Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1017

Deep shock!

Everyone witnessed the birth of the "miracle" with their own eyes.

The Lin family are all stunned. Although they saw Lin Feng successfully refining once in the video mapping, how can that time be confused with this time? Although it is rare in the world to record the refining of the perfect grade, it is even unique to produce the "perfect grade" on the spot

Even Mrs. Nangong hasn\'t done it!

The beautiful eyes flickered gently. Mrs. Nangong looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes with some appreciation. Master Ouyang clapped his hands with a smile, and the essence in her eyes flashed away. Everyone in the alliance kept whispering, especially the vice president "Ouyang Kuo" nodded and praised it.

"The president really has a good vision. The future of the child must be bright." Ouyang Kuo was convinced.

The earth level star treasure that can refine the perfect product level, even if it is only a fluke, is enough to prove the strength of the smelter.

Wang Shi\'s eyes sparkled and smiled, "the future? Not necessarily."

"Eh?" Ouyang Kuo was stunned and his eyebrows were slightly clustered. "What does the president say?"

Wang Shi stared at Lin Feng and said, "there\'s no need for the future. The child has caught up with the pace of my three refining aristocratic families now." turning to Ouyang Kuo, Wang Shi smiled calmly, "vice president, do you know what the representative work of the child is?"

Ouyang Kuo was still shocked and didn\'t respond, "what is it?"

Wang Shi\'s eyes are sparkling, "it\'s also... The perfect \'roller shutter shuttle\'."

"What?!" Ouyang Kuo was completely confused.

In fact, there is more than one person who is ignorant.

All martial artists were shocked by the picture in front of them.

This competition of refining masters has gathered almost all the famous refining masters in zhuquezhou. Many people have never been able to refine even a "perfect grade" star treasure star in their life, not to mention the existence of the earth grade.

But now a young man in his twenties can do it.

How amazing!

There is no doubt that even if Lin Feng loses the weapon refiner competition this time, it will be enough to make him famous in zhuquezhou.

"Who is he?"

"It\'s the guy who was late just now. What\'s his name?"

"What, that guy, his name is Lin Feng, master Lin Feng! He can refine the earth level star treasure of the perfect grade!"

"The Lin family in Shiluo County, yes, it\'s the tool refiner family where Master Lin Yan belongs! Quickly, inform the clan leader and prepare to visit immediately!"


There was a lot of discussion, and many "smart people" have begun to deploy.

At present, although Lin Feng is still not famous, there is no doubt that he will become a famous tool refiner in zhuquezhou in the future. He will make contact and please at this moment, and the effect will be much better than in the future. At this time, the Lin family, including Lin Zhen, had already been surrounded and flattered.

After all, the Lin family is well-known. Besides, there are only a few hundred people in zhuquezhou who are the local level tool refiners. They naturally recognize them.

Surprised and happy, happiness came so suddenly that the Lin family couldn\'t close their mouths at this time.

It is a man who gets the word that chickens and dogs rise to heaven.

However, for Lin Feng, it was just normal.

"The improvement of the fire of rebirth and the improvement of self-state have a much higher success rate." Lin Fengwei smiled.

Previously, I was not 100% sure that I could refine a roller shutter shuttle of "sub perfect" grade, but I made great progress in this year. Despite the uncertain factor of "fire", I can still play "normally".

Just, just normal.

But it\'s enough.

"In the first round of refining, the score range of the top grade is between 800-999; the top grade is between 600-799, which is very clear."

"As I expected, the score of the \'perfect\' grade should be between 1000 and 1200."

Lin Feng\'s heart was light and his eyes were bright.

Although this time I refined the real product level, it should only be regarded as "sub perfection", which was increased by the fire of rebirth added to the top product level, and was stubbornly upgraded to a higher level.

However, the refining device does not pay attention to the process, and the result is everything in the end.

In terms of quality, their own refining is indeed worthy of praise——


"I\'m the third one to finish, and the additional score is\' 98 points\', including the score of representative works..."

"It should be about 2200 points. It is impossible to enter the second round, but at least the ranking will not be too bad, and it will not be a disgrace to the Lin family."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and had no burden.

Whether to advance to the second round doesn\'t matter to me right now.

As long as it doesn\'t humiliate the family.


"I don\'t know how feather ink is refined."

Since the refining has been completed, Lin Feng is no longer worried.

Slowly turned her head and fell on Yumo. Xiaonizi was concentrating on refining at this time. The flame kept spraying and her beautiful eyes flashed.

"Yumo has really made great progress."

"It seems that the previous trap has no effect on her."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, which he had guessed.

Yumo is not old, but she is smart. Her childhood training makes her mood very mature.

I admire her for this.

