Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1015

With the announcement of the score of the first round, some people are happy and others are sad.

Basically, all refiners have a spectrum in their hearts. Those with high points will choose to refine steadily in the last round to reduce mistakes; Those with low points will choose the refining with high difficulty. Once the refining is successful, the points will soar greatly.

However, in the second round, the difficulty was greatly improved.

"What a rich flame wave."

"Is this the unique fire in the center of the earth here?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and he had entered the second floor of the fire ladder and began to adapt.

They are different from other contestants. They have all gone through a round of refining and "adaptation". From the first level to the second level, it is easier to adapt like stepping on a ladder.

But I stepped in directly!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" clusters of flames kept rising in his hands, and Lin Fengwei closed his eyes.

There is not much time. I must adapt to the flame intensity here as soon as possible and understand the degree of "fire stop" every inch. I must not make any mistakes.

The refining of Xingbao is different from that of Xingbing. Xingbing can be tempered slowly, and even a little mistake will not affect the overall situation, but Xingbao\'s refining is very "precise". If you make a mistake, the result is likely to be all negative. Controlling the fire is the top priority.

Like Lin Feng, almost every tool refiner was "testing" to be perfect.

The second round is the decisive round!

And now——

"When! ~" the crisp bell rang.

The eyes of all the smelters immediately focused on the center of the field. Wang Shi, the president of the organizer zhuquezhou smelter alliance, stood calmly and said with a faint smile, "In the second round of competition, a new rule will be added. The first work completed refining will increase 100 points; the second work completed refining will increase 99 points, and so on."

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar all around.

The eyes of the people on the fire ladder were shining, and many weapon refiners turned pale.

Those with high total points feel a sharp threat; those with low total points feel the coming of hope, including Lin Feng.

"In other words, if I finish refining first, I can reduce 100 points?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but he rejected it instantaneously.

"No, this is an out and out trap. It seems that 100 points will increase, but even if the last one is completed, there will be an increase of 1 point, and the average point will increase to 50 points."

"So even if I finish first, it\'s only a relative increase of 50 points, not much."

"But it will make the works defective because of accelerated refining."

Lin Feng\'s heart is light, but the secret is cunning.

Knowing that the flame on the second layer of the fire ladder is difficult to control, and the refining of Xingbao star ware pays most attention to time and stability, it just throws a sweet cake.

"Don\'t care too much about this new rule. It can be refined normally."

"I didn\'t intend to win anyway."

Lin Feng looked calm.

Do your best.

As for the result, that\'s the last word. At least I won\'t regret it.

Wang Shi glanced at everyone, including Mrs. Nangong, master Ouyang and Wang Bo. For them, 100 points is equal to 0. They are the top three weapon refiners themselves, and the second round of advancement is almost certain.

They don\'t care about such points.

However, at this time, the vast majority of weapon refiners changed their complexion and kept measuring in their hearts.

"Oh?" Wang Shi narrowed his eyes and paused on Lin Feng. "The little guy\'s mentality is good."

Lin Feng, not moved at all!

In sharp contrast to the surrounding weapon refiners, including Lin Yan, there were some emotional changes at this time.

"Now I announce..." Wang Shi\'s eyes are shining, his hands are on his back, and his immortal appearance exudes a compelling breath. "Zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition, the first round and second round of competition, officially begins!"

"When!" the bell rang heavily.

Decisive second round, start!

烀! 烀! 烀~

The fire was boiling, and all the contestants scrambled to start refining, and no one would drop a point.

The refining of Xingbao star ware is very fast!

One second away, I\'m afraid, is a huge gap.

Only Lin Feng closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

No hurry, no delay!

"Look, what does Lin Feng do?"

"Who knows, he\'s not in a hurry. He\'ll lose anyway."

"Yes, I won 0 points in the first round. Ha ha, the Lin family is really laughing."


"Come on, hurry up!"

"Brother Lin, why are you standing here?"

Among the crowd, Wang Mu was worried about Lin Feng.

Not only Wang Mu, but Lin Zhen and Lin Zhan are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They want to compete for Lin Feng.

Time, minute by minute.

However, Lin Feng was as calm as an old monk and did not move at all. Feeling the sudden change of rich fire element energy, and the light "communication" of rebirth fire, adapting, it seems to be integrated with the fire and become a part of its own energy.


"Wow!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and flashed a minute of pure light.

The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil blend in an instant, and the blink of an eye is to enter the self state.

