Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1036

"Finished, perfect grade?!" Ouyang Kuo was like suffocation.

Mrs. Nangong used to refine the perfect grade on the seventh floor, which was shocking enough, but now Lin Feng

It\'s on the eighth floor of the fire ladder!

Other refiners were barely able to step a minute, but Lin Feng completed such complex refining in such a harsh environment, which was even more perfect! In mid air, the flaming flame perfectly wrapped the Phoenix, and the wings flashed with different luster, thinking from left to right, exuding the ultimate beauty.

There was silence, and everyone looked at the spectacle and found it difficult to breathe.

This is the real "Phoenix wings flying in the sky"!

The power of the Phoenix constellation enveloped all, and the nobility and majesty of the Phoenix filled the audience. It is truly incomparable existence, even if it is just a touch of virtual shadow, even if the Phoenix is not even separated, but it is beyond reach!

The singing sound is winding for a long time, and the Phoenix\'s pupils flash violently, full of rich life power.

"No, this is not the perfect grade." Wang Shi\'s eyes dilated and murmured.

"Beyond perfection." Mrs. Nangong\'s tall and straight chest gradually calmed down, but her beautiful face was still incredibly stunned, and her eyes were bright and shining. "There were sporadic records in ancient books. I thought it only existed in legends, or even didn\'t exist at all, but..."

The truth is in front of us.

As the first craftsman in zhuquezhou, Mrs. Nangong\'s vision is incomparable.

She is familiar with refining a "perfect grade". The current astrology is not simply a perfect grade. On this basis, it gives Xingbao real "life power" and creates an existence beyond perfection. To some extent, it is no longer Xingbao.

It can be compared with congenital treasures!

"Pa, Pa." raised her bright wrist lightly, and Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes moved gently, applauding Lin Feng.

Looking at the black figure, full of appreciation, admiration and a slight sense of competition, all kinds of emotions are complex. The clear applause was very loud at the moment, which awakened everyone from their stunned state. For a moment, the applause was thunderous and crazy.

In particular, the weapon refiners were very excited with their eyes shining.

Witnessed the birth of this legendary miracle, time and time again, but it was a worthwhile trip.

What a wonderful contest!

Whether it is Mrs. Nangong, who has made great achievements, or the sudden emergence of a new force, the legendary master Lin Feng has become a myth. Wang Shi had already laughed and couldn\'t close his mouth, including Ouyang Kuo, who couldn\'t help nodding and was excited without language.

Zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance will enter a new era from now on.

Master Lin Feng, Nangong\'s wife, will become the backbone of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance and the real core of existence!

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng sighed.

However, he smiled and looked at the exquisite work in front of him with endless emotion.

The accumulation of pressure, excitement and various emotions, coupled with the reflection between the fire of rebirth and the fire of swallowing, the refining just now can no longer exist. That feeling no longer exists, just like a flash in the pan. But now, he has really refined his first "work".

A good work!

It does not depend on the particularity of flame to refine the \'perfect grade\'.

"Unimaginable." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, holding the exquisite jade carving like a work of art, like a phoenix flying high. The flashing light has strong vitality. In the depths of "Phoenix wings flying in the sky", there is a small vitality and is growing vigorously.

Looking back on the whole refining just now, I have no memory.

Feel that if you are born, you will bring yourself into this refining beyond perfection.

"Itself is the perfect grade."

"And then it is added by the fire of phagocytosis and the fire of rebirth to reach a new level."

"Beyond perfection?" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Mrs. Nangong\'s voice was small, but she could still hear it.

Obviously, there is the existence of this grade level.

Turning his head and looking at the figure that moved his heart, Lin Feng smiled and nodded. Yu Mo\'s eyes glittered with bright luster. Including his adoptive father, the Lin family had been hysterical and crazy at this time. There was no half manners.

"Win." Lin Feng smiled slightly and closed his eyes gently.

Feel a point from the heart of comfort, not the excitement of winning the game.

But the feeling of breaking through and surpassing yourself.

After excitement, everyone stared at Wang Shi.

Waiting for him to announce the score of Lin Feng\'s refining this time, but actually everyone knows it very well.

Lin Feng, you\'re sure to win.

Five times the score coefficient, I\'m afraid it\'s only the score of this refining. Lin Feng is enough to win the weapon refiner competition. All the way, it was dangerous and dangerous to enter the last round. Who guessed that Lin Feng could win the championship in the end? Moreover, it was the winner of the ninth consecutive championship of the tool refining division——

Nangong lady!

This time, Mrs. Nangong did not play abnormally. In fact, Mrs. Nangong played far better than the previous nine sessions.

Her skill in refining utensils has also reached the "peak" level.

However, Lin Feng is more terrible!

1000 points!

