Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1037

The weapon refiner competition is over.

However, the storm caused by it has not subsided for a long time.

In this session, too many miracles were born. Although Mrs. Nangong was defeated, her performance was enough to go down in history. Including Wang Shi, President of the League of tool refiners, who personally recognized the status and strength of Nangong\'s wife after the competition, passed the position of president to Nangong\'s wife.

Although Mrs. Nangong didn\'t win ten consecutive titles, she also became the youngest president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance!

The succession ceremony was completed in the territory of rosefinch, which attracted countless martial artists to watch and congratulate.

This is the most sensational thing in the past two days.

However, compared with Nangong\'s wife, it was a young man in his twenties who really made a lot of money in this competition. The first time I participated in the weapon refiner competition, I passed the pass and cut through thorns and thorns, and finally shocked the rosefinch realm with an impeccable legendary performance.

Even Nangong\'s wife was impressed by his performance.

Master Lin Feng!

It is also the birth of a \'master\'.

The name, like locusts crossing the border, spread throughout zhuquezhou in just two days.

One spread ten, ten spread a hundred, no one knows, no one knows, and the reputation is like thunder. It can be said that zhuquezhou is now a "new favorite". A super genius who can refine "legend" level star treasure, and a top-level tool refiner rarely seen in ten thousand years!

At this time, Lin Feng was indifferent.

In the Zhuque territory, the Lin family is stationed, and the Lin Feng walks out slowly.

"Brother Lin," Lin Yumo said with a smile.

"Why are you the only one, Yumo?" Lin Feng looked around curiously. The huge hall was empty. In addition to Yumo, the elders of the family, including adoptive father Lin Zhen and master Lin Yan, could not see half a person, but did not know where they had gone.

Lin Yumo smiled and pointed to the outside. Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing, "two days have passed, is it still so lively?"

After he and his family returned to the station, the whole station was full of traffic and guests came like clouds. Unexpectedly, I closed myself for two days, and the situation seems to have not improved at all.

"Well, master and clan leader haven\'t stopped for two days and have been busy entertaining guests." Lin Yumo smiled. "Even the elders of the clan don\'t have time to rest. It\'s particularly important for the family to strike the iron in the heat these days. Although the clan leader is busy, I\'m afraid it\'s too late to be happy."

Lin Feng smiled.

That\'s right. It\'s important to strike the iron when it\'s hot.

He knows his adoptive father\'s character. For him, family is important and comes first. At present, the east wind is fierce. How can we not make good use of it? Many zhuquezhou\'s huge forces are usually above the top, but now they "condescend" to get to know the Lin family.

As far as I know, only the seventh son Luo Qing was sent to the Roche chamber of Commerce to discuss cooperation with the Lin family. This time, Luo Shoufu, the person in charge of the chamber of Commerce, came to visit in person!

You know, this is zhuquezhou\'s most financial and largest Chamber of Commerce!

Regardless of contacts or family strength, now is the best time to improve.

When the rosefinch challenge starts tomorrow, the wind will blow away slowly, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Opportunity, can not be repeated.

"By the way, brother Lin, can you make progress in closing for two days?" Lin Yumo asked quickly.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head and looked slightly, "I\'ve refined dozens of \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\' these days, but it\'s one chip away from what was refined during the weapon refiner competition. That kind of feeling..." Lin Feng\'s eyes burst lightly, but smiled, "it\'s like a flash in the pan, I can\'t feel it again."

I also want to strike while the iron is hot and make a perfect copy of the refining of the "legendary grade".

But, can not again, as if he had lost his memory, he could not recall his feeling at that time.

The fusion of devouring fire and reborn fire always lacks such an unspeakable taste, which makes the whole refining process imperfect. Until all the refining materials were exhausted, I couldn\'t find that feeling. This "strike while the iron is hot" was a failure.

Sometimes we have to talk about "chance.".

"Since you can refine it once, there will always be a second and a third time. Brother Lin, you can do it." Lin Yumo smiled and blinked. "I have good news for you, brother Lin."

"Good news?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Well, Luo Shoufu paid a personal visit this time. One was to establish a cooperative relationship with the family, and the other was..." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed. "He wants to buy the \'legendary grade\' Phoenix wing Tianxiang that you refined in the tool refiner competition, brother Lin."

"I see." Lin Feng suddenly smiled, but shook his head without hesitation, "I don\'t sell."

Lin Yumo was stunned. "Brother Lin, do you know the price?"

Smiled and shook his head. Lin Feng said casually, "how much is the price?"

I\'m also curious about what price Luo Shoufu, who is incomparably rich, can offer. Triple star treasure, medium grade, about 1000 star crystals; The top grade is about 3000 star crystals, and the top grade is not fixed, but at least it is over 10000 star crystals.

Lin Yumo gently pursed his cherry lips and stretched out a Qianqian jade finger.

"A million?" Lin Feng laughed in an uproar. "It\'s a big deal."

