Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1019

The first place, no doubt, is Nangong\'s wife.

Total score: 2900, ranking first with a full 55 points ahead of the second \'Ouyang master\'.

Almost everyone expected this ranking, including master Ouyang himself.

Mrs. Nangong deserves to be the champion of the ninth sister in a row.

The ranking of light screen and large screen appears one by one, which is basically not much different from the ranking of the total score of the second round, but only the gap between one and two at most. For example, Pang Hui, who was eighth, is now seventh, while Lin Yan, who was tenth, is now eleventh.

Basically, the scores of representative works are difficult to open the gap.

The ranking in the first round doesn\'t represent anything. Just enter the top 30.

"No, there is a gap." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning.

"Mrs. Nangong, master Ouyang and Wang Bo scored more than 900 points for their representative works, and no one can exceed 900 points from the fourth place."

"Just like the two rounds of refining, the score of the representative works also depends on the quality and grade of the works, especially the grade. As I expected, the grade submitted by Mrs. Nangong, master Ouyang and Wang Bo must be the \'perfect\' grade."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and nodded slowly.

Although it is very difficult to refine the perfect grade, the masterpiece has ten years to prepare!

You can choose the best one you refine!

Although the vast majority of smelters may not be able to produce "perfect" ground level works in the end, there are still a small number of smelters who have the strength to refine by chance. Often these smelters\' refining technology has already reached the realm of perfection.

For example, madam Nangong and master Ouyang.

"The difference is 95 points, I still have a chance!" Lin Feng looked at the big screen of the sky.

At this time, the list of the top 22 advanced has appeared, leaving only the last eight. Everyone held their breath and looked forward nervously, such as Yu mo. At this time, their small hands were clenched, their beautiful eyes flashed, and their tall and straight breasts were slightly undulating.

Very nervous!

Instantaneous time——

"Pa!" a light flashed, and the sound of cheering rang out.

Ranking 23, Lin family, Lin Yumo, total score: 2285 points!

"Good!" Lin Feng looked at Yu Mo with a red face and was happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

You can enter the second round of the weapon refiner competition and achieve such results in the first competition. Yu Mo\'s efforts have been rewarded. The most important thing is

A kind of affirmation!

Confirmed her ability as a tool smelter.

"Representative work 820 points." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

"I\'m afraid this score is less than the average. Fortunately, the score of Yu Mo\'s two rounds is high enough."

Lin Feng nodded. Fortunately, the score of representative works is really difficult to open.

Although Yumo\'s ranking fell from 21st to 23rd, it doesn\'t matter. The important thing is that she advanced and officially entered the second round. At this time, the Lin family headed by Lin Zhen was happy and excited. On the contrary, panghui was dark and frowned.

The rise of Lin Yumo will bring great pressure to the Ponzi family.

Into the second round of the list, one by one.

The total score decreased little by little, from Lin Yumo\'s 2285 points to the limit of 2200 when he ranked 28th.

No. 29, Hongmen Hall \'Hong Yuyan\', with a total score of 2188!

"It\'s almost what I expected."

"Although there were more additional points because of the new rules, I didn\'t calculate whether Xingbing Xingbao was proficient in this, which was also flat."

"The final 30th place is really around the score line of \'2200\'."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and his eyes were shining.

As expected, the score of your \'representative work\' should exceed 900

Although it may not be as good as Mrs. Nangong\'s\' 971 \'score and master Ouyang\'s\' 966\', after all, the \'roller shutter shuttle\' refined by yourself is only a heavy star treasure, but it may reach about 950 points, so the total score should be 2180 points!


And hope to advance to the second round!

"Wow! ~" the light flashed, and everyone\'s eyes were enlarged, waiting for the last place to be released. Lin Yumo clenched her little hand and puffed her chest, but she was much more nervous than herself at that time, including Lin Yan\'s lips.


Huangfu family, Huangfu Wen, total score \'2181 points\'.

There was a cry of surprise. On the fire ladder, Huang Fuwen smiled. Yu Mo and Lin Yan could not hide their loss. The elders of the Lin family, including Lin Zhen, also sighed and shook their heads, feeling sorry for Lin Feng.

Although he knew there was little hope, he still held a fluke mentality.

Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang looked at Lin Feng differently.

"Sure enough, it\'s still a little bad." Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care too much.

As long as you do your best, you can accept the result calmly. Failure in the weapon refiner competition doesn\'t mean anything.

Today, I don\'t need the title of "honorary elder" of the weapon smelter alliance so urgently.


In an instant, a sudden sound sounded.