"Yumo is best at refining. It\'s really Xingbao."

"In the first round, it was barely possible to refine the \'top-grade\' star soldiers, but this round..."

"As long as you master the last step, it is even possible..."

"Finish \'top level\'?!"

The heart shook slightly, and Lin Feng felt incredible.

Yumo is different from herself. She doesn\'t have a talent for refining tools like herself, but

But by virtue of understanding and hard practice, he reached such a point.

It\'s amazing.

"Yumo scored 601 points in the first round, and if he could score more than 800 points in the second round..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed gently, revealing a smile.

Yumo is very likely to enter the top 30 and enter the second round!

Because of the fire, the second round is more difficult than the first round, and the average score is generally about 100 points lower.

In addition, the newly promulgated special rules have laid a "trap", and the average score may be lowered again! As long as Yu Mo can get more than 800 points in the second round, 10% can enter the second round, because among the three integral statistics, the score of representative works is the most difficult to pull the gap!

"Come on, Yumo!"

"You can do it!"

Lin Feng clenched his right fist and felt nervous.

But I didn\'t feel it at all when I refined it myself.

The second round of refining is going on like a storm.

After Lin Feng, the people of the second echelon scrambled to complete the refining.

Including Lin Yan and Pang Hui, with their strength, the mere "trap" will not have any impact. The finished people all focused on Lin Feng and looked at him curiously, including Pang Hui. They looked at Lin Feng with envy.

He is a pang family. Pang Yan is also a rare genius, but compared with Lin Feng, it is the difference between firefly and bright moon.

Even pangran is not as good as a little girl!

Pang Hui also caught a glimpse of Yu Mo at this time. He was very concerned, including Yan Lao!

Although Yu Mo\'s progress is probably inferior to the third echelon, the quality of Xingbao she refined is better!

"It\'s fire."

"It\'s smart to use the \'fire\' to improve the quality of the smelter."

Lin Feng was secretly praised.

Using the fire of the Phoenix by oneself is "passive".

However, Yumo takes the initiative to use the "fire", which does not even belong to her flame at all, and it is more difficult than herself. However, Lin Feng did not know that Yu Mo was able to use the "fire" because he was influenced and inspired by the "fire of rebirth".

See more and understand.

And now——

With the completion of the refining of the third echelon, a new round of failure wave appears again.

The newly promulgated rules and traps affect some refiners. Although they hold out to the end, we should know that the last step of refining is the most complicated and dangerous. A little detail error and a little change of mentality can change the final refining result.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The sound of explosion broke one after another, but it could not arouse the interest of the people around.

Most of the astrological images are only clear outlines, and even many are vague, most of which are high-grade and medium-grade.

Top grade?

It\'s on the second floor of the fire ladder. It\'s too difficult to refine!

There are only less than ten refiners, who have refined into the top grade.

Now, another one!

"Boom! ~" a clear round of full moon appeared, with golden light, which immediately attracted people\'s attention. Every stripe, the faint light in the full moon, is clearly visible. Although there is another place that is not perfect, it is——

Top grade astrology.

The crowd was shocked again and again, and panghui\'s face was ugly. Lin Yan stroked his long beard with a sincere smile and was very satisfied.

"Congratulations, Yumo." Lin Feng smiled and thumbed up.

At least, 800 points have been obtained, and there is almost no suspense for Yumo to enter the second round.

Although he can\'t enter, he is sincerely happy for Yumo. Because I know that although Yumo is a martial artist, her favorite thing is to refine tools and she wants to be a tool refiner most. This can be seen from the fact that Yu Mo abstained at the end of the rosefinch challenge.

If you are yourself, even if you are defeated, you will try your best.

However, character determines fate. Everyone has his own choice. Different people have different opinions on whether it is good or bad.

"Thank you, brother Lin." Lin Yumo smiled like a flower in full bloom, which made all the young martial artists around straighten their eyes.

"Thank me?" Lin Feng didn\'t know why.

"Yes, thanks to you." Lin Yumo winked with a smile.

Lin Feng just wanted to speak, but Lin Yan came pacing with a smile.

"Well, don\'t push around. What are you doing when you\'re together?" Lin Yan smiled, which made his face blush and added a charming color. Jiao said angrily, "master!" but it made Lin Yan and Lin Feng laugh happily and feel very good.

There was a lot of discussion around, and Lin Zhen was like the stars and the moon.

In the second round, the Lin family was in the limelight.


The refiner finished refining one by one.

Although there were as many as 19 losers, there were still 81 weapon refiners with scores.

At this time, everyone looked at the big screen of the sky and held their breath, waiting for the second round score.

"Wow! ~" the sky screen is large, and the light flashes.