Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1041

A burst of greetings, Lin Feng quickly integrated into the crowd.

There are countless strong stars around, in groups of three or two, each with different circles. With Lin Feng\'s original identity, it is impossible to enter the strongest circle in Shiluo County, but now it is more than enough. At present, Lin Feng\'s identity is precious. Among all the strong stars here, he is already at the top of the pyramid.

This can be seen only from the number of star level strong people who come to make friends.

Many star level top strongmen are shy to say hello, and they are not ashamed at all.

Lin Feng greeted them with a smile, and Lin Zhan held his head high beside him. Many martial artists around us gathered here and whispered, mixed with envy, reverence and other eyes, but not everyone was "qualified" to say hello.

"By the way, do you know Jin Ji in Hanfei county?" said Lin Feng.

I still remember the young man in grey just now. I feel that he is even more terrible than the "ghost Valley", the strongest star level warrior in Shiluo county. At present, these strong men in Shiluo county are well-informed and experienced. Maybe they can learn some information about him.

"Jin Ji?" the crowd was stunned. For a moment, it seemed as if the time had stopped and became quiet.

Lin Feng said lightly, but he felt something wrong. His eyes were bright. Everyone\'s eyes focused on Shi Zhi\'s heart, as if

What\'s the relationship between them?

"See what I do, I don\'t know him!" Shi Zhi\'s heart was Jiao angry, and her face turned red.

Seeing that Shi Zhixin denied it, Lin Feng was more curious. If Shi Zhixin didn\'t know Jin Ji, who believed it? But looking around at the crowd, seeing Shi Zhixin\'s look, they all hesitated and refused to speak. It seemed that they didn\'t want to be the first bird to offend the "big lady". Hua Wei winked at himself.

The atmosphere has become very strange, with an unspeakable taste.

"Well, when I didn\'t ask." Lin Feng smiled calmly, but it didn\'t mean much to make a thorough inquiry. His eyes flashed slightly. Lin Feng immediately changed the topic, "I don\'t know how the process of this rosefinch challenge is?" he has been in the country of hunting, and he really doesn\'t know anything about the rosefinch challenge.

It was the tool refiner competition. I also asked Wang Mucai to know one or two.

But I don\'t know, but now everyone must know.

"The process is actually very simple and free to play." ghost Valley immediately opened his mouth, which is also a very interesting way to change the topic and immediately forget the embarrassment just now.

Free play?

Lin Feng felt a little strange.

The preliminary round of the rosefinch challenge is one after another, with rules and rules, but when it comes to the main race, is it so strange?

"In fact, Lin Feng, you don\'t have to care too much about this. In fact, the rosefinch challenge is not higher than your strength. You can help it as a... Test." Hua Yidao said with bright eyes. "If you really want to compare your strength, there\'s no need to hold a preliminary competition. It\'s a waste of time."

Lin Feng nodded, indeed.

Most of the "elites" selected through layers of preliminary competitions are first-class to third-class stars.

In the preliminaries, no one can stop it, but here, we have to face the existence of star domain level eight, nine and even star domain level peaks.


"In this miracle land, there are countless secrets, treasures, luck and destiny." Hua Yidao said slowly, "how much each martial artist can get is different from his own creation. In short, there are three categories in the miracle land, namely ancient relics, trial hall and ancient forbidden area."

"I\'d like to hear it in detail." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Hua Yidao nodded and explained tirelessly, "among the three categories, ancient relics are the least dangerous. There are often some natural and earth treasures, and even congenital treasures. There are also some special places of cultivation that can make martial artists improve by leaps and bounds. In this land of miracles, the number of ancient relics is the largest."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he thought a little in his heart.

"In the trial hall, there are various saints and even the king. The \'trial\' under the cloth is of medium risk. It is not easy to pass safely, but once you pass the trial, you will have the opportunity to become a disciple of the saints and even the king. Even if you score high in the trial, it is common to become an apprentice directly."

i see.

No wonder there is a round of preliminary rounds, layers of screening.

Lin Feng nodded. At this time, his heart suddenly opened up. The trial hall is actually the way for Saint level to choose disciples.

Naturally, the selection of apprentices is not based on strength, but on qualification. It doesn\'t matter if you are a little inferior in strength, or if you don\'t get anything from ancient relics. As long as you have good enough qualifications, you can fly to the branches and become a phoenix if you enter the "trial hall" and are selected by the saints and even the king!

The future is bright!

Over time, becoming a saint is just around the corner.

"Ancient forbidden area... I heard that this ancient forbidden area seems to open?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

"Yes, it\'s the bird King\'s prison." Hua Yidao\'s eyes were deep. "In the land of miracles, the ancient forbidden area sends out signs in advance and opens in advance. It can be said that it\'s rare to see it in ten thousand years. This is a signal that a warrior must become a \'Saint\'. However, there are more than one ancient forbidden area in the land of miracles, which can only be opened after being touched by a warrior. And the most dangerous place is the ancient forbidden area!"

