Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1020

"In the second round, you are free to choose the place to test."

"For the third, fourth and fifth floors of the fire ladder, the scoring coefficient is 1:2:4."

Wang Shi smiled calmly and said, "the greater the risk, the higher the score."

There was a lot of noise around, and the thirty-one weapon refiners entering the second round twinkled and thought. The rules have not changed much from previous sessions. The first round of the last session was also carried out on the first and second floors of the fire ladder, and the second round was carried out on the third to fifth floors.

However, in the last session, the total points system was not adopted, but a round of elimination system.

Although the previous rules are different, one thing is the same, that is, the ten people who can enter the final third round of the weapon refiner competition must be the top weapon refiners!

This will not change.

"The fire in the center of the earth is similar to the flame of special star technology."

"The first layer corresponds to the first weight, while the second layer corresponds to the second weight, and so on."

"My devouring fire has reached the sixth level, and the rebirth fire has also reached the fifth level. It is also a flame. The product level of the fire is far lower than that of the rebirth fire."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning slightly and he thought in his heart.

With its current strength, it should be easy to enter the fifth floor of the fire ladder, which can completely impact the highest four times the scoring coefficient.

But what is the specific test?

Lin Feng then looked at Wang Shi. At this time, the eyes of all martial artists were gathered.

Wang Shi smiled calmly and Ran Ran Ran said, "the first round of test is to master the ability of the smelter, and the second round of test..."

"It\'s the basic ability of a craftsman."

WOW~ There was an uproar around.

"Basic ability?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his heart was happy.

It seems that I still have hope.

If the test is refining, you can say that you have no chance of winning, and you must be at the bottom.

But the "foundation" is different. At least I know a little about it. In addition, the fifth floor of the fire ladder has four times the scoring coefficient. I have no hope! His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng\'s expression gradually stood still and listened.

Wang Shi looked at the crowd and said calmly, "the second round of test will be carried out in special energy equipment."

"They are \'forging space\', \'refining space\', and \'fire control space\'."

"Everyone must be familiar with it."

Looking around at the crowd, Wang Shi smiled as if there were nothing.

It\'s really familiar. Not only the 31 refiners participating in the competition are familiar with it, but almost all the refiners present know it very well.

Including Lin Feng himself.

"It was the test." Lin Fengwei was surprised.

In the family, there are also a large number of energy equipment in these three basic spaces, of which the most familiar is "fire control space". Now the highest score of the Lin family\'s fire control space is created by themselves. As Wang Shi said, it\'s too familiar!


"The forging space is an essential cultivation for the refining of star soldiers and star armor."

"With my current ability, I can say I don\'t know anything."

Lin Feng feels helpless.

At the moment, I am like a one armed swordsman. One hand is almost disabled, but the other hand is infinitely powerful, in sharp contrast.

"On the contrary, \'condense space\', I have touched it several times when I was at the star master level." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and nodded slightly. Refining space is an essential "cultivation" for craftsmen to refine star treasure and star ware. At that time, Yumo took himself into it.


"I have never practiced deliberately, and I can only say that it is normal to enter several times before."

"The test is the \'Foundation\' for refining Xingbao star ware."

Different from the "fire control space", whether forging space or refining space, it is more a skill, a basic ability of a smelter, not a qualification, and it is more difficult to achieve it overnight. Therefore, their performance in the "condensed space" can only be regarded as ordinary.

Of course, compared with "fire control space".

"A little trouble." Lin Feng thought.

Shaping, melting and refining of Xingbao are the most important.

That\'s what the condensed space practices and tests. However, he is slightly different from other smelters. Xingbao\'s refining depends more on talent than hard practice. It is often through the replication simulation of double pupils to form a self cycle.

And now——

Wang Shi\'s voice slowly echoed, "each of the three tests takes one hour, the initial score is 1000, and the time limit of the second round is three and a half hours. The top ten refiners in the total score will enter the final competition of the refiner competition. Now I announce..."

"The second round of the weapon refiner competition officially begins!"

"When! ~" with Wang Shi\'s voice falling, the crisp bell sounded in an instant.

Simple and direct, compact and resolute, the ringing bell sounded in the heart of every tool refiner, which shocked the people.

Sand! Shalala~

In the big screen of the sky curtain, seven hourglass appear in an instant.

One of the first hourglass, the sand has begun to slowly penetrate out, which means

"The timing has begun." Lin Feng looked up with bright eyes.

