Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1021

Condense space.

Different from the fire control space, the test of condensation space will enter a virtual environment to simulate the condensation and refining of various materials.

The refining of Xingbao star ware, especially the existence of the earth level, must undergo countless "skilled" operations in order to master the skills. Refining with real materials is undoubtedly too extravagant and wasteful. In fact, not many refiners can afford it.

The existence of condensed space is precisely because of this.

In fact, practicality is the most important, far better than other functions.

Testing is just one of the functions, including "fire control space".

Lin Feng is familiar with the whole process.

"Sure enough, it\'s a four stage test."

"The first paragraph \'100 points\', the second paragraph\' 200 points\', the third paragraph \'300 points\', and the last paragraph\' 400 points\'."

His eyes are slightly bright, and Lin Feng\'s heart is light.

I have tested before. Although the four stage test appears paragraph by paragraph, the appearance of the second paragraph requires the score of the first paragraph to exceed 80 points; If the third paragraph appears, the score of the second paragraph needs to exceed 160 points; The condition of the last paragraph is that the score of the third paragraph exceeds 240 points!

For example, in the advanced stage of star technology, the previous repeat must have enough "foundation".

"What I tested before was the \'human level\' refining skill."

"We can only reach the third paragraph, but this time it\'s a \'ground level\' test. I don\'t know how difficult it is."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are light.

There is a great difference between human order and earth order.

"Anyway, try it." with a light smile, Lin Fengxuan pressed the test switch.

"Master Lin Feng finally began to test."

"Yes, I don\'t know how amazing his score will be this time!"

"It goes without saying that it must be very high. At least... It should be more than 900 points!"


Everyone kept whispering and had great confidence in Lin Feng.

The first round of the "performance" against the sky has already awed everyone.

That is the real "perfect grade" earth grade star treasure, which almost disappeared in zhuquezhou.

How can a master with such refining strength have a poor "foundation"?


Just as everyone was looking forward to it, and his eyes were shining, waiting for another miracle to happen, Lin Feng\'s performance was to break people\'s glasses.

"Pa!" a bright light flashed across the condensed space, and the tinkling bell rang clearly. The light wrapped around Lin Feng suddenly disappeared. Everyone stared and opened his mouth enough to swallow a whole egg.

No, no?

Master Lin Feng, failed?!

"Sure enough." Lin Zhen covered his face with one hand and couldn\'t bear to look straight at him.

I\'m afraid he is the one who knows Lin Feng best. He knows the secret of Lin Feng\'s double pupils and knows how poor Lin Feng\'s "foundation" is. Maybe Lin Feng\'s performance in the fire control space can be called against the sky, but that\'s a "qualification", which has nothing to do with the foundation.

Once entering the refining space or forging space, Lin Feng\'s "true body" will be revealed.

"36 points?" Lin Zhan was stunned.

Yes, it\'s 36.

Only in the first stage of the test, Lin Feng failed, causing an uproar.

Thirty one weapon refiners, Lin Feng entered the latest

Come out, but the earliest!

"It really failed."

"It\'s much harder than I thought."

Lin Feng felt helpless. He had a little confidence before, but he completely forgot that this was the test of the "earth level".

It\'s different from my previous "human rank" test.

Failure is reasonable.

"The fire did not affect me."

"Losing is losing on my basis. It\'s too bad."

Lin Feng nodded lightly, but there was no way.

I have been a tool refiner for a short time. The key is that I haven\'t invested too much energy in this aspect.

A penny of effort is a penny of gain.

"Maybe I can get high marks in \'fire control space\', but it\'s not enough to smooth out the gap between the two."

"It seems that this is over."

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng doesn\'t care.

I have done my best.

Raise your head and look at the big screen of the sky through the special glass. At this time, the first hourglass is only half missing.

"Well, so little time?" Lin Feng was stunned and suddenly, "also, the whole test lasted for an hour. The first section of the four sections had the least scores and took less time. From entering to now, it only took one incense time."


More than three hours?

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and his look changed slightly.

"Although the second round and the first round are the same integral system, one thing is different!"

"The first round of two rounds of refining can only be refined once. Failure is failure, but the second round..."

"There is no limit to the number of times!"

Pop! Clench your fists and Lin Feng\'s eyes shine.

If so, I still have a chance!

"Aside from one hour in the fire control space, in other words, I have more than two hours to make progress."

"There is still hope!"

For others, two hours are very short, simply too short.

But for now, these two hours are crucial.


