Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1035

The outline is very clear. It\'s a totem.

However, the totem is very vague and can not see the whole picture clearly.

Top grade!

For Mrs. Nangong, it is almost unimaginable to refine a top grade. Any refining, as long as it is played at will, is basically a "top grade". This is Mrs. Nangong\'s ability. Zhuquezhou ranks "pa!" "pa!" "pa! ~" bursts of applause sounded, and all martial artists and tool refiners applauded Mrs. Nangong\'s wonderful performance. There is no jealousy, there is only admiration and admiration. At the level of a tool smelter, Mrs. Nangong has surpassed everyone present.

Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo both clapped their hands with a smile. Even master Ouyang, who has always regarded Mrs. Nangong as the target and a competitor, has not spared his applause.

They witnessed the birth of a miracle, which is more incredible than the "perfect grade" refined by the seventh layer.

Mrs. Nangong, I did it.


At this time, Mrs. Nangong\'s look was surprisingly calm. Her eyes were as sparkling as water, and she looked straight at Lin Feng beside her.

"I see." a soft whisper sounded. The light mask flashing around Mrs. Nangong\'s body was almost instantly broken and her face changed. Mrs. Nangong\'s figure flashed and left the eighth floor. A little guilt flashed in her eyes, but she was no longer able to stay on the eighth floor.

As Nangong\'s wife left, the crazy fire suddenly lost its target and rushed to Lin Feng\'s place.

The sharing of pressure is mutual. Lin Feng helped Mrs. Nangong share half of the fire before. In fact, Mrs. Nangong is not?

But now, Mrs. Nangong\'s congenital treasure can no longer be borne. Otherwise, with Mrs. Nangong\'s character, she will stay until the end of Lin Feng\'s refining. From this moment on, it is the real test of Lin Feng. The eighth floor of the fire ladder is oppressive and suffocating!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire of rebirth appeared wildly. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were tight and trivial. The sudden change of authority made his body suddenly heavy.

Fortunately, there is red Ling guarding. At the moment, the pressure brought by the fire is only a small part. However, this change is deeply imprinted in his heart, and Lin Feng\'s heart is suddenly tight.

"It should be the end of Mrs. Nangong\'s refining."

"I\'m afraid Hong Ling can\'t afford the fire that suddenly increases her attack power."

Lin Feng frowned deeply, but refining did not stop.

It\'s not so difficult for me to concentrate on two purposes. What\'s more, the way of "Phoenix wings flying in the sky" is deeply engraved in my heart. At this time, when refining is moved by my heart, when my body experiences and understands, it has already been perfectly remembered and reached a new level.

"Judging from the current progress, it will take another day to complete."

"And red Ling..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and felt the weakness of red Ling.

As a contract Warcraft, Hongling\'s physical condition can\'t be clearer.

Now he\'s just holding on.

Hongling is a real existence, with body and life.

Unlike the hundred poison color python, it is guarded by a colorful staff. As long as the colorful staff is not destroyed, the hundred poison color Python can recover even if it dies.

Hongling, there is no second life!

"You can\'t let Hongling overdraw her strength."

"If not, if the body is permanently injured, it will cause too much loss to Hongling."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and made a decision instantly.

Even if the refining fails, even if you want to give up the final, you will not let Hongling have any damage.

Some things, lost in the future, can be taken back.

But life, only once!

"Come back, red Ling!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and drank.

The call of the heart, as a contract Warcraft, I have absolute control over Hongling.

"Wow! ~" the fire flashed, and the red Ling roared up to the sky. For a moment, her huge body seemed to become transparent. Under the fire attack, it turned into a residual shadow and disappeared in an instant. With the sound of everyone around, Lin Feng\'s figure appeared in front of him.

"Look, it\'s master Lin Feng!"

"Sure enough, master Lin Feng is still refining!"

"Maybe master Lin Feng can also create miracles and successfully refine!"

"Stupid, master Lin Feng\'s contract Warcraft can\'t resist the fire. This refining will fail."


People\'s voices sounded and sighed, but they felt pity for Lin Feng.

Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo looked at each other and felt helpless, but they couldn\'t help. As the organizers of the conference, they certainly couldn\'t break the rules. There was a twinkling of guilt in Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes. She was powerless and had no innate treasure to protect her. She couldn\'t even withstand the flame on the seventh floor of the fire ladder.

