Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1039

Endless waters.

The waves were surging and the wind was trembling.

The violent smell of the demon clan can be seen everywhere, which is getting worse and worse, but it only smells the smell and doesn\'t see its shadow. I feel

It seems that there is a crisis hidden in the dark, which seems to be coming!

Demon emperor island.

This is the forbidden place of the demon family.

The dense fog is winding and mysterious. On the demon emperor Island, countless ancestors of the demon family are buried. Because of this, the demon emperor island is not only the forbidden place of the demon family, but also the Holy Land and the supreme existence. Whether it is the four royal families, the five royal families and the twelve Guardian demon stars, they dare not be a little presumptuous on the demon emperor island.

At this time, the powerful demons gathered together, and the atmosphere was like suffocation.

The demon kings of the four royal families of blood tiger, demon fox, violent bear, longniu and demon took the seat; The demon kings of the five kings ranked second, while the twelve Guardian demon stars ranked last.

Twenty one demon families!

None of them are "Saint level", all of them are "Saint King level".

Here, it is not only the strongest combat power of the demon family, but also the highest power composition of the demon family. Although the four emperors have the most say in today\'s demon family, the demon family has many branches, attached to the five royal families, and the twelve Guardian demon stars are also countless, forming a sphere of influence one by one.

Like princes everywhere, dividing the whole huge sea area.

We don\'t interfere with each other on weekdays, but now

When we gather together, we have something important to do.

"A million years have passed since the last Lich war."

"With the development of the three human races, the threat has increased sharply. Now it has been constantly provoking our demon clan!"

"Never let it get stronger!"

He drank in a deep voice, and it was Kui Tianyuan, the demon emperor of the blood tiger family, who spoke.

The tiger\'s eyes were shining brightly. The blood tiger family was deeply hit this time. Kui Tianyuan was twice as angry, but he couldn\'t bear it anymore. "I have discussed this matter with the other three emperors and passed it unanimously. What do you think?"

The five demon kings and the twelve Guardian demon stars were not surprised. In fact, they all knew "good!" the demons shouted in unison.

Rosefinch territory, the atmosphere is lively.

The rosefinch challenge is coming soon!

Nearly 20000 strong stars from the nine counties of zhuquezhou are gathering at this time, including 9000 people who have entered the preliminary competition, and nearly 10000 real strong stars who do not need to participate in the preliminary competition. A small part of them have reached the peak of the star level.

Of course, the nature of zhengsaibi is not pure strength.

If not, how can these 9000 warriors who have passed the preliminaries compete with those star level peak warriors.

Except for a limited number of people, the rest are not at the same level at all.

"Be careful, brother Lin." a worry flashed in Lin Yumo\'s eyes.

"Don\'t worry, I will come back safely." Lin Feng smiled and whispered, "when I come back this time, I will pick up thousands, and then we will go back to the hunting country together."

"Yes." Lin Yumo answered lightly, and his small face flushed.

The meaning of Lin Feng\'s words is very clear.


"Tut Tut, you love me and envy others." Lin Zhan appeared untimely and inadvertently destroyed the atmosphere. He raised his eyebrows. Lin Zhan winked at Lin Feng. "I said, brother, it\'s a good way to catch up with the first beauty of Shiluo county. How many childe brothers have to break their hearts."

"He found me a sister-in-law when I wasn\'t there." Lin Zhan shook his head and looked helpless.

For a moment, Yu Mo smiled, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"You boy, just take care of your own business!" Lin Zhen snapped her finger on Lin Zhan\'s forehead. "I haven\'t taken care of Lin Feng\'s business. When will it be your turn to take care of it!"

"Dad!" Lin Zhan covered his forehead and pretended to be sad.

"Go away." Lin Zhen frowned lightly, waved her hand, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "this rosefinch challenge is very dangerous. Mrs. Nangong asked me to tell you..." she said, grabbed Lin Feng\'s hand, and Lin Zhen made a color, "be careful."

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly and felt a paper ball stuffed in his hand.

Nangong lady?

"I know, adoptive father." Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

He understood in his heart that Lin Zhen didn\'t want to say anything in front of Yu Mo so that she wouldn\'t worry.

"Don\'t worry, Dad, I\'ll protect brother Lin." Lin Zhan patted his chest and said loudly.

"You?" Lin Zhen glanced at Lin Zhan, "don\'t hold back. I\'m going to burn incense and worship Buddha." he said with a slight sigh. Lin Zhen looked at Lin Feng and said softly, "Lin Feng, if you can... Help me watch your brother. Don\'t let him have an accident."

"I will." Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

Even if the adoptive father didn\'t say it, he wouldn\'t let Lin Zhan have an accident.

Because he really treats himself like a "brother". He is frank and has no intention.

I helped myself a lot before.

One foot in, one foot in.

Smiling and saying goodbye to Lin Zhen and Lin Yumo, Lin Feng left with Lin Zhan.

Through a passage and portal, the light in front of me flashed sharply and immediately entered a "mysterious place".

"What a rich Aura!" Lin Feng said softly.

"Wow, many people!" Lin Zhan was surprised.

Indeed, there are a lot of people.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and looked forward.

At this time, there are thousands of people gathered together, all of them are star domain level, and many of them have the peak strength of star domain level. His chest fluctuated slightly. In an instant, Lin Feng looked forward and saw a young man in gray, so familiar!

"Is it him?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Although his appearance is vague, but I recognize his breath, there will be no mistake!

The breath of power that moves your heart!

It is by no means an ordinary star domain power.

At this time, the young man in gray smiled calmly, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold. Almost in an instant, the young man in gray appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Hanfei County, Jin Ji." the young man in gray stretched out his right hand.

"Shiluo County, Lin Feng." Lin Feng held his hand.

His eyes looked at each other with a flash of luster.

A strong opponent!