Condensed space test, with error correction playback function!

Once the refiner makes a mistake, the refining space will point out and correct it, and tell how to do it correctly.

For other refiners, even if these corrections are useful, they also need countless precipitation tests to correct the errors. But for myself, the "mistake" just now has been completely copied into my mind and simulated learning!

Now, everything is ready, only owe the east wind!

"Try again!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and pressed the test switch again.

"Wow! ~" the light flashed, and Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, which made him very satisfied.

Sure enough, my guess is not wrong.

The second round is limited to time and no number of times.

"Master Lin Feng went in again!"

"Won\'t you get 36 points?"

"It\'s strange that master Lin Feng shouldn\'t get such a low score with his strength."

"Yes, curious."


The people talked incessantly, but they were puzzled by Lin Feng\'s "abnormality".

In my opinion, a craftsman who can refine a "perfect grade" should not be so "poor". There is no so-called luck in the way of tool refiners. In order to become a "perfect product level", the refining of Xingbao must not have any defects. Moreover, it must fully understand the way of constellations and be in excellent condition.

If Lin Feng gets a low score in "forging space" at this time, it is understandable. After all, being proficient in star treasure refining may not be proficient in Star Soldier star armor refining.

But right now

It\'s really inexplicable.

Not only the people, but also the elders of the smelter alliance were puzzled. Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo looked at each other and didn\'t know what had happened.

"It should be that the fire is not well controlled." Ouyang Kuo thought.

"It\'s only possible." Wang Shi\'s eyes flickered and looked at Lin Feng, confused.

Even if disturbed by the fire, the score is unreasonable. This is just the first stage of the test.


There was an uproar.

"Sure enough, master Lin Feng made a mistake just now."

"The first stage passed with full marks. That\'s great. This is master Lin Feng!"

"An idol is an idol. If you make a mistake, correct it so quickly."


They were relieved and put the "36 points" behind them.

In the second test, Lin Feng was calm at this time. He entered the second stage and achieved a "full score" in the first stage.

However, a moment later, there was another sound of exhalation.

"Pa!" the condensed space flashed a bright light again, and the tinkling bell rang clearly.

112 points!

Lin Feng, failed again.

"Oh, my God."

"No, full marks in the first stage and only 12 points in the second stage?"

"What is master Lin Feng playing..."

At this time, they were completely confused by Lin Feng\'s "strange" behavior. It\'s like a halo of angels and demons. It\'s full of mystery and strangeness. Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo, who thought Lin Feng was affected by the fire, can\'t speak now.

How do you explain that?

There is no explanation, and Lin Feng doesn\'t need to explain to anyone.

In everyone\'s opinion, Lin Feng\'s trouble is great now. Now the first hourglass is completely leaked, and the second hourglass begins to leak!

It is the leakage of the house that happens to rain at night.

Time limit, less than three hours left, but Lin Feng, none of the three tests has achieved results!

112? What\'s that score

be finished!

However, Lin Feng showed a faint smile at this time.

"Good luck."

"As like as two peas," the question was fixed.

"For the two tests, the assessment contents in the first stage are exactly the same. As I expected, I\'m afraid they are the same in each stage!"

"If so, I have hope."


Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he pressed the start switch again.

This time, I have completely mastered the test questions in the second stage.

Phase I: 100 points!

Stage 2: 200 points!

Two consecutive full marks, Lin Feng\'s performance once again attracted people\'s attention.

But soon there were boos everywhere.

In the third stage, Lin Feng only got 2 points!

too horrible to look at.

"What, master Lin Feng, what a shame!"

"That is to say, just now I compared him to Mrs. Nangong. I really have no eyes."

"I think he can only refine a roller shutter shuttle. Just now... Hum, practice makes perfect. It happens that the state comes, or he will lose."


No more than three times, they are completely disappointed in Lin Feng and turn against him.

It\'s normal for everyone to push the wall down. Moreover, it\'s more than an hour in the past. Lin Feng almost has no chance of winning.

Into the third round?

No more!

Now Lin Feng\'s performance is definitely the worst of the 31 weapon refiners, none of them.

Four words can describe——

Complete failure!

However, for Lin Feng, he never cared what others said.

You are yourself. You don\'t have to compare with others. Even if I can\'t enter the third round this time, at least I have learned a lot.

This alone is enough.

"There\'s still time. I hope the same is true for the \'test questions\' in the third stage." Lin Feng smiled calmly and pressed the switch again.

Every time, I am making continuous progress!

very nice.