Only the corners of panghui\'s mouth inadvertently delimited, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

The more Lin Feng is in the limelight, the more a heavy blow to his Ponzi family. On the contrary, it is a good thing.

The young man in grey wrinkled his eyebrows and clenched his fists, but he was suddenly grasped by the old man with white beard.

"What are you doing, old Hu?" the young man in Gray was a little unhappy.

"No, young master, this is breaking the rules." the old man with white beard bowed his head and said in a straight way.

"Did you see him fall short?" the young man in gray had bright eyes, and a scorpion mark glittered on his forehead.

"I believe he should have a future." the old man with white beard smiled.

"Really?" the young man in grey was half convinced.

"Here." the white bearded old man\'s eyes burned.

WOW~ There was a noise all around.

Everyone stared at the eighth floor of the fire ladder.

Lin Feng, show your power again!

"Jiong! ~" "Jiong!!! ~" another flame rises from the ground. Different from the flame of forest wind refiner, the flame is full of violence and terror, as if it were a tyrant who swallowed everything. Diffuse outside the body, the collision with the fire did not lose the wind at all!


"Double flame, Lin Feng is really cultivating double flame." Wang Shi\'s eyes burst into light.

"It\'s hidden, little guy." Ouyang Kuo sighed incomparably, "what kind of flame is this? I\'ve never heard that Phoenix has such an amazing flame level. It should be a six star technology, but how can it..."

Indeed, unimaginable!

No matter how special the flame is, it\'s a little strange that the power of the star domain level can be compared with the holy level.

In fact, although the six fold devouring fire is the highest peak in the star domain, it is not enough to be compared with the holy power. It can compete with the eighth layer of fire, mainly because of the characteristics of devouring fire, devouring all flames and destruction.

Just as the red damask has fire immunity, although the devouring fire of the six star technology is still not as good as the eighth layer of fire, but

If you really want to fight, you can even win!

Unfortunately, the fire of swallowing is limited.

It\'s not as endless as the rebirth fire. If not, why should Lin Feng summon Hong Ling to resist.

However, at present, it only takes one incense burning time!

"Hold on!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep. Facing the huge pressure, his mind was more closely united.

I have no reason to fail!

Not to fail!

Otherwise, Hong Ling\'s suffering will be in vain.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the fire of rebirth kept jumping up, and seemed to resonate with the devouring fire outside. Lin Feng\'s flashing eyes closed slowly, and he deeply felt the way of refining tools. His movements were not only not decreased, but also fast and concise.

The rhythm has not changed, nor can it be changed.

But one hand control looks more dazzling and changes rapidly than two hand control.

At the moment, Lin Feng walks on the steel wire again.

There is no way back. It\'s like walking on the rope in the center of the two hanging walls. Only gritting your teeth and going to the end!


"This feeling is inexplicable."

"I have never felt like this when simulating refining. What is it..."

"What is it?"

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt stronger and stronger.

In my mind, the huge Phoenix appeared, spread its wings and soared. The wings were wrapped around two lonely different flames to form a perfect reflection. At this moment, Lin Feng completely suddenly opened his eyes with a violent bright light. Looking ahead, he seemed to see the \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\' in his heart.

"That\'s it!"

"I see, the essence of Phoenix wing Tianxiang."

"Because the emergence of the devouring fire activates the fire of rebirth, and stimulates the hidden characteristics of Fengyi Tianxiang!"

"Both are a manifestation of Phoenix."


Lin Feng has a faint smile on his lips.

At this moment, refining seems to become arbitrary and completely controlled in the heart.

At the last moment, the fire of swallowing appeared from the outside to the inside, lit in the palm of the hand, combined with the fire of rebirth, reflected with metal materials, and the control of temperature, rhythm and timing were perfect, as if this itself was a kind of "integration".

"Wow! ~" light shines, and the two flames merge miraculously.

All the people around were stunned. Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes were bright, and her tall and straight chest was constantly fluctuating. Wang Shi, Ouyang Kuo and others have been stunned, as if they turned into statues. Such refining is unheard of.

"Peng! ~" the light voice sounded like the sound of nature, emitting infinite brilliance.

There was no sound around. Some only had a phoenix wrapped around the sky flame. It soared in the sky as if it had come alive.

This moment is not just a miracle.

Lin Feng created a legend.