"Seven hourglass, each hourglass represents half an hour. As the president just said, each of the three tests takes an hour. In other words, it takes a total of three hours."

"The remaining half hour should be used to prepare and adapt to the intensity of the fire ladder."

Looking up, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. At this time, many weapon refiners had entered it.

After all, three and a half hours is really compact.

Different from the family energy equipment, the energy equipment used in the current test is placed on the fire ladder! It means that while accepting the test, it will be disturbed by fire. The higher the level, the greater the interference!

Difficulty, greatly increased!

"No wonder the fifth floor has four times the proportion coefficient." Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

I am different from Nangong lady and Ouyang master. With their ability, these basic tests can advance to the third round no matter how they are assessed.

It\'s hard for me!

However, the method was thought out by people.

"Hope is not without." Lin Feng thought lightly.

"It\'s better than refining. Even if you lose, you won\'t lose so ugly." Lin Fengwei smiled, pondered slowly and nodded. "Like the first round, I must develop my strengths and avoid my weaknesses. At least among the three points, I\'m fully sure of the points in the fire control space!"

I know my strength best.

Although forging space and refining space are not good at themselves, especially forging space is ignorant.

But fire control space is his strength.

"Forging space, I\'m afraid I have to give up."

"Foundation is different from refining. It can be completely simulated and copied by self state."

Forging space is the refining basis of star soldiers and star armor.

In a short time, I can\'t master it at all.

"If I get 0 points for forging space, even if I get full points for fire control space by four times, the total is only 4000 points. I\'m afraid it\'s only slightly higher than the average."

"To win, the only hope is to \'condense space\', which will be the key to my score."

"If I can get more than 3000 scores in the refining space, then I will advance to the last round..."

"The possibility must increase greatly!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and he suddenly had a decision in his heart.

"Look, Mrs. Nangong has entered the fifth floor of the fire ladder!"

"Master Ouyang has also entered the fifth floor!"

"Wow, and master Lin Feng!"


The crowd exclaimed.

This open competition is really exciting.

At this time, more than half of the 31 ground level tool refiners were on the fourth floor, and only a few entered the fifth floor. Only those who have absolute confidence in their own strength will enter the fifth level for testing at the beginning.

You know, the competition time is only three and a half hours.

Each competition has only one hour, in other words, there is no room for a failure!

If you fail once, you almost miss the final.

"Now, some weapon refiners on the fourth floor of the fire ladder should have enough strength to challenge the fifth floor." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and looked down. The top refiners in the first round, including Pang Hui and Lin Yan, are on the fourth floor.

"Hold steady first and get the basic score."

"Then, look at the development of the situation and decide whether to sprint again."

"This is indeed the best policy."

Lin Feng looked at Yan Lao entering the forging space and knew it clearly in his heart.

Yan Lao is proficient in star treasure refining. I\'m afraid the worst thing is "forging space". Now it\'s not the final, but the second round. It\'s enough to be in the top ten! To some extent, there is no difference between first and tenth.

You can also enter the last round and obtain the status and power of "honorary elder" of the tool smelter alliance.


But I have no choice.

Giving up the test of forging space means that you have only two scores like the first round.

If you want to win, you must fight!

"No matter how, do your best." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

Smile calmly, close your eyes slowly, and feel the fire element around your body, very clear.

"Breathe, breathe! ~" take a deep breath, Lin Feng keeps his state of mind clear.

For three and a half hours, I don\'t need to be in a hurry. Stability is the key.

First of all, we should perfectly master the "fire" on the fifth floor!

Time passes slowly.

At the moment, there is almost no human figure in the fire ladder. Thirty of the thirty-one weapon refiners have entered it.

Only Lin Feng was left.

"Eh, what\'s the matter with master Lin Feng?"

"Must be meditating, concentrating, awesome!"

"Yes, with the strength of master Lin Feng, you will get a very high score and advance to the last round!"

"I wonder if I can compare with Mrs. Nangong?"


In his ears, there were all kinds of praise, but Lin Feng smiled.

Before that, I\'m afraid that now there is an unpleasant sound of ridicule and ridicule.

However, after the first round of competition, it is obvious that he is no longer the unknown Lin Feng and can be called a "master".

"Whoa! ~" Lin Fengchang breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

Open your hands, then hold them tightly, deeply feel the fire beating like a pulse, and feel clear and free.


"External uncertainties are no longer hindered."

"The rest depends on the on-the-spot play."

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng stepped in with him.

Test, start!