Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1016

"It has the same effect as fire."

"No, in the same case, it\'s even stronger."

"What a perfect refining fire!"

Wang Shi was shocked and his eyes were sparkling.

As the president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance, Wang Shi is not only at the peak of zhuquezhou, but also has unparalleled experience. In particular, no one has studied "fire" as well as half of it. He dug up the "fire ladder" in front of him.


"As far as I know, Phoenix doesn\'t seem to have such a flame."


Wang Shi gently covered his lips with his right hand.

At this time, with the failure of the local level smelters one by one, there were bursts of exclamations around.

"Master Yan also failed!"

"Finished, the patriarch is too hasty."

"How could this happen?!"


Everyone was shocked by the sound of whispering.

It\'s normal for smelters to make mistakes in refining earth level star treasure star weapons, but you should know that these smelters are not ordinary smelters at present. They can almost be called the top 100 smelters in zhuquezhou. Even if they are refining in the fire ladder, they have interference effects, but so many failed refining are extremely unimaginable.

In previous years, at least in the second round, the third round can happen.

Because what is refined now is a familiar star treasure and star ware that many weapon refiners are good at!

However, seven smelters failed in a short time.

Quite shocking!

"I see." Lin Zhen clapped her hands, suddenly.

Lin Zhan looked at his father with a head of fog and water. He was a little confused. Therefore, the other elders were also puzzled. However, at this time, many people in the crowd want to understand. The onlookers are clear. Watching the old horse of seven ground level weapon refiners stumble, those who are interested can naturally find the mystery.

But the authorities are still fascinated!

In the blink of an eye, another tool refiner declared defeat and withdrew from the competition.

"Master Yan, Qin Xu, childe Huo..." Lin Zhen glanced at the big screen and shook her head. "The score of the first round was late. No wonder she was so anxious to have a fight. Unfortunately, she was not proficient in her skills and could not keep her balance if she walked too fast."

"Fortunately, master Lin Yan was not affected at all." Lin Zhen felt relieved.

Glancing at Yu Mo, Lin Zhen nodded. "Yu Mo\'s experience is shallow, but it\'s really a talent that can be made, as Yan Lao said. It\'s fairly stable to play, but it\'s difficult to enter the second round... Than going to heaven."

"As for Lin Feng..." Lin Zhen looked at him and frowned, "it\'s too fast. It\'s faster than the last refining. The rhythm is completely wrong."

"Alas, but no wonder he." Lin Zhen sighed softly. How could he not know the character of the adopted son.

Although there are fewer opportunities to enter the second round than Yumo, Lin Feng will never give up.

"Indeed as expected, he is a fan of the situation. Even Lin Feng, who has always been so calm, said."

"But I\'m afraid it\'s the same for me."

Lin Zhen smiled calmly and didn\'t care much.

The three members of the family are now completely polarized.

Yan Lao\'s entry into the second round is a certainty, but the advanced probability of Yu Mo and Lin Feng is infinitely close to zero, especially Lin Feng, who has 0 points in the first round, and it is impossible to enter the second round. Unless the other weapon refiners failed in the second round, but

Is it possible?

Indeed, it is impossible.

The way of refining tools, such as the depiction of the carving array, is the most important and easy to make mistakes.

This is why when refining just started, it was like a domino upside down, with repeated failures. But generally, as long as the rhythm and frequency stabilize after the beginning, the error rate will be greatly reduced. In particular, the participants are experienced ground level refiners, who refine Xingbao starware that they are familiar with at ordinary times and can no longer be familiar with.

Even if there is fire interference, it is only the fire on the second floor, which is not enough.

The competition in the second round is really hot at this time!

Those who take the lead are "familiar faces.".

Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang are almost equal. Their flame control is extremely rapid. The change of each firepower is extremely fine. It is located in the refining area in the center, which has attracted everyone\'s attention. In contrast, Wang Bo, who came out on top in the first round, was no doubt inferior.

Among the three weapon refining aristocratic families, the royal family is proficient in star armor refining, but Xingbao and star ware are not as good as Nangong aristocratic family and Ouyang clan.

each one has his good points!

Lin Yan and Pang Hui are in the second queue. Their refining strength of Xingbao is firmly in the top ten. Although Pang Hui is slightly better than Lin Yan, the gap between them is very small. In fact, what really beats Lin Yan is his "comprehensiveness.".

The competition is extremely fierce!

The refining of Xingbao and Xingqi has one thing in common.

The faster the refining, the less material loss, the closer the integration, and the higher the quality!

This is qualitatively different from star soldiers and star armor.

