Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1040

I could feel it in the crowd three days ago.

Now that we are close at hand, this feeling is even stronger. In front of us, this young man in gray \'Jin Ji\'... His strength is quite terrible!

That feeling is even better than any star level strongman I\'ve seen in Shiluo County, including Shi Zhixin, as well as huayidao, one of the top ten strongmen. I feel that I\'m only a little inferior to the elder Yu scale who has been competing in the thousand snake cave for three months!

Jin Ji, however, has not yet reached the holy level.

"We\'ll meet in the \'bird King\'s prison\' when we have a chance to compete." Jin Ji smiled calmly and his eyes glittered lightly.

"Good." Lin Feng also looked at Jin Ji, and his pupils were bright.

From his breath, I vaguely felt a familiar \'taste\', deja vu.

Yes, it\'s very similar to Shi Zhixin!

"Isn\'t it... He belongs to the twelve constellations of the royal way like Shi Zhi\'s heart?" Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly cold, and a golden light flashed in front of him. Through the bangs on Jin Ji\'s forehead, a pale golden mark could be vaguely seen, which was so similar to Shi Zhi\'s heart.

It\'s just different shapes.

But just for a moment, Jin Ji turned and left with a faint smile.

"He should be one of the twelve constellations of the kingly way..."


Lin Feng thought in his heart, and suddenly it was clear.

The twelve constellations of the way of kings are recognized as the strongest natural constellations. Once you wake up and practice very fast, you will show superior strength in the early stage. This point can be seen from Shi Zhi\'s heart. At a young age, she has such terrible power. She still clearly remembers the battle of the wizard of Oz, which inspired Shi Zhi\'s heart of all power——

How terrible!

With the power of one person, the whole situation was almost reversed.

This is the kingly sign.

At present, another one appeared.

"Yes, although the royal constellation is rare, this time it is the elite and strong of the whole zhuquezhou."

"Maybe there are other royal constellations every minute."

Lin Feng smiled quietly, but he was not afraid to smile.

Only when there are competitors can there be competition and promote the progress of strength!

It\'s a good thing.

Seeing Jin Ji leave, the light in Lin Feng\'s eyes gradually faded.

Turning his head and looking at Lin Zhan, he just wanted to talk, but he looked pale and cold sweat dripping on his forehead. Lin Feng couldn\'t help but wonder, "what\'s the matter, brother?"

Lin Zhan frowned and looked at Lin Feng for two seconds. He whispered, "brother Lin, can\'t you feel the awe of Jin Ji just now?"

"Breath pressure?" Lin Feng was stunned.

I didn\'t feel anything from head to foot.

When I think about it, I suddenly realize that even the saint level strong can face it calmly. What effect can it have on me? However, Lin Zhan is different. Although he has made great progress this year, he is now only level 4 of the star domain level, and there is a big gap in the level.

"Brother Lin, you are really a little monster." Lin Zhan stared for a long time and sighed.

Mixed with envy and admiration, he watched Lin Feng break through to the star level. Unexpectedly, it was only more than a year before Lin Feng

It has reached the star level peak!

This cultivation speed is amazing and terrible.

Moreover, Lin Feng\'s strength is real, without any adulteration.

Lin Feng knew what he was thinking. He smiled and said softly, "I just happened to be one step ahead. With your qualifications, you can make great efforts to sneak up and reach the peak of the star region level. Maybe it is possible to break through the holy level earlier than me."

It\'s not a compliment. He has a star pupil. Lin Zhan\'s qualification is second only to himself in the family. Even Yu Mo can\'t compare with him.

"Well said!" Lin zhanhu\'s eyes were burning. "My goal since childhood is to break through and become a saint level strong one day!" it was loud and shocking, which showed Lin zhanhu\'s determination. Lin Feng clearly understood that what his eldest brother said was true. Although he was careless on weekdays, he was meticulous about cultivation.

"There must be no problem, big brother." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes suddenly lit up, but he saw it not far away. He also looked at himself. He was very familiar!

Release Zhi\'s heart!

With a slight smile, Lin Feng looked at Lin Zhan and said, "come on, brother, go and say hello to your acquaintances."

"Acquaintances?" Lin Zhan was slightly surprised and puzzled.

But seeing Lin Feng walking forward, there is no need to think too much, that is to keep up.

"Miss Zhi Xin." Lin Feng walked over with a smile. His eyes flashed. There were many familiar faces beside Shi Zhi\'s heart and body. Hua Yidao, Hua Wei and Zeng Ren have all been seen by myself. There are a few that I have never seen before, but at a glance, I know that their strength is extraordinary.

But not surprisingly, Lin Feng knows the identity of Shi Zhixin.

"What young lady is not young lady? Just call me Zhi Xin." Shi Zhi\'s heart was light and pretended to be unhappy.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and gave a light \'um\'.

He and Shi Zhixin don\'t know each other. They share weal and woe in the wizard of Oz, which is a friend of life and death. I haven\'t seen this little girl for a year. Now she is slim and graceful. It is the 18th change of women\'s University. The original green and astringent has faded a lot, and a little more youthful, just like a blooming flower.

