Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1042

He seemed to feel Lin Feng\'s "bad" eyes, and Yan Wang looked at him immediately.

"Peng!" felt a slight shock in his heart, and Lin Feng immediately returned to his mind. However, he was not affected at all. He still looked directly at the burning king and felt his sharp breath, just like a sword out of its scabbard, which moved his heart.

This is power!

The power you desire to achieve.

Holy class!

"Sure enough, he deserves to be the king of zhuquezhou. He is much stronger than the \'Saint\' shakara." Lin Feng thought in his heart and smiled.

There is a danger from the organic. Although I almost died in the catastrophe six months ago, I must have a blessing if I didn\'t die. I learned a lot, got a lot, and made great progress in strength. A year ago, I couldn\'t even bear the pressure of shakara, but now

In the face of King Yan, who is much stronger than Sakyamuni, he can be calm.

I am getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that he is also quite interested in Lin Feng. Yan Wang gives a curious light warning and pauses on Lin Feng for a second, but soon takes back his eyes and looks around at the people. His calm voice slowly echoes, "the rules remain the same. In a year, the channel in the place of miracles will be opened again."

"Three years later, the rosefinch challenge officially ended."

"Wear the \'ancient Cup\', it will record all your activities in the place of miracles, ranking first in the total score, whether you break through the holy level or not..."

"They will all become my apprentices!"

The voice was sonorous and thunderous. With the voice of King Yan falling, the sky seemed to have a rainstorm.

The stars flickered, and countless "table" objects fell from the void. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly, took over the "ancient Cup" that fell above him, and put it on after looking at it. Although I don\'t know what Yan Wang means, it\'s obviously one of the rules of the rosefinch challenge.

"I will accept those who rank second and third as disciples."

"Those in the fourth to tenth places will also be rewarded. Of course, if they are accepted as disciples by other saints, then... Congratulations. Finally, I remind you that it is easy to get in and difficult to get out of the bird King\'s prison. If you want to enter it and become saints through the ancient forbidden area, think twice."

"Now I announce that the rosefinch challenge -"

"Officially open!"

Boom~ The fire was dazzling and shrouded the sky.

As if entering a sea of flames, with the explosion of strong fire elements, the figure of Yan Wang disappeared, but it came and went faster. Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and his chest fluctuated slightly. He was shocked by the strength of Yan Wang, "what a strange body method, what a fast speed!"

I don\'t even know how he disappeared.

King Yan really deserves to be the king of zhuquezhou!

Strength, deep bottomless.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One figure after another, like a sharp arrow, broke through the air and galloped in all directions.

"See you later, master Lin Feng."

"Farewell, master Lin Feng."

"Good luck!"


Everyone said goodbye one by one, and Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

For a moment, people were walking in 7788. They couldn\'t wait to start their journey. However, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but they were not in a hurry. For at least a year, why should I rush for a moment? Looking at the people, they almost all act alone. Just now they were strong people gathered in groups, but now they are scattered like birds and beasts.

"Strange, why do you act alone?" said Lin Feng. "Isn\'t it good to have more people?"

"Of course it\'s not good. What you can get from entering the ancient ruins is personal opportunity. Only one martial artist can enter the trial hall every time, and more people will reduce the \'benefit\' by more than half." Shi Zhixin opened her eyes and said slowly.

Lin Feng suddenly understood.

Also, the rosefinch challenge does not pay attention to teamwork.

"Ha ha, I\'m gone too, master Lin Feng." there was a hearty laughter nearby. Lin Feng turned his head and saw Lin Zhan sprinkle however, winking at himself.

"Elder brother, you......" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Don\'t worry, brother, I know I won\'t go into the \'bird King prison\'." Lin Zhan scratched at the corner of his mouth and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, "you too, be careful."

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded gently.

Knowing what Lin Zhan meant, he didn\'t want to drag himself down.

Seeing Lin Zhan disappear slowly, Lin Feng\'s eyes flicker slightly.

I don\'t want to stay in Lin Zhan, but

It\'s likely to be dangerous!

"I\'m gone too, Lin Feng. I\'ll see you in the \'bird King prison\'." Shi Zhi smiled with a faint smile, not nervous at all. She felt like visiting mountains and rivers and waved goodbye. As a matter of fact, there is really no need to worry so much about the strength of Zhixin

Seeing Shi Zhi\'s heart leave, the people around him have disappeared. Lin Feng\'s eyes are only slightly bright at this time.

What my adoptive father said before leaving

Be careful!

When I said this, my adoptive father looked very dignified, not ordinary advice, and

"Pa!" Lin Feng took out the paper ball and flashed a moment of awe in his eyes.