Wang Shi\'s promulgation of this new "rule" is not groundless. Xingbao, which is often the first to be refined, really needs to be better in "quality". At this time, everyone\'s eyes were staring at the refining of several masters and their eyes were shining. They wanted to have more eyes and understand them carefully.

No one noticed that Lin Feng was slowly catching up.

Lin Feng wasted a little time in front of him in order to perfect the refining device and adapt to the fire ladder.

Although it is very small, it is very critical in the second round, which is like starting. It is backward at the beginning.

But right now

"Pa!" the fire condensed, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed brightly.

"It feels good."

"Very subtle, very essence."

"The fire doesn\'t hinder half a minute, but it helps to speed up the refining process!"

Lin Feng thought lightly and felt a little happy.

The perfect combination of fire and one\'s own rebirth fire is like the attraction of the opposite sex. It is "accumulation" and the increase of flame. Therefore, their refining speed and frequency are a little faster than that of the last refining. Although it is only a little, it is one of the "frequencies" to carry out the whole round of refining.

It means that every release of flame and every transformation of details will be improved——

one o\'clock.

Accumulated, quite good.

Especially in the middle stage of the mixer with complicated steps and drastic changes in fire stop, it is constantly accelerating and accelerating. Unknowingly, Lin Feng has stood out from the last echelon, caught up with and surpassed the third echelon, and is about to approach Lin Yan.

Time, little by little.

Although the "error rate" in the middle stage was not high, two ground level smelters could not bear the pressure and made mistakes.

The refining of Xingbao and Xingqi is very delicate and delicate.

A single mistake is a full loss.

Gradually, the refining of Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang of the first echelon is coming to an end. They seem to be competing with each other, and no one is willing to be weak. Everyone\'s eyes gathered, held their breath and stared at the central area of Haohuo ladder.

Peng! Peng!

The explosion sound was almost indiscriminate, and two clear images appeared at the same time.

One is a violent black bear, beating his chest and roaring; The other is a huge sky tree, standing tall.

"The second level star treasure \'beast bear roar\'," Mrs. Nangong whispered.

"Yan Kui, the triple star treasure of the earth steps." master Ouyang raised his head, flashing a light in his eyes, turned his head, smiled and nodded to Mrs. Nangong.

It seems to say that this round

He won.

"Wow, that\'s great."

"It\'s the \'top grade\' again. Mrs. Nangong is so awesome!"

"Chen, master Ouyang is powerful in refining Xingbao. Although the refining time is a little slower than Mrs. Nangong, the product level is a little higher!"

"That\'s nothing. Mrs. Nangong can do everything. The weapon refiner competition is not better than Xingbao. Besides, it\'s easy to refine double Xingbao with Mrs. Nangong\'s strength. She just keeps her strength. See who laughs last!"


They argued endlessly, all supporting their idols.

Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo looked at each other and smiled calmly. They were ready to speak. Suddenly——

"Peng!" a clear and loud explosion sounded inexplicably. It\'s more crisp than Mrs. Nangong\'s and louder than master Ouyang\'s. It\'s like a thunder on the ground, like lightning. It\'s only a line away from the completion of Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang.

Everyone was stunned and didn\'t react.

Who, refining is finished?

"Oh?" Wang Shi\'s eyes brightened, but he was also a little surprised, including Ouyang Kuo.

Even Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang\'s eyes flickered. Looking along the source of the sound, it was too sudden.

To a large extent, the "time" of refining Xingbao starware means——

Weapon refining strength!

At present, the third "explosion" is almost close to the two of the first echelon!

Who is it?

Which weapon refiner in the second echelon could threaten the first echelon?

"Silk! ~" for a moment, there was a neat sound of breathing in, and everyone was stunned. However, I never thought that the third person who completed the refining was an ordinary young man in black, whose appearance was not impressive, but

But it made everyone stare and shocked.

The picture in front of us is shocking!



"How could this happen!!!"


Everyone was stunned.

Looking at the fire ladder, the roaring fire phoenix seemed to ring through his ears.

"Ao ~ ~" a fire phoenix, spread its wings and fly.

The loud and clear cry, accompanied by the spread of the Phoenix\'s wings, is full of a kind of life vitality.

The stars are full of extreme beauty, and everything seems to have come alive. Phoenix\'s eyes are shining with smart light, wrapped with roller shutter shuttle, with bright and transparent color, full of vitality and full of metal feeling. That feeling is called——


"Perfect grade?!" not only the audience, including Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo, but also the people of the alliance of tool refiners, Nangong lady and Ouyang master were deeply shocked, as if they were suffocating and couldn\'t say a word. The huge Phoenix seemed to envelop everything, like the emperor coming.

At this time, the young man in black standing quietly under the flame Phoenix gives people the feeling

As tall as the sky!