Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1023

"Too late!" Lin Feng frowned.

The time of each test cannot be changed. It must be an hour.

This is the same as the test question. It is certainly determined and cannot be changed.

"You can only take one step at a time." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. He didn\'t have time to see his current ranking, so he entered the \'fire control space\' like the wind. WOW~ The figure flashed. Lin Feng pressed the switch at the speed of lightning.

烀~ The fire was burning.

Lin Feng, start the second test.

Fire control space!

"Alas! ~" Lin Zhen sighed and stared at the big screen of the sky, saying endless regret.

"What\'s the matter, dad?" Lin Zhan said curiously, "isn\'t Yan Lao ranked sixth? It should be good news." then looking at the big screen of the sky, Lin Zhan nodded suddenly and smiled, "it\'s good for Yu Mo to enter the second round. Does Dad want her to enter the third round?"

"Yumo has played extraordinary this time, and I am very satisfied with entering the second round." Lin Zhen said slowly.

"Dad, you......" Lin Zhan was puzzled.

Not for Yumo to sigh, why?

"It was a bit of luck that the last yanlao entered the last round, including the first round, but..." Lin Zhen shook her head. "This round of yanlao\'s play is not ideal, and he missed the opportunity of the first test because of conservatism. Now it is his weakest \'forging space\', I\'m afraid..."

"If you can\'t catch it, you\'re likely to be overtaken."

"Ah!" Lin Zhan was surprised, "isn\'t it?"

"And Lin Feng." Lin Zhen frowned slightly. "I didn\'t expect that he could get full marks in the \'condensed space\'. If it took another quarter of an hour, maybe..." after a pause, Lin Zhen looked at the big screen of the sky and felt a little helpless.

According to his observation, if Lin Feng has enough time to complete the "fire control space", he is likely to squeeze into the last round!

However, this is just "if".

Many things are doomed.

A family\'s sorrow is a family\'s joy.

Now in the fire ladder, Pang Hui is elated and smiling.

Although the first round brought the Lin family into the limelight, his Ponzi family fell behind, and he was the only one to enter the second round.

But so what?

"Although old man Yan is ranked sixth, the last test is his weakness. He is very likely to fall out of the top ten!"

"As for that Lin Feng, I don\'t know what to do. I thought it was an immortal genius, but it was only at the same level as that Lin Yumo. Although the potential of rising stars is great, but..."

"Now, I am not qualified to shake my Ponzi family!"

It is more ideal for pang to play.

However, the flame rises and puts the strongest item at the end, which shows panghui\'s confidence.

Lin Yan, however, lost at the beginning.

The second round of the competition was held in a tempestuous manner, and everyone waited patiently with bated breath.

Now, it is about to enter the final outcome. The ten places decided to enter the finals are exciting!

No one else was the first to finish refining.

It\'s Mrs. Nangong!

Full marks!

See full marks again.

After two rounds of tests with only defects, Mrs. Nangong finally achieved full marks, which is worthy of her name as the first tool refiner in zhuquezhou! With a full 11988 points, it ranks first, and no one can shake it at all.

This is her strength.

The crowd was thundering with joy.

His eyes are mixed with admiration and envy, and there are many colors of admiration.

Mrs. Nangong is a new legend of zhuquezhou. Now she is only one step away from the top and won the champion of the 10th weapon refiner competition!

At that time, she will become the youngest president of zhuquezhou smelter alliance!

As dazzling as the stars.

At this time, the beautiful and dignified woman with deep charm is looking up at the big screen of the sky. Instead of looking at your ranking, you scan the points of all the smelters one by one to test the completion. When Lin Feng\'s name was reached, Mrs. Nangong gave a light sigh and stopped.

4000 points!

A very complete integral.

Among the specific options for completing the test, Lin Feng is outstanding.

Because he is the only one who has completed only one test!

In other words

"Only one test, but full score?"

"What happened?"

Mrs. Nangong\'s face was slightly puzzled, and her starlit eyes surrounded her, quickly——

Is to lock in the forest wind.

Inexplicably, she felt a little curious about Lin Feng.

The second person to complete the test is master Ouyang.

He was ranked second. His ranking was the same as that of Nangong lady. There was no suspense.

Although the points are far inferior to Mrs. Nangong, compared with the third place, master Ouyang has great advantages. Among the three weapon refining aristocratic families, Wang Bo\'s "partial branch" in the Royal Palace is too serious. Perhaps to some extent, Wang Bo is not inferior to master Ouyang, regardless of strength or reputation, but in the comprehensive test of the weapon refining Master Competition

Wang Bo, still can not be compared with the two.

For several consecutive sessions, he was third.

"Indeed, it\'s Mrs. Nangong." master Ouyang smiled slightly and was not surprised when he looked at the big screen of the sky.

