Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1038

"Mrs. Nangong is too proud." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

I know how much strength I have. I just play supernormal in the weapon refiner competition. I\'m still far from being good at weapon refining technology.

What\'s more, unlike his brother Lin Yun, he runs a tool refiner alliance?

There\'s really nothing I can do.

"Lin Feng, you don\'t need to be modest. Although you lack a lot of qualifications, it is president Wang Shi and vice president Ouyang who jointly recommend you as vice president." Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes are light and bright, looking at Lin Feng, "and I agree very much."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and looked at Yu Mo, who just smiled.

The bright wrist moved gently, and the white plain skirt reflected Mrs. Nangong\'s thoughts, which was more noble and elegant. Mrs. Nangong gently opened her lips: "Don\'t worry, President Wang Shi has resigned, but the League affairs are still managed by Vice President Ouyang Kuo, and there will be no big change. Lin Feng, your position, like President Wang Shi, belongs to a \'virtual title\', and you don\'t actually have the power to take charge of the League, just a name."

"Name?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Yes." Mrs. Nangong smiled lightly, "of course, except for the power of the alliance, Lin Feng enjoys the privileges and status of the other vice presidents."

"Eh?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

Is there such a good thing that you just need to put on a false name?

However, seeing Mrs. Nangong\'s words, it is obvious that it is not aimless.

"HMM..." Lin Feng hesitated. He looked at Yu Mo beside him. There was a faint smile on his beautiful face, as if he was telling himself that she would support herself no matter what decision he made. He smiled back, a light flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes, and he soon made a decision.

This matter has all its advantages but no disadvantages.

That\'s why I decided to participate in the weapon refiner competition that day?

Now, not only has he won the position of "honorary elder", but also he has won the position of "vice president". Although I don\'t know what the reason is, this is undoubtedly a good thing. Why not do such a good condition?

"Mrs. Nangong is so generous. If I refuse again, I will be too embarrassed." Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, "please take more care in the future."

"Welcome to join us, vice president Lin." Mrs. Nangong smiled and stretched out her hand.

They smiled at each other as they shook their hands.

"Vice President?!"

"My God, true or false!"


Mrs. Nangong stepped forward, and Lin Zhen hurriedly stepped in and asked.

After all, the status of Nangong lady is no longer what it used to be. The "President" of zhuquezhou smelter alliance is unusual, that is, she is better than the "Saint" who is in charge of a county.

What we master is absolute real power!

"It\'s true, I promised." Lin Feng smiled.

Looking at Lin Zhen, Lin Zhan and Lin Yan, Lin Feng didn\'t hide it.

In the Lin family, in addition to Yu Mo, the three most trusted are the three.

The three of Lin Zhen looked at each other. After immersing themselves for a few seconds, they suddenly looked excited. Lin Zhan whistled and the wolf howled through the hall, as if they were too excited. However, Lin Feng was stunned. They seemed to be much happier than themselves when they became Vice President.

"This is a correct name for the family." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and said softly.

"There\'s no need to worry about the tricks played by the pangs. As long as brother Lin is here one day, the Lin family is worthy of being the first tool refining family in Shiluo county." Lin Yumo\'s voice is clear and sweet, to the point, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash, suddenly.

Think about it. It\'s true.

His identity is there. He is the vice president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance, which is by no means unusual.

Even when Pang Yan, the patriarch of the Ponzi family, saw himself, I\'m afraid he had to say hello respectfully. It is known as the alliance of tool refiners in the whole human world

That\'s the real backstage!

"More than that." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed with great ambition. "With Lin Feng as the background, the future development of my Lin family will be smooth. All the time, the president and vice president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance have been presided over by the three zhuquezhou smelter families in turn, but this time... It\'s an exception."

"Over time, maybe the three great weapon refining aristocratic families in zhuquezhou will gradually become..."

"Four weapon refining aristocratic families!" Lin Zhen looked deep and clenched her right fist.

Lin Zhan was also in high spirits and drank: "well said, Dad!"

Lin Yan couldn\'t help smiling, stroking his long beard and sighing, "not long ago, I thought that the Lin family would sink for decades and be difficult to turn over. It\'s really unexpected that the family\'s civil strife should be lost in the east corner and reap the benefits."

Lin Fengwei smiled, "there is a destiny in the dark."

Thinking lightly in his heart, Lin Fengxuan turned his wrist, and dozens of lights appeared in the air. There were transparent and bright Phoenix jade carvings, which were beautiful and looked like works of art. However, these Phoenix jade carvings transmitted a strong smell, and under the jade carvings, there was a phoenix branded with a deep look!

"Si! ~" "hiss!! ~" the three were stunned.

"This is..." Lin Zhen was shocked and looked at Lin Feng. At this time, only Lin Yumo looked calm, but he had already known.

