Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1033

"Wow! ~" there was a sound of exclamation.

The appearance of the forest wind, like thunder on a sunny day, immediately activated the originally silent atmosphere.

The noise came again and again, as if they had come to the market. The people who had been waiting for Mrs. Nangong suddenly became active, beaming and talking.

"I thought master Lin Feng couldn\'t come back."

"Yes, I don\'t know what happened just now. Master Lin Feng suddenly left."

"There must be something important. It\'s a pity that we wasted an hour. Otherwise, with master Lin Feng\'s strength, we might be able to catch up with Mrs. Nangong."

"I\'m kidding. I can\'t catch up. It\'s 2005 points short!"


There was a lot of excitement around.

If the game is one-sided, it is boring. Now Lin Feng returns, all supporters in the crowd are fighting with each other, and no one is willing to show weakness.

And Lin Feng

Whoosh! Just a moment\'s pause is to enter cube space.

Time is pressing!

There is only less than half an hour left.

For Lin Feng, every minute and every second can\'t be wasted at the moment.

"Wow! ~" the white light shone, and the forest wind instantly entered this familiar area. Without a moment\'s stop, the cloud step quickly showed itself. In my mind, 40 materials for refining "Phoenix wing Tianxiang" clearly emerge, including the location of each material!

Like a starry sky, dotted with stars.




Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear. He took three materials in a moment, and a faint smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth.

Good start!

The more complete the materials, the higher the success rate of refining.

"Oh?" Wang Shi\'s eyes lit up.

"The child seems to be ready." Ouyang Kuo nodded.

"Take the materials without hesitation, as fast as the wind. At this time, he seems to be fully prepared." Wang Shi smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care much, just curious. For him, there is no suspense about the champion of this weapon refiner competition.

In fact, everyone thinks so.

Nangong lady, there is no doubt of victory.

However, Wang Shi was also curious about what Lin Feng would refine next.

"Stopped." Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes burned.

After taking seven pieces of materials, Lin Feng finally stopped, and Ouyang Kuo was thoughtful.

"If I\'m right, what the little guy wants to refine... It should be the triple star treasure of the earth level \'Phoenix wing and sky flying\'." Wang Shi said lightly. He has deep research on the star treasure, and his experience and experience are incomparable to none of you.

"Phoenix wings soar in the sky?" Ouyang Kuo was slightly surprised. "Although it is a triple star treasure of the earth level, it is said that it is more difficult to refine a triple star treasure of the earth level!"

"That\'s right." Wang Shi nodded. "Fengyi Tianxiang\'s refining requires not only materials and refining technology, but also the flame of the refiner. Therefore, few refiners will choose to refine this star treasure. It\'s too cumbersome."

Ouyang Kuo said with a smile, "knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, I prefer to go to the tiger mountain."

"Not necessarily." Wang Shi\'s eyes brightened. "There are weaknesses and their own advantages. Although Fengyi Tianxiang has high requirements for the flame, as long as the flame is strong enough, its grade is easier to improve. Maybe the little guy knows this, so he wants to win in danger. He is very smart with the help of the power of fire."

"I see." Ouyang Kuo nodded suddenly.

Looking at Lin Feng, I felt a little admiration. The more I looked, the more I liked it.

At a young age, I already have such refining technology. I am thoughtful and really a first-class talent.

However, how can Lin Feng know so much.

His understanding of Xingbao is not as deep as Wang Shi. His understanding of "Phoenix wings flying in the sky" is only limited to the understanding of the way of constellations. As for the refining technology, flame and so on, how could these be considered by him? Now

It is a great gift for Lin Feng to find all the materials.

Twenty five, twenty-eight, thirty!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, galloping fast, and his heart was filled with a little joy.

Materials are more complete than you think!

"It\'s strange that this material is not much less than it was an hour ago."

"Don\'t they need materials?"

Lin Feng is quite curious, but he doesn\'t know that most of the smelters have already run out of skills and can\'t refine any more.

It\'s OK to lack one material, four and six materials. How to refine them? It\'s better to lose this person less and end the refining than to waste time and fight so many opportunities that you don\'t even have one in ten thousand. Anyway, what\'s the difference between second and tenth?

They are all high-profile people who disdain to do things such as Pang\'s ability to rob materials.

How does it help them?

At the moment, except that master Ouyang and panghui were still refining, all the others, including Wang Bo, were concentrating on Mrs. Nangong\'s refining and didn\'t move. It is a rare learning opportunity for them to watch Mrs. Nangong\'s refining closely.

The stronger the strength, the deeper the experience, the more benefits.

There is no end to learning, and the first is to reach. People will not lose face because of Mrs. Nangong\'s youth.

Therefore, it is cheaper for Lin Feng.

