.

They all want to see who can pass the examination of the "trial hall" and become a disciple of the Holy One. They are not only curious, but also have more insight. They will even encounter them in the future.

Of course, many "interesting" things will happen in ancient ruins.

Especially for treasures, they often fight.

The battle of life and death between star level peaks is rare, but it is common and exciting in the rosefinch challenge!

However, the most exciting thing to talk about is the "ranking list". Many gambling places place bets to predict the winner, runner up and runner up of the rosefinch challenge, including four to ten. A total of 19888 contestants, the odds are amazing.

Many martial artists can make a lot of money if they hit it once!

"Look, master Lin Feng is here too!"

"I saw it earlier. I wonder if master Lin Feng can reach the top ten?"

"It\'s hard. Master Lin Feng is young, and his weapon refining strength is at its peak. I\'m afraid he is as good at weapon refining as Mrs. Nangong, and his strength is generally not too strong."

"It\'s hard to say. He\'s a star level peak. Besides, master Lin Feng\'s weapon refining strength is so strong, and his whole body\'s equipment configuration must be top. Maybe he can create another miracle by relying on those star treasure star tools against the sky? Believe it or not, I believe master Lin Feng anyway and bought 10 star crystals to play."

"Really, I also bought 5-star crystals to see my luck, ha ha!"


Lin Feng has once again become the focus.

After all, the remaining warmth of the weapon refiner competition has not dissipated. In addition, Mrs. Nangong just announced yesterday that Lin Feng has become the vice president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance. At present, Lin Feng is very popular. How many weapon refiners have made Lin Feng an idol and support it. After all, it\'s better to buy cooked than raw.

Besides, Lin Feng\'s miracles in the weapon refiner competition are too popular.

Several turnovers, several big reversals, and many miracles!

But this time, everyone was stupid.

In the past three days, 19888 contestants have scored, with more than 100 points and less than 2 or 3 points, except Lin Feng

No point!

Top of the list!

It\'s the last.

"Ha ha, as I said earlier, master Lin Feng is a tool refiner, not a martial artist."

"If you don\'t listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you. Your grandfather and I have crossed more bridges than you have walked. Fool, how can there be a tool refiner with strong strength."

"Listen to me. I bought Liu Rufeng from Huangguan County, Feiyan from Jinghua County and Yin Sanniang from madman county. It must be right. There will always be a meeting. Master Lin Feng? I\'ll lose you! I advise you not to feel bad about money."

"Yes, don\'t be superstitious about master Lin Feng."


When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. With the sudden rise of Lin Feng, there will always be people who are jealous and have low self-esteem.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s "disgrace" now, why don\'t you jump out and find a sense of existence.

Sunspots are everywhere.

However, Lin Feng got a \'0\' score, which is really a little unimaginable.

Pretty weird!

Land of miracles.

Lin Feng has been sitting around for three days.

Some people doubt themselves when they encounter setbacks, but Lin Feng never wavers in his ideas. What\'s more, even if he makes a wrong judgment? It\'s just taking a little time to cultivate the starsky pupil and the stardome pupil, and it doesn\'t "lose money.".

Calm and relaxed, although Lin Feng is practicing, he is always ready to fight.

State, now is the peak!

However, the hyena not far away was not so good. He stayed in the soil for three days without moving, and soon became a stone carving. Although for killers, such dormancy is nothing. Sometimes it is normal to wait for ten days and a half months to assassinate a target.

However, hyena is now forced by heart and force, and is about to lose its support.

He can\'t see any hope!

Even if you wait three days, seven days, half a month?

If Lin Feng doesn\'t go for a day, he can\'t move. When the star power is exhausted and his breath is exposed, even if he wants to kill Lin Feng directly, he is powerless. At present, the only possibility is to hope that Lin Feng will give up and he will have a way out, but what if Lin Feng doesn\'t give up?

He\'s dead!

"Damn it!"

"This son of a bitch, kill a thousand dollars!"

Hyenas have already greeted Lin Feng\'s ancestors for 18 generations, and are mad.

But he knew he had no way back.

Only one fight!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng moved in his heart.

The cultivation of xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil is suddenly broken, and almost instantly integrates to form a self state!

Pop! Like an illusion, the forest wind changes from static to dynamic, just in an instant, as fast as meteors and lightning, with sparkling light in his eyes. After waiting for three days, I finally waited for his appearance and a rabbit.

"Sure enough, it\'s right to wait for the rabbit." Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

In front of him, a short man dressed in white appeared in front of him with fierce light in his eyes.

White dress club!

"Finally willing to come out?" Lin Feng slowly opened his mouth and looked at the little man.

Although he is short, he is not thin. His refined muscles are full of explosive power. His breath can not be underestimated. He is obviously a strong opponent. However, his breath was a little disordered and his face was very ugly, but it was difficult to control his anger.

His condition is not good.

"OK! You\'re fine!" the hyena gnashed his teeth and choked.

"Just you?" Lin Feng asked intentionally or unintentionally.

The hyena snorted coldly, his breath burst out, and his killing intention was revealed: "I\'m enough to kill you!"

Qiang! The waist Sabre is drawn out in a moment. It is different from ordinary sabres. It is short and powerful. The double-edged serrations flash a bit ferocious. With the voice falling, the hyena galloped out like a meteor. Its amazing explosive power gave full play to the speed, and the faint stars behind the body seemed to be combined with the body.

Simple, fast, direct!

Extremely fast!


Hyenas, this time they met the real nemesis!

"Magic." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled like stars. The hyena\'s head was covered with a sound, and his heart was shocked. After all, his mind was firm, and he reacted in an instant. However, only at that moment, the Lin Feng in front of him had disappeared!

"What!?" at this moment, the hyena\'s face finally changed greatly.


The thought in my heart just sounded, but there was an amazing and terrible breath behind it.

"Die." like the cry of hell, mixed with terror enough to devour everything. Lin Feng\'s performance of magic, the change of LAN yunbu and the outbreak of speed are all just right. This is the result of cultivation and the combat ability after training with Saint level strong people!

The hyena, though powerful, is in a very poor state.

A killer, but he didn\'t even expect pupil surgery.

One shot, then points high and low.

"Jiong!" the fire is ferocious. Lin Feng\'s action is faster and more direct than that of hyenas!

Simple, violent!

"No!!" the hyena roared with bloodshot eyes.

He couldn\'t understand why Lin Feng\'s strength was so strong.

But he will never know the answer.

"Peng!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed away and stood in the air.

"The information of your white clothes club should still be a year ago."

"Unfortunately, it\'s too bad." Lin Feng smiled calmly.