However, it was no surprise to myself.

On that day, Shizhi\'s heart burst out with great potential. At that time, she was completely "mature" and had seen it herself, not to mention now?

"By the way, I wanted to come with you today, but when I went to the Lin house, they said you set out three days ago." Shi Zhi\'s beautiful eyes flashed and said curiously, "why did you come to the rosefinch territory three days in advance? Is there any fun place here?"

"Er..." Lin Feng was speechless.

"Ha ha! ~" a burst of hearty laughter rang out, but Hua Yidao sent it out.

"Uncle Hua, what are you laughing at?" Shi Zhi\'s heart was light and pouted.

Hua Yidao glanced at Lin Feng, then looked at Shi Zhixin and said with a smile, "Miss Zhixin really doesn\'t hear things outside the window. I don\'t even know what happened in zhuquezhou these two days?"

"Ah, what happened?" Shi Zhi was stunned. "Is it related to Lin Feng?"

"It\'s more than about it." Hua Yidao said, "master Lin Feng is the protagonist. He\'s a blockbuster!"

"Lin Feng... Master?" Shi Zhixin\'s big eyes were even more complicated. Looking around the people, she saw that they were not half surprised. Obviously, she was the only one who didn\'t know. After a short time, her face turned red, and Shi Zhi stamped her foot, "Uncle Hua, don\'t sell off, tell me quickly!"

"Let me tell you, elder martial sister." Hua Wei said with a smile, "Lin Feng, no, master Lin Feng won the title of the weapon refiner competition at one fell swoop. I heard that he has created countless records, especially the" legendary grade "that only exists in myth."

Then, staring at Lin Feng, Hua Wei was also deeply surprised and curious.

"Is the weapon refiner competition very strong?" Shi Zhi\'s heart is very strange, "more powerful than the \'pangyan\' of the first weapon refiner family in Shiluo county?"

Pang Yan?

The crowd couldn\'t help smiling.

"The Ponzi family is no longer the first tool refiner family in Shiluo county." Hua Yidao smiled, "because of master Lin Feng, the Lin family has already squeezed down the Ponzi family and ascended to the top of the first tool refiner family in Shiluo County, with no difference in reputation and reputation. Let\'s say that if pangyan sees Lin Feng face to face, he should salute and shout respectfully..."

"Master Lin Feng."

At this time, Shi Zhixin finally understood. She covered her mouth with her hands. She couldn\'t believe it and said, "Lin Feng, you can still refine weapons? Why don\'t I know?"

"One or two." Lin Feng said with a smile. It\'s not humility, but there are only a few refining skills he can. What sounds good is single-minded and refined. What doesn\'t sound good is that he only has these three axes. Even he is shameless in the name of \'master\'.

"Master Lin Feng is really modest. He is the vice president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance. If he only knows a little about the smelter, other smelters probably don\'t know anything about it." his voice is magnetic. Lin Feng looked at him. He was a man in black, with a continuous light in his eyes and a faint smile.

"Vice president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner Alliance..." Shi Zhi was shocked. At this moment, she really understood how powerful Lin Feng was.

She didn\'t know about the others, but who didn\'t know the status and strength of the alliance?

It\'s her father. When the saints see the vice president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance, they are just on an equal footing.

Lin Feng really shocked her heart.

How deep!

"This is..." Lin Feng looked at the man in black. Although he hadn\'t seen him before, his breath made him feel \'dangerous\'.

In fact, his strength is not sharp, but his feeling will never go wrong. He is even more terrible and stronger than Hua Yidao around him!

"Forget to introduce yourself and call me \'ghost valley\', master Lin Feng." the man in black \'ghost valley\' still kept a faint smile and extended his right hand friendly.

"Hello." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and shook it. The hand of the man in black \'ghost valley\' was cold, but it was calm and powerful. Next to Lin Zhan, he came up this time with great interest. "Brother, ghost Valley and Hua Yidao are one of the top ten strong in Shiluo County, but they rank higher. They ranked the top three ten years ago. Now... I\'m afraid they are the strongest star level existence in Shiluo county."

Shiluo County, the strongest star domain exists!

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and looked at the "ghost Valley" in front of him, which was slightly clear in his heart.

"Take more care." ghost Valley nodded and smiled. At this time, several star domain top strongmen around ghost valley also came together and introduced themselves one after another. Each one squeezed out a smiling face, which didn\'t have the style of a strong man at all, but made Lin Feng smile bitterly.

Unexpectedly, he has become so "popular".

I also understand that everything is caused by the name of "master". In the fighting spirit world, the tool refiner itself has a supreme position, especially the superior tool refiner at the top of the pyramid. After all, there are few congenital treasures, and they are not necessarily suitable for everyone. The tool refiner who can exclusively refine the top treasures of the day after tomorrow is naturally sought after.

Who doesn\'t want a weapon and treasure? Who thinks the fighting force is strong enough?

What\'s more, their current status is not what it used to be.

But this moment, that moment.