If not, every tool refiner will take 200 kinds of materials. At present, Lin Feng is short of at least five or six kinds of materials, instead of just two kinds like now! These two kinds of materials are completely replaceable, which is not difficult for the current forest wind.

"Toad chrysanthemum can be replaced by pear chrysanthemum, which has little impact."

"Hulun jade can be replaced by green plum jade, which is also harmless."


"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng breathed.

Take the last thirty seventh material with your right hand and declare it completed.

Plus the original "Haojin", "yellow catfish" and "magnetic ring stone", 40 kinds of materials are almost complete!

Pop! The figure flashed, and Lin Feng appeared at the meeting again.

The surrounding eyes gathered instantaneously, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and fell on the people of the Lin family. He immediately saw the feather ink with a fresh smile and felt warm in his heart. He nodded to Yumo gently, indicating that she didn\'t have to worry. Lin Feng immediately raised his head and looked at the big screen of the sky.

At this time, the last hourglass began to leak sand, but it was not in the sight of the forest wind.

The focus of attention is the ranking!

The first Nangong lady!

"3555 points?!" Lin Feng was lightly surprised and his eyes flashed.

"2005 points higher than me."

"Even if I get a full score on the seventh floor of the fire ladder, I still have to lose 5 points."

Lin Feng quickly calculated and frowned slightly.

She turned her head and looked at the eighth floor of the fire ladder. At this time, Mrs. Nangong\'s face was slightly red and the light around her body flashed violently. She was refining meticulously. Although she looks tired, Mrs. Nangong\'s spirit is extremely concentrated and is not affected at all.

Very serious!

"The eighth floor, five times the coefficient."

"If I want to win, there is only one possibility."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart, his eyes twinkled, and soon made a decision.

In the final refining, you must go to the eighth layer!

I have no choice.

"Oh?" Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes lit up.

"Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." Wang Shi saran said with a smile, "there is no fear of master Ouyang\'s final pursuit. The child only sees Mrs. Nangong, which is very good! A tool refiner should have the spirit of daring to challenge, although..."

"The result may not be satisfactory." Wang Shi nodded and smiled slightly.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with his performance in all aspects.

"That\'s not certain. Maybe the child can create a miracle?" Ouyang Kuo joked.

"I don\'t hope so." Wang Shi shrugged casually, "but I\'m afraid there\'s no chance of one in ten thousand. The reason why Mrs. Nangong can withstand the fire on the eighth floor is because she has the protection of congenital treasures, but Lin Feng was born in the Lin family. How can there be such treasures?"

"Indeed, how can the star level peak withstand the flame equivalent to the holy level?" Ouyang Kuo sighed.

Can you bear it?

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

As soon as I stepped into the eighth floor of the fire ladder, the fire attacked me madly.

Almost instantly, the fire of rebirth rises!


"No, the fire power is too strong!" Lin Feng\'s face changed.

When you really set foot on the eighth floor, you know how terrible the power of fire is. It is more than ten times stronger than the seventh floor. Every inch of flame seems to have life power, like a poisonous snake opening its big mouth and biting itself.

Although the defense of rebirth fire is strong, it has reached the quintuple star skill, but this fire is powerful——

It\'s terrible!

"The replenishment speed can\'t keep up with the consumption speed." Lin Feng frowned.

"It\'s a problem to stay on the eighth floor, not to mention refining tools. Even if you use stronger devouring fire, you may be able to resist it for a while, but..."

"After nearly half an hour of refining, the fire of swallowing can\'t resist!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and looked pale.

The plan can\'t keep up with the change!

But I have no way back.

Once you leave the eighth floor of the fire ladder, you will announce the end of the weapon smelter competition.

This is not the result you want!

Even if you lose, you should be willing to lose, not lose without fighting!

"There is only one way left." Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and shining brightly.

"Come out, red Ling!"

With the loud cry of Lin Feng, a violent red light suddenly appeared. The red damask took an amazing smell of flame, and the scales as thin as cicada wings were like cutting with a knife. The huge body emits a burning flame. It rolls up the body in an instant to form a solid protective wall to protect the forest wind!

"Jiong! ~" the fire was dazzling, and the red Ling raised her head and roared.

Fire scale and snake at the peak of star domain level!

In terms of physique, he is much stronger than Lin Feng, and his resistance to fire is more incomparable than Lin Feng!

The fire was strong, and the red damask resisted the crazy attack of the eighth layer of fire, which immediately calmed the forest wind. Although the burst of fire elements around was extremely strong, and sporadic fire rushed out from the ground, these were nothing to the forest wind.

"Please, red Ling." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and whispered.

Pop! Lin Feng clenched his fists and opened them, and the flame suddenly vomited out.

The final refining, start!