Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1014

Wang Shi, President of zhuquezhou refining division alliance.

A very common name, but it has an unusual origin.

Wang Shi was born in the "royal mansion" of the three major weapon refining families in zhuquezhou, and has a great reputation. He once won the champion of zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition for ten times, and then took over as the president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance. He is definitely the most famous weapon refiner in zhuquezhou today.

"Met the president." Lin Feng also saluted respectfully.

Although I have never heard of Nangong\'s wife\'s name, I have heard of the president\'s name "Wang Shi", because Yumo worships him most and has mentioned it in front of me more than once.

"Are you Lin Feng?" Wang Shi smiled kindly.

"Yes, president." Lin Feng replied lightly.

But I\'m a little curious. The famous president seems to

Recognize yourself?

"I saw your representative works, very good, very good." Wang Shi narrowed his eyes into a line, but let Ouyang Kuo move in his heart and looked at Lin Feng. The representative works of 100 contestants were reviewed and graded by President Wang Shi himself. Although he didn\'t know the specific score, but

It is rare to see the president use two "good" to praise a tool refiner.

The last time the president praised the smelter so much, it can be traced back to more than a hundred years ago. The same young girl is now famous in zhuquezhou——

Mrs. Nangong.

Soon, Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo left.

At this time, the refining of the first round of the first round has been completed. As the organizers of the conference, they have a lot to do and are very busy. Since Wang Shi opened his mouth, Ouyang Kuo naturally had no objection, not to mention that he didn\'t want to have such a rigid relationship with Lin Yan. There was a step down.

"Fortunately, a president interceded for you." Lin Yan smiled.

"Yes, good luck." Lin Feng smiled.

"Lin Feng, in fact, you might as well just abandon the game." Lin Yan was a little helpless and said softly, "anyway, it\'s hopeless to enter the second round. What\'s the use of one more chance. It\'s a little ugly if you rank at the end of the first round."

Lin Feng knows the meaning of Yan Lao.

At that time, the total points in the first round will come out. No one will care whether they are absent from a round, but only the final score.

Although they are all eliminated, there is a great difference between ranking 31st and 100th.

"Maybe brother Lin can enter the second round." Lin Yumo whispered.

"Nonsense." Lin Yanbai glanced at his apprentice and said helplessly, "look at the score in the first round."

Lin Yumo looked up at the big screen of the sky. Lin Feng also looked along Lin Yan\'s eyes. At this time, the scores of the first round and the first round were all out. There were only 99 names, and he didn\'t have his own existence. The lowest score is 135 points. I think it should be refining failure, and the highest is not Nangong\'s wife, but Wang Bo, the "Palace"——

936 points.

It\'s 25 points higher than Nangong\'s wife.

Ji Chang, who ranked 30th, scored 701 points.

Lin Yan, ranked 27th; Yu Mo, ranked 83rd.

"The total points in the first round are determined by the three scores." Lin Feng thought in his heart and was very clear about the \'rules\'. "The refining of two rounds, plus the scores of representative works, is the total points in the first round, and the top 30 enter the second round."

"Representative works are generally the best works of tool refiners. Their scores are generally very high, with a total score of 1000, accounting for the majority between 800-900."

"The total score of on-site refining in the first and second rounds is 1200 points. It\'s not easy to get high scores."

On site refining, and only one refining opportunity, coupled with the unique environment of the "fire ladder", refiners often choose "safe" refining.

High scores are rare.

"If I want to advance to the second round, I can calculate the score as long as I take the 30th place as the imaginary enemy."

"In the first round, the 30th place is 701 points, while in the second round, it is more difficult to enter the second floor of the fire ladder, and the score is even lower. According to what Wang Mu told me before, the score should be about 100 points, so I think he is 601 points; plus the representative work 900 points, in other words, the total score is..."

"2202 points."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and shook his head.

No wonder Yan Laohui said that even if his representative works got a full score of "1000 points" and the second round got a full score of "1200 points", but the first round was "0 points", and the total score was only 2200 points, which still could not reach the 30th standard.

Besides, get full marks?

I\'m a little whimsical.

Not to mention the representative works, the full score of the first round alone was 1200, and the highest score was only 936, or even 1000, by Wang Bo of the "Palace". Although Lin Feng is confident in his own strength, he is not arrogant. He still knows how much he weighs.

"Elder brother Lin." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed with apology.

Indeed, as the master said, she took it for granted. If brother Lin wants to advance to the second round, it is not only a miracle, but also a miracle among miracles.

"It doesn\'t matter. The most important thing is to participate." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t mind.

Even if you participate in the first round, you can\'t get any points. On the contrary, you can still learn a little about the "foundation" of Star Soldier refining. From another angle, you can think of yards to earn. As for the second round of "Xingbao refining", you should do your best.