Lin Fengpeng was so excited that he finally knew something about the rosefinch challenge at this time.

Indeed, as Hua Yidao said, the ancient forbidden area is the most dangerous, but the danger is organic, and the more dangerous it is——

The greater the opportunity!

How can the ancient forbidden area be ordinary?

"In previous years, only those martial artists touched by chance can enter the ancient forbidden area, but this time everyone can enter the \'bird King prison\'." Hua Yidao\'s eyes flashed a bright light and added, "becoming a saint is the dream of every star level strong man. Even if he dies because of this, he has no regrets."

"As long as you can safely pass the \'bird King prison\', you will be holy!"

"Moreover, even if it cannot be sanctified, the opportunity in the bird King\'s prison is thousands of times better than the ancient ruins!"

"This is a once-in-a-million-year opportunity!"

Hua Dao\'s words are chiseled and sonorous.

Not only him, but also the eyes of everyone around him.

Who doesn\'t want to be holy?

Lin Feng knows very well that there is a saying in the fighting spirit world——

There are ants under the Holy One!

Only the Holy One is the master of the fighting spirit world!

Time passes slowly.

At this time, there are more and more martial artists in this miraculous land.

There is little time left before the rosefinch challenge officially begins. Lin Feng learned a lot of useful information in his chat with the strong people in Shiluo county. In addition to the structure of this miraculous land and the process of the previous rosefinch challenge, even the strong people in each county participating in this session have heard a little.

"Liu Rufeng" in Huangguan County, "Feiyan" in Jinghua County, and "Yin Sanniang" in madman County

One by one, they are outstanding and famous people in their respective counties.

"These are the strong men who have been famous for a long time." Hua Yidao\'s eyes were bright and said positively, "there are many rising stars who are fierce. Although their fame is not as good as these strong men, their strength... I\'m afraid it\'s unpredictable and immeasurable." Hua Yidao smiled with meaning, "like Lin Feng you."

"Me?" Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t answer.

Hua Yidao\'s eyes flashed and continued, "like Miss Zhixin, and Jin Ji you mentioned just now, they are all the best among them, and Lin Feng, who is recognized as the strongest, must remember." a fine light flashed in his eyes, and Hua Yidao said in a deep voice, "Qianshan County, thousands of love emperor."

"Thousands love the emperor." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning, and he gently read the name of "neutral", but he didn\'t know whether it was a man or a woman.

"Like Miss Zhixin, she is a Gemini of the twelve zodiac constellations and has just turned 18 this year." Hua Yidao looked calm. "She is known as the star level strong person who is most likely to become a saint through the \'bird King prison\' in this rosefinch challenge!"

Lin Feng nodded and firmly remembered it in his heart.

It is by no means ordinary people who can make Hua Yidao so evaluate.

Thousand love Emperor

"Sure enough, the rosefinch challenge is really interesting." Lin Feng smiled and clenched his fist.

Not afraid to laugh, my heart felt boiling.

It\'s because there are opponents that it\'s interesting!

Talking room——

"Boom! ~" a bright red flame rose up in the sky, covering the sky instantly.

A strange sight suddenly appeared, just like a signal, a message. With the release of strong fire element, the amazing breath comes in an instant, violent and terrible. Pop! Pop! Pop! Behind him, the light door of the passage into the land of miracles was completely closed and locked.

Lin Feng felt a little chilly in his heart and immediately looked at the void.

Feeling, very clear!

"It\'s the breath of Saint level." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and unaffected.

For myself, the power of Saint level is no longer powerful. In qianshe cave, I compete with Master Yu Lin from time to time.

This pressure has long been fully adapted.

"Boom! ~" just like a flame, the breath is amazing.

In mid air, a man dressed in red phosphorus suddenly appeared, looking down at the crowd with a momentum of anger and power. Those bright eyes, like stars, transmit infinite power. Glancing, the crowd immediately knelt on one knee.

"I\'ve seen the burning king!" Qi Liang\'s voice sounded, and Lin Feng knelt down with the people on one knee. This is the etiquette of the fighting spirit world and the "respect" for the Holy One.

Burning king!

The name is too familiar.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not avoid staring at the man like a flame in the air, and his heart fluctuated.

He is the king of zhuquezhou!

I heard the name when I first stepped into zhuquezhou. I don\'t want to see it with my own eyes now. In just a few years, I\'ve been shuttling in front of my eyes. I\'ve been a stranger who knows nothing. Now

It is also the existence of star domain peak.

In time, he will become holy, just like the \'he\' in front of him!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and confident.