Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1024

No one expected the end.

Great reversal!!

The venue was quiet, and the people were stunned and looked at the big screen of the sky, but they didn\'t react. As early as when Lin Feng got the ridiculous score of "36 points", people had lost confidence in him and listed him as the first contestant to be eliminated.

Who wants

Lin Feng, how could he catch up at last!


Huang Nu Feng stared and couldn\'t believe what had happened.

At this time——

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng walked out of the fire control space.

"Hmm?" felt a different atmosphere. Everyone seemed to focus on himself. Lin Feng was also slightly surprised. Just now, the test of the fire control space suddenly stopped. It seemed that the "time limit" had come and was forcibly terminated.

What happened?

Lin Feng was quite curious. Then he moved in his heart and raised his head.

The flickering light on the big screen of the sky is clearly visible, but it is shocking.

"7500 points, 10th place?"

"I caught up?"

Looking at his name in the big screen of the sky, Lin Feng felt incredible when he clearly fell in the tenth place.

"I should have made achievements?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright with surprise and joy. I thought I wouldn\'t score this time, but now the number of "7500 points" won\'t lie. I got "3500 points" in the fire control space. Although the test was ordered to stop, the score was not cancelled.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous noise around.

All the people talked incessantly and there was a lot of noise, which was unexpected for the result.

"I don\'t accept it!" Huang Nu Feng stepped out, his clenched fists and green tendons were exposed, and pointed at Lin Feng. "He didn\'t complete the test at all. Why did he get a score!"

"Not completing the test doesn\'t mean there are no scores." Wang Shi carried his hands and said faintly, "the second round has no clear provisions, only the time limit. As I said earlier, you can \'choose freely\'. Looking at the Yellow angry wind, Wang Shi flashed a fine light in his eyes," the result has been determined, whether you accept it or not. "

"Let\'s rest for half an hour." he opened his mouth calmly, and Wang Shi turned and left.

His face was ugly, but he dared not speak. Wang Shi had a very high position in zhuquezhou.

His words are beyond question.

"I didn\'t expect you to make an exception for the child," Ouyang Kuo said lightly.

"Make an exception?" Wang Shi was stunned and said happily. "I\'ve been together for so long, Lao Kuo. You don\'t know who I am? Don\'t mention this little guy. I treat him equally, even Nangong\'s wife. If this kind of competition is selfish, it will lose the face of the tool refiner alliance."

"The \'exception\' that the president said before was..." Ouyang Kuo Leng said.

Wang Shi smiled slightly and looked at Lin Feng not far away. "Originally, I thought the child would be eliminated. I wanted to make an exception and give him the position of \'honorary elder\' of the weapon refining division alliance. It\'s incredible that he could turn over the plate in such a situation."

"I see." Ouyang Kuo nodded suddenly and smiled. "I also said when did you change your temper?"

"You\'re almost in the coffin. Aren\'t you tired now?" Wang Shi smiled gently, with a bright light in his eyes. "But I\'m curious. How can this child have such refining skills at such a young age? It\'s really incredible."

"The craftsman needs years of experience to accumulate. Even if the little guy started to refine tools from his mother\'s womb, it would be less than 30 years." Ouyang Kuo was also puzzled. "But in the first round, his skill of refining tools was as perfect as a textbook without flaws. It\'s hard to imagine that such a skilled skill would appear in a child."

"Lao Kuo, I have to admit that there are so-called \'geniuses\' in the world, such as martial artists and tool refiners." Wang Shi said with a smile, "if we can find such a talented tool refiner, our zhuquezhou tool refiner alliance has found a treasure, but I don\'t know where he can go in the end?"

"Maybe even Mrs. Nangong won." Ouyang Kuo joked.

They looked at each other and laughed.

"Congratulations, brother Lin ~" Lin Yumo smiled with a smile, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak.

At this time, not only her, but also Lin Yan and Lin Zhen, all the members of the Lin family gathered together and enjoyed themselves. In particular, Lin Yan and Lin Zhen couldn\'t close their mouths and fell up. They thought that this session of the weapons smelter university would fall short of success. Who would have thought

Lin Feng pushed into the top ten at the last minute!

"Well done, very good!" Lin Zhen patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and couldn\'t close her mouth with a smile.

"It\'s the patriarch who knows people." Lin Yan stroked his beard and smiled. "With master Lin Feng, it\'s hard for my Lin family to be famous. Have you seen panghui\'s smelly face? Ha, I haven\'t been so happy for a long time."

"I\'m just a fluke." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Stumbling, I was really lucky to be in the final.

"Luck is also a part of strength." Lin Zhen said happily, and her eyes sparkled. "It is God who helped me become famous this time. After releasing luojun, my Lin family will certainly rise. As long as Lin Feng is your living sign and equipped with the star treasure of" perfect grade ", it will take less than three years..."