According to Yan Lao\'s words

Even if you are out, at least your total points should be a little "good-looking".

Just don\'t go to the bottom.

"Yo, Lao Yan, you Lin family are really willing to give up their money." Pang Hui\'s eyes are bright, and he walks in a freehand way, with a faint mocking smile. Although he is also not good at refining star soldiers, panghui\'s points in the first round are full 20 points higher than Lin Yan.

Looking up and down at Lin Feng, a trace of doubt flashed in panghui\'s eyes, but he had never seen Lin Feng.

"Hehe, bring two little guys to see the world." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and smiled.

"Really?" Pang Hui said with a smile, "I thought that after the civil strife of the Lin family, the talents withered and didn\'t pick up, but I was worried too much."

"If Lao Lao Pang bothers you, I\'m ok with the Lin family." Lin Yan said faintly.

"I hope so, and I don\'t want to be the only one in Shiluo county." Pang Hui picked his eyebrow and smiled, "you know, there will be progress only if there is competition. Wouldn\'t it be too boring without competitors like Lin family? Just like the last weapon smelter competition, I haven\'t grown old. You\'re chasing after me. How can I make so much progress in the past ten years?"

"Speaking of it, I have to thank you." Pang would smile.

Lin Yan frowned, but could not refute. Indeed, he had been pressed by Pang Hui for hundreds of years.

In terms of weapon refining strength, Pang Hui is indeed better than him.

"Thirty years east of the river and thirty years west of the river, the competition has just begun. Will Mr. Pang be happy too early?" Lin Feng stepped forward faintly and looked directly at Mr. Pang Hui. His bright eyes twinkled with strong spiritual authority.

In an instant——

"Bang! Bang!! ~" Pang Hui\'s heart beat faster and his face was a little ugly. He took a step back.

In terms of strength, he and Lin Yan are not based on combat power. They can only be regarded as ordinary star level warriors. How can they get up to today\'s Lin Feng.

"You!" Pang would be a little angry. He just wanted to speak, but Lin Feng suddenly interrupted. "It\'s clear at a glance that you Pang family come and go with these old faces. Isn\'t it boring? Can it be said that Pang family doesn\'t even have a rising star on the table?"

"Of course not!" Pang would shout, but he was a little panting.

He didn\'t dare to look at Lin Feng, but he was completely suppressed by the momentum and felt some inexplicable panic.

"What\'s that?" Lin Feng opened his mouth calmly and stepped out slowly. The control of the domain was like a shadow, and his eyes were like a black hole. He did not exert all his strength, but it was easy to suppress a mere panghui.

"You, you!" Pang will feel a little flustered, and the terrible pressure is as tall as a mountain.

He was so angry that he clenched his teeth but couldn\'t get angry. He clenched his fists. Pang Hui\'s eyes were deep. "Good, good, eloquent! I don\'t want to argue with you. It\'s a dragon or a snake. I\'ll know after the game. Hum!" he left, and Pang Hui\'s angry old face turned red.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, turned back and blinked at Yu Mo, who smiled and thumbed up.



In the crowd, a young man in gray had sharp eyes and stared at Lin Feng.

Just now, he felt a breath that moved him again, a deep "threat".

"What\'s the matter, master Jin?" the old man with white beard said curiously.

"Nothing." the young man in gray pointed to Lin Feng and said in a deep voice, "Lao Hu, do you know his origin?"

Looking in the direction of the young man in gray, the white bearded old man\'s eyes flashed, and he looked at the other side of the sky. The list of all weapon refiners was above. After an instant sweep, the white beard old man ran ran said, "my young master, he should be the \'Lin Feng\' of the Lin family in shiluojun. He is a new alchemist. He has never heard of it before."

"Lin family, Lin Feng..." the young man in gray clothes nodded thoughtfully with bright eyes.


"Hoo, finally."

"Yes, it\'s too late not to come. This little guy can be late."

Lin Zhen and Lin Zhan were also among the crowd, including Lin Zhong and other local level weapon refiners who came to watch the battle. The once-in-a-decade weapon refiner competition will gather almost all the weapon refiners in zhuquezhou, whether they participate or not. After all, this is not only a top event and gathering of weapon refiners, but also a good opportunity to "learn".

If you can learn a few moves secretly, you will benefit a lot.

"0 points in the first round, it\'s over." Lin Zhan shrugged.

"I had hoped that he would be popular. If we could join yanlao in the top ten of the competition, the family would be famous and make a lot of money." Lin Zhen shook her head reluctantly.

"Into the top ten?" Lin Zhan stared. "Are you kidding, dad? Is Lin\'s wind refiner very powerful?"

"Nonsense." Lin Zhenbai glanced at Lin Zhan, "what do you know, Lin Feng\'s weapon refining strength..."

"That\'s better than growing old."

"Ah! No?"