Lin Feng gave a light sigh, but he felt countless eyes converging on himself and felt curious.

However, he smiled slightly. Even if Lin Feng didn\'t look up at this time, he guessed that the 31st place was himself.

Huang Fuwen, the 30th, has 2181 points.

The total score I estimated before is 2180, which is slightly inferior.

Looking up, Lin Feng looked at the big screen of the sky, but he was stunned.

It can\'t be true?

How did you become the 30th?

Blinked, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. For a moment, he understood why the loud voice came.

They are as like as two peas Huangfu Wen\'s total points.

The same is 2181 points!

"Tied for the 30th place?" Lin Feng laughed.

But I didn\'t expect that I could enter the 30th place and catch the last bus.

Although it is tied for the 30th place, it is quite reluctantly, but what does it matter?

"Great, brother Lin!" Lin Yumo smiled and was overjoyed. Lin Yan also stroked his long beard and couldn\'t help nodding, but Pang met as pale as earth. He never thought that the two rising stars of the Lin family could enter the second round!

In particular, Lin Feng advanced to the second round only by two rounds.

It\'s incredible!

Remembering what he and Lin Yan said before, Pang Hui only felt his face hot, but he lost all his face.


"That\'s great!"

"Master Lin Feng, what a cow!"

"Get 0 points in the first round and still enter the second round, idol! ~"


Like thunder, the scene seemed out of control and in disorder.

At this moment, lady Nangong and master Ouyang, who are famous masters of refining utensils, were completely ignored. What everyone talked about was only one name——

Lin Feng!


"Congratulations." the elegant voice fell into his ear, and Lin Feng turned his head.

As you could see, Mrs. Nangong walked gently with an elegant smile.

"Thank you." Lin Feng responded politely.

"Entering the second round, it\'s well deserved." Mrs. Nangong\'s voice is soft, like the spring breeze, "I\'m looking forward to the next competition."

"Me too." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Several families are happy and several families are sad, as has been the case in previous years.

Some are as proud as Lin Feng and Lin Yumo, and others are almost wiped out like the Ponzi family.

Two new faces made it into the second round. Both Lin Feng and Lin Yumo participated for the first time. This is extremely rare in the history of the weapon refiner competition, not to mention that both of them come from the same weapon refiner family——

Shiluo County, Lin family!

Real fame!

The name of the Lin family is now known as zhuquezhou.

Lin Zhen couldn\'t close her mouth with a smile, and things turned around. Because of the civil strife in Linyi, the family\'s strength was regressed and depressed, and its reputation was weakened a lot. The name of the second weapon refiner family in Shiluo County, who just got it, was about to lose. He returned to the third place, but he didn\'t expect

Now, it\'s Salted fish!

No one can imagine such an outcome.

Lin Yumo and Lin Feng, two rising stars, were just preparing to "hone" for a while, but they created a miracle!

"Ha ha! Ha ha!! ~" Lin Zhen laughed happily.

Including Lin Zhan and the elders of the Lin family, they were completely excited at this time.

In this game, the Lin family not only won back everything they lost, but also soared to the sky! Not only keep the name of the second weapon refiner family in Shiluo County, but also have the ability to impact the status of the Ponzi family in Shiluo County after the weapon refiner competition!

Turn over!

No extra competition.

Lin Feng, together with Huang Fuwen, entered the second round of the weapon refiner competition.

After a short rest, the thirty-one tool refiners were already hesitant for preparation. For most of them, the first round is just a warm-up. For example, Pang Hui, Lin Yan and others have never worried about being unable to enter the second round.

At present, it is the real contest, the competition of strength.

According to previous rules, ten places will be determined in the second round!

The crucial ten places can not only enter the last round of the weapon refiner competition, but also obtain the title of "honorary elder" of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance and enjoy status and power.

Very important!

"I don\'t know what to compete for?" Lin Feng was curious.

Feeling the hostility gathered around me, I couldn\'t help smiling.

Although I entered the second round, I didn\'t know how difficult it was until I really participated in the weapon refiner competition.

With their own strength, it\'s almost over.

"I can\'t refine any of the star treasures except the rolling shuttles."

"No matter how you compare, you will lose."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care.

If you can enter the top 30, your goal has been achieved.

Even if that\'s all, I have an explanation for the family.

And then——

"When! ~" the clear bell rang, and the field was quiet.

Wang Shi, the president of the alliance of tool refiners, slowly stood up and smiled, "next, I\'ll announce the rules of the second round of the competition."

All of a sudden, everyone\'s ears stood up.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.