Score, come out.

The score was revealed from Wang Shi\'s mouth before the big screen of the sky appeared, which made everyone crazy!

Full marks.

Let alone the final, it is the full score that has not appeared in the first round and the second round. It finally appears at this moment. Looking at the zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition, there was no full score in any competition, but Lin Feng did it and created a miracle again.

"It\'s not too much." Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes burst slightly.

Lotus moved and came to Lin Feng. Mrs. Nangong stretched out her Qianqian jade hand, "Congratulations, master Lin Feng."

"Thank you." Lin Feng held his hand and smiled.

"And me." master Ouyang grinned. "Congratulations, master Lin Feng."

Lin Feng lost his smile and held hands one by one. This is the first time to know everyone in a real sense. Wang Bo, Li Yuan, Bai Yunfei, and almost all the finalists gathered here with friendly smiles. How can these masters who have eyes above the top be so "humble" on weekdays?

The truth is actually very simple.

Lin Fengyu glanced at his adoptive father. At this time, he was surrounded by countless family forces who came to please and deal with him.

It is once famous!

"Hello." "well, yes." "sure." Lin Feng and the weapon refining masters were polite one by one, and no one refused.

These are the most famous weapon refiners in zhuquezhou. None of them is in a high position in the alliance of weapon refiners. Many of them are the patriarchs and elders of the weapon refining aristocratic family. They are first-class in terms of reputation and contacts. Knowing them is good for them.

"Hum!" with deep anger, the eyes of the forest covered with a black cloak were cold and bright.

He didn\'t expect this outcome at all. The grinding of his teeth was "clucking". How could Lin Dadi not know how much honor Lin Feng will bring to the Lin family by his blockbuster in the tool refiner competition this time! It is almost certain that in three months, the Lin family will surpass the Ponzi family and become the strongest tool refining family in Shiluo County!

As long as Lin Zhen is not stupid, he will be as powerful as bamboo through the east wind of Lin Feng.

At this time, Pang Hui\'s face was white and his eyes did not look at all, but he lost his wife and broke his soldiers.

Lin Feng didn\'t succeed, and he hung up zero points in the final. Now, no one can stop the rise of the Lin family in the Lin Feng skill crown weapon refiner competition. With Lin Feng\'s amazing weapon refining technology, it is very likely that the Lin family will squeeze into the three major weapon refining families in zhuquezhou over time.

A mere Ponzi, how can you compare.

He was defeated.

If you fall to the ground, Pang will lose.

As a tool refiner, even if he was reluctant to admit it, Lin Feng\'s refining this time has really made him lose his heart of "resistance".

It\'s really amazing for a tool refiner!

However, everyone\'s personality is different.

Pang will choose to give up and admit defeat, but Lin will not.

Those sinister and cold eyes are as ferocious and terrible as ever, just like the devil returning from hell. Sending out a deep killing intention, Lin Zhen turned and walked away without nostalgia. The cold voice penetrated through his teeth: "see you in three days, my little nephew."

"Enjoy the last three days of your life."

"Jie Jie!"

Lin Feng, successfully climb to the top!

There was no suspense, even Mrs. Nangong was convinced.

Although it\'s a pity for Mrs. Nangong to lose ten consecutive titles, she doesn\'t care too much. It is better and more desirable for Mrs. Nangong to have one more competitor to witness the birth of miracles.

Without rivals, how can we make progress?

Lin Feng, with a total score of 6550, tops the list.

Mrs. Nangong, with a total score of 4860, ranked second.

Master Ouyang ranked third, followed by Wang Bo, Bai Yunfei and Hu Nan, and panghui was at the bottom. A heartbreaking 0 point and his behavior towards Lin Feng in the final made panghui\'s reputation drop sharply.

"Master Lin Feng!"

"Master Lin Feng!!"

"Master Lin Feng!!! ~"


Neat shouts rang out in an endless stream in the crowd.

Lin Feng is really famous this time. He is not based on the strength of martial artists, but as a tool refiner.

"Really unexpected." Lin Feng smiled, stood on the podium and took the reward from Wang Shi. Although such a high profile is not what I want, it will be of great benefit to me and the Lin family to win the weapon refiner competition this time!

I will enter the alliance of weapon refiners, which is one of the few super forces in the whole human world.

There will be a buffer zone for the "identity problem" that I have been worried about.

The alliance of smelters is a very reliable and solid background.

However, this is only his first stop in the "rosefinch territory".

Three days later

I will face a real challenge.

In the face of all the strong from the nine counties of zhuquezhou, compete!

The Centennial zhuquezhou challenge, the race!

"I\'m looking forward to it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clenched his fist.

I also want to verify the success of cultivation in the past year, and I am now myself——

Really strong!