Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1034

The appearance of Hongling immediately caused a panic.

That terrible breath, accompanied by the huge body of Warcraft, shocked everyone around.

The demon clan at the peak of star domain!

"Wow, what\'s this?!"

"It\'s a demon clan. How can a demon clan appear!"

"Come on, kill it!"


There was a commotion and a great commotion.

Even Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo were startled. Lin Zhen\'s face changed slightly. Seeing the chaos around, many martial artists were even more excited about the war. They couldn\'t care so much. They even galloped in and shouted, "don\'t panic, this is master Lin Feng\'s contract Warcraft \'red Ling\'."

The sound suddenly fell, and the commotion in the crowd was immediately suppressed.

An amazing breath disappeared, but here is crouching tiger, hidden dragon. In the crowd, Lin Dadi\'s eyes were cold and bright. He knew the red Ling, including the Lin family, but he didn\'t know it as clearly as Lin Zhen. Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo reacted and smiled at each other.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng still has this card.

It was unexpected.

However, this does not violate the rules.

Contract Warcraft is also a kind of weapon refiner\'s strength.

In the battle of life and death, it is stipulated that the warrior cannot use the contract Warcraft?

The reason is the same.


"It\'s unusual for the contract Warcraft to resist the sky fire on the eighth floor of the fire ladder." a curiosity flashed in Wang Shi\'s eyes.

"Like a snake or a dragon, please forgive me for my shallow knowledge. The president knows what kind of Warcraft this is?" Ouyang Kuo stared at red Ling, puzzled. Rao read a lot and had a deep understanding of demon Warcraft, but he had never seen this strange Warcraft.

"I haven\'t seen it either." Wang Shi said softly.

Not only did they have doubts, but there was a lot of discussion around them.

"It looks like a dragon, but it\'s not like it."

"It looks more like Jiao hasn\'t evolved completely, but it\'s also wrong."

"There are countless kinds of demon clan. How can you know that it is complete, or some kind of dragon snake hybrid?"


There was a heated discussion, and people didn\'t doubt so much.

The vast sea area and many kinds of demon Warcraft, even the most knowledgeable martial artist can\'t say he knows all of them. However, one thing is certain that this "contract Warcraft" at the peak of star domain level is by no means ordinary!

"Roar! ~" red Ling\'s eyes were red and tried to resist.

Although it is a fire fighting snake and has strong immunity to fire, this fire is too terrible.

It is inexhaustible!

Fortunately, this is a natural flame and there is no human control. Otherwise, I\'m afraid the defense of Hongling will be completely destroyed in a short time. At this time, after a short adaptation, Lin Feng entered his self state in an instant, and his eyes were bright.

"The last chance!" Lin Feng clenched his fist and drank heavily.

The fire of rebirth burst out from his body, and Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled. The constellation of "Phoenix wings flying in the sky" suddenly appeared in his mind and sank into it.

Bit by bit, bit by bit, the feeling of the heart becomes stronger and stronger, and the body gradually feels a temperature.

"That\'s the feeling!" Lin Feng gently pursed his lips, forced by strong external pressure——

At the moment, I have a feeling of not spitting out.

State, quite good!

"Start!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his hands roared with flames.

I have no time to waste.

Not to mention how long Hongling can resist, it is only the limit of three hours. At the moment, it is coming to an end. This is not the second round. I still have scores even if I have not been tested. If the work of the third round is not completed, even if it is only a little short, it will be a failure!

"I want to win!" Lin Feng was very determined.

Even if the hope is slim and the probability is extremely small, but I

Never give up!

"The contract Warcraft blocked more than 90% of the fire." Ouyang Kuo said softly.

"For Lin Feng, refining of the eighth floor is no different from that of the seventh floor." Wang Shi nodded.

"It\'s a bit of a trick." Ouyang Kuo smiled. "If there\'s no accident, the refining forest wind should be completed this time. My zhuquezhou smelter competition can finally fill this gap for a long time. Someone can finish refining on the eighth floor."

"Not necessarily." Wang Shi carries his hands and his eyes are bright. "Lao Kuo, look at the contract Warcraft carefully."

"Oh?" Ouyang Kuo\'s face changed slightly, and he looked at it instantly.

After a while——

"It seems that the resistance is very reluctantly." Ouyang Kuo knows something.

"No matter how strong the physique is, it\'s only the peak of the star domain level, and it can only stop it for a while." Wang Shi\'s eyes flashed a fine awn. "At the current progress, I\'m afraid this contract Warcraft will be unsustainable before Lin Feng\'s refining is completed."

"Didn\'t you fall short?" Ouyang Kuo frowned.

Although Lin Feng is clever, he hopes Lin Feng can refine it successfully.

Zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition has been held for countless times. No weapon refiner can complete refining on the eighth floor of the fire ladder.

This alone has been compared by several other continents in the southern region.

Wang Shi smiled and shook his head, "not necessarily."

"Eh?" Ouyang Kuo\'s cheek twitched, but Wang Shi\'s second brother-in-law couldn\'t touch his head.