"I want the Lin family to really stand at the top of Shiluo County!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes were burning and confident.

"I hope so." Lin Feng smiled and helped the family refine some perfect star treasures. It\'s just a piece of cake for himself. If you can really help the rise of the family, you can also help your father and adoptive father. It\'s a good thing.

But how can things be so perfect?

At least

At present, there is also a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, which is dormant.

White dress club.

One of the mysteries of zhuquezhou exists.

Where there is light, there is darkness, where there are people, there is strife, power struggle and killing, and the white dress society is born for this. It is the most outstanding and huge killer organization among the underground forces in zhuquezhou. It is like an old tree deeply rooted in zhuquezhou and the land of manbu nine counties.

"All set?" a hoarse, low voice rang out in the dark.

"Yes, Pluto." dressed in white, a man knelt on one knee without expression, and his whole body exuded sparkling killing intention.

"This task is very important. If it fails..."

"You don\'t have to come back."

The voice is low and plain, but sonorous, which makes people\'s hearts stand on end.

"Don\'t worry, my subordinates will do it cleanly."

"Just with the help of the \'rosefinch challenge\', it will never leave any clues."

The man in white is calm, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Go and bring back the head called Lin Feng."

"Yes, Pluto."

Rosefinch territory.

At the conveyor, a man wearing a black cloak and invisible face slowly appeared.

A pair of starlight bright double pupils, the man\'s whole body transmits a thick evil spirit, just like a ghost. If you stand in front of him, you can vaguely see that potholed, ugly like a ghost, it is the forest!

He also came to the rosefinch realm.

The preliminary of the rosefinch challenge is to give martial artists below the star level three "opportunities".

However, if you go beyond the third level of the star domain level, you can participate directly once unconditionally. Even Lin Zhen can participate, but whether he is willing to participate is another matter. After all, the rosefinch challenge is in progress, and the mortality rate is very high.

Those who are not quite confident in their own strength may not be willing to take risks.

Therefore, although Lin Zhen has always been qualified to participate in the rosefinch challenge, he has never "ventured".

In his capacity, it is not appropriate to do so, including Lin Yan.

"Three days later, it\'s the rosefinch challenge."

"Lin Feng, I\'ll give you a surprise then."

With a strange laugh, Lin was confident.

For revenge, he has been planning for a long time.


"Did you hear that there was a big surprise in the weapon refiner competition!"

"A young man in his twenties entered the finals for the first time!"

"No, really? Is it the evil genius cultivated by the three weapon smelter families?"

"No, his name is Lin Feng. He is a member of the Lin family, the second tool refining family in Shiluo county. It is said that the Lin family is in the limelight this time. In addition, there is another Lin Yumo, who is not only as long as a fairy, but also has excellent tool refining strength. He also entered the second round for the first time!"

"Come on, show me!"


Bursts of voices came from his ears, and Lin\'s eyes were cold.

"Lin family..."

"Lin Feng!"

His fists were squeezed tightly, and he made a snap of his fingers. Lin Zhen ground his teeth and his chest fluctuated slightly.

The hatred of that day is still unforgettable today.

"Whoosh!" the figure flickered, and the forest suddenly disappeared.

The direction he left was exactly where the "fire ladder" was.

The name of master Lin Feng spread in the rosefinch territory as early as this time. All the martial artists rushed to see the true face of Lushan.

the house is crowded in every part!

The fire ladder, one inside and one outside, is full of martial artists.

Here, the star domain level is nothing at all. I\'m afraid it\'s the star domain level to pull out a warrior at random; The star Lord level is blooming everywhere, like civilians. Only the strength of the star master level can enter the rosefinch realm.

At this time, almost all the "elites" in zhuquezhou are included!

"It seems that there are more and more people." Lin Zhen looked around and smiled lightly.

The more people come to watch, the louder the reputation of the Lin family will be. Of course, it depends on the degree of Lin Feng\'s play.

"Many people come here to see the true face of \'master Lin Feng\'." Lin Yumo smiled.

"Cough." Lin Feng felt a little helpless, "well, you Yumo, even I make fun of you."

"No, what I said is true." Lin Yumo blinked.

"You." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

How could she not know what Yumo wanted? She wanted to help herself relax.

But in fact, I\'m not nervous at all. I\'m very lucky to be in the final. There\'s no point in looking forward to Shu.

Moreover, compared with Nangong\'s wife, master Ouyang is still very poor.

Just want to talk, suddenly——

"When! ~" the clear bell rang through, completely covering the noise around, and all the martial artists\' eyes glittered and calmed down.

Half an hour has passed. The bell means the final of the weapon smelter competition