The result, as he expected.

"The first two rounds are just a warm-up."

"The real decisive battle is the last round. One blow will win or lose!"

"This time, I won\'t lose again!"

Master Ouyang\'s eyes are bright and confident. He has not spent the past ten years in vain.

He looked slowly at Nangong\'s wife. Master Ouyang also gave a light sigh, but he saw Nangong\'s eyes and looked at one of the energy equipment.

"That\'s..." master Ouyang\'s eyes flickered slightly.

"Lin Feng?"

With the release of Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang, the last hourglass has gradually passed half.

The second round of refiner competition gradually entered the final white hot sprint, and refiners completed all three projects one by one. A pair of clear eyes stared at the sky screen, as if suffocating. The scene was quiet, but the ranking of the light screen was changing.

Every change always brings a sigh.

In particular, the smelter who ranked No. 10 was sweating. He was afraid that a change would push him to No. 11.

The difference between one person and another makes a big difference in treatment.


six thousand six hundred and eighty

six thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight


The score of the tenth place is rising.

The name is constantly changing, and the scene is quite intense and compact.

Soon, break the 7000 mark!

"Pa!" the sky screen changes and flashes again, fixed at 7488.

"Alas ~ ~" a long sigh sounded leisurely among the Lin family. Lin Zhen closed her eyes and showed a lost color. At this time, on the fire ladder, Lin Yan\'s face was slightly pale, as if he was a few years old in a moment.

He was squeezed out of the top ten.

It means that this weapon refining master competition is over.

"Sure enough." Lin Zhen shook her head.

"What a pity!" Lin Zhan clenched his fist and was very depressed.

"Almost, almost!" Lin Zhen frowned and felt helpless. Originally, this is a great opportunity for the family. Lin Feng and Lin Yumo are in the limelight in the first round. The family is famous. If they can take advantage of the victory and enter the Finals again, the rise of the family will be unstoppable!

Even, it will soon threaten the Ponzi family.

But now, it has fallen short.

"It seems that the time is not up to me, the Lin family." Lin Zhen whispered softly, "it\'s not yet time to really rise."

"Still need to be steady, take your time."

Although Lin Zhen felt bad at chess, after all, Lin Zhen experienced great storms and waves, and her mood soon recovered.

After all, this time, the family has made enough money.

The second round is coming to an end.

Since YiYanTang\'s "Huang nufeng" replaced Lin Yan with 7498 points and ranked 10th, the situation has gradually calmed down.

But with the exception of Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang, everyone\'s face is still a little anxious and nervous. No one can guarantee that they will stay in the top ten and advance to the next round! As the hourglass falls and empties, as the fire rises, more and more people are on the ladder

Cheers, keep ringing!

Wang Bo, Li Yuan and Bai Yunfei smiled.

The three ranked third, fourth and fifth in turn, and now only the last five smelters have not completed the test, which means that they are sure to enter the last round!

Pop! Pop! Two consecutive rays of light flickered, and two more names appeared on the big screen of the sky screen, but they only ranked 14th and 27th, without any impact on the top 10. Hu Nan and Pang Hui clenched their fists and their eyes shone.

They are also advanced.

In fact, the ranking of the top ten is almost set, and basically there will not be much change.

Eighth, Cheng Jin.

Ninth, Hu yudie.

Number ten, yellow wind!

Often those who have not come out yet must have encountered a lot of "trouble". Basically, it is very unlikely that they want to have an impact on the top ten smelters. At this time, as the sand of the last hourglass was about to run out, 30 of the 31 refiners had finished refining.

In the tenth place, it is still the Yellow angry wind.

Score: 7498!

Looking at the big screen of the sky with a proud face, Huang Nu Feng is full of confidence, because behind the last Lin Feng\'s name, there is still one frame of the clock for one hour, which means that Lin Feng\'s test will not be completed until there is still a cup of tea.

And he will get the last place and enter the final!

It has also won the title of "honorary elder" of the tool refiner alliance, making a reputation for YiYanTang!


"Wow! ~" the seventh hourglass, the last sand ran out.

When~ The loud bell rang through and shocked people, and there was a sound of cheers in the venue. In the fire ladder, some people are happy and others are sad. Huang Nu Feng clenches his fists and roars up to the sky as if to vent. He is very excited.


"Pa! ~" a light flickered in the big screen of the sky.

"Hiss!! ~" the neat sound of breathing sounded, and everyone was stunned and their pupils dilated.

At this time, the sky screen changes again, which is the tenth!

Lin family, Lin Feng.

Total points: 7500

It\'s just over the 11th place "Huang Nu Feng". The difference of 2 points is——

a world of difference!