Mrs. Nangong entrusted her adoptive father to give it to her.

He opened it slowly and looked at the beautiful handwriting on it, but there was a different message. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his eyebrows were slightly twisted together. "White clothes society? The largest underground killer organization in zhuquezhou..." he whispered secretly, and Lin Feng looked at it again.


Signed by Mrs. Nangong.

"The alliance of weapon refiners is really powerful, and such secret news can be received." Lin Feng whispered in his heart, but he looked very calm.

What are you afraid of?

Assassinate yourself? Only the star level strong can enter this miraculous land!

The strongest is the star level peak. I am fully capable of competing with it. What\'s more, I haven\'t seen any assassinations since I was small? In this regard, I have rich experience. Now I know that someone should be disadvantageous to me, so I can stay distracted.

Want to kill yourself?

It\'s not that easy.

"It\'s really right to let eldest brother go first." Lin Feng said secretly.

If your brother is involved because of your own affairs, it\'s not what you want.

"Nine times out of ten, this matter has something to do with Lin Peidi." Lin Feng\'s eyes are dark and his heart is very clear.

Lin Jiandi is the only one who hates himself. Last time he killed Hong Jian and destroyed Lin Jiandi\'s plot. How could he give up so simply with his character. All along, he has been dormant like a poisonous snake. There is no movement. It turns out that he has already laid a snare and waited for himself.


"He is also one of the contestants." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Lin Dadi is still not 100 years old. In other words, he has never participated in the rosefinch challenge, and his strength has already exceeded the third level of star domain!

So he is qualified to participate in the rosefinch challenge.

"If only he were in the land of miracles."

"If you come in, you don\'t want to go out again!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a dark, and the paper ball in his hand suddenly turned into ashes.

I will never tolerate adultery.

With the crowd, a figure dressed in a black cloak was roaring!

A pair of cold, wolf like eyes are full of strong and fierce light.

It\'s Lin Yudi!

"Here, it is called that every day should not be, and that the earth does not work."

"Lin Feng, I see how you die!"

Lin Dadi\'s eyes flashed a cold killing intention, but he hated Lin Feng to the bone.

If it weren\'t for Lin Feng, I\'m afraid he would have been the head of the Lin family at this time. Why should he work so hard as now? He has been dormant for 20 years and laid a seamless situation, but he was defeated by Lin Feng alone. How could he not hate it!

He will never settle this account like that!

Never die!

"By the way, it seems that in addition to Lin Feng, there are also three martial artists of the Lin family. I remember..."

"It seems that Lin Zhen, the eldest son of the old fox, also has star pupil -"

"Master Lin Zhan."

The corners of Lin\'s mouth began to row coldly, and Jie smiled strangely.

brain wave.

"If the killer wants to assassinate the target, first..."

"Look for the right place."

Lin Feng looked around with bright eyes.

It extends in all directions, and the killer has nowhere to hide. It is not a suitable place for assassination.

But, at least now, people here are clean.

The assassination will not cause complications.

"The second is timing."

"The timing of the assassination is very important. A good timing can make the assassination very smooth. Sometimes the target can\'t even exert 10% of his strength."

"However, at present, it is also not a good time."

Lin Feng smiled. At the moment, his state is 100% perfect.


"This\' miracle land \'is huge. If I leave like this, it seems that it is not so easy for the killer of the white clothes club to find me." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and he thinks a little in his heart. Although I can\'t feel it now, the killer who believes in the white society must hide his whereabouts. Now I\'m afraid he\'s watching himself in the dark.

Great possibility!

"It\'s also powerful." Lin Feng praised it lightly.

He can keep himself close, but can\'t find his whereabouts. The concealment ability of this killer is not generally strong.

If you let him find a good "time" to assassinate, maybe he will really be in danger.

In that case, it\'s better to

"Come out, there\'s no one." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and drank quickly.

There was silence around. No one answered. Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he just tried at will. The corners of his mouth gently rowed up and shouted, "don\'t come out? Then I\'ll wait for you here." after that, Lin Feng immediately closed his eyes and sat cross legged.

It\'s better to be vigilant and experience in the place of miracles than

Pull out the thorn around you first!

In the distance, a short man\'s body was completely hidden in the soil.

White dress club, three star killer "hyena", fly, good at hidden assassination.

It is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment and has no breath at all. As a three-star killer, hyena has several brushes and has pure assassination skills. I don\'t know how many strong people die in his silent concealment and can\'t give full play to their strength.

But Lin Feng\'s shouting just now made the hyena look ugly.

From the look and action of the target, he seems to know the existence of the white society and the current "dangerous" situation!

"Damn it!" the hyena gnashed its teeth.

The heart is up and down, hesitating.