"There are fifty \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\', adoptive father." Lin Feng smiled calmly. "Although it is not a legendary product level, they are all \'earth level triple star treasures\' of the perfect product level. They should be worth a lot of money. I believe they should be of great help to the family."

Perfect grade!

And it\'s a triple star treasure!

It is also Lin Feng\'s representative work \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\'!!

Lin Zhen was like suffocation. After a long time, she slowly breathed and whispered, "it\'s not just a big help, this..."

What a shock!

Refining the perfect level itself is already a miracle. It is even more unimaginable to refine the perfect level stably. As far as Lin Zhen knows, no tool refiner can do it. Only in the best state, the most special feeling, extraordinary play will occasionally appear a "perfect grade".

Even Mrs. Nangong doesn\'t have this ability.

Refining the perfect product level, which can be met but not sought!

But Lin Feng, however, was clean and neat. In just two days, he refined 50 "Phoenix wings flying in the sky"!

Each is a perfect grade, only any one is valuable, a total of 50! How much is it worth?

Lin Zhen was a little confused at this time, but happiness came too suddenly.

Wave after wave.

For a long time, Lin Zhen sighed.

"Lin Feng, you are..."

"Even if the family doesn\'t want to rise, it\'s hard." Lin Zhen felt speechless.

Lin Yan and Lin Zhan nodded in agreement and looked at Lin Feng as if they were looking at a monster.

What a pervert!

As if afraid of Lin Feng\'s repentance, on that day, Mrs. Nangong announced the shocking news.

Although they were surprised, they didn\'t feel much sudden. Lin Feng\'s amazing performance in the weapon refiner competition has already conquered all the weapon refiners. Lin Feng didn\'t know that refining a "legend" grade was an ideal that every tool refiner pursued all his life but couldn\'t achieve.

And he did it!

Today, it has become a flagpole for all weapon refiners in zhuquezhou.

Living legend!

This is why Nangong\'s wife, Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo made an exception to recruit him.

Lin Feng\'s reputation is too high!

Being born "ordinary" is even more inspiring.

In today\'s zhuquezhou, Lin Feng\'s reputation is even higher than that of Nangong\'s wife. It is not so much the alliance of tool refiners who recruited Lin Feng, but rather Lin Feng who "recruited" himself. This is a "win-win" result for both the tool refiner alliance and Lin Feng.

However, it was a false title after all, so there was no grand ceremony like Mrs. Nangong.

But even so, the news is spread ten times, ten times a hundred times, and everyone knows it.

Rosefinch land is a deep valley.

"Boss, what does Lord Pluto say?" a short haired woman with bright eyes and white tights was valiant.

"The task remains the same." the speaker is a man in white, not angry and self threatening. "The goal is linked to the weapon refiner alliance. Although it\'s a little troublesome, after entering the \'bird King prison\', it\'s not working every day and the ground should not be. As long as we do it cleanly and neatly, it doesn\'t hurt."

"Depressed, I knew my goal was to become the vice president of the tool smelter alliance, and the price could be at least three times higher!" a short man said darkly.

"Well, don\'t talk nonsense." the man in White said unhappily, "get ready. Tomorrow is the opening day of the rosefinch challenge. No one can live if you screw up the task!"

"Yes, boss," said the short haired woman and the short man respectfully.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

The Centennial rosefinch challenge is about to officially begin!

Different from the preliminary round, the main race of the rosefinch challenge is clean and neat. All contestants will come together and enter the most mysterious part of the rosefinch realm to compete for the final crown. No one knows whether it is a blessing or a curse, whether it is good or bad. Everything is a mystery.

Only rewards are open.

It was a shocking \'reward\'——

The winner must be holy!

This is more precious than any material reward.

Saint level is the realm that every star level warrior dreams of breaking through. Entering the holy level means that you really step into the way of heaven and have a first glimpse of the meaning of heaven. It is not only the progress of strength level, but also the sublimation of life, entering a new stage.

Who doesn\'t want to?

"Three opponents."

"The first is the \'release Zhi heart\' of Aries in Shiluo county."

"The second is also Lin Feng, vice president of Shiluo County, the alliance of tool refiners."

Hovering in the air, it was the young man in gray.

The \'Scorpion\' mark on his forehead glittered with gold, and the eyes of the young man in gray gave off a sparkling sense of war. The two daggers in the waist are sonorous and ferocious. It seems that they can\'t restrain the surging breath power. Their eyebrows are tight. The young people in gray clothes can see the exposure of green tendons.

"These two people are not the biggest obstacles."

"It\'s just a little threat. The real big trouble is him..."

"Qianshan County, the Gemini constellation \'thousand love Emperor\'."

"I will never lose!"

Clenched his fists, the young man in gray looked sharp.