Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1022

Time, little by little.

Lin Feng\'s magical aura in the first round no longer exists at this time.

It is concluded that Lin Feng cannot complete the three tests and enter the next round. People\'s attention has focused on other weapon refiners, especially Nangong lady and master Ouyang on the fifth floor of the fire ladder. At this time, their names are high on the real-time scoreboard of the sky screen.

In the first place is Nangong\'s wife, with 3996 points, which is almost perfect.

After deducting four times the integral coefficient, the actual score of Mrs. Nangong\'s first test is\' 999 \'.

There is only one flaw.

Master Ouyang was slightly inferior and ranked second with 3800 points. The first item was opened by Mrs. Nangong. But in fact, master Ouyang\'s performance is good enough, but Mrs. Nangong is stronger. Except for two people, none of the smelters scored more than 3500 points.

Including the other two refiners on the fifth floor, Wang Bo and Bai Yunfei.

Wang Bo\'s complexion was slightly ugly, but his performance was a little abnormal. He only got 3448 points, while Bai Yunfei ranked fifth in the first round, but this round was out of standard. He only got 2976 points, less than 3000 points, but the four people still occupied the top four places in the championship.

Integral multiple, quite critical.

Four times and twice, it\'s a world of difference.

On the fourth floor of the fire ladder, even if you try your best to get full marks, it\'s only 2000 points.

As the sound of the third hourglass continues to sound, many refiners who have completed the first test have begun to think about whether to advance or retreat. For example, Bai Yunfei, on the contrary, dropped from the fifth floor of the fire ladder to the fourth floor for testing and chose to be wise and protect himself.

In fact, the first test has been his strong point, but it is still only a thrilling promotion, and his weak point is meaningless to take risks.

However, Wang Bo stayed on the fifth floor, and more and more weapon refiners also chose to fight and enter the fifth floor. The five floor ladder, which originally had only five figures, surged to ten people in the blink of an eye. Predictably, until the last test, I\'m afraid

There will be more adventurers!

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Feng.

At this time, he is immersed in another test and understanding.

No one noticed that with the third hourglass leaking out a little, Lin Feng has crossed the third stage and entered the fourth stage!

The most difficult and time-consuming stage.

However, it still failed.

The fourth stage didn\'t even get a point, but

Lin Feng\'s name, however, appeared in the fifth place on the sky screen, scoring \'2400 points\'.

Four times the proportion coefficient, plus Lin Feng\'s full score in the first three stages, obtained quite good points. When most of the weapon refiners had a full score of 2000, Lin Feng squeezed into the top ten. But by this time, the fourth hourglass had gone less than half.

There are less than two hours left.

Quite compact.

"Seize the time, first complete the condensation space test, and then sprint into the fire control space."

"There is still a glimmer of hope!"

With bright eyes, Lin Feng suddenly stepped into the refining space.

This time, I am confident!

The fourth stage, do realize!

"Wow, master Lin Feng is fifth!"

"No? When did you come up?"

"It\'s useless. It\'s only 2400 minutes. There\'s not enough time. Plus... Ah, master Lin Feng has entered the refining space again?"

"How could this happen? Didn\'t master Lin Feng already have a score in the refining space?"

"Who knows, maybe I want to keep improving."


Everyone talked and felt curious.

But I don\'t care too much. Although Lin Feng is now ranked fifth, in fact, he has already withdrawn from the list of ten candidates.

Because his time is really not enough.

"Lin Feng\'s savvy is really superior." Lin Zhen sighed gently. I\'m afraid only he knew what had happened.

"If we had more time, we would be in the top ten."

"What a pity."

"Is there no hope, dad?" Lin Zhan was surprised. "Isn\'t brother Lin ranked fifth?"

"It\'s no use. Lin Feng\'s score is too small. It\'s just a matter of time now. In more than half an hour, the ranking will fall straight." Lin Zhen said slowly, but he saw it very thoroughly. Others have three items, but Lin Feng has only two. How can you compare them?

What\'s more, most refiners now

Still full sprint!

"President, this\' test question \'seems very difficult." Ouyang Kuo looked at Wang Shi.

"Before light, after heavy, the first three stages of the test questions are easier, and I specially increase the difficulty in the last stage." Wang Shi smiled and his eyes flashed.

"No wonder the strength of Wang Bo and Bai Yunfei has been defeated." Ouyang Kuo said slowly.

"I hope the smelter has a certain spirit of adventure, but it is the best only if he has real talent and materials." Wang Shi said positively. "Therefore, I hope to praise the smelter who dares to enter the fifth level of refining by making the test questions in the previous three stages easy."