As soon as he made a move, he was several times more than his whole wealth. Indeed, he was worthy of being Luo Shoufu.

"No, it\'s ten million." Lin Yumo\'s eyes twinkled and said softly.

"Worth so much?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised. The price was much higher than he expected. Ten million Xingjing, what a huge amount. Rao is Lin\'s family is also quite rich in Shiluo County, but I\'m afraid the sum of all working capital is less than one tenth of ten million Xingjing.

Ten million!

The whole Lin family is not worth this number.

"This is a priceless treasure." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed. "In terms of function, it may not even be worth a million star crystals, but in terms of memorial value and existence significance, these ten million star crystals are real. Moreover, this is only a preliminary price. I believe brother Lin really wants to sell, and it is possible to sell 20 million or even 30 million star crystals."

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

With a flash of light in his hand, the Phoenix wing Tianxiang of the "legendary grade" suddenly appeared in his hand.

The carved jade peck exudes sparkling and transparent luster. The winged Phoenix seems to have survived. As soon as it appears, the whole hall is bright and bright. Lin Yumo looked at this work of art, his beautiful eyes twinkled, and his flawless face was full of moving luster.

This is definitely the "kuibao" of the tool refiner.

"Like?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and said softly.

"Well." light as a mosquito, Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng, "can I have a look, brother Lin?"

Lin Feng smiled and handed over the "Phoenix wing Tianxiang" to you, "Yumo."

Just after receiving the "Phoenix wings flying in the sky", Lin Yumo suddenly trembled when he heard the sound, but his face changed suddenly, but he was startled, "brother Lin, you..."

"In fact, I wanted to give it to you at the end of the competition." Lin Feng smiled, "but at that time, I wanted to try whether I could refine it again, so it was two days late." looking at the stunned Yumo, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and said softly, "I\'m sorry, Yumo, I owe you too much. I can\'t supply you in the past, but I hope you can stay with me and let me take care of you in the future."

I owe Yu Mo too much.

Because of himself, Yumo\'s family has been destroyed since childhood; Because of himself, Yumo lost his childhood.

How important it is to get married!

Gently cover the cherry lips, tears in Lin Yumo\'s eyes, I can\'t believe it.

Looking at the Keren in front of him, Lin Feng took a step forward and gently hugged him in his arms. Any words are empty, and the body\'s response is the most direct and real. Feeling the trembling delicate body, Lin Feng bowed slightly, kissed the happy tears, the small and exquisite tip of his nose, and finally fell on the cherry lips, feeling a sweetness belonging to each other.

At this moment, time seems to stop.

Happiness comes too suddenly. For Lin Yumo, thousands of words can\'t equal the kiss of love.

The lips were divided, and Lin Yumo\'s pretty face was hot. He buried his head in Lin Feng\'s chest, filled with sweetness and happiness. Although the "Phoenix wing Tianxiang" in his hand is precious, it is nothing more than this right now. For Lin Yumo, it is the same as for Lin Feng.

Feel the warm body of Yi, and Lin Feng\'s heart feels warm.

Although Fengyi Tianxiang is valuable, he knows that Yumo likes it very much. After all, this is a Kui treasure that any tool refiner wants to have.

Money is just an external thing.


"Zhiya! ~" the door gently opened, and an elegant figure slowly appeared. Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the visitor. She was surprised. It was Mrs. Nangong in a white plain skirt. She was still elegant. I didn\'t expect that she would visit the door.

Looking at Lin Feng and Lin Yumo, Mrs. Nangong smiled calmly, "I seem... It\'s not the right time to come?"

Lin Yu Murton blushed like a big apple and nodded silently.

"How could it be? Mrs. Nangong\'s welcome is far away." Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said slowly, "this is my fiancee Lin Yumo. Mrs. Nangong should have seen it."

"HMM." Mrs. Nangong nodded gently. She glanced at the "Phoenix wing Tianxiang" in Lin Yumo\'s hand. She was a little surprised. She was immediately relieved and showed a faint smile. "Originally, I wanted to ask Lin Feng if you were willing to give up your love and sell this" legendary grade "Phoenix wing Tianxiang to me, zhuquezhou tool refiner alliance, but at present... It seems difficult."

"Sorry, Mrs. Nangong." Lin Feng apologized.

"It doesn\'t matter." Mrs. Nangong\'s manner is still elegant, without any emotional change. "Although it\'s a pity, I still congratulate you on forming a good relationship between Qin and Jin."

"Thank you." Lin Feng and Lin Yumo smiled.

Mrs. Nangong smiled. Her white skirt gave a fresh breath. Her eyes flashed a clear luster and looked at Lin Feng. "I don\'t beat around the bush. In fact, I came to invite master Lin Feng as vice president on behalf of zhuquezhou smelter alliance."

"Ah?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Himself, as vice president of the smelter alliance?

It can\'t be true!