"Lao Kuo, do you forget that besides Lin Feng, there are also weapon refiners on the eighth floor of the fire ladder?" Wang Shi\'s eyes twinkled and said slowly. "Moreover, Lin Feng\'s entry has greatly relieved her pressure and benefited others and herself, which is great news for the alliance of weapon refiners."

Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes lit up immediately.

Looking at Nangong\'s wife, he saw that Nangong\'s face was a little slower, and the light outside her body eased a little.

At this time, most of the fire is roaring to the forest wind!

Mrs. Nangong used to bear the fire on the eighth floor, but now there is only half.

The pressure drops naturally!

"No." Lin Yan frowned.

"What\'s the matter, Yan Lao?" Lin Zhen turned back and asked.

"Lin Feng helped Nangong\'s wife invisibly." Lin Yan looked right. "Originally, Nangong\'s wife was about to lose her support under the crazy attack of fire, but now she eased down. Refining is becoming more and more essence and fast. I\'m afraid..."

"It\'s possible that Mrs. Nangong can finish refining!"

Lin Yan\'s voice was sonorous and settled, and the faces of the Lin family suddenly changed slightly.

It can\'t be true?

"In fact, you don\'t have to care so much. Anyway, Lin Feng couldn\'t catch up." Lin Yan smiled. At this time, the seventh floor of the fire ladder shines a clear light, shining on the sky, with clear outline and slightly blurred details, which seems to be——

Top grade!

However, it is the superior grade refined on the seventh layer!

"Wow! ~" there was a lot of noise around.

"Master Ouyang is catching up!"

"That\'s great. You can catch up!"

"The Jedi counterattacked. Indeed, they deserve to be master Ouyang. In this case, they can surpass master Lin Feng."

"Second place, master Ouyang is really worthy of the name of the second child of ten thousand years, ha ha!"


There was a lot of hot discussion, and the Ouyang clan also showed a smile.

Although he couldn\'t win the championship, he won the second place, which can be regarded as a justification and affirmation. At least he didn\'t lose the face of the three major weapon refining families in zhuquezhou.

At the last moment, master Ouyang finished the fifth refining and erased the original score of the sixth floor fire ladder. At this moment, he surpassed Lin Feng and was only below lady Nangong. In the face of a bad start and the collapse of the middle market, master Ouyang can still achieve such achievements, which shows his deep foundation.

"Hoo! ~" master Ouyang gave a long lost smile.

"I didn\'t expect to be forced to such a field by a little guy."

"I really want to thank him for his extraordinary performance this time."

Master Ouyang said softly.

This time, even he thought it hopeless to catch up.

However, he was unwilling to lose to a suckling little guy. Under pressure, he was carrying a huge burden. Instead, master Ouyang gave full play to his strength and successfully refined. Some people need whipping to break out. Master Ouyang is one of them.

Facing Nangong\'s wife, master Ouyang didn\'t have such a "war intention".

Although he has been competing all the time, master Ouyang knows the gap between himself and Mrs. Nangong.

But Lin Feng

But it\'s different!

Looking at the big screen of the sky, he saw that his name ranked second. Master Ouyang nodded with satisfaction.

However, in an instant, he was attracted by the huge demon family Warcraft. Master Ouyang turned his head and stared, and couldn\'t help taking a deep breath.

"What kind of monster is this?" master Ouyang was stunned.

Three strong confrontation!

Master Ouyang has finished all refining, while Nangong lady and Lin Feng continue.

As for other refiners, they have already "cultivated students and raised interest" and have given up competition. Only Pang Hui, who was at the bottom of the score, still tried, but he was unwilling to hang up a zero point. Although there was no substantive difference between the second place and the tenth place, if he scored 0 points in the final, it would be a bit eye-catching and quite humiliating.

Harm to others will harm to yourself.

Although panghui\'s strength is a little inferior, how could it come to such an end if he went to get the materials at the first time before?

It can be said that there is a destiny.

Want to harm Lin Feng, but don\'t want to harm yourself.

Time passes slowly.

Only the sound of the hourglass was heard, warning that the time limit of three hours was approaching.

At this time, Mrs. Nangong\'s face was pale, her weak body trembled, and the light around her was as faint as a candle in the wind. But clenching her lips, Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes were deeply stubborn and unyielding.

Her hands changed rapidly, and she endured discomfort and pain. Mrs. Nangong\'s refining was coming to an end.

A female has such ability and will, which makes the onlookers admire her very much. Mrs. Nangong is really worthy of being the first tool refiner in zhuquezhou!

At this time, all eyes are focused, and everyone is waiting with bated breath——

Miracles are born again!

"Boom! ~" the sound of deep explosion sounded in Mrs. Nangong\'s hand.

Bright stars appeared in the sky. Each martial artist stared at the sky and felt a deep suffocation.

Nangong lady, you really succeeded!

On the eighth floor of the fire ladder, refining was completed.

It is a feat that no one has ever completed to create zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition.

Another miracle!