"So it is." Ouyang Kuo understood.

In the first three stages, the full score of the fifth floor is 2400, which is better than the total score of the fourth floor.

"But the final stage of the test is very difficult. The president hopes to test the real materials." Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes flickered.

Wang Shi nodded with a smile.

Look at the big screen of the sky. At this time, as the fifth hourglass begins to leak sand, the ranking changes very quickly.

Many refiners have completed two rounds of tests.

At the top of the list is a relatively "strange" name.

Cheng Jin, total score \'4620\'.

However, in an instant, she was replaced by Mrs. Nangong.

7988 points!

Quite an appalling score.

Nangong\'s play is as stable as ever. After the first test scored \'999\', the second test also scored \'998\', far surpassing other refiners and standing high in the first place. Although master Ouyang appeared at the second table almost at the same time, he could not be compared with Mrs. Nangong at all.

Moreover, the gap is widening!

As for Lin Feng, with the scores of other martial artists in the second round of test, the ranking has fallen to the middle end.

The fifth place is just a passing sight.


Lin Feng is still going on.

"Wow! ~" Wow! ~ "the light flickered.

In the condensed space, the scores on the instrument soared without pause.

88088900... In the illusory space, Lin Feng maintained his self state, and the reborn fire in his eyes flashed out with the fire, without any contradiction. Every condensation and refining is perfect, just like a textbook.

A correct demonstration can be perfectly mastered!

The star sky pupil and star dome pupil in self state are extremely against the sky.

However, at this time, there is no sand in the fourth hourglass, and the fifth hourglass has started timing.

Enter the last hour!

The last sprint!

At this time, there was a fierce scene on the fire ladder.

All the smelters were sprinting. There was no figure on the third and fourth floors. Everyone was on the fifth floor of the fire ladder. In the second test, several adventurous smelters tasted the sweetness, so everyone saw hope.

In fact, most refiners have no choice!

After entering the second round, there was little difference in the skills of all the tool refiners. Except for Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang, the scores of others were not opened. The third to tenth refiners want to keep their ranking, while the refiners after the tenth want the last fight.

The bayonet has become popular. Who will let it?

Whether we can enter the last round and get ten valuable places depends on this fight!

People\'s eyes were sparkling and they felt shortness of breath.

At present, no one is sure who will get the other eight positions except Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang!

The competition is quite fierce.

But one person is sure that it will be eliminated.

That is Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also ranks first in the 2400 score, but different from Nangong\'s wife, it is the last one, and even the score is a thousand points different from that of the 30th weapon refiner. The gap is not generally large. With only one score, Lin Feng is unable to catch up.

The halo of the first round is completely dim in this round.

First to be eliminated.

However, at this time——

The championship, change again!

"Someone has finished!"

"So fast? Who is it?"

"No, master Lin Feng!"


With a flash of light, Lin Feng\'s figure immediately appeared on the fire ladder. With everyone talking and mixed with surprised voices, it immediately caused no small fluctuations. However, on the big screen of the sky screen, Lin Feng\'s ranking has risen in an instant!


Ranking: 12th!

Total points: 4000 points!!

"Silk! ~" a puff of air stunned everyone.


"Condensed space, full score?"

"How could it be, how did it... Do it!"


Everyone was completely shocked. You know, so far, there has been no full score in any test in the second round. The highest score is Mrs. Nangong\'s 999 and 998, but there are still small defects from the full score, but Lin Feng did it!

Moreover, it was done on the fifth floor of the fire ladder.

More difficult!

The most important thing is

Lin Feng scored only a humble \'36 points\' for the first time in the condensed space.

What happened in these two hours?

"What a stubborn child." Wang Shi\'s eyes flickered.

"Yes, I\'d rather give up the game than achieve perfect results." Ouyang Kuo nodded with admiration in his eyes.

"A real tool refiner should be like this." Wang Shi deeply admires it. "No wonder the child will achieve such achievements at this age and refine the perfect grade at the competition site. Qualification is important, but this state of mind is the most decisive factor."

"Such tenacity and persistence are rare and valuable." Ouyang Kuo looked at Lin Feng and showed a rare smile.

"Unfortunately, I can\'t get into the last round, but..." Wang Shi\'s eyes are light and bright, flickering slightly, looking at Ouyang Kuo. "It\'s a pity if you miss such a good seedling, Lao Kuo. I want to make an exception for him. What do you think?"

"The president means..." Ouyang Kuo was surprised.

Wang Shi smiled lightly.