Fourth floor!

The fourth layer of the top pupil.

In my mind, the refining of the "rolling shuttlecock" on that day was repeated over and over again, which was different from the previous refining in the Lin family, but simulated the refining environment on the second floor of the fire ladder. Refining in such a rich place of fire elements requires stronger fire control ability and more focused spiritual power.

There is only one chance, not to lose!

Pop! The flame rises in an instant.

"Hoo, suck! ~" Lin Feng took a long and deep breath, and suddenly the flame lit up.

The fine light of the eyes flickered and the forest wind completely entered the state.

"That\'s the feeling!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, and the rebirth fire and the fire seemed to form a delicate balance. With the rising of the fire of rebirth, the fire is accompanied by the left and right, complementing each other, which is very subtle.

Refining, start!

"Oh?" Wang Shi\'s eyes lit up.

"Can you control the fire?" Ouyang Kuo was also stunned.

"The little guy is really good." Wang Shi smiled kindly and nodded.

Of the 100 weapon refiners, only a dozen or so can control the "fire". All of them, including Nangong lady and Ouyang master, are famous weapon refiners, but Lin Feng is a completely new man.

But it\'s perfect control!

"Fire has a unique frequency."

"Just like Mrs. Nangong, as long as you guide it, your own flame is stronger than it."

"Control, not difficult."

Lin Feng refined easily.

It has been copied from Mrs. Nangong\'s refining, so it is not strange to control the fire.

In the fire ladder, as long as you can \'control\' the fire, refining can be easier!

"No wonder Wang Mu said that powerful weapon refiners can even use \'fire\' to improve the quality of the utensils themselves!"

"This fire is similar to my rebirth fire."

Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

How can I know this?

The top-level Xingbao can be refined with the rebirth fire, but it can become a "sub perfect" level. This is the "special" of the rebirth fire. Just like the Amethyst gun, it can improve the level of its own shooting skills. The reborn fire can improve the quality of the refining tool by half!

It\'s much better than Amethyst gun.

"It\'s this."

"That\'s the feeling."

The forest wind soon entered the state.

The light movement of the heart is like a breeze blowing on your face.

I felt as if I had returned to refining in the Lin family. At that time, I kept simulating in my mind and formed a perfect reflection with the movements of my hands.

As like as two peas!

烀! 烀~

The fire of rebirth roared up with a burning light, and the feeling in my heart was very strong.

"Pa!" "pa!" pieces of metal fell into his hands. The action was simple and fast without dragging water. The twinkling starlight in Lin Feng\'s eyes had no mood fluctuation.

Now, I am at my best!

"Jiong! ~" the fire was ferocious.

The fire of rebirth is wrapped in "welding gold", which condenses with "Miluo stone", calcines in a unique proportion and direction, and the time control is extremely subtle. In an instant, the two quickly entered the state of "harmony", faster, faster and more than before

A thick fire hood.

"It\'s really unusual." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

However, it is not surprising that the fire is like an increase and a strengthening.

Today, it will not cause any obstacles to itself, but become a catalyst and a shot in the arm!

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Feel, very good!

However, a happy family, a sad family.

For Lin Feng, it is like the "fire" of the best helper, but for other weapon refiners, it causes great trouble.

Peng!! A loud explosion.

A craftsman looked blankly at the "destroyed" artifacts in front of him, and his face was pale.


Peng! Peng! Peng!

Like dominoes, mistakes are produced one by one. Under the influence of the fire, under the "urging" of time, and in the change of mentality, these experienced ground level smelters made mistakes one after another, and everyone\'s face was full of amazement and disbelief.

Wang Shi still kept a faint smile, and the light in his eyes flashed slightly.

Ouyang Kuo shook his head and felt a pity for those failed smelters.

"Craftsman, the state of mind is very important."

"It\'s wrong to refine weapons in order to win."

Wang Shi said softly, glancing at the crowd.

How can a real craftsman be disturbed by any factor?

Mrs. Nangong, master Ouyang and Wang Bo are the best examples. Her face is expressionless, her look is plain, and the control of the flame goes hand in hand. It feels like a butterfly dance to explore flowers.

"And him." Wang Shi looked at Lin Feng and nodded approvingly.

Young and old!

Refining, quite mature.

Not only mentality, but also weapon refining skills.

However, looking at the refining of Lin Feng, Wang Shi\'s face changed a little.

"The child\'s flame..." Wang Shi\'s eyes enlarged, with a deep surprise.